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2Cor 3-1
(22l) Sin
Pride glorifies self >> Seeking the glory of man
(84d) Thy kingdom come
Words of your mouth >> Boasting >>
It needs to be said and no one is saying it >>
Boasting of my accomplishments in Christ –
The Corinthians accused Paul (not face to face) of his tendency to brag. Throughout
this epistle to them Paul concluded: ‘You are the cause of my bragging, for you will not admit to
yourself or confess to anyone that I am your father in the Lord. I preached
the gospel to you and that is how you got saved, and I have been teaching and
ministering to you like a father tenderly cares for his children, but you are
acting like spoiled brats. You show me no respect, no gratitude, no spiritual
affection, and you don’t even feel obligated to help me materially in my
ministry toward you.’ Paul was not looking for commendation from anybody,
but when it’s missing, it becomes apparent; like parents and children around
the dinner table when they sit for a meal together, if the children are not grateful
for the food they receive, it causes a disconnect between them and their
parents. The children see their parents doing nothing more than what they
should, but they don’t see their own place, that they should be grateful. For
children to have this attitude is just as wrong as parents who don't
feed their children.
(131k) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Working together for one cause –
Notice the word “we”. Paul did not feel in any way alone in the Corinthians spiritual well-being, and he was not the
only one hurt by the Corinthian’s immaturity, for there were others who were
credited with their salvation and spiritual growth. There was a
concerted effort by a whole team of people, consisting in part of Silvanus
Timothy, Barnabas, Titus and Silas, and there were many others
involved: helpers, messengers and fellow evangelists, who were all working
toward the same end: bringing the gospel of Christ to the nations, especially to those who would receive it.
(169h) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Seeking the glory
of man >> Loving the approval of men rather than
the approval of God >> Love to be noticed by men –
Essentially, the Corinthians charged Paul with loving the approval of men when
they accused him of commending himself, but in fact they merely projected
their own fetish for approval on Paul, fulfilling the principle at
work coined in the adage, “It takes one to know
one.” Paul confirmed this in Rom 2-1, “Therefore you have no
excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge
another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.”
The Corinthians saw in Paul the faults that were in themselves, which blinded
them to the gifts and blessing that Paul wanted to impart to them through
Christ, and for this reason they could not receive them. He worked tirelessly
to remove the dross from their eyes that they might see clearly into the vast
treasures that lay at their feet.
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2Cor 3,2-18
(205g) Salvation
Salvation is based on God’s promises >> New
covenant >> The new one is a better one
– God has replaced the ink of His Old Testament
with the Spirit of the living God, for He now writes his word in our heart
(Heb 8,10-12). He spoke of
writing on tablets of stone, referring to the Ten Commandments that He wrote
to Moses on mount Sinai, which has been used over the centuries to represent Israel’s old covenant, though there were other features,
such as temple worship, which was ensconced with endless laws and regulations, taking up
dozens of pages of the Old Testament. Yet, it was all reduced to ten simple commandments. Obeying these
commandments therefore was more important than performing the regulations
of temple worship. All these duties of worship through the tabernacle
were nothing more than symbols of what was to come, for Paul says that
these very words are written in our hearts as the essence of the new covenant,
meaning that God now dwells in our heart.
(230d) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Partaking of the power of God >>
Partaking of the ministry of the Holy Spirit – The “letter” is the ministry of
yet it had glory, and if the ministry of death had glory, how much more does the ministry of life
have glory?
Yet, the glory of God has gone missing in the Church. Paul uses many analogies
of the old covenant temple to reveal the truths of the new covenant, such as the veil,
which was a rug that hung behind the perpetual incense burner, representing
prayer that marked the point of transition from the holy place to the Most Holy Place. This veil is removed when we
believe in Jesus. The blood of a bull was required of
the high priest, who brought it into the Most Holy Place in a golden bowl,
giving him access only once a year, even then being
a mere symbol of things to come. That time came 2000 years ago, and the offer
of salvation through the blood of Christ is
still standing, who approached the throne of God in heaven with His own blood
shed for the sins of the world, so that we might enter the Most Holy Place and
fellowship with God in the Spirit. In so doing we should come away with the Shekinah glory,
as Moses who covered his face, so people wouldn't stare at his fading glory. With each of us
uniting around Christ, combining the Holy Spirit with the
word of God in prayer to yield the substance of the anointing, we could
change the world. All it takes is a little faith and obedience, yet we can’t
seem to find it in ourselves, because of our flesh that acts as the
veil of the temple. We are addicted to our sinful nature, being unwilling to sacrifice it as our offering
to God that would escort us into the Most Holy Place.
2Cor 3,2-11
(109d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Revelations of the Holy Spirit >> Revelation of
the true children of God -- These verses go with verses 15-18.
used Moses as his standard, saying that if
he descended from the mountain with his face shining with the glory of God,
all the more should we of the new covenant glow from having spent time
with God in the inner chambers of the Most Holy Place—our prayer closet. Not only should we have
the glow of Moses, we should surpass his glory and it should remain, since we have full access to His
presence whenever we want. This countenance on the faces of
God’s people will become in the last days the mark that He will place on
their foreheads who worship Him in Spirit and truth,
according to Rev 14-1, “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb,
standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's
name written on their foreheads.” These Jewish witnesses will raise up the
gentile church in the last days, and those who receive them and adhere to
their doctrines and walk in their footsteps will inherit their mark. The mark
of the beast is therefore a counterfeit of God's mark, for He intends to make a
distinction between the righteous and the wicked in the last days, using the
glory of God as a tool of discrimination between the faithful and
faithless. See also:
Miracles will accompany the endtime revival; Rev 11,1-6; 50h
(111k) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Living and active word of
God – There
is a relationship between the Holy Spirit and the word of God; they want to
dwell in us and be the primary influence in our lives. Consequently, we need to rise above
our book knowledge, develop a
spiritual understanding of God’s word and start seeking a practical
application to Christ's teachings. If we can understand the Bible and unite
around it, we will have something meaningful to
share with others, but we cannot unite around a book. The Holy Spirit believes only one thing—Truth. If the Holy
Spirit is not working in our lives, then we are still fleshly and know nothing
of the Truth even if we are familiar with the teachings of Scripture.
2Cor 3,2-4
Servant >> Serve the body >>
Promoting its health >> Building up the body
of Christ
(35j) Gift
God gives Himself to us >> Gifts from the Holy
Spirit >> Spiritual gifts
>> Knowing the mind of God
(74b) Thy kingdom come
The heart >> God wants a relationship with
your heart -- These verses go with verses 14-16
(119e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Fences of freedom >> Freedom in Christ
-- These verses go with verse 17
(130h) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Committed to caring for the needs of the body >>
Commitment stimulates intimate bonding
(152d) Witness
Validity of the Father >> Witnesses of the
father >> Apostles >>
Fruitful results prove apostleship
(155j) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> The word of God bears witness of
the believer
2Cor 3-2,3
(112d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Light >> Jesus light in us overcomes darkness >>
The light of His power -- These verses go with verses 7-13
(255a) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Spirit of the word >>
Words of His Spirit are life –
the Church is called primarily to manifest
the word of God, especially in these last days. It’s what the Church has
always been called to do since Christ has been raised from the dead. In that
sense you could almost say that the Corinthian Church was one of Paul’s
epistles as much as his letters he wrote to them, for they straightened out their
act after he wrote to them the first time. For the last 2000 years God has
called the Church throughout the world to manifest His word, but we have for
the most part failed Him. However, in the last days God will call His Church to
demonstrate the Truth, and He will
not take no for an answer, or be refused or denied.
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2Cor 3,5-18
(132h) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> Filled with the Spirit >>
Filled to overflowing
(234c) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> Seeking the glory of His Spirit
Paul ends this chapter talking about the Shekinah glory that Moses emulated in
the presence of God. Moses put a veil over his face after speaking face-to-face with
God on Mount Sinai, and His Shekinah glory reflected an anointing that faded,
but Paul insisted that the new covenant affords a similar glory that we do not veil but
openly show to the world. We have access to His glorious presence as students
of God's word and disciples of prayer. We let our light shine, as in the children’s song depicting Mat 5-15,
“Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the
lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” Moses’ glory
faded, but our glory need not fade, because we are welcome into His presence
as often as we desire, as we follow the Holy Spirit into the word of God and prayer.
2Cor 3,5-12
(35b) Gift of God
God is willing to Give >> He is generous with
the Spirit of His Son
(118m) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Law of the spirit >> Newness of the spirit
transcends oldness of the letter – Before the new covenant man was required to
fulfill God’s laws through his flesh, but Paul said that his
adequacy as a Christian comes from God. He claimed that the
person he had become since his conversion was the result of the Holy Spirit
dwelling in him. In describing his adequacy, Paul compared the letter of the law with the truth
of the Spirit and declared that the letter lacked the assistance we need to
obey Christ, the term “letter” referring
to the written word of God. Paul testifies about this saying, “the letter kills, but
the Spirit gives life.” God has written His laws in our heart through the
Spirit of the new covenant, who has now become our conscience.
Salvation >>
Salvation is based on God’s promises >>
Faith versus works >> The faith of God versus
the faith of men >> Faith is the work of God –
What did he mean by the “letter”? On one level he meant the letter of
the law, referring to the Old Testament, namely the Ten Commandments. On another level he had the entire Bible in mind, including the New Testament,
even the very words he was writing to the Corinthians! Therefore,
when he said, “The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life,” at the very
core he was saying, 'If you don’t understand what I am saying by the
Spirit, then you don't understand God.' This means that the Bible without the Holy Spirit can only condemn
us, yet it seems that the letter is all
the Church cares
about these days. There is very little teaching about the Holy Spirit, and
what little we hear is mostly skewed. We read our Bible and go to church,
but when it comes to associating with the Holy Spirit, we excuse ourselves. Christians believe in Jesus well enough,
we believe He died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead and ascended
to the father, and we even believe He sent the Holy Spirit, but when it
comes to a personal relationship with Him, we fall silent. The Church today
needs to graduate from the letter to the Spirit and let the new
covenant teachings of Christ become our tutor to lead us to the Holy Spirit.
(254h) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is equal with the Holy Spirit >> Holy
Spirit is life >> Spirit of God is the life of
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2Cor 3,5-9
Judgment >> Judging Church with world
Law judges sin >> Law is hostile against us –
Paul said that the letter of the law kills, “but the Spirit gives life.”
We could go one step further and say that even the letter of the new covenant
kills in contrast to the life of the Spirit. That is, not just the letter of the Old
Testament kills, also the letter of the New Testament, but the Spirit gives
life. This means that anybody who does not have the Spirit of God dwelling in him
does not belong to Christ. We can study the New Testament till our teeth turn
blue, but without the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, teaching us about the truth
of God, the New Testament cannot help us anymore than the Old Testament. In fact, without the Holy Spirit
our knowledge of the
New Testament will increase our sin just like the law did to those who tried
to be justified by it.
The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is the grace of the new covenant, but
if we never obey Him, our knowledge of God will drive us further from Him, for
resisting the Holy Spirit is the most egregious sin of all.
This has happened to many people who have studied the Bible, actually wanting
to know the truth about God, yet refusing to obey Him. If we stop short of the
grace of God and never receive His Spirit, every thought we have about God will
become like death to us. Recognizing the deadness of our own heart, the fact
that God does not reside there, the silence within us where the voice of
the Holy Spirit should resound will drive us from the Scriptures.
2Cor 3-5,6
Servant >> Serve the body >>
Promoting its health >> Servant is anointed
– God does not send us out as sheep in the midst of wolves unprotected and
without defense, but gives His anointing, which we use to both confound
the enemy and build His church. Consider this equation: Christianity minus the
anointing = the letter. The letter is just that, mere words. If that were
all we had, our faith would not be worth believing, but the Spirit was
given as the life of His word. We don't believe mere words but the Spirit of
those words.
(77j) Thy kingdom come
Tapping into the power of God through humility >>
The humble realize the source of their power
(116h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Our adequacy is
from God –
Paul accomplished milestones for the Lord through the grace
of God, so man is definitely involved in the His grace. God has made us servants of a new covenant, “not
of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives
life.” The “letter” most succinctly refers to the Law of Moses. Paul goes
into great detail in Romans about what the law was
meant to do and what it was not meant to do. Through the book of Romans we
realize that man distorted their understanding of God’s law to mean that
if they followed it, they would find favor with God, and this was never
true, not even in the days of Moses. We will break ourselves on the law if
we continually violate its statutes, and we may well receive a blessing in this
life if we continually observe its ordinances, but the Law's blessing
cannot follow us into eternity. There is no eternal promise with the law,
for it has no power to erase our sin; in fact, it does just the opposite: it
increases our sin (Rom 5-20). The law gives no promise of eternal life to those who obey it; otherwise, what was the point
of Jesus sacrificing His flesh for the sins of the world, bleeding to death
and suffering such agony and horror, or the Father raising Him from the
dead and placing Him at His right-hand? Jesus dying for our sins proves that
the law cannot save us! Christ is selecting a people for Himself in those who believe in
the blood of His cross for the forgiveness of sin, but the law promises none of these things.
See also: Faith (We inadvertently fulfill the law through grace); Eph 5-6,7; 230g
(227h) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >>
Depending on Jesus to impart His gifts into us >> He gives us what we give to each other
(231c) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >>
God’s grace is the
mystery of godliness >> God working in you is
a mystery
2Cor 3-5
(53m) Paradox
Opposites >> God is made strong in our weakness
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2Cor 3-6
(173l) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Man’s Religion >>
Deeds that are not initiated by God >> Deeds
that are not initiated by the Holy Spirit
2Cor 3,7-13
(112d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Light >> Jesus light in us overcomes darkness >>
The light of His power -- These verses go with verse 18
2Cor 3,7-11
(117k) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Eyes of your spirit >> Seeing through the eyes
of your spirit >> Light illumines your spirit –
Here is a question we should all ask ourselves:
why isn’t the Church immersed in the glory of God? Paul is contrasting the old covenant with the
new and concluded that the glory of the new covenant overshadows the glory of the old. It should
be as though Moses’ face did not shine at all in light of the glory of the
new covenant, except where is this glory in the
saints, especially in these last days? God’s intension is that we should clothe
ourselves with His unfading glory, so that everyone can see by our countenance
that we belong to Him.
2Cor 3-9
(41h) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Seek His righteousness
2Cor 3,10-12
(129b) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Bearing the fruit of
evangelism >> Spiritual fruit
2Cor 3-12
(85f) Thy kingdom come
Words that are spoken in faith >> Powerful when
spoken by the Spirit >> Spoken with authority –
There are many people who believe in God for eternal life who are timid, not
willing to share their faith with others, but Paul said, “with such a hope, we
use great boldness in our speech.” Paul received a revelation from the Holy
Spirit about the hope of eternal life, and this revelation caused him to use
great boldness in his speech. No one could quiet Paul after Jesus revealed himself to
him on the road to Damascus. It is unlikely that everybody would have responded
to the heavenly vision the way Paul did, with such great zeal, suggesting that
just because God reveals Himself doesn’t mean we would automatically do great
things for Him, because our will is involved. Although Paul had no authority
in the world, he had great authority in the Lord, which was based on the
revelation he received and the faith that resulted from his obedience to that
revelation. He spoke the oracle of God through an anointing that God had given
him. The Spirit of God emanated from Paul through the words he spoke, so they
were not just hearing the word of God; they were actually experiencing God's
power through Paul’s anointing. This anointing followed the word of God that
Paul spoke into the ears of his listeners and followed those who believed, and
revealed Christ to those who obeyed the truth. See also: Spirit and the Word
(Spirit reveals God's word);
Mat 13-23; 194b
Boldness (Key verse)
(123a) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Boldness to speak the
word by the Spirit –
Paul was a very devout man before He had his heavenly vision, no
doubt being one reason God chose to reveal Himself to Paul in the first place, knowing that he would make
full use of the revelation and commit himself entirely to the grace of God. He
had been zealously living by his faith in Judaism prior to his visitation on the
road to Damascus, and God knew he would be zealous for his faith in the gospel
of Christ, so this boldness by which Paul spoke was a combination of his
own zeal and the Lord’s zeal. One act of obedience to the Holy Spirit led to
another, each time increasing Paul’s faith, which increased his hope, which
increased his boldness to speak the word of God to anyone who would listen,
which resulted in an upward spiral of faith and obedience that led to the known
world hearing about Jesus.
2Cor 3,13-18
Temple >> Temple made without hands >>
Hiding place >> The doorway
2Cor 3-13
(118h) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Eyes of your spirit >> Giving God your attention >> Resolutely focus on the glory of God >>
Focus on Jesus –
We are under a better covenant than Moses, yet we don’t always see the
improvements in these last days in people whose lives do no reflect the
glory of God, because of gross infidelity, being more committed to the world than they are
to the faith. It takes commitment to achieve and maintain a relationship with
Christ the kind that Paul is describing here. If we had pastors in pulpits who had
this kind of relationship with God, they would encourage others to seek the glory of God, but we are living in an age
of apostasy when God has been
replaced with dead religion. People go to church and believe the false
doctrines of their choosing, and if they don’t like that church, they find
another church with a different set of false doctrines, but where can we find
a church that actually preaches and teaches the unadulterated word of God? It is
less common than silver and more valuable than gold, yet the truth of God is
easy to find as rocks on the ground. We take a piece of granite and spin it in
our hand and then drop it, and this is what we do to the truth:
we assess its value and then pitch it. The truth is this easy to find, yet we
refuse to look for it, and most could not discern the truth if they held it in
their hands, because their minds are dead to the truth. We need to repent of
our unbelief and return to God, dedicating our lives to Him in ways that most
would call fanatical. God doesn’t see us as fanatics when we serve Him with
all our heart, though the world would label us as such, yet what do they
know about the truth? We’re not fanatics; we just believe in Jesus and
love our neighbor as ourselves and engender an anointing that
shines for all to see. See also: Apostasy (Caring more about the world than our faith);
Heb 12-1,2; 30c
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2Cor 3,14-18
(3e) Responsibility
>> To the Family
Pattern your marriage after Christ and the Church
The veil is a very significant symbol in the Bible.
It represents the transition of a number of things. In this case it represents
the transition between virginity and knowing God. In this
context knowing God refers to the consummation of marriage, which has a sexual connotation. In a
regular wedding the man lifts the woman’s veil when it is time to kiss the
bride. This public act denotes breaking the woman's hymen during the sexual consecration of the marriage that
the couple will perform after the wedding ceremony. The
Bible is using this tradition to symbolize what happens to a person who is
born again; they experience God, not sexually, but spiritually. Spiritual
intercourse is similar to sex in that the Holy Spirit inhabits the person's soul, mixing His
Spirit with the spirit of the person, who becomes one with God.
(231f) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Mystery
of godliness >> Revelation of Jesus is the
mystery of the kingdom >> Jesus reveals the
mystery of the kingdom
2Cor 3,14-17
(118g) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Seeing through the eyes of your spirit >> Blind
receive their sight
2Cor 3,14-16
>> Sin of familiarity >> Familiar with the truth (enemy of discernment) >> Familiar
with Jesus in the Spirit –
Paul went from showing that there is a veil in front of the Old Testament to
showing that there is veil in front of Christ, who represents the
Holy of Holies. If we don’t understand the form of old covenant temple worship, which was the cause of Israel crucifying their own
Messiah, then we won’t
understand the new covenant either. Nobody believed that Jesus would come and die for the sins of the
people, though the high priest actually predicted it shortly before He
condemned Him to death (Jn 11-49,50; Mat 26-65). Using hindsight, which is 2020, we can go back to the Old Testament and find the
passages that spoke of Him, but before it happened nobody foresaw an entire
2000-year age of grace between them and the thousand-year reign of Christ for
which they hoped. It
wasn’t necessary to understand the Old Testament the way God intended it
until Jesus came; all that was necessary was to obey the law in hope of
obtaining God's righteousness, but they didn’t live by that law, and for that reason they didn’t understand the Old Testament
even after Jesus made the supreme sacrifice that fulfilled the ministry of the
Levitical Priesthood. They read the Old Testament time
and again without ever understanding the Law's intent, and
they practiced their religion of temple worship, mindlessly sacrificing farm
animals; so when they read their ancient manuscripts, not knowing their Messiah
would come to them incognito to show them what little they knew about Him,
they inadvertently sacrifice Him on the altar of God’s predetermined
plan of salvation. Now that the sacrifice has been made, and the new covenant
has been inaugurated through the blood of Christ, the New Testament has been written, so
now we can read what it says and understand what it means and be saved, but
for so many people the veil still remains un-lifted. They go to church every week,
sing their hymns, give their tithes, socialize with their friends, hear the
sermon and go home, and it is so very familiar to them that it
keeps them from understanding the truth. They practice their religion by rote, just like Israel
did with their temple services, not thinking about what they were doing.
Therefore, how is it that the religious establishment of our time will not
suffer the same fate as Israel and miss the second coming of Christ?
See also: Apostasy (Miss the second coming of
/ Eph 5-27;
(74b) Thy kingdom come
The heart >> God wants a relationship with your
heart -- These verses go with verses 2-4. Paul
was talking about the Jewish people, referring to the veil of the temple that
was placed over the doorway leading to the Most Holy Place. He was talking about
those who were fully dedicated to their religion, who would go
through their litany of religious rites thinking that by them they would
gain God's favor, but they didn't understand that Moses gave them temple
services as a way of looking forward to their Messiah, who would fulfill the
sacrifices they performed. Instead of trusting in their religion they needed to trust in
their God, but their religion became just another idol, showing how easy it is to
commit idolatry. For this reason Christ is the only form of worship that God accepts,
who pointed us to the Father, who is our ultimate object of worship. The fact
that Jesus is an entity of God means we can worship Him without committing
idolatry, and for this reason we worship the Father through Christ. God sees a huge difference between
idol worship and a sincere faith in Him. Trusting Christ for salvation and
trusting our religion sound like the same thing to many people, but to God
they are opposites. To Him it is the difference between a living relationship and a dead religion.
God is not interested in any kind of representation of faith; He wants us to
worship Him directly or not at all. If we can’t give God our heart, there is
nothing else He wants.
(79e) Thy kingdom come
Renewing your mind >> If you don’t, you won’t
know truth
(119k) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Curse of sin is
broken >> Curse of ignorance is broken –
The Jews have rejected the gospel and continue to
read the Old Testament from week to week, not knowing what it means. They have
devised their own interpretation of the Scriptures and decided by their own
authority what their Old Testament says and came to all the wrong conclusions.
What does Christ do for His people to help them believe the truth according to
Scripture? The Holy Spirit was the direct result of the cross. After Christ rose
from the dead and ascended to the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit in His
place, who comes as a helper to teach us about God’s word. One of His main
purposes is to lead us into the knowledge of God through the Scriptures. When
a Christian reads the Bible, the Holy Spirit is there to interpret it for him.
Along with giving us a proper understanding of God’s word, the Holy Spirit
burns His truth into us so we believe in Him by revelation. That is, He supercharges
the truth that we believe, but those who
reject Christ cannot receive the Spirit of God, and for this reason they do
not know the Truth.
(157j) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Unable to know the truth
(169a) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is
blind to God >> Blind to Jesus >>
Blind to the glory of God in Christ – We need to become spiritual and stop
sinning as Paul told the Corinthians in his first epistle (1Cor 15-34). God has
called us to be the salt of the earth, saints in light, people in the world
but not of the world, gifted to lead the nations into peace, but we refuse to do it, just
like Israel refused to live up to their calling, and thus forfeited their
ministry to the gentiles. To whom are we forfeiting our ministry? The gentiles
have been running with the gospel ever since the
resurrection of Christ, but in these last days we have dropped the ball. God is
about to pick it up and put it back in the hands of the Jews, who will lead
the gentile church into the greatest revival man has ever seen. Are you ready to join the spiritual revolution that is coming? God
has every intension of severely judging the Church for its waywardness. For the true church their judgment will be the glory of God,
but for the religious establishment who refuses to serve Him in Spirit and
truth, when God comes and knocks on
their door and calls them to shine for Him in this world, if they refuse, God will pass over them just like He did
Israel. There will be another Passover in the last days, and if we do not
prepare for it, He will pass over us. See also: Miss the second coming of
Christ; 70h
(183h) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism) >>
Spirit of the broad road >> Spirit of unbelief
(184d) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Darkness >>
God controls darkness >> God hides unbelief in
(199i) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> The world rejects God >>
World rejects God because it does not know Him
(207j) Salvation
The salvation of God >> Salvation verses >>
The generosity of God’s salvation >> Salvation
is the gift of God –
Notice the sequence of events that take place here: first the person turns to
the Lord, and then the veil is lifted in that order. A person who believes in
God and gets saved must perform an act of faith; he must trust God before it
is revealed to him what he is doing. God made the first move when He sent His
Son to die for the sins of the world, “that whoever believes in Him shall
not perish, but have eternal life” (Jn 3-16). The process of salvation is
like a game of checkers, and it is our move, and if we
do, it will be His turn again, who will impart His Spirit in our heart to
remove the veil. To believe in Him is to perform an act of trust, dedicating
our life to Him. God knows when we are being honest with Him; He knows when we
tell Him with a sincere heart that from this day forward our lives are
reserved for His purposes in whatever He wants us to do, and when we make that
decision, the veil is lifted, and we come to a revelation of Jesus Christ and
begin to see things clearly. Suddenly He makes perfect sense to us; we realize we made
the best decision of our lives. We come to an understanding that a transaction
has just occurred: we have given God our heart, and He has given us His Spirit
as a seal of our salvation, who will guide us through life and
help us walk in Him.
(221h) Kingdom of God
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Kingdom hidden
behind the veil from the world >> God hides His
divinity from man’s corruption >> He hides
behind the veil – The mind of old covenant Israel was hardened,
for “at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains un-lifted,
because it is removed in Christ.” Without interpreting the old covenant
through the new there is no understanding it, in that the new covenant is
the fulfillment of the old. Since Israel has rejected Christ, it is impossible
for them to properly understand the first covenant, let alone the second, suggesting that Israel is completely and utterly
lost, and only God can heal their blindness.
(238b) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Transferring the kingdom >> The kingdom is transferred to
the Church >>
Born again >> Born of the Spirit by the will of
2Cor 3-14,15
(203a) Denying Christ
Running from God >> Wicked men cannot approach
the throne of God >> God chases them away from
His presence
/ Navigation Bar
2Cor 3,15-18
(109d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Revelations of the Holy Spirit >> Revelation of
the true children of God -- These verses go with verses 2-11
2Cor 3-16
(156h) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> Understanding wisdom is evidence of
salvation –
Unbelievers have a veil hanging over their hearts, just like the old covenant
temple of worship had a veil spread across the opening of the Most Holy Place,
so unbelievers cannot peer into Christianity and see the truth that is in Christ,
until they make a commitment to follow Him. When our faith affects the
physical realm and we believe in God through our human volition, showing
evidence through obedience, God will send the Holy Spirit into our heart to live
in us forever and we will be saved, and at that moment the veil
will be lifted. We will then come to a revelation of Jesus Christ and realize that
God really did send His Son to die for the sins of the world.
It comes by revelation to each person who makes a commitment to Christ,
but not to those who only want to believe in a set of doctrines. God is the judge; He will determine who enters His kingdom and who
doesn’t; the Bible’s depiction of “belief” is obedience. Those who
obey the Son have eternal life (Heb 5-9), and the veil will be lifted,
and God instills His faith into His believers so they believe by a faith that is
greater than themselves, and they have a Spirit dwelling in them that is
greater than themselves, and they do works for God that are greater than
themselves and endure circumstances that are greater than themselves. It
is by the Holy Spirit who dwells in them, giving them the faith to believe in
See also: Difference between "belief" and "faith";
Gal 3,1-7; 201h
2Cor 3-17,18
(118l) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Law of the spirit >> Spirit delivers you from
the desire to sin – Jesus said in Jn 8-32, “You shall know the
truth and the truth shall make you free” similar to the way Paul used the word
“liberty” in this verse. What did he mean by liberty and what did Jesus
mean by freedom? The Jews responded to Jesus denying they had ever been in
bondage to anyone, but Jesus was talking about them being slaves of sin, and Paul was talking about liberty to live a
righteous life. God has given us power to abstain from sin and thus conquer
its addictions through the Holy Spirit, not through our own effort,
for it is the deeds of the flesh we are trying to conquer. The flesh doesn’t want to die. The
sinful nature is sown into our flesh that we are trying to
surmount; it is what holds us in bondage
to sin and poisons our faith. The Spirit of God dwells in us apart from the
flesh that kills the deeds of the body, and our only input is to follow Him
into victory. Our spirit that God has redeemed and our flesh that He has not
redeemed are opposites, meaning there is a war raging inside us.
The Holy Spirit provides us the liberty to become the children of God and to
live as such. Paul said that this happens, “as from
the Lord, the Spirit.” Remember that the centurion punctured Jesus' heart
with a spear as He hung on the cross, and out gushed blood and water (Jn
19-34). Blood represented His life in the flesh, while the water mixed with
blood represented the Holy Spirit that resulted from the cross (Jn 7,37-40).
Just as Jesus was transformed from a
physical man to one who now dwells in the Spirit, so we too are being
transformed from a fleshly creature to one of a more spiritual nature, as we
focus on Jesus and are elevated to greater levels
of freedom.
2Cor 3-17
(119e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Fences of freedom >> Freedom in Christ --
This verse goes with verses 2-4
(254j) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is equal with the Holy Spirit >> Salvation
of Jesus’ Spirit
/ Navigation Bar
2Cor 3-18
(35h) Gift of God
God gives Himself to us >> The anointing
(38e) Judgment
Jesus defeated death (Satan) >> Resurrection
(43c) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Conform to the character of
Jesus’ image
(99n) Thy kingdom come
Perseverance (Working to keep in motion)
>> Persevere in faith –
The Shekinah Glory on the people of God was Paul’s vision for the Church in
the first century, though it was doubtful his vision was ever realized, and if
it didn’t happen then, much less is it happening now. We don’t see people with the glory of God shining in them, because of sin that
detracts from His glory, and from a lack of zeal and commitment to
the word of God and prayer that bring the knowledge of God to light. His glory displayed on our countenance is the result of our spiritual
understanding put into practice through faith. The word “faith” is often
misused and misunderstood, especially when equating faith with
“belief.” These are two different things. Belief refers to man's
faith, while faith refers to what God believes. That is, “faith” comes from
God, and He only believes the truth. Therefore, when we believe the truth, faith
is able to grow, but when we believe something else,
faith is stifled.
(103j) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> God purifies His church >>
We go through Jesus’ purifying process
(104j) Thy kingdom come
Pure in heart shall see God >> Shall see Jesus >>
We shall see His face
(108k) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Revelation of Jesus Christ >> Revelation of the
glory of God –
There are many cases in the Bible that speak of the new covenant being better
than the old, and this is one of those verses. Usually it is embedded in a
conversation about the law being inferior to the Spirit. Israel was steeped in
the law, and God enacted His new covenant to deliver
them from dead religion. Moses went to the top of Mount Sinai to receive the Ten
Commandments and returned with the glory of God shining on his face. His face
shone in the writing of the law, but nobody shines
while doing the works of the law. In contrast, God
teaches us about His word, and He teaches us about the specific things He
wants us to do, and if we do them, He can fill our lives with glory until it
shows on our face that we are interacting with the God of creation.
(111i) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Kingdom of God revealed >>
Manifestation of truth – Moses put a veil over his face so the
sons of Israel would not see the glory of God fading from his countenance; he
wasn't ashamed of the glory of God; he was ashamed of it fading. God called him to Mount Sinai and gave him the law of
commandments written on stone, and in the process Moses was close enough to God
that His glory transferred to his countenance. Paul testifies in an earlier
verse that Moses’ experience was something we can all duplicate, not just
once, but often as we wish by
seeking God in His word and in prayer, this being the benefit of the new covenant that Jesus bought for us with
His own blood.
(112d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Light >> Jesus light in us overcomes darkness >>
The light of His power -- This verse goes with verses 2&3
(118h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Eyes of your spirit >> Giving God your attention >> Resolutely focus on the glory of God
Focus on Jesus -- This verse goes with verse 13. We have access to the Holy Spirit who dwells in our
similar to the access Moses had with God. We could say that Moses was
a prototype of Christianity. God ministered to him through the covenant He
made with Abraham, but God ministers to us through the covenant He made with
His Son. We enter His covenant with God when we believe in the sacrifice of
His own body on the cross to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and one of the
benefits of that covenant is having direct access to the Holy Spirit. The covenant
that God made with Abraham is similar to the covenant we have with Christ, in
that God spoke to Abraham and he obeyed His voice. Jesus walked
with God in the same way, and now God expects us to walk with Him in the same manner. God’s promise is that when we seek His face and find Him
in prayer, it will change our lives. We need to seek God on a regular basis to
give Him an opportunity to transform us from glory to glory and help us
grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(132e) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> God gives His spirit as a
pledge >> Spirit pledges the presence of God – Jesus went from a telluric man, clothed in human flesh to sending the Holy
Spirit in His place after He ascended to heaven. This will happen to us one day
after our natural death; we will
go from an earthly nature of our flesh to a spiritual state in heaven.
Likewise, the ultimate goal of every Christian should be to transcend our
fleshly existence and strive for a more spiritual reality and come to a revelation
of God's presence. To possess the Spirit of God is to possess
the presence of God, for all Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.
His presence is not externally as it was for Moses but internal; therefore, the difference between Moses
and us is that Moses shone from the outside-in, whereas we shine for the
(137g) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Maturity >>
Maturing in Jesus is hard work >> Maturity is
the process of growing
(155g) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> Holy Spirit bears witness of the
(191a) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Separation from the old man >> Baptism (New covenant sign of obedience) >>
Immersed in His Spirit –
Why did Moses put a veil over His face instead of proudly displaying the glory
of God? Moses wasn’t ashamed; rather, it was the children of Israel who were ashamed of
God’s glory. They saw Moses and realized this man was on a spiritual plateau
far above them, a standard they could never achieve. The world today would be
just as ashamed to see the glory of God on our faces, but we should not be ashamed of
the glory of God. We all should have the glory of God emanating from our
countenance, immersed in His presence. The glory of God is the new covenant sign of faith, just
as circumcision was the sign of faith in the old covenant.
(208h) Salvation
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Being the friend of God >> Relationship with God
by the Spirit
(213g) Sovereignty
God is infinite >> Jesus owns you >>
We are his instruments >> We are reflectors of
His glory –
We mirror a reflection of God's glory like the moon reflects the sun. This analogy
is used in the book of Revelation to depict Satan (Rev 12-1). The moon
reflects the sun; it doesn’t actually have a light of its own;
therefore, the moon counterfeits the sun's light. The difference between
Satan counterfeiting God’s light and we reflecting the glory of God is that
Satan claims His light is his own, making it a false light, which means it is
actually darkness, whereas we attribute our light to God. Claiming the light as his own
was Satan’s first mistake at his fall, and then seeking to possess God’s throne
clinched his fate (Isaiah 14,9-20). In heaven we won’t be reflectors of His
glory but will have an internal glow that God will give us according to our
faithfulness in this life as His representatives throughout creation,
determining our rank in the hierarchy of His kingdom, similar to the angels.
(226j) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
Levels of reward >> Rewarded by levels of glory
in our spiritual bodies –
In the life to come, the
things God does in us will be accurately depicted on our spiritual bodies,
becoming evident to all. Currently it is very difficult to assign a correct priority to
the things that God is doing in us. For example, during testimonials
people will speak of the great things God has done for them, and most of the
time it sounds very hollow, unless it is something spectacular like healing
or some other physical manifestation, then the audience claps, but if
it is something that God is doing within a person, the room draws quiet, and
on to the next testimony. We are not well adept at expressing the work of God
in our hearts, but a day is coming when the the inner-workings of Christ will be
apparent to all, fully manifested as with a neon light, and everybody within
eyeshot will know everything about us. They will be able to see His handiwork
within us.
(229h) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Kingdom
grows by itself >> Kingdom assumes the mind of
Christ >> Kingdom grows into the likeness of
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