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Mat 21,1-11
(215ia) Sovereignty >>
God controls time >> Suddenly >>
The Kingdom of Heaven appears suddenly >>
Without warning >> Disciples expected the kingdom to appear immediately –
Everyone in attendance on that day expected the Kingdom of God to suddenly appear, though there were
no indications that this was about to happen. Even Jesus' twelve closest disciples
believed this as a result of their former training starting from childhood. They
were taught that God would send His Messiah and establish Israel over all the
nations of the earth. This is the same teaching that the Church continues to
believe to this day in the Millennium, the thousand-year reign
of Christ. Everyone worshipped Him as He
entered the city, because they were expecting Him to take over Jerusalem. They
expected this for the same reason scientists expect a reaction when they put vinegar
with baking soda. That was the relationship Jesus had with the religious
establishment in Jerusalem. Either His kingdom would suddenly appear or His
visit to the Holy City would end in tragedy. His disciples maintained their hope against the
words that Jesus reiterated to them that He would be rejected by
the chief priests and the elders, be scourged and crucified, and the third day rise
again. Instead, they kept expecting Jesus to command myriads of angels to converge on His enemies, causing Israel to rule and reign in place
of Rome with Jerusalem as the
capital city of the world, but this was not God’s plan, not yet anyway. Jesus came to
Jerusalem as the Lamb of God to be sacrificed and take upon Himself the
sins of the world. The people didn’t care about sin that offended God or overcoming their spiritual enemy,
Satan; they wanted release from
their physical enemies. Their
sins never surfaced in conversation, though the things they wanted Jesus to fix were
the result of sin.
Mat 21,1-3
(68b) Authority >>
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Natural Ministry of helps
Mat 21-2,3
(110a) Thy kingdom come >>
Spirit and the word >> Spirit speaks through you >> Word of knowledge >>
knowing their thoughts by the mind of Christ
Mat 21-4,5
(141a) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Old Testament bears
witness to the new >> It bears witness to Jesus >>
Prophesy about Jesus’ ministry >> Jesus as the
great shepherd
Mat 21-8,9
(143j) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Jesus is popular because of His works –
Jesus did what He could to keep His notoriety to a minimum; just the same, He
became a household name to nearly everyone in Israel and surrounding
districts, though very few knew what to think of Him. They were skeptical that He
was the Christ, though they treated Him as such in His triumphal entry into the
Holy City. They knew Him as a miracle worker, but denied His identity as the
Christ, having every reason to believe He was in fact Israel’s
Messiah. Jesus’ notoriety had escalated to a point that everybody knew Him
as “the Lord.” Not only did they know about Him, they also loved Him, and
so it seem curious why He was crucified. There were two kinds of
people who lived in Israel: the poor who lived in the rural areas surrounding
Jerusalem, Judea, Capernaum and Galilee, and the citizens of
Jerusalem. People who lived in the city
were vastly different from country folk. Many of them enjoyed better
wages that reflected in a higher standard of living than those who lived and worked in the rural areas.
Moreover, Jerusalem was the capital city of the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and
chief priests of the temple, who all had a great influence on the city
and its residents. These were the cheer leaders at His execution, rallying the
people behind them shouting, “Crucify, crucify Him!” Ironically, people
who lived outside of Jerusalem knew more
about Jesus than the citizens of the city that “kills the prophets and stones
those who are sent to her” (Mat 23-37). In
Jesus' younger days He probably ventured to Jerusalem with His family at least once a year to
celebrate Passover; even during
His ministry He did this.
(252b) Trinity >>
You shall put no other gods before Me >> Worship
Jesus (Because He is equal with God) >> Jesus is
worthy of our worship >> Worship Jesus for who
he is -- These verses go with verses 15,16. Jesus
rode into Jerusalem not as a great king but as a humble servant, and the
people worshipped Him and glorified His name as he entered the city, which incited the religious leaders to condemn
This was to fulfill Old Testament prophecy.
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Mat 21-12,13
(69d) Authority >>
Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >> Righteous anger >>
God is angry at sin
In chapter 24 Jesus gave His exposé on end-time prophesy
regarding how the world intends to destroy itself, but in this chapter Jesus
cast out the money changers from God's sanctuary, who
were spiritual leaders of His time.
What does that tell us? When we take these verses in context with His dissertation
in later chapters it suggests that in the last days there will be a
high concentration of spiritual leaders within the Church who will also be lovers
of money. This will be the precursor for end-time prophesy to unfold and for
the world to implode on itself through an unchecked passion for greed, since the Church
abandoned its role in the world as salt of the earth, having lost its savor
and its ability to act as the world's conscience toward sin.
Mat 21-14
(145c) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> Healing >>
Jesus healed them all –
It is significant that this occurred in the temple. There is a difference
between the temple and the synagogue. Synagogues were peppered throughout all
Israel like churches, and even outside the borders of the country, but the
temple was the ultimate place of worship where they sacrificed animals and
where they celebrated Passover and all the festivals and ceremonies. The
temple in Jerusalem was home to the chief priests and the elders, ground-zero
for the Scribes and Pharisees and hometown of Caiaphas the high priest and all
the religious establishment. For Jesus to heal in the temple was like
venturing into the lion’s den and pulling their tails, knowing it would
enrage His enemies. Their greatest frustration was that they could not condemn
Him for anything He did, except they did manage to complain that He healed on
the Sabbath. There really was nothing else they could say, because they
couldn’t explain how He performed miracles in the first place, which was the
elephant in the room. They knew He was the Son of God, but they were unwilling
to acknowledge this. Part of the reason for Jesus healing in the temple was to
purposely offend His enemies, so there would be no question that they would
eventually hang Him on a cross. He made sure to aggravate His enemies by doing
His Father’s will, doing what is good and right, loving the people and
speaking the truth and rebuking the religious establishment for spreading lies
and deception about God. The whole purpose of Jesus visiting mankind was to
die for the sins of the world, but He didn’t want to just die for the
people; He wanted to be horribly tortured and flayed alive before He was
nailed to a cross to die, because He knew there were people who lived before
Him and others who would be born after Him who would endure much at the hands
of their enemies for the cause of Christ, or else endure terrible diseases,
some suffering for years. Jesus didn’t want to take the easy-way-out. He
didn’t intend to save the people from their suffering but intended to allow
them to endure their affliction so He could reward them for their
faithfulness. The whole point of God leaving us here is so we can rack up
rewards and make a distinction between each other, so He can create a
hierarchy of authority in His kingdom by which we will rule His creation.
Mat 21-15,16
Thy kingdom come >> Wicked motives >>
Motives based on envy --
Jealousy is the single most destructive force in the human arsenal. It was the motive
that crucified Jesus Christ, which was the single most wicked act of man's shady past.
The children bystanders were worshipping Him for all the wonderful things
He had done, and instead of Jesus stopping them, He quoted this passage from the
Old Testament to the chief priests and Scribes, considering it the fulfillment
of prophecy and thus confessing once again to His enemies that He was the Son of
God. The chief priests and scribes didn't
want Jesus to get any more popular with the people, because their popularity was
declining, and they knew it would ultimately
translate to fewer dollars in their pockets.
(252b) Trinity >>
You shall put no other gods before Me >> Worship
Jesus (Because He is equal with God) >> Jesus is
worthy of our worship >> Worship Jesus for who
he is -- These verses go with verses 8,9.
If Jesus never committed a sin, and if worshipping other gods breaks the first and
foremost commandment, then why did Jesus let the bystanders worship Him
without doing something to silence them as the chief priests and
scribes warned Him? There is only one explanation, Jesus is God!
Look at all the other instances in the New Testament where Jesus allowed people to
worship Him, and He did nothing to stop them, in sharp contrast to instances
where people worshiped angels and they immediately stopped the people, directing them
to worship God (196c).
This holds a strong case for the trinity.
Mat 21-16
(141c) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Old Testament bears
witness to the new >> It bears witness to Jesus >>
Prophesy about Jesus’ ministry >> Jesus as the
Son of God
Mat 21-17 -- No Entries
Mat 21,18-22
Judgment >> Those who are unfruitful in His
kingdom are destroyed --
Here is a thought that is well supported by the Scriptures:
God wants us to be fruitful, for this is the will of God, and Jesus'
definition of fruitfulness is to live a miraculous life, as He taught in the
Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"
(Mat 6-10). Either we are
fruitful or we will dry up and die. Yes, our faith can die if we do not
protect and maintain it. God Himself will terminate our faith if we put forth
no effort to grow spiritually. He is offended when someone wants to go to
heaven to avoid hell, but refuses to serve Him.
(83a) Thy kingdom come >>
Receiving from God through prayer >> Prayer of
Mat 21-18,19
(147h) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> God uses His power to be
Mat 21-19,20
(215h) Sovereignty >>
God controls time >>
The judgments of God come suddenly >> Without
delay –
Everybody is familiar with gentle Jesus, who came to be a blessing and died
for our sins that we might be saved and go to heaven and live in paradise with
Him. That’s all good stuff, but do we know Jesus
as one who spoke a curse over a fig tree and immediately it withered? Jesus told a story
about a landowner who had fruit trees, and there was one tree that never
produced any fruit (Lk 13,6-9). The landowner was intending to chop it down
and plant another tree in its place, but the vineyard keeper asked for time
that he might help it grow, saying to the owner that if the tree doesn’t
produce fruit after working with it, then He can remove it. The vineyard keeper
(Jesus) was acting as a mediator between the owner of the plantation and the
fig tree. There is a point when God has waited
long enough for us to bear fruit and loses His patience. What did John the Baptist say? “The axe is
already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear
good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Mat 3-10). Jesus spoke
similarly in Jn 15-6, “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as
a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and
they are burned.” We could think about this in terms of predestination and
say that God knows the exact number of people who will occupy His heaven and
their names. He looks in the Book of Life and if He doesn’t see the person’s
name, he cannot go to heaven (Mat 22,11-13). The book of life is a
very unique book in which God makes edits to it by the name simply
disappearing off the page. His name was always written there before the
foundation of the world; he was saved, and then his name vanished from the
book along with the person's faith, and made room for someone else’s name to
be etched in his place. There are people who go to church who may or may not
be saved. Regardless, they should fear, because if they never bear any fruit,
instead they have come to the conclusion that they are not required to
bear fruit, they be cut down and throne into the fire.
Mat 21-21,22
(114g) Thy kingdom come >>
Working the grace of God >> Obeying the Holy
Spirit >> Implementing the revelation of the
Holy Spirit
For those kind of results in prayer, we must be fully committed to our faith
in God, to diligent study in His word and to frequent sessions of prayer. In order for God to satisfy our every whim,
we must know Him as we would know our spouse. He would be
in control of our life and we would be praying for His will, so our longings are
His longings. God would give us many revelations through a dynamic
relationship with Him, and He would give us zeal to see His visions come to fruition. We
believe in Jesus by a vision for something that is greater than this life. What He shows us in the
Spirit about His kingdom is already attainable, indicated by the fig tree
withering at once and the mountains removed in
God's time, at our request and by His will.
Mat 21-22
(85la) Thy kingdom come >>
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believing the Son by obeying the Father >>
Obeying the law by faith in the cross >> Obey God for answered prayer
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Mat 21,23-27
(62a) Paradox >>
Anomalies >> Being clever >> Responding with wisdom to your
enemies >> Outwit them
(75f) Thy kingdom come >>
Motives >> Being manipulative >>
Questioning God’s authority
(89e) Thy kingdom come >>
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom >> Wise
(179a) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for
questioning His authority
The Pharisees controlled a religion that had ties with politics, with the economy and even with the
Roman empire. Caesar
Himself had to dicker with Israel's religious figures in order to keep the
peace, yet Jesus never made any deals with the Pharisees or with the Romans
but steered clear of politics. He was not about to put power in their hands to control His destiny or the destiny of the Church. Instead, Jesus let His Father do the talking
for Him through convincing proofs of His identity, including wisdom to
answer their abject rebellion against God. Jesus humbled them to such a degree that they had to make one of two
choices: either they should sit at
His feet and learn from Him or allow jealousy to consume them
until they saw Him nailed on a cross. As authority figures, if anyone asked them a question, they
would feel no obligation to answer, but when they asked Him a question, they expected
an answer, or else they cited Him with contempt. Conversely, Jesus felt no
obligation to answer the Pharisees and publicly demonstrated His contempt for
them. By not answering their questions, Jesus made the point
that they had no authority or control over Him, who came from God, whom they claimed to
worship, yet responded adversely to Him and to His ways and teachings. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees;
(206j) Salvation >>
God makes promises on His terms >> Conditions to
promises >> Conditions to getting your prayers
We talk to the Father through Jesus when we pray, so in a way the
conversations the Pharisees had with Jesus were like their prayers to Him.
They obviously did not get their prayers answered, because
their heart was not with Him. Many pray to God like the Pharisees, thinking their heart is with God, yet their prayers go unanswered, and they
wonder why. They need to make peace with God. We should not be living this life
but sacrificing it so we can truly live. Then we could pray and expect to receive what we asked from
God. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21,25-27; 17h
(241c) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Obstacles in the way of
the kingdom >> Ask but don’t receive >>
Asking with wrong motives
Mat 21,25-27
(17h) Sin >>
Judging in the flesh >> Passing judgment
without seeking truth – Instead of diligently seeking truth
as something greater than themselves, the Pharisees strategized how to
corral the
truth and attempted to take control of it, but Jesus would have none of it. They
made predictions, hoping to manipulate the circumstances in their favor, as opposed to allowing the Holy Spirit and their
conscience to guide them through sacrifice and conviction to understand and
obey the truth. Jesus put the Pharisees in a corner so there were no
right answers no matter
what they said. Thus, He flushed out the cruelty of their ways and exposed them
to public scorn as religious villains. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21-27;
(166e) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Wisdom of the
world >> Nature Of Man’s Wisdom >>
Man’s wisdom is fixed on gaining personal advantage
Mat 21-27
(222g) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> God shares no intimacy
with dogs >> God does not speak to dogs
-- There were a number of reasons Jesus did not answer the
Pharisees, primarily that they would not answer Him if He asked them a question. When they took
Jesus by force to their mock trial and interrogated Him, He told them in Lk
22-67,68, "If I tell you, you will not believe; and if I ask a question,
you will not answer...." Jesus was not in the habit of answering people's
questions who did not reciprocate respect. His mission was not to submit
to man's tyranny, but to set us free from such bondage. Jesus may have
submitted to the Roman guards, to His murderers, and He even answered their
question that night with the "good confession", but He did not live under
their oppression. Instead, He submitted to the will of God, making it clear that He had nothing in common with
them and lived free
of their tyrannical religion. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21,28-46;
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Mat 21,28-46
(178l) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees >> Rebuked for
having no love for God
The Pharisees and many of the Jews made the ill-omened assumption that they
were the chosen few who would find favor with God no matter what they did
or how they lived. They could be sons of those who murdered the prophets, and
they could contrive a plan to dispose of Christ while deliberating with
Him and somehow God was not supposed to find fault with them. They thought they
were special based on some genealogical evidence asserting that they were part
of the lineage of the Levitical Priesthood, but Jesus taught that bearing the fruit for the Kingdom
was better than being a link in an elite genealogical chain. The Pharisees took it hard, since they believed in their Jewish
heritage. These religious leaders used their religion for
profit, they shunned whomever they didn't like and killed whomever they couldn't shun.
It is the religion of witchcraft to use good for evil, such as the Bible to distort
the truth, and to believe something evil to be good. The end justifies
the means they say, until their inheritance is taken from them and given
to a nation producing the fruit of it. This too may happen to the developed
nations of the world, who once believed in the gospel and have since turned
apostate. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21,28-32; 20m
(211b) Salvation >>
Jews and gentiles are being saved >> Gentiles
included >> God gives the Gentiles Israel’s
Mat 21,28-32
(20m) Sin >>
Disobedience >> Demonstrating unbelief in the validity of God’s word
Jesus’ conclusion to His parable that He posed to the religious
establishment was that
tax gatherers and harlots would get into heaven before them.
Jesus was pointblank; He didn't mince any words. He had a boldness that we don’t see today; He was defending His Father’s
honor, and he used the lowest elements of society to exalt above the
Israel was a theocracy, which made the Pharisees also politicians,
thus wearing duel hats, but Jesus told them that both hats were equally
corrupt, being lesser than the
people they despised. The Pharisees were the kind that gave lip
service to God, but their hearts were far from Him, the kind that
said, ‘Yes Lord,' but didn't do it,
the kind that told people all about God but didn't know Him themselves. Jesus was not fond of hypocrites; He held them in
utter contempt, and He didn't spare their feelings or care when He
offended them. They were hurting people by teaching amiss as the worst
sinners of their generation. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; 26a
Sin >>
Consequences of sin >>
Death >> Dead to God through sin –
The Questions Jesus asked the Pharisees were so simple, they were rhetorical,
being impossible to get the wrong answer. Perhaps Jesus had
to ask questions like this, or they would get the wrong answer. He was
demonstrating to His enemies that they knew the truth but were unwilling to
believe it or obey it. Sin makes people arrogant, causing retardation when it comes to matters of the
See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21-28,29;
(50dd) Judgment >>
Last Days >> Jewish Led
endtime revival >> Jews become obedient in the last days -- These verses
go with verses 42-44.
Like so many of Jesus’
parables they are timeless and have a secondary implication for the future;
this parable hints at
a coming Great Endtime
Revival. Many people today who claim to be Christians will be tested in
these last days and
will reject God’s purpose for themselves and refuse to partake of
God’s revival; instead they will make excuses why they can't come. During the Great Endtime Revival, God will call
another group who will be faithful to Jesus, mentioned in another parable: the poor,
the crippled, the blind and the lame (Lk 14,21-24), and there are millions of them in
the world today. They will answer God’s call and partake of His endtime
revival that will fill God’s house, but many of those who made grandiose
claims about their faith in Jesus will reject God’s
purpose for themselves. See also: Great endtime revival; Mat 21-43,44; 21e
(87i) Thy kingdom come >>
Obedience >> Those who obey believe in God >> Those who obey the word
used of the word “believe” in verse 32 to mean the tax collectors and
harlots were baptized; hence, Jesus equated
believing with obedience. If we believe, we will
get baptized; but if we don’t get baptized, we don’t believe. The first son loved his father,
and for that reason he went and worked in the vineyard as he was told, but
the other son told his father what he wanted to hear but
didn’t do what he said,
demonstrating that he didn't really believe in his father. The first son may have had his whole
day scheduled in advance, but canceled all his plans to please his
father, and Jesus equated that with belief.
(172f) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Hypocrites among the just >>
Talkers among the walkers –
The first son said he wouldn’t go but then regretted it and went. The
second son said he would go, but he didn’t go. Jesus’ point was that
it doesn’t matter what we say; it only matters what we do. He said to his
sons, ‘Go into the vineyard,’ and then later he inspected the vineyard
to see if the work was done. The second son
would never dream of speaking against his father, but neither did he obey
Him; what good is that kind of respect?
Instead of serving him through obedience of faith, he tried to schmooze him
with lip service. Jesus was saying that God would rather we did what He said
than garnish our disobedience with flowery speech.
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Mat 21,28-31
(225f) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Parables >>
Parables about wealth >> Parables about a father
and his sons
Mat 21-28,29
(63d) Paradox >>
Anomalies >> Righteous deception >>
God’s people deceive Jesus
(174k) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Form of godliness >>
Lip service –
In this parable the man commanded his sons to go into his field; the one that
went was obedient and the other gave him mere lip service. It is not
what we say that matters; it is what we do; actions speak louder than words.
Often religious people are those who talk about God, making themselves
appear righteous, but Jesus said that the tax collectors and sinners would get
into heaven before those who know the nomenclature of Christianity but act like sinners.
Jesus considered everyone a "sinner", so when He used this word, He
was referring to the Pharisees definition: someone who didn't (go to church)
attend their local synagogue. John accompanied his baptism with the
preaching of repentance, but the religious establishment wanted nothing to do with
the plan and purpose of God. John was saying that if they were baptized, it
meant promising God to lead a repentant life, and the Pharisees were
not about to agree to that, since they didn’t see themselves as sinners. The
tax collectors and sinners knew exactly what they were doing and got
baptized promising God they would mend their ways, but the religious
crowd slandered John as a heretic. Had they really believed he was a heretic,
they would have imprisoned him, yet they saw no contradiction with the Old
Testament Scriptures, nor did he speak against Moses. So why didn't they get
baptized? First of all, John wouldn't baptize them, because he knew their
heart was not right with God (this is a clue to the purpose of baptism). They could
have lied and been baptized without intending to repent, but John saw through
their hypocrisy, saying, “You
brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear
fruit in keeping with repentance” (Lk 3-7,8). He rebuked them in public saying, “The axe is already laid at the
root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut
down and thrown into the fire” (Mat 3,7-10). Regardless of our zeal or religion,
"what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God" (1Cor
7-19). See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21-38; 17e
(182h) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Being deceptive with people >> Lying to others
Perhaps the central theme of this parable is keeping an honest and open
heart to the Lord, as opposed to practicing deception. The first son showed
a lack of integrity, telling his father what he wanted to hear without any
intension of working in His vineyard. The second son didn't want
to work in the vineyard either, but he was honest about it; and it was his good heart that made him regret turning down
his father.
Mat 21-30
(203d) Denying Christ
Dishonor God >> Lying to God
Mat 21-32
Die to self (Process of substitution) >> Separation from the old man
>> Baptism >> Baptism symbolizes death, burial and resurrection
>> Baptism is a sign of faith – God
has multiple purposes for everything he does. For example, trees have multiple
purposes; they provide shelter for animals and a canopy for shade plants. They live
for all the animals that use them and for all the birds that nest in their branches and for all caterpillars
that eat their leaves, supporting an entire ecosystem. So also, baptism is a multifaceted ceremony;
foremostly, it represents obedience. It
also represents dying to self and then rising from the water to a new life in
Christ. The water represents the Holy Spirit from which we are reborn. The
fact that we get wet on the outside refers to the anointing, which
clothes us with His power, called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Do we have an
anointing from God? Then, we are baptized in the Holy Spirit.
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Mat 21,33-44
(201c) Denying Christ >>
Whoever is not with Jesus is against him >> You
are against Christ when your unbelief materializes >>
If your heart is not with Him your deeds are against Him
(225d) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >>
Parables about wealth >> Parables about a land
owner and his farm
Mat 21-38
(17e) Sin >>
Judging in the flesh >> Based on greed –
This parable is about the insanity of the Jewish mind, who thought they
could kill Jesus and take His inheritance. Heaven was inaccessible to them; how
could they attain it? The thought of killing Jesus and taking his
inheritance is identical to the thought of Lucifer, when he decided to take God’s
throne and was subsequently cast out of heaven. Satan was no more likely to
succeed in his mission than the Jews had access to the Kingdom of God apart
from Christ. See also: Jesus rebuked the Pharisees; Mat 21,23-27; 179a
Mat 21,42-44
(50dd) Judgment >>
Last Days >> Jewish Led
endtime revival >> Jews become obedient in the last days -- These verses
go with verses 28-32
(137c) Temple >>
Building the temple (with hands) >> Jesus is the
foundation of the Church >> Jesus is the
Mat 21-42
Witness >> Validity of Jesus Christ >>
Old Testament bears witness to the new >> It
bears witness to Jesus >> Prophesy about
Jesus’ ministry >> Jesus as head of the Church --
The Old Testament is a window
into the past to help properly interpret the present. Without the Old
Testament validating the New and giving it perspective, Jesus would have looked
as though He appeared from nowhere without purpose, to do things that no one could
have possibly understood. He came by invitation, giving us fair warning. He told us why He was coming and what He intended to do.
The world still doesn't know what He did, but the Church believes Jesus came from heaven
as God incarnate. He sacrificed His flesh to win a
people for His own possession. We know these things because of the Old Testament. The New Testament filled in the details, but without the Old, there would be no legacy and no occasion
to believe the New Testament. Consequently, the Old Testament is the
foundation of our faith in Jesus.
Mat 21,43-46
Thy kingdom come >> False perspective in the
Mat 21-43,44
(21e) Sin >>
Disobedience >> Unfruitful –
Church history proves that Jesus took management of the gospel from the Jews
and gave it to the gentiles, but to say that the gentiles have born the fruit of the kingdom is only
in comparison to the Jews who rejected it altogether. Jesus was saying that
the Kingdom of God will be taken from anyone who does not bear the
fruit of it and given to those who will, meaning that if the
gentiles quit bearing the fruit of the kingdom, He will take it from them and
give it back to the Jews. Jesus was prophesying that this would happen in the
last days when He will effect a Great Endtime Revival through His Jewish
people. God took the gospel from the
Jews because they were disobedient, and now the gentiles cannot agree on anything regarding sound doctrine,
so He will give management of the gospel back
to the Jews, and they will disseminate the true doctrines of the faith to the gentiles
who will believe in Jesus according to their teachings. The Jews will lead this revival in the last days, and the gentiles
will be welcome to join them, under the condition that they receive their
doctrines. These things will occur in the coming days when civilization
collapses. Even
then, many believing gentiles will not repent of their religious traditions
and unbelief and will blaspheme, saying that God's Jewish-led ministry is of the devil,
knowing it is from God. See also: Great Endtime Revival; 222b
/ Jews will manage the
at the end of the age;
Mat 28,18-20; 84cb
(49d) Judgment >>
Those who are unfruitful in His kingdom are destroyed
-- There is a difference between falling on this stone and this stone falling
on us. If we fall on it, we may skin our knee, but if it falls on us,
well, we know what happens when boulders fall on people. The difference
is between the saved broken of their sinful ways, and the unsaved dying
without faith in Jesus, facing a Christ-less eternity, whose life is blown away like dust in the wind.
(222b) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> God does not entrust his
treasures to dogs >> God retrieves his treasures
when sheep revert to dogs
-- God took the kingdom away from the Jews (Israel) because of their unbelief,
but the promises He made to them are irrevocable (Rom 11-29). God never takes back His promises,
though He can make sure they are not fulfilled in our lifetime. Jesus
said, "He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces." This is in
reference to the conviction of the Holy Spirit falling on the sinner until
He repents. The Bible speaks of having a broken and contrite
heart (Psalm 51-17), but one whom the
rock falls will pulverize him. This prophecy refers
primarily to the Jews but is not exclusive to them. God scattered them like
dust to the four corners of the earth, because they rejected their God, so He
will do the same to the gentiles if they do not bear the fruit of His kingdom.
In the last days, the religious establishment of God's Church will reject the ministry of the Jews once they
turn from their unbelief. This revival is 2,000 years in the making, of longing to be restored, of horror apart from God. Now that they have reunited, the
connection between the Jews and their God will be something the gentiles never
had and never saw coming. Many of the nations will see this bond forming between God and His people
and want to join it. They will
attach themselves to the Jewish revival and become members of an act of God
comprising billions of people, but many who call themselves Christians today
who do not bear the fruit of the kingdom, who reject this Jewish-led endtime
revival, will be crushed into powder and blown with the wind. See also: Great endtime revival;
Mat 22,1-14;
Mat 21-43
(157d) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Being displeasing to God >>
Leading a fruitless lifestyle
Mat 21-44
God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of destruction
-- To be scattered like dust is to be utterly destroyed. One of the
descriptions of hell is that it is a place of destruction. The nation of
Israel has been scattered throughout the world like dust in every corner. God has given us Israel as an example of what can happen to
a people when they collectively disobey the Lord. They are also an example in that God will restore
Israel to their faith, and they will come to believe in Jesus as their
Messiah. God did not give up on His people as a nation, chosen according to
the flesh, but He did make it hard on them, and He will make it hard on us if
we resist Him, but if we die in our sin, all hope will die with us. See also: Hell; Mat 22,10-14;
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Mat 22,1-14
(21b) Sin >>
Disobedient to the call – The
worst enemies of God’s people in the
last days will be those in the Church who are Christians in name only. When they are called to rally to
the wedding feast, being not actually the children of God, they will politely
decline the offer. This parable is suggesting how many unsaved Christians
there are in the Church today. It almost sounds like the church as a
whole will reject the calling of God in the last days. God intends to step
over the contemporary Church who has rejected the call of God and will
choose other people to be His worshippers. See also: Apostasy; 91i
(50d) Judgment >>
Last Days >> Great Endtime Revival >> Jews lead the world into revival
>> Leading the harvest at the end of the age
In the last days there will be many twists and turns that
most people will not see coming, one of them being the Great Endtime
Revival. God will establish camps in various places around the world, where believers can go
and be protected from the great tribulation that is coming.
The criteria for being accepted into one of these camps is a vibrant
relationship with God, and this relationship will be apparent as
a mark upon their foreheads (Rev 7-3). Unbelievers will
attempt to enter the camp of the saints and will be rejected, and so they will have to face the
tribulation outside God’s protection. This corresponds with the parable
of the Ten Virgins. There was a shout, and those who were prepared entered
through the door, and the rest returned to the world,
supposedly to buy more oil, and the door was shut. They
wanted to be Christians, but they loved the world more. This kind of Christianity
will not work in the last days. See also: Great endtime revival; 198c
(91i) Thy kingdom come >>
The called >> God’s calling transcends the
will of man >> We are called by God through His
choice of us – Verse 3 says, “And he sent out his slaves to
call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, and they were unwilling
to come.” This would be a parable about Israel crucifying their own Messiah
and then rejecting the gospel,
except that there is a wedding feast, which occurs in the last days, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, making this a parable
also about the Church rejecting their Savior at the end of the age. See also: Apostasy;
(198c) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >> Man
withers when he is in control >> Ungrateful –
Only a couple centuries after the death of Paul the Catholic Church was formed
(Act 20,29-32); they were the false church, and they ran Christianity into the
mud. Paul knew if the Jews did not receive the gospel by the time he
died, it would indicate a very long and dark period between the ascension of Christ and
His return. So far it has been two thousand years and counting. It is written
that at the end of the age the Jews will return to their faith and will
acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Messiah and the gospel will return to the Jews, and there will be a Great Endtime
Revival like no other revival in history. They will disseminate the true
doctrines of the faith, abolishing all Christian denominations, and those who will not relinquish their
religious traditions will be excluded from the last day’s revival, and they
will be left behind with the unbelievers to face God's judgment. See also: Great
endtime revival;
/ Apostasy; 201a
(201a) Denying Christ >>
Whoever is not with Jesus is against him >> He
is against Christ who does not receive Him >>
Whoever does not receive God’s word is against Christ
This is a parable about the gospel rejected by those it was
initially intended, Israel. Note in verse 7 it says that God sent His
armies (the Romans) to destroy the people of Jerusalem who
rejected Him. God worked with Israel throughout history to bring about His
vision and purpose to the world and they systematically rejected Him at every
juncture. Finally they rejected their own Messiah, so He sent Rome to destroy
them, a heathen nation that claimed no affiliation with the divine vision. It
was the same Romans who stole the gospel and then pretended to look like the true
Church. If God is willing to judge the nation to whom the promises were made, how much
more willing is He to judge the nations that were grafted into its place as wild olive branches
and then rebelled as Israel did (Rom 11,17-21)? See also: Apostasy; Mat 22,1-10;
(211b) Salvation >>
Jews and gentiles are being saved >> Gentiles
included >> God gives the Gentiles Israel’s
(224e) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Description of
heaven >> The joyful kingdom >>
The marriage supper of the lamb
This parable
is about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, which
occurs at the end of the age in heaven, immediately after the last trumpet and the First Resurrection/Rapture
of the Church
(Rev 11-15). The angel blows seventh and last trumpet, the dead are raised, the Rapture
occurs and God assembles His Church in heaven with everyone in attendance.
Others will get saved after the Rapture, who have not taken the Mark of the
beast, and they will become the seed by which God repopulates
the earth in the Millennium. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is
therefore scheduled between the end of
this age and the beginning of the millennium. This is a wedding feast to
celebrate the long awaited joining of Christ with the Church, which will
consist of all the people of faith since the beginning of time. This parable is about a people whom God will replace after
the Church rejects
God’s purpose for themselves in the Great Endtime Revival. As God stepped over
disobedient Israel who rejected the gospel of Christ, so He will
step over disobedient gentiles and put Israel back in charge. The Jewish
led revival will offer the gospel to the gentiles
and many of those belonging to the religious establishment will reject it, so God will bypass the contemporary church and
elect others among the gentiles to become his true worshippers. According to the
parable, Christ is about to be married to His people, and He sent out his
prophets to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, but the
people invited
were unwilling to come. We know that Israel mistreated and killed their
prophets over the centuries, which ultimately led to the crucifixion of
Christ. In this parable the
slaves are the 144,000 Jews whom God will call in the last days to manage His
Great Endtime Revival. This
parable is about the religious establishment of both Israel and the Church rejecting the invitation of Christ. They don’t want to get married to Jesus because they are
involved with the world as the parable states, “one
returned to his farm another to his business," etc. See also:
endtime revival; 225k
/ Remnant of the Bowls will repopulate the earth; Lk 22,14-18; 224e
(225k) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >>
Parables about a wedding feast – When God calls them, their hearts will be a
million miles away, but there will be multitudes of people in third-world
countries who will abandon
their Buddhist faith, their Hinduism and Muslim roots and cling to God for
truth and protection from the antichrist. They will
immediately graft onto this Great Endtime Revival and add millions of souls to
the kingdom, for God will have his way at the end of the age. See also:
endtime revival; Mat
22,1-6; 201j
Mat 22,1-10
(61d) Paradox
Two implied meanings >> Destroy the murderers and set their city on fire
>> Jerusalem / Rome –
This is obviously a parable about Israel, which happened in AD 70; the
Romans came and destroyed their temple and set Jerusalem on fire. One day God will do the same to Rome
(Revelation chapter 18). We have all heard about the burning of Rome on July 19, 64 AD.
Just because it burned once doesn't mean it can't burn again. The things Jesus said often have
two implied meanings, because there are two covenants, the
old and the new, and He often spoke for both covenants. What He said about old covenant Israel came to pass, and
the parable also was meant for the new
covenant, not for His church, but for those who presume to be Christians but are
not (Rev 3-9,10). Consider this, When He spoke about a city set on
fire, isn’t that what happens to Babylon in the last days? Babylon represents a religious entity, the false church,
Catholicism seated in Rome, who seized His slaves and mistreated them and
martyred them. Israel did it to their prophets, and the false church
has martyred the saints throughout the age of grace, Catholics burning
true believers at the
stake as heretics. God was patient with them, unwilling to intervene for the
sake of the elect, for He had judgment prepared that will find them at the end
of the age. See also: Burning of Jerusalem (Rome); Mat 22-7; 48m
/ Apostasy; Mat 22,1-6; 201j
Mat 22,1-6
(201j) Denying Christ >>
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Man’s will over God >>
God permits man to go his own way – Israel was first-called;
God sent His slaves to call those who had been invited, referring to the Jews. This scenario will
repeat itself in the last days. God will first call the developed nations of
the world, America and Europe, who first responded to the gospel after the
reformation, but at the end of the age they will pay no attention. When endtime prophecy
unfolds, these nations will have fallen-away from the faith; “they paid
no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another to his business,
and the rest seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them.” This
parable is about a wedding feast, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, that
occurs after the great Tribulation, indicating that these things will happen
at the end of the age, suggesting that many of the events that occurred
in the first century will occur again in the last century. Just as the
apostles preached to both Jews and gentiles and were mostly
rejected and eventually martyred, so there will be an
invitation at the end of the age. Those who give the invitation will be a 144,000
Jews, mirroring the apostles of the first
century. Wicked men laid their hands on the
apostles and mistreated and killed them, and the Jews rejected the gospel with
the result that the Romans tore down their temple and burned their city with
fire. This happened to Jerusalem in 70 AD, and very much the same thing will
happen again in the last days to Rome. In Revelation chapter 18 it says that another
city will be burned to the ground, which they say
represents the true Church, and God will send His armies to tear down their temple (Vatican) and burn their
city with fire (Rome). People today are interested in their temporal lives; they care
more about the things of the world than they do about the things of God. The
Church in the last days will go the way of Israel. God will send the 144,000 to the
third-world countries, to the poor and
destitute, the good and the evil, and He will call the nations to faith in
Jesus, and the response will be in the hundreds of millions, and God will
supply their needs until He comes for them at the First Resurrection. There
will be a great ingathering of souls in the last days, but much of the
contemporary Church will be left behind. See also: Great
endtime revival; Mat
22,2-10; 8h /
Apostasy; Mat 22,3-6;
18i / Catholic Church will host the antichrist; Rev 18-20,21;
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Mat 22,2-10
Responsibility >> Preparing to interact with God >>
Preparing for revival –
Note that there were three sets of slaves: the first in verse 3 referring to the
first century apostles, the second in verse 4 referring to the gentile Church
throughout the age of grace, and the third in verse 8 referring to the 144,00
Jewish witness at the end of the age (Revelation chapters 7&14). When the moment comes the
144,000 will begin
to prophecy of a Great Endtime Revival, and everyone who wishes to be part of it
will be saved, and those who reject it will be lost. The Two
Witnesses will organize the 144,000 Jews, who in turn will organize the gentile
Church, which will globally range in the hundreds of millions. The antichrist's growing
hostility against this revival will foster martyrdom of the saints, after which the Two Witnesses'
ministry will switch from benevolent leaders of a global revival to adjudicators
of God's judgment, and they will
protect the Church from further harm, instructing the saints to flee into the wilderness and
away from the big cities that are controlled by the global monetary system that
employs the antichrist's mark of the beast. Jesus is
calling his people to prepare themselves for the great event of the First
which the Church has been anticipating since Jesus ascended to the Father. Now that it is here they
want to abandon God’s plan, because they do not agree with the doctrines that
the Jewish witnesses are teaching, also because endtime prophecy is not
unfolding as they predicted. That is, they will reject the purpose of God
because of the false teachings they had come to believe, while the Jewish
witnesses will be laying down the true doctrines of the faith according to
Scripture. See also:
endtime revival; Mat 22,3-6; 18i
Mat 22-2,3
(14f) Servant >>
Ministry of helps >> Helpers obey Christ
Mat 22,3-6
(18i) Sin >>
Twisted thinking >> Unable to distinguish between good and evil >> God’s
purpose is evil – The false church today believes
in a gospel that does not
require them to obey God, having accepted the doctrines of easy-believism,
which is a distortion of the true faith. Jewish
witnesses in the last days will preach the gospel in truth, and the apostate church will see
a multitude amassing around the teachings of a 144,000 Jewish witnesses, all
who have one faith and one mind, walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, and it will turn
the heart of the apostate church jealous against the true Church. They will realize that God is
sidestepping them because of their unbelief. They could have joined the revival,
but their unbelief would not let them, having previously committed to the doctrines of
demons, having become enslaved to their
beliefs and were left behind. God will have called
them, but they did not listen. Many in the Church who
refuse to partake of this coming revival will become bitter, because
of the adversity that God will allow them to suffer. There will be many
aspects of endtime prophecy that will have already taken place. They
didn’t expect to suffer, having trusted in a phony Pre-tribulation Rapture. As a result of
their early Rapture theory failing to materialize, they will realize that God
is willing to let His people suffer for the sake of the elect that will
believe in Jesus during this Great Endtime Revival, and
it will embitter them. They will not want to serve a God who lets them suffer.
They want to serve a god that protects them from all harm, because
this is what they were taught.
Instead, they will serve the antichrist, who will strip them of their
salvation, make them suffer a hundred times-over, and after death lose their
soul in hell. What about the thousands of martyrs
who gave up their lives for their faith throughout the age of grace? Many of them were
burned at the stake after they were tortured in Catholic dungeons, "men of whom the world was not worthy"
(Heb 11-38). People today who trust in
an early Rapture think they shouldn’t have to suffer; in fact, God has every intention of protecting the vast
majority of His people, but there will be martyrs in the last days. To them it was a privilege to
suffer for His namesake, but this is not the mindset of the Church today.
See also:
endtime revival; Mat 22-3,4; 67n
/ Apostasy; Mat 22,4-7; 48m / Apostasy
(Miss the second coming of
2Cor 3,14-16; 70h
Mat 22-3,4
(67n) Authority >>
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Ministry of helps >> Help God –
This wedding feast refers to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb that
occurs at the end of the age,
when Christ and the Church are finally united and are
married. Therefore, to whom were
these slaves extending the invitation, and who were these other slaves? We know that those unwilling to come to the wedding feast were the
Jews of the first century. Therefore, the first slaves to invite the guests
to the original apostles, and the other slaves refer to the gentiles
throughout the age of grace, but there was mention of yet other slaves in
verse 8, a Jewish
ministry who will
invite the world to a Great Endtime Revival at the end of the age. They went and gathered both good
and evil until the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests. We know the Jews will return to
faith in the last days according to Romans chapter 11, but what many don't
know is that they will receive the gospel and
call many to salvation. Although the dinner hall has been filling over a
course of 2000 years, there will be one last ingathering of souls. Since we
know the Jews will be restored to faith prior to the coming of Christ, and
since this parable teaches that there are two groups of Jewish slaves giving
the invitation, one at the beginning of the age and one at the end, the Jews will call more to faith in Jesus than
the gentiles for the last 2000 years, just as Samson killed more
people in his death than he killed throughout his life (Jud 16,28-31).
See also: Great endtime revival;
Mat 21,28-32; 50dd
Mat 22,4-7
(48m) Judgment >>
Jesus’ enemies are destroyed >> Enemies of His
grace are destroyed -- These verses go with verses 11-14. At
the end of this age the religious whore of Catholicism will systematize their
enthusiasm for martyrdom and round up hundreds of thousands of Christians and
kill them.
World Wars I and II happened and God lifted not a finger to stop them; if mankind wants to kill himself,
God will not intervene; even during the holocaust God just sat there and watched it
all. Why? They may have killed six million Jews, which were His
chosen people according to the flesh, but they were not His people according
to the Spirit. When man starts a campaign of
systematically destroying those who believe in Him, His children whom He has
personally chosen, man will have effectively picked a
fight with God that he will not win. Jews are first in line to become
members of His True Church. See also: Apostasy; Mat 22,1-14;
Mat 22-6
(242a) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Persecution to the
death >> Killing God’s prophets
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Mat 22,7-14
(64a) Paradox >>
Anomalies >> Limits of God >>
God cannot tolerate sin >> He cannot allow
unbelief in His presence –
The King asked the attendant not wearing wedding clothes, ‘How did you get
in here without the proper attire?’ and they will cast him into outer
darkness where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The wedding
clothes represent our works (Rev 19-8). There are two tiers to
God’s judgment, the judgment of the righteous and the judgment of the
wicked. Jesus explained this in His parable of the Great Shepherd separating the sheep from
the goats, based on their works (Mat 25,31-33). The unbelievers’ fate will be
determined at the Great White Throne judgment, slated to occur between creations,
after God destroys this present universe and before He creates the new one
(Rev 20,11-15). It says, “Heaven and earth fled away, and there was no place
found for them.” God will judge all the unbelievers at the Great White Throne judgment, and sadly none
of them will ever see the Kingdom of Heaven.
(218a) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> You cannot control the judgment of
God >> You cannot control how God responds to
Mat 22-7
(69d) Authority >>
Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >> Righteous anger >>
God is angry at sin –
This happened in AD 70; it says that God was enraged with the Jews, and when
we look what happed to them over the last two millennia, we can see more
clearly the level of anger God had for them. When they cried for help during
Hitler’s rein of terror while they were tortured and murdered in his death
camps, God just watched. He is long suffering, but when He finally comes to
the end of his patience, His judgment can be just as long suffering. When we
think of all the time Israel spent in rebellion against God, having the
audacity to reject their own Messiah, who came four hundred years after their
release from Babylon, they even gave Moses a hard time. This was Jerusalem, the city
that God loved. They thought He would never let it be desecrated by
the gentiles, but they were wrong. Turns out they loved their temple and their
more than God did, who prefers compassion over sacrifice. Over the next two millennia
they would be hounded from city to city and from country to country, persecuted and
systematically slaughtered. They lost their place and their
nation, and they were made to live among foreign people who despised them, all because of
rebellion. See also:
of Jerusalem (Rome);
Mat 22,1-10; 61d / Israel (Holocaust);
Rom 15-26,27; 2g
Mat 22,8-14
Thy kingdom come >> Faith
>> The anointing >> Heaven’s clothes >>
Protection >> Covering --
The Bible refers to the anointing more often that
we think as in this example. The wedding clothes represent our good works, but
it also represents the anointing that enables us to obey the Lord.
Mat 22,8-10
(150a) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Invitation to the Kingdom of God
Mat 22-9,10
Judgment >> Judging the Church with the world >>
Do not show partiality to one another
Mat 22,10-14
(172d) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> Worldliness in the Church
These wedding clothes represent our works (Rev 19-8). A person goes to heaven or hell based on his works, which is
different from what Paul taught. He said, “By grace you have been saved
through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a
result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph 2-8,9). However, the very
next verse says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for
good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them”
(v10). This refers to the narrow way. Performing the good works along
this trail makes the difference between heaven and hell. God has called us all to acquire the hearing ear and
to do whatever he says,
which guarantees our place in heaven. The problem with Christianity today is that the
majority of those who go to church are not students of God’s word or
disciples of prayer. They have handpicked a couple verses in the Bible, such as Eph 2-8,9, and ignore the
rest. See also: Hell; Mat 22,11-14; 48m
(193j) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Consequences of not repenting
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Mat 22,11-14
(30c) Gift of God >>
God knows our needs >> He is the source of our
Anybody who enters heaven must be dressed in wedding clothes, which represent
our good works. Many sinners do good things; they give to charities; they do volunteer work; some spend their whole lives
helping others, but Jesus said, “He who practices the truth comes to the Light, so
that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God” (Jn 3-21).
Sinners do good works, but they don’t attribute their good works to Jesus
Christ. The Christian dedicates
his good works to Christ, testifying that if it weren’t for Him, he
wouldn’t have any good works to show. This may sound like a petty difference,
but it wasn’t petty for the one who was physically removed from the wedding
feast and
cast into outer darkness.
(48m) Judgment >>
Jesus’ enemies are destroyed >> Enemies of His
grace are destroyed -- These verses go with verses 4-7. On
the one hand the Bible says that God will throw everybody in the lake of
fire who does not belong to Him, and on the other we see people thrown into
outer darkness with no mention of fire; instead it speaks of weeping and gnashing of
teeth. Revelation speaks of a New Jerusalem, and it says there is a high wall
surrounding it with the implication that it is made to keep out the riff-raff,
saying, “Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and
the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying”
(Rev 22-15). This is meant figuratively, since the damned do not dwell just
outside the gate of the holy city. The New Jerusalem dwells on the new earth,
which has the curse removed. The damned will have no opportunity to scale the
city walls and attempt a coo; instead, they live somewhere
else. They are not on the new earth at all, but perhaps under it. People have postulated the location of hell, and the general consensus is that
it exists under the earth; currently, this may not be true, but it probably
will be true in eternity.
Psalm 110-1 says, “The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand
until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.” We could say that this
is just figurative, but we could also take it literally and say that hell is
in the center of the new earth. See also: Hell; 222h
/ Levels of judgment; Rev 20,10-15; 50m
(90i) Thy kingdom come >>
Keeping the law >> Righteousness of the law >>
All righteousness is covered by the law -- These verses go with verses
36-40. There
is not a single good work we could name that is not covered by the law, partly
because the law is spoken in general. When it says we should love the
Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 6-5), this could be
expressed in a hundred different ways. Then the statement, “You shall love
your neighbor as yourself,” taken from Lev 19-18, which is an obscure verse
indeed, summarizes the law that pertains to human relations. These wedding clothes that represent good works appear to have been produced
by the law, but in fact they were not. The law and the Spirit parallel one
another, so a person can follow the Spirit and inadvertently fulfill the law, but not the
other way-round. The Spirit does not use the law to determine how we should
behave, for the Holy Spirit has a will of His own about the things we should do
and how we should live. The good works that comprise these wedding clothes were
not performed through the works of the law, but as Paul said in Gal 3-2, “by
hearing with faith.”
(113c) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
The anointing >> Heaven’s clothes >>
Clothe yourself with good works --
hypothetical situation of a man sneaking into the wedding feast without proper
attire is about his clothes representing good works according to Rev 19-8, “It
was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine
linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” If we accept Jesus as our savior
but don’t live for Him, we are without wedding clothes, and Jesus
would say to us, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness;
in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” In contrast,
Paul said in Phi 3-9 “… that I may be found in Him, not having a
righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in
Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith.”
How do we understand
the righteousness of faith? On the
one hand, if we
don’t have good works, we won’t make it to heaven, and on the other
hand Salvation is a gift (Eph 2-8,9). Good works are a natural offshoot of our
faith in Jesus. These “Righteous acts of the saints” refer to the good works
that God has prepared for us, according to Eph 2-10, suggesting that our wedding
clothes comprise not just of any good work but His specific works that
if we walk in them will lead us to heaven. See also: Wedding clothes 233i / Trail of good works
(works that God has prepared for
us) walk on this trail or perish;
Lk 8-13; 207a
Counterfeit (Key verse)
(159c) Works of the devil >>
Counterfeit godliness >> Counterfeit Christian
We do not embrace the doctrines of
easy-believism to think we can be Christian but not produce the fruit of the
Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness
and self-control. This list refers to the acts of the anointing, and be sure to distinguish
them form the works of unbelief. It is the Spirit of God Himself that
makes the distinction, we must discern between flesh and Spirit, hint: one is
sweet and the other is bitter.
(222h) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give what
is holy to dogs >> God shares no intimacy with
dogs >> God does not let dogs in His house – Jesus wasn’t saying
this scenario would ever happen; it is comforting to know that no one will sneak into
heaven. The king called him friend and then cast him into outer
darkness, indicating there was no personal vendetta the king had against the
sinner, but neither was he allowed to stay. It was the same relationship
that any groomsman would have with a person who crept into his reception party
uninvited, not wearing the proper attire. This person was trying to avoid hell,
and apparently he didn’t fit in the crowd of heaven either. This is the very meaning of
angst; there is just no place for some people; there must be no worse feeling than to be caught between two opposite
worlds and feel uncomfortable in both. See also: Hell; Mat 22-13,14;
47g / Anxiety (angst);
1Jn 4-18; 119d
(233i) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> Seek His glory without wavering
Seek His glory through obedience –
There is a big difference between the works of our wedding clothes and the works
of the sinner. The works that pertain to our wedding clothes represent the
good works that God has prepared for us “beforehand that we should walk in
them” (Eph 2-10). They are the good works that we perform along the narrow
way. These good works are the result of hearing the Holy Spirit and doing what He
says. The works that a person does apart from the hearing ear are not holy to
the Lord. His good works may be benefiting someone, but not
the person doing them, because they are not designed by God for His glory but by the person for his own glory. Some people have the attitude that God is a glory seeker,
but it only seems that way, for if we are not seeking the glory of God we will
seek our own glory. The sinner does good works to glorify himself, but the one
who seeks the glory of God walks by the Spirit and attributes his good works to
also: Wedding clothes 113c
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Mat 22-13,14
Judgment >> God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of darkness –
The wicked are thrown into the lake of fire (Rev 20,13-15), yet there are
aspects of hell other than the lake of fire. The way we might make sense of
this is that this lake has finite dimensions, meaning it has a
shore like any lake, where people can escape this horrible torment. Sin is
upon each person in varying weights, and when they get thrown into the lake of
fire, their weight of sin pulls them deep into the liquid-hot magma, making it
difficult for some to swim to shore and impossible for others. If they can
escape the torment of this fiery lake, they must endure the horrors that
await them in a place called outer darkness. Apparently, underneath the new
earth there are caverns, suggesting that it will be somewhat hollow, and many
of the damned will inhabit these caverns. Although the outer darkness may be
better than the lake of fire, it will still be a place of weeping and gnashing
of teeth. Rev 16-10 says that one of the bowls of God’s wrath will be
darkness, and it says that men will gnaw their tongues because of pain. We
know that one of the trumpet judgments was a demonic scorpion-like locust that
crawled from the abyss and was loosed on the earth that it might torment those
who do not have the mark of God on their foreheads. When it stung a man, it caused him to long for death
(Rev 9,1-11), and it could be that these creatures exist in hell and
will sting its inhabitants while they are blinded by the darkness. See also: Hell; Mat 21-44;
Mat 22-14
(219g) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> The elect >>
God chooses us as we choose ourselves >> God
chooses us as we fulfill His calling –
Many are called, but few accomplish the things they were called to do, and those
who fulfill their calling were predestined to do so. This leaves no room for
human will to obey God without Him. There are three kinds of people in the world: those who are
not called, those
who are called, and those who are called and chosen. We know that those who are
chosen are also predestined by Him to
inherit eternal life. Unfortunately, not everybody who has been called answers
the call. There are some who have not been called at all, so what can we
say about them? The person called-but-not-chosen
actually heard the voice of the Holy Spirit in his heart calling him to faith in
Christ but resisted Him. Then there are others who are so
distant they cannot hear His voice.
Therefore, we can say that everybody is called, but not everybody hears the
call, and not everybody who hears the call answers Him, but there are some who both
hear and obey, and these are the ones who are saved. Therefore,
salvation is a combination of God and man working together. Moreover,
predestination is divided into two categories: God merely foreknowing the future and God
actually determining outcomes by exercising His sovereign will. He
actually visits the future to see what will happen and then reports to his
prophets what must take place. Prophecy is not a prediction, but something that
is absolutely inevitable. Prophecy is so powerful that not even
announcing the future can change it, though it notifies both man and demons ahead
of time, giving them opportunity to shift the circumstances off course to prove God wrong,
yet they can't stop prophecy from coming to pass.
Mat 22,15-46
(178k) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees >> Rebuked for
accusing Jesus of Sin
Mat 22,15-22
Responsibility >> Defend God’s cause
Protecting the Church
There is something in Jesus' response to the Pharisees that is largely
overlooked. When Jesus said, "Render to Caesar the things that are
Caesar's and to God the things that are God's," everyone understands that He concurred with paying Caesar's poll-tax, but what
else did
Jesus mean by, 'Render to God the things that are God's?' Most people
interpret this statement as Jesus advocating to 'paying tithes,' and maybe
He was suggesting this, but wait there's more. He was talking to the Pharisees and told them
to "render to God the things that are God's," that is, render to God
the people who are trying to enter the kingdom of heaven. Luke 11-52
says, "Woe unto you, lawyers! [Pharisees and lawyers are in one basket] for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered."
If you don't believe in heaven, that is your prerogative, but don't persecute the truth and hinder those who
are trying to be saved.
Paradox >> Two implied meanings >> Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's
and to God the things that are God's (Their money — Their people)
Works of the devil >> The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees >> Rebuked for
loving money
Mat 22,15-21
(25j) Sin >>
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Thief >>
Stealing from God
Mat 22-18
(68i) Authority >>
Discernment >> Judging truth and error >>
Perceiving wicked motives
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Mat 22,29-32
(39b) Judgment >>
Jesus defeated death >> Characteristics of the
The world says they don't want to go to heaven just to pick up a harp and
stand on a cloud playing boring music, but they "are mistaken, not
understanding the Scriptures or the power of God." We are saddened when we read
this passage to learn that in the next life the union between a man and a woman no longer
exists. Our first impression is that it would be an inferior existence.
However, we were not God's counselors when He made them male and female, yet
we think He did well on His own. Why then don't we trust Him to make a creation that He
promises to be better than the first? Ps 16-11 says, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is
fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."
(224a) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Description of
heaven >> Describing the kingdom after he makes
all things new >> Description of the
Mat 22-29,30
(136c) Temple >>
Your spirit is the temple of God >> The body of
Christ >> Similarity in the body >>
No distinction between male and female
Mat 22-29
(79l) Thy kingdom come >>
Know the word as a sword in spiritual warfare >>
To defend yourself from religion
Thy kingdom come >> Faith >> Spirit and the word >>
Spirit the teacher >> Spirit of truth is our
teacher –
If we don’t understand the connection between the Scriptures and the power
of God, then we
cannot properly interpret the Bible, for we cannot work with the Holy
Spirit apart from His word. Both are required if we are going to interact with
God. The Spirit and the word operate in tandem, the New Testament being
dotted with this concept throughout its discourse, no doubt far more
frequently than anyone would dare to imagine, though it is almost never mentioned in any
pulpit. Jesus Christ is the word of God and the Spirit
speaks through Him. The
cause of the Pharisees and Scribes misinterpreting their Old Testament was
from their ignorance of this truth, and if we choose to remain ignorant of it, we will not be able to rise any further in relation to God than the
Misunderstanding (Key verse)
(177i) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Presumption (Hinduism) >>
Misunderstanding the word of
(182f) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Three causes of interpreting Scripture falsely >>
Because they do not understand the Scriptures
Jesus told the Sadducees there were two reasons they were mistaken: They didn't
understand the Scriptures and they didn't understand the power of God. They
didn't understand either one because they work together as a team. Scripture works to lead
us in the
dark while the power of God acts to illumine our way. Jesus used these tools
throughout His ministry, since He was the word of God in bodily form as the power of God
worked through Him.
Mat 22-30
(3e) Responsibility
>> To the Family
Pattern your marriage after Christ and the Church –
Someone might say that having no marriage in heaven is the worst news ever, but
there is a reason for this: there is only one family in
heaven, and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. In this life there are many millions of families, each consisting of a mother,
a father and their children, and when
those children marry and have children of their own, they add a generation to the family, but as layers are added, previous layers are subtracted
through death, and so families are allowed to grow only so big. In heaven there
is only one family, the Church. Those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book
of Life are members of the family of God, and we are all members of one body, the wife of the Lamb. We might think that Jesus is our Father, but
He is the Husband of the Church, and we are His bride, and His Father is our Father.
Since children result from the husband and wife on earth, it stands to reason
that children should result from the marriage relationship between Christ and
the Church. Those children will be the people whom God will create after us. He
will create another race of man after He creates a new heavens and a new earth,
and there will be no sin, and they will live forever. God will give them only
one commandment to be fruitful and multiply, and this they will do, and we will
be their mother, Christ will be their Father, and His Father will be their
grandpa, and their numbers will infinitely grow throughout eternity as
the family of God. See also: New heavens and a new earth (Church is wife of the Lamb);
Gal 4,21-31; 33c
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Mat 22,31-46
(62a) Paradox >>
Anomalies >> Being clever >> Responding with wisdom to your
enemies >> Outwit them
Mat 22-31,32
Paradox >> Opposites >> To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord
This passage totally dispels the multitude of ideas about what happens to a person after he
dies. When we look at the Scriptures, we see that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are
not dead but alive (Exodus 3-6). There are some who would argue that they are alive
but are currently asleep. They say the dead are in a state of hibernation over
the millennia, until the First Resurrection; then God will
awaken them with new bodies. Agreed, Jesus often said
that when a person died, his body went to sleep, but that was His perspective, being the
very embodiment of the "resurrection and the life" (Jn 11,11-13,25). In our view,
though, their
bodies are literally dead. Things
have changed since Jesus' resurrection and ascension, for on the way to heaven
he made His rounds, first visiting hell to tell the people there just how big
a mistake they made (1Pet 3-19,20), then on to Abraham's bosom and escorted
its inhabitants to heaven with Him as disembodied spirits (Eph 4,8-10), and they are
there now, alive and
awake. God can interact just as well with spirits as with living flesh, because God is Spirit. They don’t need a body in heaven,
because heaven (the New Jerusalem) is as much a spiritual place as it is a
physical place.
Kingdom of God >> Pursuing the knowledge of the
kingdom >> Teachers >>
Let not many of you become teachers >> Dividing
accurately the word of truth -- Jesus interpreted these well known
verses, and brought them to light in a way that no one before Him ever could, accentuating
the idea that God does not rule over dead people, and suggesting that the patriarchs
of ancient times are alive and well. He did not go over a long, blown-out dissertation,
but spoke a few small words about one of the most popular verses of the Old
Testament and it caused His listeners to take a new, fresh look at the God they served.
He showed them what they have overlooked for centuries
regarding their most fundamental beliefs. The word of God is full of epiphanies
such as this, lost knowledge just waiting to be re-realized as did other
generations before them. An example of this is with Martin Luther and his revelation of
faith. One of Jesus' advantages to
interpreting Scripture was that He Himself saw Abraham in heaven (Jn
8-56). We do not have
the advantage of seeing heaven yet, but we currently experience the things of the God
through the word of God and prayer.
Mat 22,36-40
(90i) Thy kingdom come >>
Keeping the law >> Righteousness of the law >>
All righteousness is covered by the law -- These verses go with verses
11-14. These
two commandments are not located together in the Bible. The first,
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…” is not even one
of the Ten Commandments (Exodus chapter 20); instead it is located in Deuteronomy 6-5;
and the second, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” is in Leviticus
19-18. The Ten Commandments make no mention of either one of these, yet the
passages Jesus quoted express the very essence of the Law, and they do just as
much to summarize the new covenant. So what is the difference
between the old and new covenants? The distinction is best seen in our
understanding of
fulfilling the law. In the old covenant they were commanded to fulfill it in
the flesh by sheer determination, but it was totally ineffective. In the new
covenant Jesus inaugurated with His own blood the means by which God
forgives our sin in order to empower us with His Spirit, and since then we
have been working with the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Law.
Mat 22,41-46
(37e) Judgment
>> Jesus’ humanity >> He was part of the
lineage of David –
Joseph, an ancestor of David, was not Jesus’ real Father, but was actually His
stepfather. His real Father was the God of heaven. Jesus put His enemies to silence because they knew in
their hearts that in fact He was the Son of God. They didn’t ask Him any more
questions because they didn’t want to hear any more of His answers. They asked Him
questions to stump Him for the purpose of swinging the momentum in their favor
as the first step in arresting Him with the goal of putting Him to death, but
they soon learned that they would not win any arguments with Him. He had done
nothing wrong and they had no way of condemning Him. He untwisted their minds,
and the moment He let go, their minds returned to their normal, knotted obfuscation.
Mat 22-44
(67b) Authority >>
Jesus is at the right hand of the father >> He
is above all other authorities
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