1Pet 1-1,2
(218k) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> The elect >>
Man is a spectator of his own salvation >> We are
chosen before the foundation of the world
Predestination (Key verse) –
Predestination is definitely a reality in the Scriptures, but the contemporary
interpretation of John Calvin's irresistible grace is not. People asserting his
position now speak about predestination in terms of man’s will being
excluded. This is exemplar of focusing on certain aspects of the gospel to the exclusion of everything else,
which is not how we study Scripture. Calvinists have concluded that the grace of God
is all about God and nothing about man, as though we played no roll in the
equation of salvation, when the Bible teaches just the opposite. God
wants us involved in His grace so He can reward us in heaven, also to condemn
Satan. The devil is likely a Calvinist; he probably believes in irresistible rebellion,
because it would explain why it was impossible for
him to resist the temptation to assault God’s throne, thus relieving him of
guilt. Like the Unrighteous Steward (Lk 16,1-8) he taught man to believe in irresistible grace, so the things we
don’t do for Christ are not our fault. Thus, through Calvinism we escape
accountability with God, as though it were His fault we did nothing for Him. An opposing subject to
Hyper-Calvinism is: Working
(with) the
Grace of God (114a). See
also: Predestination; 220c / Foreknowledge versus predestination; Jn 7-30;
(220c) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> Predestination >>
Predestined according to His foreknowledge – Being chosen
according to the
foreknowledge of
God is the best way to understand the concept of predestination, though some of the greatest scholars cannot avoid getting
lost in the swirling ideas of this ethereal subject. Adding the word “foreknowledge” helps come to terms with
predestination, and clarifies just how God predestines us. We are not robots.
No one likes the idea of being predestined to certain things, that no matter what we
do it was pre-decided. Fortunately, predestination doesn't work that way. The
false notion of predestination bears the connotation of God forcing
our hand, whereas foreknowledge shows Him watching things
unfold as He knew they would occur. We can accept and even be comforted by a God who knows
the future, yet even this has implications that are difficult for some. For
example, what about suffering and evil? The fact that God knows about these
things in advance and does nothing to stop them seems to add salt to our wounds, but
we forget that God is also a free agent, and He has decided not to be man's referee
for some very good reasons. For example, protecting us from harm would cause Him to
force other people's hand, turning them into robots. God has designed us all as free
agents, including His enemies. Instead, God has chosen faith to be His
referee, which allows evil to exist without marring His reputation in the minds
of His saints who believe in Him, even those who are martyred for their faith. God
foreknew how far each of us would walk
with Him, and He also knows about the rest of the world who cannot accept Him by faith would not accept
Him under any circumstances, no matter what He did to accommodate them. So,
man’s rebellion plays the opposite role of faith, introducing chaos to His creation
in effort to
sabotage God’s plan and purpose. However, the system that God has established
cannot be sabotaged or manipulated, for He uses evil just as He uses good to perfect His people
through faith. However, none of this addresses the biggest problem of
predestination, which is hell. Why did God make certain people if He knew
beforehand that they would choose not to serve Him and lose their souls to
eternal damnation? This conundrum seems to convict God of sin in the minds of
some people. Instead of serving
Him to avoid hell, many reject Him to secure their
place in the eternal flames, and according to some people's thinking God has already made that decision for them. They think that hell should not exist, that
there is no evil great enough that anyone should deserve eternal punishment, but
the assumption they are making is that they know God, when in fact they are
going to hell for the very opposite reason, because they don't know Him. Hell exists because
of the nature of God; He is greater than anyone can imagine, and He made a universe to
prove it, and to reject Him in the face of so much evidence deserves a place like hell.
To those who hate God, after Jesus bled and died for their sins, proving
His eternal love and good intention and lavishing His eternal gifts and
blessings on mankind, after rejecting His love His presence is worse than
hell, suggesting that hell is a place of mercy away from His presence for "the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars"
(Rev 21-8). See
also: Predestination; 219h / Hell (Presence of God is worse than hell to the wicked);
2Jn-2; 238g
Suffering evil fuels the
anointing; Gal 2-20; 210b / Foreknowledge versus predestination; Jn 7-30;
1Pet 1-1
Thy kingdom come >> Faith >> Led by the Spirit into the wilderness >> Wilderness of safety -- This verse goes with verses 6&7. We Christians reside in the world as
aliens; we are a
peculiar people (1Pet 2-9), not of another planet, but of another kingdom, one
that is completely foreign to this world. We are aliens of a foreign
land, as in Abraham’s case, the sojourner, who is the father of our faith,
who also sought the same kingdom that we are seeking. Although the earth is
our home, the world is not. We are born citizens of the earth; but when we received Christ,
we were born into another
Kingdom, and we have a new King: Jesus Christ.
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1Pet 1-2
(37h) Judgment
>> Judgment of God
Redemption of man >> His blood delivered us from
destruction -- This verse goes with verse 7
(80l) Thy kingdom come
Prayer >> The priesthood >>
Jesus ministered to people through His ministry toward God
(87e) Thy kingdom come
Ministry to God through obedience >> Seeking the
glory of God
(115ja) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Through obedience of
faith >> Through determination >> Determined to be set apart from the
world –
God sanctifies us through obedience. There are two things happening here: God predestines
us for glory through the sanctifying work of the cross, while we contribute to His sanctification
through obedience,
setting ourselves apart from the world. Whenever we
see cooperation between God and man, we call it “Working (with) the
grace of God.” It’s not just God working in us, and it’s not just we
beating the air, but it’s both He and us working together to accomplish salvation
in this life for the sake of the life to come (v5).
(132c) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> Spirit of God in the spirit
of man >> Spirit gives access to the Father
through Christ -- This verse goes with verse 11
(191l) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Result of putting off the old man >> Set apart >>
Set apart by the Holy Spirit
(255f) Trinity
Father, Son and Holy Spirit >> The process of
imparting the substance of God >> Father
discloses the Word by the Spirit
1Pet 1,3-7
(249ga) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Wealth >>
True perception of wealth >> The infinite and
eternal wealth of God >> God’s perception of
wealth >> Our blessed hope of eternal life -- These verses go with verses 18&19. We
value our faith, but we don’t usually consider it more precious than gold,
but when we consider how hard we work to foster its sincerity and observe its
rarity in the world, we should consider faith more precious than gold. Gold and silver have been used as
money since the beginning of time, so Peter is saying that our faith is more
precious than money. God doesn’t value money, though He
infinitely values our faith, in that the Father is the very
embodiment of faith. That is, there is a physical equivalent of faith,
and God is made of it, and when we see Him, we will then realize that faith is
more substantive than gold. As a result, we will inherit a
resurrected body that will be just as spiritual as physical, just like God
the Father who also has a body, and His body is made of faith. See also: Father's physical form; 1Pet 1-3;
254g / God's
substance is faith;
1Jn 4-12; 55e
1Pet 1-3,4
Servant >> Serve the body >>
Promoting its health >> Servant is anointed
– After Jesus
rose from the dead He breathed on His disciples and said, “Receive the Holy
Spirit” (Jn 20-22); this is when they were born-again, and it happened
between His resurrection and His ascension. Then Pentecost came as the second tier in God’s plan of
salvation that brought the anointing, given to us for salvation in this life
and to increase our hope of eternal life. "Christ" literally means anointed one; hence
"Christians" are the anointed ones. Some Pentecostals say that we all must have some
kind of emotional/spiritual experience at our baptism or we can’t go to
heaven, but this is gibberish; however, the anointing is not gibberish; it was the
purpose of Pentecost. Nevertheless, the Church has all but completely rejected
anointing through reams of false doctrine concocted to explain away the
but all they have managed to do was turn off people and emasculate the Church.
Christians hardly seek the anointing anymore, which achieved Satan's objective. Most
people don’t want
any part of it; they are afraid of it, though it is completely biblical if
understood correctly. The Church disregarding the anointing is a huge mistake. Those who walk by the
Spirit in this life by an anointing will find the transition into the next
life a relatively seamless experience, for there is an anointing reserved in
heaven, corresponding to the unction we manage to accrue in this life that we will use to
interact with God and
His creation. See also: Anointing of temple worship; Rev 19-8; 113c
(35c) Gift of God
God is willing to Give >> God’s immeasurable
generosity –
The words Holy Spirit and life go together like peas and
carrots. We have been born of the Spirit and have a living hope. Sinners consider these words
to be flowery superlatives,
because they don’t believe in God's truth. We are not
just hoping for heaven; heaven has come to us in the form of the
Spirit, which is the very essence of heaven. The Holy Spirit is defined as the
life of God, who has caused us to be born-again. He promises to remain with us
forever, and His main purpose is to lead us along our trail of good works that
He has prepared for us, and that trail
leads straight to His heavenly kingdom. Our hope is not contained in the
pages of the Bible, but in the Spirit of our God, who dwells in us and
teaches us about the Bible, and for this reason it is a living hope.
1Pet 1-3
(31e) Gift of God
Grace >> Salvation >>
God’s mercy overrules man’s sin
(39a) Judgment
Jesus defeated death >> Resurrection of Jesus
Christ -- This verse goes with verse 21
(121f) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Hope >>
Expectation >> Expecting good things based on
God’s character >> Expectation based on God’s
generosity -- This verse goes with verse 21
(238a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> The kingdom is transferred to
the Church >>
Born again >> Born of the Spirit by the will of
God >> Born again by the will of the Father -- This verse goes with verse 23
(254g) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is the life of the Spirit >> Jesus is the
substance of God’s life >> Jesus conquered
death because He is life
– We have been born of the Spirit to a living
hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Everything God has done for us
has been all about “life”, which was a word that Jesus often used to
describe Himself, His Father and His kingdom. He talked about life in
ways that challenged our previous notions of life, talking about it with
respect to the Holy Spirit, the life that would one day raise His body from the grave. This is the life of God the Father,
who has a form that no one knows, a form so estranged from our daily
experiences that Jesus never attempted to describe it to us. We are no doubt in store for a surprise or two when we get to heaven
and discover this person whom we have believed for the salvation of our
souls. See also: Father's physical form; 1Pet 1,3-7; 249ga
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1Pet 1,4-7
(43k) Judgment
Satan destroyed in the absence of sin >>
Perfected in weakness
1Pet 1-4
(226a) Reserved In
Heaven (Key verse)
(226d) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven >> Reserved in heaven >>
Our inheritance is reserved in heaven – The rewards that we will enjoy in heaven throughout eternity will be
embedded in our bodies. For example, in this world some people
are very beautiful, but their outward appearance is not an accurate depiction of their inner
selves, but this will not be the case in heaven. Paul said that star differs form
star in glory (1Cor 15,35-44), so in heaven our outward appearance will accurately reflect our inner
self, such as a
heightened ability to know God, which is determined by our relationship with Him in this life.
See also: rewards; 1Pet 1,5-9; 236j
(243g) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> The indestructible kingdom >>
The body of Christ is indestructible >> The
indestructible kingdom within us -- This verse goes with verses 6&7. In
this life everything that is alive eventually dies. Forget bananas on the countertop and a week later they have turned black and
inedible. Things grow and die and become putrid, so we bury them or the stench
will make life unbearable and spread disease until the living follows the dead,
but nothing perishes in heaven.
Everything in this life fades, including us. In
our twenties we were in our prime; then we started down the other side, but Peter says we have inherited
life from God
that has no downhill slope. We will never fade but will forever increase and our
life is waiting for us in heaven.
1Pet 1,5-9
(86e) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> God’s works act as evidence to
support our beliefs
(87ia) Thy kingdom come >>
Obedience >> Those who obey believe in God >> Those who obey the Holy
(156e) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> You will know them by their
(233j) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> Seek His glory without wavering
Seek His glory through perseverance
(236j) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Invest in the treasures of the kingdom >> Invest
your life in God’s faith – Jesus said,
"Do not store up for yourselves
treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and
steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do
not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your
treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Mat 6,19-21). Our reward for
obedience is our inheritance. He
commanded us to store up treasures that cannot be corrupted or destroyed,
but will retain their luster throughout eternity. Many people have a
problem with seeking rewards; apparently it makes them feel like a pigeon in a box pecking on
a button for a pellet. Maybe that is all we are to God in this life, but in
the life to come He will make us much more through the rewards we collect for
His purpose and glory. Others think that seeking a reward
for doing the will of God is a false motive, but Jesus didn’t think so (Heb
12-2). God wants to reward us
for doing his will; what is wrong with that? They
say, ‘We shouldn’t do anything for a reward, but we should do all things
from love.' Yes, but God intends to reward us for walking in love. We shouldn’t be so quick to pass judgment on
God’s kingdom by holding His rewards in contempt. We are utterly impoverished without
Him, so to serve God from love
is like giving back what he has given to us. Remember the parable of the mina;
whatever He gives, He wants back with interest (Lk 19,12-28). Everything flows one way, from Him to
us. See also: rewards; 1Pet 1-6,7; 192e
1Pet 1,5-7
(98l) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >>
Endurance invites the Holy Spirit into your life >>
Endurance invites the glory of God –
Trials are the consequence of living in this world, and Peter says we rejoice in
spite of them, if not to spite them. The faith that we have in Jesus rejoices all the more in the face of adversity. In good times we say this life
is similar to heaven, but when
hardships and difficulties come our way, we say this life is not like heaven. Sin, sorrow, weeping and pain will
be no more; instead, we will stand in the presence of our Lord and Savior in glory, and we will worship Him
This is our great hope.
(117c) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Rest in Jesus (Sabbath) >> Rest in His yoke by faith –
Jesus said about His yoke that it is easy and His burden is light by
comparison to the world’s yoke, because of the grace of the Holy Spirit in
our hearts giving us power and desire to please Him. When we think of what
He has given us, we should give ourselves to Him. The Christian with the
indwelling Holy Spirit has experienced a complete transformation. Over a
period of years his life slowly merges with the image of Christ, “by
the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself”
(Phi 3-21). His yoke subjects our flesh to obedience, though it makes our flesh
feel like it is in hell.
Everything about our sinful nature diametrically opposes God, so we must
frequently stop and think what we are doing. Are we reacting in the flesh? Our flesh is never right,
and we should never hope the flesh desires the will of God. We must give God His way,
and if we refuse His yoke, which is light compared to the world, then all we
can expect is a heavier yoke placed upon us. With whatever we replace His yoke will be
harder and cause more suffering and difficulty than what Jesus had intended
for us. God gives us grace to endure His will, but apart from Him, we carry a
heavier load in vain and alone.
(215d) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
Fulfillment of God’s time >> Completion of a
period of time
1Pet 1-5
(28a) God Is Our
(Key verse)
(28b) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> God protects us through our
faith – What about people who are martyred for
their faith, how has God protected them? Peter Himself was martyred for his
faith; how did God protect Him? It doesn’t matter what happens to the body; it
is our spirit and our faith that has the higher priority, for these things are
eternal. Although God doesn’t want any harm to come to us, yet God cannot
violate the will of man, so if someone wants to harm us, God would have to
violate the person’s will to stop him, which God will not do. For this reason
physical harm can come to us, but both God and we have the power to make sure
our faith in Him remains intact. Our life in heaven will be eternal and this
life is only for a moment, so whatever happens to our bodies is incidental
compared to the rewards and the blessings and the grace of God that He plans to
deliver to us in eternity. See also: Lk 21,16-19.
(50c) Judgment
God judges the world >> These are the last days
-- This verse goes with verse 20
(228h) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> God works in you to keep you in
His will
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1Pet 1,6-9
(96a) Thy kingdom come
Positive attitude about suffering >> Suffering
under the hand of men
(98j) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> (Faith à
Suffering [Circumstances] à Glory [Victory]) – The trials in our lives act as fire, and our
faith is like gold. He melts the gold in the furnace and lets the
impurities rise to the top to be skimmed. Our trials and tribulations do more to help our faith than
harm it, like exercising a muscle. However, we can strain a muscle too if
we are not careful, and for this reason Paul said in 1Cor 10-13 “No
temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful;
he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are
tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
We can enjoy the good times in our lives, and in the bad times we can rejoice
our growth. Everything that happens to us, good or bad, is for a single
purpose: the moment we meet Jesus Christ face-to-face. We prepare our heart, our faith and our
obedience, so He will be proud of us, instead of cowering in shame at His appearance.
1Pet 1,6-8
(125c) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Joy >>
Joy is the result of investing in the kingdom >>
Investing in a life of adversity
1Pet 1-6,7
(5f) Responsibility
Discipleship tested >> God tests your faith
through hardship – To the one who struggles under trial and
falls away, God has tested him, but to the one who bears up under trial and
grows stronger through it, God refines his faith and adds to his anointing. Nobody likes hard times, yet they are necessary to confirm our
faith. God wants proof of our faith, which was the heart of James’ message.
Without hardship, all we can do is proclaim our faith, but the one who struggles
in his faith is like the caterpillar metamorphosing in the chrysalis to emerge a
butterfly. Hardship has the uncanny
ability to weed out the disingenuous from the sincere. During good times we can
enjoy our lives, but it is during hard times that God leans over for a
closer look at us. When we bear up under trials, the thought of giving up never
crosses our mind; this glorifies God. The Kingdom of Heaven must be a special
place if He allows only those who have been tested and endured to the end.
Responsibility >> Prepare to interact with
God >> Entering the realm of the Spirit -- These
verses go with verse 13. There are
two things we must
endure before we will see any progress in our faith: we
must accept the circumstances in our lives that God is willing for us to endure, and we must endure the
word of God itself. His
calling and our planned destiny can be very challenging at times.
(32l) Gift of God
Father will honor your devotion to Him >> He will
your faith
(42e) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Innocent before God
(43a) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Conform to the Resurrection of
Christ’s death –
God says that our faith is special, but He also says that it is invisible
without an opportunity to demonstrate it through hardship and difficulties. We try to make deals with God,
asking Him for an easy life with the promise to serve Him, but these are not the
words of discipleship. Rather, it is reminiscent of Jm 2-18, “Show me your faith without
the works, and I will show
you my faith by my works.” That is, 'Show me faith without hardship
and I will show you faith through hardship.' It is a good thing that God wants
us to prove our faith, because it inadvertently proves His intentions of giving us
a kingdom that
is just as real as our difficulties and hardships. We will not stand on clouds with harps and halo
as we have seen on TV, where everything is nebulous and insubstantial with no creation to enjoy. This is
how the world mocks our faith. If the world's view of heaven were actually true, then God
would not expect us to manifest our faith. Rather, He intends to
manifest His kingdom in the natural realm and give it to us to manage and enjoy,
but before that, He wants us to manifest our faith to ensure a one-to-one
correspondence. The more we struggle in this life by faith, the more we
understand that God’s coming kingdom is a very real place, and we will be
rulers of it, and for this reason God expects much from us. He is just giving us
a little heads-up about what’s coming, and as much as He expects from us in
this life, the more He will expect from us in the life to come. We think the
life to come will be a place where nothing goes wrong, but that is unlikely; otherwise, why would God be testing us
preparing us for the future? He is teaching us how to handle situations and
difficulties, to trust Him through them. See also: Suffering and Evil (God tests us in this life because the
next life will be just as real);
1Jn 4-21; 140e
(44f) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Transformed >>
Completing the will of God -- These verses go with verse 13
(82j) Thy kingdom come
Prayer >> Thankfulness >>
Sacrifice of praise
(93n) Thy kingdom come
Perspective on the circumstances of this life
(102m) Purifying
Process (Key verse)
(103m) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> Purified by circumstances >>
Purified through faith
Thy kingdom come >> Faith >> Led by the Spirit into the wilderness >> Wilderness of safety -- These verses go with verse 1
(192e) Die to self
Result of putting off the old man >> Gain by
losing >> Receiving from God by substitution >>
Committed in the natural to receive in the spiritual –
We worship God for the truth we know about Him but don’t understand. For
example, we worship Him because He is infinite and eternal. We are finite,
though our spirit will never die, yet we live in a temporal body, but God never had a beginning, and
so we worship Him for that. Also, we worship God because He
consists of faith, and for this reason He places an infinite value on our faith,
because faith behaves like Him. Mat 5-44,45 says, “But I say to you, love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your
Father who is in heaven.” It takes more faith to love our enemies than it does
to perform miracles, so if we love our enemies, maybe He will also call us to
perform miracles through His power. He longs to see our faith to the point that He is willing to let us suffer
that He might reap the harvest our faith that results. God values our faith because it is eternal.
Every ounce of faith we produce for His purpose and glory will be appended to our
resurrected bodies as our reward for serving Him. Heb
11-35 says, “…others were tortured, not accepting their release, so that
they might obtain a better resurrection.” Paul wrote that stars differ from
each other in glory, and by analogy God will append the reward of faith to our resurrected bodies for everyone to
see. See also: rewards; 227d / God's
substance is faith;
1Pet 1,3-7; 249ga
(227d) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
God rewards endurance >> Rewarded for overcoming
sin –
We do all things for the moment we meet Christ for the first time, for the sake of hearing these words: “Well done, good and faithful
slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many
things; enter into the joy of your master” (Mat 25-23). These words are worth
any amount of pain and suffering that God would ask us to endure. To be pleasing
to Him should be our goal, for there is no greater honor than that. Going through fiery trials, we must first accept them; that might not sound
too hard, but there is a period when we all hesitate and react against hardship
and strive to avoid it, looking for better circumstances and an easier life. Man
is looking for the pursuit of happiness; that is what our founding fathers
promised in our country’s constitution, but we are not following them but God, for
our earthy country is not our real home. We are following Christ, and our home
is in heaven. The right that He has given us is not the pursuit of happiness but
"the right to become children of God" (Jn 1-12). Living for Jesus
in a world that hates Him is a recipe for persecution. See also: rewards; 1Pet 1-8,9;
(243g) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> The indestructible kingdom >>
The body of Christ is indestructible >> The
indestructible kingdom within us -- These verses go with verse 4. Peter’s
statement that our faith is more precious than gold which is perishable, is not
scientifically accurate according to the periodic table, which identifies gold
as an element. One of the laws of nature that God imposed on this creation says
that neither energy nor matter can be created or destroyed. The
reason energy and matter have this same property is that they are essentially
the same thing. From the standpoint of everyday life this sounds preposterous,
but from the standpoint of an atomic physicist who studies the inner workings of
the atom, he has concluded that matter and energy are one and the same
thing. For example, Moses destroyed the golden calf, “And he took the calf the
people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder,
scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it” (Exodus 32-20).
However, the gold itself was not destroyed. That gold still exists somewhere,
because it is an element; it cannot be reduced to a simpler form without
tampering with the nucleus of the atom. Molecules are a combination of atoms,
which can be reduced to their parts, but atoms are elements, which cannot be
further reduced. Nevertheless, Peter said that gold is perishable. When he said that, he
was referring to the end of the Millennium when the Bible says God will destroy the present
heavens and earth and create a new one in its place. 2Pet 3-10 says, “The day
of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a
roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its
works will be burned up.” Therefore, when Peter used the word
“perishable”, he was speaking about the elements being destroyed by God
Himself. The creation
that He builds after this one will endure before Him.
(246j) Kingdom of God
Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Demonstration of God’s kingdom >> God
demonstrates His glory >> Outward demonstration of
an inward work
(250f) Priorities
God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >>
Natural then the spiritual (obedience then anointing)
1Pet 1-6
(240h) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Natural disadvantage >>
Natural disadvantage of the world
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1Pet 1,7-9
(218j) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
Reaping the harvest in eternity
1Pet 1-7
(37h) Judgment
>> Judgment of God
Redemption of man >> His blood delivered us from
destruction -- This verse goes with verses 17-19
(170f) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Temporary >>
Whatever is temporary will perish -- This verse goes with verse 18. Peter
didn’t say that our faith was more precious than gold; he said that the
“proof” of our faith is more precious than gold, and the proof (product
or result) of our faith is love. Therefore, Peter was saying that love
is more precious than gold, having been tested by fire. The hotter the fire (greater tribulation and
distress), the more faith we need and the
greater effect on those we love. The love we show to those who hate us is greater than
the love we show to
those who love us back; it is a greater proof of faith. To God it is
more valuable than gold, which is perishable. We know that gold is not really
perishable, because it is an element. Gold is often found in compounds that
change in chemical structure so that it no longer looks and acts like gold,
yet none of the gold is destroyed, for it can just as easily be removed from
those compounds and returned to its elemental state. So every atom of gold
that existed thousands of years ago still exists somewhere, unless it has
undergone nuclear change, which doesn’t happen in nature, except by
astronomical forces applied to it. Therefore, to say that
gold is perishable is not really true, except that God will one day destroy
this present universe and build a new one in its place (2Pet 2,10-12). Peter
then was saying that our faith is
greater than this present creation, because it is temporal and our faith in
Jesus is eternal. God intends to reward our faith in heaven in a way that will never
perish or fade.
1Pet 1-8,9
Thy kingdom come >> Faith >> Eyes of your spirit >> Seeing through the eyes
of your spirit – Peter was a man who walked with Jesus for
years; he had seen the Lord and we have not, yet we love Him as Peter did.
Remember what Jesus said to Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen, yet have
believed” (Jn 20-29). Peter will be rewarded on many levels and in many ways
for the many accomplishments he made in the name of the Lord to advance the Kingdom of God, yet one blessing we have over him is that we have never seen
the Lord, requiring us to view Him through the eyes of our spirit. The fact
that we have never seen the Lord is one of the foundational stones of our
faith toward God that we often overlook. We “greatly rejoice with joy
inexpressible and full of glory.” How could we do that without the Holy
Spirit dwelling in us? Jesus is just as real to the believer in the 21st
century as he was to Peter, and what is the outcome of our faith but the
salvation of our souls, who have their
gaze fixed on Him through the eyes of our spirit. See also: rewards; 1Pet 1,23-25;
(205i) Salvation
Salvation is based on God’s promises >> Faith
versus works >> The faith of God versus the
faith of men >> Faith is the work of God
1Pet 1-8
(95b) Thy kingdom come
Positive attitude >> Speaking in tongues >>
Groaning too deep for words
(208fa) Salvation
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Being the friend of God >> Relationship with God
through obedience >> We resemble Him through faith
1Pet 1,10-13
(115c) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Through your
ministry >> Through your calling >>
To build up the body of Christ
1Pet 1,10-12
(12k) Servant
Bondservants the prophets
(80f) Thy kingdom come
Know the word to learn the ways of God >>
Understanding His will
(106i) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Means of hearing from God >>
Through prophets –
The prophet is a composite of God calling him and the man willing to
follow. We think of prophets as people who simply open their
mouths and the word of God comes flowing out of them. In some churches it
works that way, and the congregation is edified by it, but this is the gift of
prophecy, which is different from being a prophet. The prophets of old were associated with hardship and
suffering in pursuit of the truth that invariably contradicted the religious
establishment. God would reveal something to
them, and they would spend the rest of their lives trying to
understand it, and in the process they become prophets. Old Testament prophets and New Testament prophets are
just regular people. They may have been called from their mother’s
womb to a special ministry, but everything else is the same. They bleed red
and they struggle with every-day problems and wrestle with fleshly weakness, like
everybody. The only difference is: God leads them in a highly
specialized way. See also: Prophets; 141g
(141g) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Old Testament bears
witness to the new >> It bears witness to Jesus >>
Prophesy about Jesus’ resurrection –
A prophet is someone who struggles in ways that nobody else does. For example, the
true prophet has heard from God before his third birthday.
The prophet interprets almost everything differently from other people through
a specific ministry that God has placed in him. Every prophet has a
certain message he wants to share with the Church, things that others have
never heard, such as the resurrection, until the prophet spoke about them. The things that God
reveals to His prophets are foreign to everyone else, so when he attempts to
relate his ideas, he is silenced and persecuted. To believe something that nobody else
has ever heard is a hard life, accounting for about nine-tenths of his hardship,
being why prophets can endure persecution; it is nothing compared to what he had
to endure from the word of God itself. See also: Prophets; 152kb
(152kb) Witness
Validity of the Father >> Witnesses of the
father >> The Church holds the position of a prophet >>
True prophets >> Prophesying the future –
What is the true reward of a prophet? What motivates him to be so willing to
obey? God has endowed him with an anointing, and the prophet will do anything
to protect it, and the one thing he can do to protect the anointing and foster
its growth is to do the will of God. He gains everything he needs and wants
from the anointing. The difference between those who prophesy and the prophet
is that God entrusts the oracle to those who prophesy that pertains to his local church, whereas God entrusts
the oracle to His prophets that pertain to the Church worldwide. See also: Prophets; 1Pet 1-12;
1Pet 1-10,11
(100g) Thy kingdom come
Diligence >> Diligence in studying the Bible –
quoted a passage to Satan during His temptations in the wilderness, “Man
shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the
mouth of God” (Mat 4-4). The prophet without the word of God would die, just
like he would die if he went without food, but what is more important to the
prophet is not so much that he is fed, but that he feeds others who can receive
his message. The only way a prophet can glorify
God is to proclaim the message to others that they might be enlightened by the
things he has learned from God. What generates the prophet’s suffering is the rejection of his
message, which is far more common than their reception. Man’s jealousy and competitive nature gets in the way of receiving his message, thinking he
doesn't need any help coming to know God.
(214f) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
Dispensation of God’s revelations >>
Dispensation of Christ
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1Pet 1-11
(98f) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> (Faith à
Suffering à Glory of Christ) >>
The cross
(132c) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> Spirit of God in the spirit
of man >> Spirit gives access to the Father
through Christ -- This verse goes with verse 2
(254i) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is equal with the Holy Spirit >> Holy
Spirit is life >> Spirit of Jesus
1Pet 1-12
(13h) Servant
Support the body >> Serve selflessly –
This verse is about prophets who have the gift to understand the
mind of God. They go through great hardships, carrying the word of God by a spirit that is clearly not of this world, and they
are relentlessly persecuted for it. That is why in Hebrew chapter 11 it says that
some of them lived in caves and holes in the ground, because there was no
where for them to go. However, they always managed to bring forth
the Word of God, which proved timeless and indestructible. Although they sought to know the truth for themselves, they knew it
was bigger than them, knowing all their suffering was not for their sake but for
ours. See also: Prophets; 15k
(15k) Servant >>
Angels >>
Limitations of angels – Peter is talking about the Old Testament
prophets, primarily Isaiah, who prophesied in chapter 53 about the sufferings
of Christ. He said that the prophets were not serving themselves but us in
these matters,
suggesting that those who are faithful in Christ who have things to share
are not serving themselves but we who benefit from their ministries, and we throughout the generations
have benefited from
their words, and it is this benefit that is entertaining to angels. They watch in fascination at the
progress and development of our faith in the working of the Holy Spirit as the saints go from one level of knowledge and
wisdom to another, as mere children to men and women of faith. Isn't it good to know that
our progress of faith draws the attention of angles? See also: Prophets; 1Pet 1,10-12;
(68a) Authority
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Ministry of helps >> Help God’s people –
We think of the ministry of helps as something little people do, while
the pastor roars behind the pulpit, but it turns out
that the ministry of helps is greater than most people think. If the
pastor is above the ministry of helps, then how much more are prophets, yet
over time we read in the Bible what the prophets have written, who have
become a ministry of helps to us. Therefore, the pastor has a ministry of
helps too, as we mature in the faith and develop a
ministry of our own. Over time everything eventually reduces to a ministry of helps, things into which angels long to look. It is intriguing to them to
see people serving the Lord, preaching the word and seeing the kingdom
grow in people's hearts, making new converts and seeing the darkened landscape slowly
transformed into light.
Angels are not casual spectators as they look upon our activities but also have a ministry of helps in bringing God’s plan to
fruition through spiritual warfare, into which angels long to participate. All
of creation helps establish the kingdom on the earth, so one day Christ will
assume His rightful position among His people.
(76i) Thy kingdom come
Desires of your heart >> Your interests
(109c) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Revelations of the Holy Spirit >> Things
revealed by the Spirit – Jeremiah’s emphasized the fact that Israel had fallen away from
God and was on a collision course with judgment, and so this very Spirit taught him the things he
learned, God using Israel’s rebellion
to teach Jeremiah about the suffering they would face. In a similar way, Isaiah’s
message was largely on the first and second coming of Christ, and so his
ministry was anointed with grace and mercy. In all the struggles of the
prophets they
understood they weren’t doing it for themselves but for those who
would believe in their words and inherit the kingdom of which they prophesied. One of the great hardships of the
prophet is the rejection of his message, knowing their consequences.
(110d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spirit speaks through His
ministry in us
(149g) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Preaching the word to the world >> Sowing the
seed -- This verse goes with verses 23-25
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1Pet 1,13-17
(4b) Responsibility
>> Advocate God’s cause
Being accountable to the Judgment of God
(92l) Thy kingdom come
The narrow way >> Our holy conduct along the
narrow way
– God wants us holy
(homogenous), meaning a single phase,
as when they homogenize milk so the cream doesn't separate. This is the
concept of being unleavened. Although Paul didn't use the word
"holy" he implied it in 1Cor 5,6-8 when he said, "A little leaven
leavens the whole lump of dough," leaven referring to sin. Being holy means we have alleviated the contradictions in our lives that work
against our faith in Jesus. We have killed the flesh with its passions and
desires, so we are not a mixed bag of righteousness and sin, but are single in
heart. The things we do that contradict our faith are evil; we need
to rise above them and be Holy as the Lord is holy, and God will perform
miracles through us, because then He can trust us that we won't tear down what
God is building in our lives and in those around us.
1Pet 1-13,14
(78n) Thy kingdom come
Putting your heart on display >> The result of a
renewed mind
1Pet 1-13
Responsibility >> Prepare to interact with
God >> Entering the realm of the Spirit -- This
verse goes with verses 6&7
(44f) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Transformed >>
Completing the will of God -- This verse goes with verses 6&7
(46c) Judgment
Spiritual warfare >> Subjecting your flesh >>
Knowledge is our weapon
(83l) Thy kingdom come
Be on the alert >> Remain on duty >>
Be ready –
The First Century Church fully expected Jesus to return in their lifetime;
therefore, we have all the more reason to hope after so many centuries have
elapsed. It doesn’t matter if He comes in
our lifetime or not; every generation has
hoped for His return, and being
Jews, they understood this to be the thousand-year reign of
Christ, which they expected even centuries before Jesus came. Peter is saying to place our
attention and hope on
the second coming of Christ, for if we are living in the days of
His return, we had better prepare our mind for action and keep sober in
spirit. Jesus repeated this more often than anything else in the gospels regarding His
second coming: “Stay on the alert.” He also told the parable of the Ten
Virgins, who all fell asleep, both the wise and the foolish. Therefore, what is
important is not that we are asleep at the wheel, but that when we awake, we
have previously gathered enough oil so we can see survive the long night
(86n) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Be doers of the word from the heart >> Love the truth
(97d) Thy kingdom come
Attention >> Facing in the direction of the Lord >> Focusing your attention on God
The first step of setting our hope on Christ is to face in His direction. If
we are paying attention in class, we are not looking behind us; and if we are
soldiers standing at attention, we are not talking to our buddies in line. We are to
remain on duty, because the very worse thing that could happen during the days
of His return is that we lose hope. When we hope for something, our attention is fixed
on it. Hope implies meditating on our expectation in the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The book of Revelation promises evil to come, but we are to
rejoice, because good is soon to follow (Psalm 30-5).
(100l) Thy kingdom come
Devotion >> In your ministry to God >>
Devoted to worshipping God
(101f) Thy kingdom come
Zeal >> Fulfill your calling with zeal
(108ha) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith
>> Revelation of Jesus Christ >> Spiritual revelation
>> Revelation of His return – The revelation of Jesus Christ can be
a point of contention for some who study end time prophecy. Jesus intends to
gradually reveal Himself on multiple levels and in many ways over a
period of years. The seals represent the collapse of human civilizations, marked by
a failed world economy. Many will die from the ensuing anarchy by rioting and
violence, then from starvation and disease. The seven Trumpets that follow will
be marked by a great endtime revival in which many millions will be saved, and
at the seventh trumpet the Rapture will occur. Once the bowls run their course,
Jesus Christ will return to the earth, destroying what remains of His enemies and setting up
a thousand-year
kingdom in Jerusalem. Bloodshed and death, coupled with revival and Rapture
all pertain to His second coming, which will be both
horrible and glorious, depending on our faith.
(121i) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Hope Based On
Faithfulness >> Hope based on perseverance – We are not called to place our hope in
materialism or in a new car or a new house. The more interest we have in this world, the less interest we have in the things of God.
Like money, we spend it and it’s gone, so hope is a resource too, which is based on something
that if it fails, our hope fails with it, and then love is no longer possible.
We hope with the expectation that it manifests, referring to Jesus, and we persevere
in hope until He comes, but if we die waiting for Him, our hope has stayed
alive, and instead of seeing the return of Christ, we will return with Him,
which is even better, and so there is no way to lose when we put our hope in
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1Pet 1,14-22
(42h) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Transformed >>
Conform to the purity of Christ
1Pet 1,14-18
(133k) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holiness >>
Having an awareness of God’s holiness >> The
fear of God makes us aware of His holiness –
Peter saw the need to fear God, and he also loved the Lord with all his heart. So
we have these two things happening at the same time: the love of God and the
fear of God. Some think these are diametrically opposed to each other, but
they’re not; rather, they are like left and right hand. We fear God because we love
Him, and we love Him because we fear Him. Take one away and the other
disappears. We fear God because of what He has done for us. The blood
of Jesus is holy to the Lord, and we are to fear Him so we don’t take
advantage of His grace or treat Him as unholy. Communion was given as a
ceremony and a celebration that we might always be mindful and fearful of His
blood sacrifice that He made for us. We are sinners, and He died for us, so
there is room for humility after God has
demonstrated His love, “that whosoever believes in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life” (Jn 3-16). Peter is encouraging us not to go back to our
old ways after we have
been given a second
1Pet 1,14-17
(33i) Gift of God
God is our Father >> Children need to obey their
(192j) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Stop practicing sin >> Stop sinning
1Pet 1,14-16
Lust (craving pleasure) >> Fleshly desire –
Lust of the fleshly mind is deceitful; it is not of the truth but is a trap.
It makes great promises to satisfy our desires but rarely delivers, and when
it does, it just makes us want more, all to fertilize the woman's egg to make
another baby and perpetuate the species. Sex through fornication and adultery
makes unwanted children, who often are neglected, which makes an unheeded
generation that rebels against every known law and precept, causing the
breakdown of the family unit and the disintegration of moral fabric, until
society unravels, rendering civilization inoperable.
1Pet 1-14,15
Holiness (Key verse)
1Pet 1-14
(16ab) Sin
>> The sin nature is instinctively evil >>
Man’s flesh is related to the devil >> Man's flesh is tempted to
deny God –
We cannot reason with our fleshly mind; we cannot explain that we
are four times older than the fraulein of our dreams, but this doesn't
matter to our lustful cravings. It wants what it wants and demands that we give
it. Making no move in the direction of our fleshly desires is good,
but if we allow our mind to continue dwelling on sexual fantasies,
eventually we will cave to them, which will sabotage our lives, but our flesh doesn’t care what happens to us; it only wants what it
wants. In other words, the lust of our flesh is identical to Satan, because
those are exactly his sentiments about us; he doesn’t care about us; he
only wants what he wants. He knew he couldn’t have the throne of God, but
he wanted it anyway, and he fixated on it and allowed it to fester, until he
was overwhelmed with desire, and eventually he made an attempt
on His throne. We don’t want to act like Satan, and we don’t want to spend eternity in
(87j) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Being a slave to obedience
(168b) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Do not conform to
the world >> Do not conform to the world’s
version of love
(176a) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Ignorance >>
(203k) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Back-slider >> Practicing sin >>
Living in sin
1Pet 1-15,16
(91f) Thy kingdom come
The called >> Walking along the narrow way >>
Walking in God’s calling is to fulfill His purpose
(141j) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Old Testament bears
witness to the new >> Old Testament is for our
instruction >> It reflects the nature of man in
the law -- These verses go with verses 24&25
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1Pet 1,17-19
(37h) Judgment
>> Judgment of God
Redemption of man >> His blood delivered us from
destruction – These verses go with verses 23-25. The blood of Christ was spotless.
Had He sinned just once, He could not have been our Savior. This is the great value we hold
in Jesus, who is without sin, who is the Son of God, who was given to us by the
Father. God's critics are unfounded in
light of His grace and mercy. Take Jesus out of the picture and there is a lot
of bloodshed, judgment, killing, death and destruction in the Old Testament, but if we
refuse to include Jesus in our perception of
God, then we are
choosing to see what we want to see and ignoring what we want to ignore.
1Pet 1-17,18
(187ha) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Separation from the old man >> Die to the flesh >>
Spirit versus the flesh >> Deny the flesh to
walk in the Spirit >> Deny bondage to walk in freedom
1Pet 1-17
Responsibility >> Use time wisely
Get ready >> Live right during these times
Judgment >> God judges us for not judging ourselves
>> Believer's judgment >> Judged
According to our deeds
(45g) Judgment
Believer’s sin >> God will judge us with the
world if we live like them
(48f) Judgment
>> Levels of judgment
Judged according to your deeds >> In this life
(51g) Judgment
>> Judging the Church with the world
No partiality between saved and unsaved
(88g) Thy kingdom come
>> Fear of God >> Fearing the judgment of God is the beginning of wisdom >>
Fear the consequences of your disobedience – There is a healthy fear of God, and Peter
wants us to walk in it, that it might steer us into His will, and away
from the greed and lust of our past life. God judges impartially; He is not a respecter of
persons. Although we know this on a cognitive level, yet we still think we can
get away with sin, though the
Bible says we won’t. Sin itself has the power
to judge us through the consequences of our actions. If we don’t receive consequences in this life for our behavior there is a judge who remembers and
will bring our works and words into account. For this reason we should fear God even as Christians. We fear
Him because
we know He is a just judge, and how He decides to discipline us is what we
deserve. God only
judges us for the things we do wrong, suggesting we control His judgment by determining in our heart to do
what is right.
(96f) Thy kingdom come
Positive attitude toward God >> Good attitude
toward the Father
(184j) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Abusing the grace
of God >> Dragging God’s grace through the mud >> Unwilling to honor God’s grace
Peter is entreating us not to abuse the grace of God, not to drag Him through the
mud, for God impartially judges our works, giving reason to fear Him. Peter
wasn’t the only one who warned us about God, though some continue to surmise
that their sins are covered by the blood, giving them leeway to walk in sin. This
fallacy is very common in the Church today, resulting
from a plethora of false teachings that have allowed them to arrive at their
conclusions. Focusing on the grace of God has the appearance of goodness,
actually the grace of God is the best thing that has happened to man, but it
is also possible to abuse His grace (Rom 6-1,2). A word comes to mind, licentiousness,
the root word "license" suggests that some people feel the grace of
God has given them a license to sin. Jd-4 says, “For certain persons have
crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this
condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into
licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” People who
are licentious don’t feel the need to fear God; in fact, to even mention the
fear of God makes some of them visibly angry. They have built walls around their
alleged faith
to protect themselves from the truth, and they don’t like people testing their flimsy
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1Pet 1,18-22
Responsibility >> Responsible to defend God’s cause >>
Preparing the sacrifice –
Paul rhetorically asked in 1Cor 15,35-58 what kind of body will we have? Then
he discussed farming; the farmer sows his seed, and the plant that results
doesn’t look anything like the seed; we plant a mere grain, what
our earthly body represents. A grain of wheat does not look like a stalk of
wheat, so our heavenly body will not look like our earthly body. The seed
that we sow is our flesh, Paul said in Rom 12-1,
“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your
bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual
service of worship.” Paul sacrificed his body for the cause of Christ,
saying that the grain of wheat must first die in the ground before it can send
out roots and begin a new life, and so we bury it that our heavenly existence
may come to life in a better resurrection.
1Pet 1,18-20
(243j) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> The indestructible
kingdom >> The head of the body is
indestructible >> Jesus is indestructible – Jesus paid the price of our sin with His own
blood. We were not redeemed with perishable things like gold and silver. These
metals that were mined thousands of years ago are potentially still with us
today in exactly the same state, perfectly preserved. They don’t corrode, because they are
elements; appearing
in the periodic table, they cannot be reduced to a simpler form. One day God will destroy
this present universe and everything belonging to it will pass away, including all the gold.
Then God will create a new
heavens and a new earth, and those who have believed in Jesus will inherit
these things and they live forever in paradise.
1Pet 1-18,19
(41c) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Jesus presented Himself to God without sin for us
(105b) Thy kingdom come
Pure in heart >> A pure heart is an unleavened
(209ja) Salvation
The salvation of God >> Jesus is our sacrifice >>
Jesus paid the price for us >> Jesus is the lamb
of God >> He was the Passover lamb
(249ga) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Wealth >>
True perception of wealth >> The infinite and
eternal wealth of God >> God’s perception of
wealth >> Our blessed hope of eternal life -- These verses go with verses 3-7
1Pet 1-18
(16c) Sin
>> Man’s nature is instinctively evil
Man has a body of sin
(61e) Paradox
Two implied meanings >> Futile way of life—Inherited
sin / Personal choice
(170f) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Temporary >>
Whatever is temporary will perish -- This verse goes with verses
23&24. Peter talked about silver and gold as perishable things.
Shipwrecks from the sixteenth century still lie on the bottom of the ocean
in ruinous heaps, but divers can recover the gold, and it comes to the
surface like someone tossed it in the drink yesterday. Gold and silver are
very stable elements, found on the periodic table. They are happy
to remain gold and silver for thousands of years without changing one iota,
yet compared to eternity they are considered perishable; eventually God will
destroy this universe and create a new one in its place, according to Heb
1,10-12, "You,
Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are
the works of Your hands; they will perish, but You remain; and they all will
become old like a garment, and like a mantle You will roll them up; like a
garment they will also be changed. but You are the same, and Your years will
not come to an end." We are to hold silver and gold
in contempt by comparison to the blood of Christ, especially since His blood
will lead us to a heavenly kingdom where its streets are made of gold.
(173k) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Man’s Religion >> Deeds that are not initiated by God
Traditions of men
1Pet 1-19
(233c) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Seeking the goals of the kingdom >> Seek the
goal of knowing God (faith)
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1Pet 1-20,21
(114j) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Working God’s
grace through Christ >> Salvation is through
Christ –
Jesus didn’t visit us for His own sake but for ours. He didn’t come
because He had a need, but because we had a need; we need God to forgive us for being
estranged from Him. We have sinned in His presence, though we have never
actually seen Him, and for that very reason He is willing to forgive us.
(234a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> God chooses us as we seek His glory
>> As we submit to Him
(236c) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
All things are for your sake >> God’s purpose
is for your sake
1Pet 1-20
(50c) Judgment
God judges the world >> These are the last days
-- This verse goes with verse 5. When
Peter said that Jesus appeared in these last times for our sake, he was
referring to the last age. There is an age of Millennium ahead of us, but
the age in which we are living is the last age of man’s reign, and for this
reason the Bible calls it the last days. The Millennial age of Christ will be
a time when Jesus reigns on the earth, and it will be a thousand-years of peace. There won’t be war
after war as it is now, for there was hardly a time when man was not at war.
Jesus will demonstrate what the Church could have done if it had simply obeyed
the Lord. God will charge the Church for all the wars that have been fought
during the age of grace. We are the salt of the earth; we are the preservative
of the world, and we also give it flavor; nevertheless the Church has failed just as
if not worse than the Jews in the days of ancient Israel with the Law of
Moses. They had the example of Abraham, “who believed God and it was
reckoned to him as righteousness” (Romans chapter four). They never bothered
to believe in God; they preferred to follow His law instead, though they didn’t
do that
either. To the degree that Israel has contradicted its own belief system in
every imaginable way, so did the Church. Israel followed
the world, and the Church has done the same. Had Israel obeyed the Lord, they would have become the world’s conscience, which would have had the effect of
curbing sin; the same could be
said about the Church.
(220a) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> Predestination >>
Predestined before the foundation of the world
the degree that the Church was sincere and had a knowledge-based faith in
Jesus is the degree to which its influence has made a genuine impact on the
world, but in the same way that Jesus was foreknown before the foundation of
the world, so God foreknew that the Church would fail, and sure as we know
Christ appeared in these last days for our sake, so we know He will appear
again at the end of the age to begin a new age of peace and love in the Holy
Spirit that will last a thousand years.
Trinity >> Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is equal
with the Father >> Jesus has all the external qualities of the Father
>> Son is infinite and eternal like the Father – If anyone questions whether Jesus was
created, ask Peter, and he will tell us that before God created anything Jesus
existed as the Son of God. Jesus
was foreknown before the foundation of the world; He existed before the
creation (Jn 17-24). It was God’s plan for Jesus to come and give His
life for our sins, for He knew all
that would happen long before He
created anything. He knew before He created Lucifer that He would fall, and He knew
before He created man that he too would fall. It is unknown how long Lucifer
existed before he fell into sin, but based on what we know about Eve, that she
fell into sin before she conceived her first child, we can
safely say that Lucifer fell shortly after he was created. How do the
cults get past verses like this, where it so plainly states that Jesus existed
before the creation? Virtually all non-Christian cults say that Jesus was just
a prophet. Many say that when Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb, that
it was the beginning of His existence, but they fudge this verse and many others
to keep the Bible from opposing their views.
/ Navigation Bar
1Pet 1,21-25
(238c) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Transferring the kingdom >> The kingdom is transferred to
the Church >>
Born again >> Born of the Spirit by the
resurrection –
The word of God has caused us to be born-again, and just as His word is imperishable, so our bodies will be
imperishable. We can study the periodic table of the known
elements, which defines the material of the universe, but God will make our
bodies from a substance that man has never known, for it will be of a spiritual
nature, like the word of God. That is, we
will be made of God's substance, who cannot die. Those in hell are also unable to die. In the resurrection
God will give each person a body that will bear the image of his underlying
soul. The Bible says about those in hell that they have perished. This is a paradox that no one can fully
comprehend, except that television continually fills our mind with thoughts of the living
dead; those in hell are indeed zombies. The body continually regenerates
around the spirit that lives in it, taking on the image of the underlying soul,
and because they have rejected Christ who is the embodiment of all that is good
and right, they are grotesque in appearance. With those in heaven also the body takes on the
image of the underlying soul, rendering an accurate depiction of their
innermost being, and because they believe in Jesus and all that is good and
right, they are beautiful. See also: Resurrection; 1Pet 1-21,22; 218i
/ A new body using existing
parts; Mk 16,5-8; 248f
1Pet 1-21,22
(218i) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
Reaping the harvest of obedience >> Principle
of sowing and reaping –
Most people today say that our bodies are our identity, and though technically
that is not true, in the life to come it will be true. There is a
teaching that God will raise the exact body that we have now that died and was
placed in the ground and decayed. That sounds a little farfetched; however, it
is believable that God may take what's left of our body and use it as a seed to build a resurrected body around it, just like
Jesus used four loaves of bread and two fish as a seed to
feed five thousand people. Some people died tragic deaths so that there is
virtually nothing left of them, such as sailors who were eaten by sharks. How
will God find the body to raise it? Will he collect all the atoms and molecules
that composed their bodies and put them back together, only to transform it into
an imperishable body? No, Paul said in 1Cor 15-38, “God gives it a body just as He wished, and to each of
the seeds a body of its own.” See also: Resurrection; 1Pet 1-21; 39a
1Pet 1-21
(39a) Judgment
Jesus defeated death >> Resurrection of Jesus
Christ -- This verse goes with verse 3. Our
bodies represent us in this life, but they are not our true identity. For
example, we see a beautiful woman walking down the boulevard and we want to
meet her, so we go and talk to her, and she reveals herself to be a complete
jerk. In the resurrection this will no longer be the case; our resurrected
body will do more than represent us; it will exactly reflect the person we
are in our heart. Our current body is a poor reflector of our inner person,
but our resurrected body will be an exact match. God will give us a body that
superimposes over our spirit to give us a one-to-one correspondence between
the inner person and the outer person. For instance, if we lived faithfully as
Christians throughout most of our lives, our resurrected body will reflect
that, but if we were saved on our deathbed, our resurrected body will
reflect that also. The same will be true for the resurrection of the wicked,
such as psychopaths, who walk among us undetected; God will give
him a body that will perfectly reflect his spirit, revealing him to be a
monster. Our spirit and our body are unique entities in this life, but God
intends to join the two, being the reason Paul called it a spiritual body
(1Cor 15-44). That is an oxymoron to us now, but a day is coming when God will
marry the spirit to the flesh, and they will become one. We will be able to
recognize everybody we knew on earth, though they will not look
the same. We might meet a beautiful person in heaven who was rather ugly in
the flesh, yet we will recognize her. Jesus appeared to his
disciples in different forms after His resurrection, and each time they were
able to recognize Him, because his Spirit was apparent through His flesh. If
the disciples, who were clumsy oafs before Pentecost, could recognize their
Master, how much more will we recognize people we have known in this life once
we are fitted with our resurrected bodies? See also: Resurrection; 91d
(86b) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believing is the result of the resurrection
(91d) Thy kingdom come
The called >> His purpose answers "Why" – Jesus
said, “This is the promise which He Himself made to us:
eternal life” (1Jn 2-25). There is a more specific way of putting it: we
have hope in the resurrection from the dead by evidence that Jesus was raised. God will give
imperishable bodies to immortal spirits, and we will live forever. When we speak of
eternal life, we are referring to the resurrection, but if we had hope in
eternal life without expectation of receiving a body, what would be the use in
that? There
are many teachings about the resurrection; some say that our future body will look just like our current
one, and for that reason we will be able to
recognize each other, our family members and friends. However, the culmination of
Scripture teaches that we will not appear as we do now, yet we will
recognize each other. See also: Resurrection; 1Pet 1,21-25; 238c
(121f) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Hope >>
Expectation >> Expecting good things based on
God’s character >> Expectation based on God’s
generosity -- This verse goes with verse 3
/ Navigation Bar
1Pet 1-22
Responsibility >> Advocate God’s cause >>
Being accountable to your brother –
Obeying the truth purifies our souls for a sincere love of
the brethren. We can't just love people; we must prepare
our heart to love them. The human heart is not naturally made for love. We
can love our family members with a natural affection, but when it comes to the
family of God, we must condition our heart through the grace of God. That is,
when we love God, He enables us to love the brethren. Having applied the word of God to our
heart and purified our souls for a sincere
love of the brethren, let us therefore love them (Eph 6-13,14). We must love the brethren to complete the grace that God has
given us (2Tim 2-1). See also: Love; 87l
(74a) Thy kingdom come
The heart >> God wants you to bless your brother
from the heart
(78f) Thy kingdom come
Sincerity >> Embracing your first love >>
Single devotion
(86h) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Be doers of the word >>
Clothe yourself with the word of God >> Obey
the truth
(87l) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Minister to people through
obedience –
Love is the apex of obedience; it is the foremost fruit of the
Spirit from which all other fruits proceed. Love is hard to define, but when
someone is loved, they know it. The greatest acts of love are the ones that
are most difficult to perform, and they have the greatest affect. After a man
was tortured in a POW camp for years, and was released after the war, and some
years later returned with the gospel of peace to share with the man who
tortured him (the movie “Unbreakable”), it had a tremendous
impact, not necessarily on the person he loved, but on nearly everyone
else. This has often happened throughout the centuries to missionaries, who
experienced tremendous insults to their persons and later forgave those who
afflicted them, and eventually reached the people they sought with the gospel of Christ.
Sometimes people die in the process of conveying Jesus, but the gospel is
finally heard and understood and people get saved. This happened in every
developed country of the world in bringing the gospel to them. They unanimously heard the gospel and turned
from their barbaric ways to the Christian faith, and civilization was made
possible. Once people see love in action, they suddenly realize that God
exists. The logic of the gospel suggests that if God’s people love them,
then God must love them too. See also: Love; 100i
/ 1Pet 2-17; 88k
(95h) Thy kingdom come
Attitude >> Having an obedient attitude >>
Ready to do God’s will
(100i) Thy kingdom come
Diligence >> Diligence in protecting your heart
from greed –
To love people we must prepare our heart and mind,
especially especially when loving our enemies. Our flesh only loves itself. Even if it dies doing
what it wants, it would prefer that over submitting to God. The
person who is capable of love is the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, who has
caused us to be born-again and has made us a new creature, and it is this new
person of the heart that is capable of loving people, including our enemies. Loving our
enemies is the highest form of love. In stark contrast, take the world and its philosophy of Capitalism, people say it is the best economic system ever
devised. Although it was so-called invented, it resided under our noses the
whole time, based on selfish hedonism. People
only need to live according to the dictates of the flesh to be capitalistic,
something they planned to do anyway. Man at his best is full of greed, so when
the Christian comes with love, it is incomprehensible to the world. Jn 1-5
says, “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend
it.” This is why the True Church and the world are separate entities: they
are opposite kingdoms, and they cannot mix
any more than water and oil mix. See also: Love; 129g
(100m) Thy kingdom come
Devotion >> In your ministry to people >>
Devoted to ministering to their physical needs
(103h) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> Cleanse yourself
(129g) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
love perfects unity >> Love is the martyr
between the blocks – Love that comes from God is the substance of
unity. Without love unity cannot exist, and for this reason unity mostly does
not exist in our churches today. Touchy, feely,
emotional love does not originate from heaven, and it is not the stuff of
unity. The love of God is the motivation for giving people
what they need, driving Christians to compassion for others, and it is this
compassion and love that grows in the hearts of God’s people and establishes
unity in the body of Christ. Unity is a product of trust. The more we
trust and depend on each other to live for the body and not for ourselves, the
more unity grows. See also: Love; 4l
(233d) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Seeking the goals of the kingdom >> Seek the
goal of love
/ Navigation Bar
1Pet 1,23-25
(37h) Judgment
Redemption of man >> His blood delivered us from
destruction – These verses go with verse 2
(149g) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Preaching the word to the world >> Sowing the
seed -- These verses go with verse 12
Kingdom of God >> Illustrating the kingdom >> Parables about the
garden of the kingdom >> Parables about seeds
(243k) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> The indestructible
kingdom >> The head of the body is
indestructible >> The word of God is
(244g) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> The word of God is
eternal >> The word of God will outlast the
creation –
The fruit that results from doing the will of God is all that will last. Everything else fades and
is ultimately forgotten and destroyed. It is only the life that we have lived
for Christ that remains forever, and the things that remain from God will never fade. His
word will preserve us through its indestructible properties. We spiritually
understand the Bible by listening for the Holy Spirit and doing what He
says. If we don’t do what He says, the word is incomplete; obeying His voice
completes His word and endows us with a substance that preserves us forever.
What we do for God is the result of a spiritual understanding of Him as we place
His word in our heart, changing us from the inside-out, and His reward will
follow us into eternity. See also: rewards; 1Pet 1-4; 226d
1Pet 1-23,24
(170f) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Temporary >>
Whatever is temporary will perish -- These verses go with verse 7
1Pet 1-23
(80e) Thy kingdom come
Know the word to learn the ways of God >>
Leading to Jesus
(110g) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Born of the Spirit by the
truth >> Conceived by the Spirit of truth –
can hold a Bible in our hand, because it has not perished from the earth
though men have tried. Many generations have attempted to eradicate the
Scriptures to no avail, because there have always been God’s faithful people
who entrusted their lives to its survival and protected it from confiscation
and destruction, and for this reason it is with us today. We owe a debt of
gratitude to them, to those who wrote the original manuscripts and to the scribes
who conscientiously copied them before Gutenberg invented his press, but Peter
was not referring to this. When he spoke about the imperishable quality of
God's word,
he wasn’t talking about ink, any more than the
Spirit who comes to indwell us resides on paper. Just as the Holy Spirit
comes to dwell in the believer, causing him to be born-again, so the
word of God is just as spiritual. That is, there is no difference between the Holy
Spirit and the word of God. In other words, the Holy Spirit cannot speak anything but the
word of God, defining Him and giving substance to Him.
When the Holy Spirit comes
to dwell
in our heart, we suddenly realize the truth. Prior
to the indwelling Holy Spirit our faith was just a set of facts and ideas, but
the moment we committed our lives to His truth, the Holy Spirit came to dwells in
us and we were born-again, and suddenly we came to
understand that our faith was real.
(218g) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >>
Reaping the harvest of obedience >> The harvest
from the word of God –
likens the word of God to a seed. One
oak tree can bear thousands of acorns, but not every seed will become a tree,
only one in ten thousand. Jesus said the same in the parable of the sower, who
sowed many seeds and some fell beside the road and the birds immediately
ate them. Other seeds fell on rocky places and among the thorns, and they sprouted for a little while and
then died. Finally, some
seeds fell on good soil, and an oak tree sprouted and grew to become a servant
of the animals that lived in it and by it. Not every seed that the word of God sows will grow to
bear fruit, yet the word of God itself will never perish. It is not the fault
of God’s word that its seed doesn't grow; God does not judge His word for
being unfruitful; He judges those who hear the word and don’t receive it.
Those who are born-again, who are faithful in Christ, will endure to the end
just as the word of God endures. We are just as imperishable in this life as
we will be in the life to come, ensuring that we will survive this life to
inherit eternal life, for we will never give up the faith. When temptation
comes, we resist, and if we fall to temptation, we repent, cleansing
ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the
fear of God (2Cor 7-1).
(238a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> The kingdom is transferred to
the Church >>
Born again >> Born of the Spirit by the will of
God >> Born again by the will of the Father -- This verse goes with verse 3
(255a) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Spirit of the word >>
Words of His Spirit are life
/ Navigation Bar
1Pet 1-24,25
(141j) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Old Testament bears
witness to the new >> Old Testament is for our
instruction >> It reflects the nature of man in
the law -- These verses go with verses 15&16
1Pet 1-25
(150i) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness of Jesus >> Speak the word of the
Spirit >>
Speaking the words that God has spoken to you
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