28 (See Chapter Outline)
I) GOD IS OUR ADVOCATE A) GOD IS OUR PROTECTOR 1Pet 1-51) God Is Our protection Of Faith a a) God protects the faith of His people KJV WEB Mk 2,3-12 Eph 1-13,14 2Tim 1-12 Rom 14-4 Phi 1-6 Heb 6,16-20 Jn 17-6,11,12,15 Act 18-9,10,16,17 b
b) God protects us through our faith KJV
1Pet 1-5
Jn 16,1-4
Act 5,27-42
Jn 6-39
5-13 g
b) God protects us through endurance KJV
Jn 17,14-19
8) Father protects His son KJV
29 Gift Of God -- Deliverance (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
B) DELIVERED FROM OUR ENEMIES 2Cor 1-101) God Delivers Us From Those Who Hate Him a a) Delivered from our persecutors KJV WEB Act 21,27-36 2The 1,5-10 2Pet 2,5-9 23,12-24 Tit 2-14 Jd-5 b b) Delivered from those who want to silence the word KJV WEB Jn 8-59 Act 26,14-17 2Tim 3-8,9,11 Act 9,22-25 2The 3,1-3 4,14-18 bb c) Church assembles in people's houses (underground) KJV WEB Act 12,12-16 Rom 16-5 Col 4-15,16 28-30,31 1Cor 16-19 2Cor 1-1,2 c 2) Delivered from death KJV WEB Lk 21,16-19 2Cor 4-9 Heb 11-5,34 Col 1-13 Rev 18,4-8,20 1Cor 15-26,55-57 Rev 19-2,3 2Cor 1,8-11 Act 14-19,20 Heb 2,14-16 d 3) Delivered from adversity KJV WEB Mat 14-30,31 Phi 1-19,20 1The 1-10 1Cor 16-9 e 4) Delivered from wicked rulers KJV WEB Lk 1,67-75 Act 12,5-12 1Tim 2,1-3 Act 5,17-42 26,30-32 f 5) Delivered from spiritual impoverishment KJV WEB Lk 15,17-24 Jm 5,1-8 2Jn-10,11 C) GOD IS ON OUR SIDE 1Jn 2-11) God Gets Involved In Our Struggles g a) God stands beside us through hardship KJV WEB Lk 21-36 Act 7,55-60 2Cor 1,3-11
23,39-43 Rom 14-3,4
2Tim 4-17
Jn 17-2,3,6-26 Col 2,8-15
2Pet 1,5-11 D) GOD KNOWS YOUR NEEDS Mat 6-321) God Is Able To Supply Our Needs k
a) God knows how to supply our needs KJV
c) God is our provider KJV
WEB 2) God Is Our Source b a) God’s creative ability supplies our needs KJV WEB
Mk 6,36-44,49 1Tim 4-4
Rev 3-14 1Cor 12-7 Lk 9,12-17 Mat 17-27 c b) God is the source of our obedience KJV WEB
Jn 3-21
Phi 1-6 1Jn 4,8-10,16,19 3) We Must Prepare To Receive From God d a) God supplies our needs under certain conditions KJV WEB Lk 17,5-10 1Cor 10-13 Phi 4,14-19 Jn 21,3-6 2Cor 9-10 1The 4-11,12 e b) We must first get His attention KJV WEB
Mk 12-43,44 2The 1-11,12
Heb 4-15,16 f a) God favors you by His word KJV WEB
Act 20-32 Eph 5,25-27
Heb 8,10-13 g b) God favors you by His spirit KJV WEB Lk 12-32 Jn 16,7-15 Rom 5,1-5 Gal 4,1-7 2) God Favors You By His Grace h a) He favors you through His son KJV WEB Jn 15,9-15 Heb 5,1-10 Heb 10,4-18 17,1-26 7-26,27 1Pet 3-21 Heb 1,3-6 9,11-15 2Pet 1-17 i b) He does not take your sins into account KJV WEB Lk 15,11-24 Act 9,3-7,15,16 Gal 1-15,16 Act 3-19,20,25,26 Rom 5,6-11 1Tim 1,12-16 j c) He favors you by His choice KJV WEB Lk 1,26-35 Eph 1,3-14 2Tim 1,8-10 Act 13-48 2The 2,13-17 Jm 2-5 k d) His favor qualifies you for heaven KJV WEB Col 1-10,12 Rev 3-5 Rev 21-6,7 l 3) God favors you through your prayers KJV WEB
Jn 15-7,8,16,17 Act 12,5-11
1Tim 5-5 Act 7,55-60 Phi 4,6-9 5,13-15
31 Gift Of God -- Favor With God (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
4) God favors the church to spite the world
Rom 9-22,23 c 6) God favors you in your circumstances KJV WEB 1Cor 7,20-23 1Pet 2,18-20 1Pet 3-3,4,14,17 Heb 11,4-40 d 7) God’s favor enriches your life KJV WEB 2Cor 9,8-11 Phi 4-18,19 Col 3-23,24 B) GRACE (UNDESERVED FAVOR) Lk 9,54-56 Commentary1) Salvation See also: Salvation verses a) The result of God’s mercy e I- God’s mercy overrules man's sin KJV WEB Jn 3,14-18 Eph 2,4-9 Tit 3,3-8 Rom 5,6-11,20,21 1The 5-9 1Pet 1-3 f II- God is willing to respond to our need KJV WEB 2Cor 6-1,2 Gal 5,4-6 Tit 2-11,12 Gal 2-21 1Tim 4-10 Mk 2,9-12 g III- God’s mercy opposes man’s theology KJV WEB Lk 9,54-56 Rom 11-6,24,30-32 2Pet 3-9,15 h b) The ministry of reconciliation KJV WEB
Act 18-27,28 Rom 5-1,2,15-21
2Tim 2-25,26 11,11-16 2) Gift Of His Grace i a) Having the ability to respond to the word KJV WEB
Act 16-14
Gal 2-9 2Tim 1-9 j b) Being responsible with it KJV WEB Mat 25,14-23 1Cor 10-13 Eph 3-2,7-10
Act 27,20-26,30,31
Phi 1-6,22
5) God’s grace seeks man KJV
2Cor 7,8-11
5,18-20 Jn 11,38-44 Act 14-3 Gal 1-6 Act 13-43 20-24,32 Eph 4-29 c 7) The spirit of His grace KJV WEB Rom 2-29 Rom 6-14 Rom 12-3,6 Rom 15-15,16 Tit 3,4-7 d 8) The grace of God’s healing power KJV WEB Mk 2-5 Lk 17,11-19 Jn 9,39-41 e 9) God gives grace to the afflicted KJV WEB Mat 12-20 Mk 13-20 2Cor 1,3-7 Heb 4-15,16 Heb 13-9 C) FATHER WILL HONOR YOU Jn 12-261) Father Will Honor You If You Die To Self f a) Father honors you in His service KJV WEB
Mat 25,1-23 Act 23-35
1Tim 5-17,18 g b) Father will honor your faithfulness KJV WEB
1Cor 3-13,14 Heb 10,32-36
2Pet 2,4-9 h c) Father will honor your obedience KJV WEB Jn 3-21 Jn 16-26,27 1The 4-4,5 14,22-24 Rom 2-10 1Tim 2,9-15 i d) Father honors His word in you KJV WEB
5-11,12,43-45 2Tim 4-17,18
Jm 1,2-5,12 2) Father Will Honor Your Devotion To Him j a) Father will honor your prayers KJV WEB Lk 18,1-8 Phi 1-19,20 1Pet 3-7 Act 10,1-8 1Tim 2-1,2 k b) Father will honor a fruitful life KJV WEB
Mat 25,31-40 1Cor 14-25
Rev 4-4 Mk 2,3-12 Rom 4,16-25 1Pet 5-9,10 Lk 15,11-24 1Pet 1-6,7 Lk 9-17 m 3) Father honors His son KJV WEB Jn 8-54 Phi 2,5-11 Heb 5-4,5 17,21-26 Heb 2-9 Rev 5,5-14
33 Gift Of God -- Believers Are Children (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
D) BELIEVERS ARE CHILDREN 1Jn 3-11) We Are Children Of God a
a) We are children of light KJV
Eph 5-8
Mk 6-37,38
Jn 8,33-40 d
a) The kingdom of God belongs to children KJV
WEB 2Cor 5,1-4 Gal 4,1-7 f b) Greatness is expressed as being a child KJV WEB Mk 9-36,37 Lk 9,46-48 Lk 10-21
1Tim 1-2
22,24-30 g
a) Children need a Father to care for them KJV
WEB h b) Children are being molded after their Father KJV WEB 1Cor 4,14-16 1Jn 3-10 3Jn-4 i c) Children need to obey their Father KJV WEB Heb 12,5-10 1Pet 3-6 1Jn 5-2 1Pet 1,14-17 E) BELIEVERS ARE SPECIAL TO GOD Lk 12-321) God Serves His People Who Serve Him j
a) God treats His people with special care
Jn 11-3,5,28-36
III) GOD IS WILLING TO GIVE A) HIS GENEROSITY Heb 2,5-111) Believer Owns Everything 1Cor 3,21-23 a) The trinity belongs to us a I- Jesus belongs to us KJV WEB
Jn 10-11,14,15 Eph 1,15-23
1Jn 3-2 b II- Father belongs to us KJV WEB Jn 17-9,10 Eph 2,4-7 Eph 3,16-21 1Jn 3-1 Jn 16,23-28 Jn 14,5-9 c III- Holy Spirit belongs to us KJV WEB Jn 14,16-24 Eph 1-3 d b) The new creation belongs to us KJV WEB Mat 5,3-5,10 Heb 2,5-8 Rev 20-6 Rom 8,19-22 2Pet 3,12-14 2,26-29 dd c) The divine nature belongs to us KJV WEB Eph 1,18-23 Col 3,1-4 Heb 2-11 2Pet 1-4 Act 17-29 e
d) All things belong to us KJV
1Cor 15-26
Jn 6,11-14
35 Gift Of God -- God’s Generosity (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
4) God Is Generous With His Son d 6) No partiality with God’s generosity KJV WEB
Mat 5-44,45 Lk 15,11-32
Act 27,8-10,23-25
Mk 4,35-41 1) Gift Of The Holy Spirit (Pentecost) f
a) Father sends the Holy Spirit
Gal 3,1-7 Mk 11,1-7 1Cor 14-1 1Tim 6-20 Lk 19,5-10 2Cor 3,2-4 1Pet 4-10,11 ja II- Possessing gifts from God KJV WEB Rom 1-11,12 Rom 12,6-8 1Tim 4-14 11-29 1Cor 12,4-11,28-31 Heb 2-4
b) The gift of life KJV
c) To him who has shall more be given KJV
Lk 6,20-26 f h) The gift of wisdom KJV WEB 2Tim 3,14-17 Jm 1-5 Jm 3,13-18 C) GOD OPENS HIS HOME TO US 1) Inheritance Rom 8-16,17 Commentary g a) We are heirs through faith KJV WEB Rom 4,13-18 Eph 3-6 Heb 9,15-17 Gal 5-5 Heb 6-12,17,18 11,8-10 Eph 1-13,14 Heb 1,8-13 Heb 2,5-8 h b) We are heirs according to the will of God KJV WEB Mat 25-34 Col 1-12 Jm 2-5 Eph 1-11 Tit 3-7 1Pet 3-7,9 i c) Our inheritance can be withheld KJV WEB
Lk 16,1-13 1Cor 15-50
Eph 5-5 j d) We are heirs through sanctification KJV WEB Mat 5-5 Col 3-23,24 2Tim 1-5 Act 20-32 k e) Jesus is our inheritance KJV WEB Jn 17,21-26 Rom 8-16,17 Heb 1,1-4,14 2) Adopted Jn 14-18 l a) We are adopted by the Spirit KJV WEB
Jn 14-18
Gal 4,1-7,21-23 Eph 2,11-22 Gal 3-7,9,23-26,29 Rom 11,1-32 1Pet 3-6 m b) We are adopted in the flesh KJV WEB Mat 1,18-25 Rom 9-4 2Cor 12,13-15 Jn 19,25-27 1Cor 4,14-17 1The 2,7-12