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Eph 6,1-9
(87k) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Obey authorities
(95j) Thy kingdom come
Attitude >> Obedient attitude >>
Positive attitude about authority
Eph 6,1-4
(3l) Parenting
(73i) Authority
Respect authority in the family >> Respect your
mother and Father – The phrase “in the Lord” means
that Paul
is commanding children to trust their parents as they guide them in the Lord,
but if the parents do not guide them in the Lord, their children do not have
to blindly trust them, though they must still respect them. What if someone’s parents use their children to rob stores, should
their children obey them? Of course not, if parents are wicked,
children should respect them as the people who gave birth to them and changed
their diapers,
but only honor them to the degree that they advocate the biblical
principles of Scripture. Paul assumes the parents want the best
for their children, which is true in most cases, but not in all. To honor that
which is good is obviously how things go well and we live long, but if we honor that which is evil, things will not go well
with us, being the recipe for dying young.
Eph 6,1-3
(3o) Responsibility
Children are accountable to their parents – The assumption of parents is that they are
respectable, and that they love their children and know what is best for them,
which in the days of the old covenant were understood through the Law of
Moses. For children to respect unrespectable parents would only lead to
becoming like them. The Ten
Commandments promise that if we obey them we will be blessed, and we could
summarize that blessing to children as being
prosperous and living long on the earth. This carries with it a set of
prerequisites, such as respect and trust and righteous living like our parents.
(206d) Salvation
God makes promises on His terms >> Conditions to
promises >> Conditions to receiving in the
natural >> Conditions to participating in the
natural realm
Eph 6-1
(89a) Thy kingdom come
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom >> Being
sensible is always wise –
Children rely on their parents for
everything. Prior to puberty young children must follow many
commands, yet they don’t mind so much since they want to be led. The upside of being younger is they can sit back and
let their parents wrangle out the details of life for them.
At the age of two they are just developing mindsets of obedience, and when
they become teenagers, they want to abandon those mindsets and put into
question their parents’ sensibility and wisdom and begin to explore the
world on their own. This is normal and scary for both parent and child.
Parenting teenagers is like walking a tightrope. If we lean one way and
become authoritarian, they will rebel, and if we lean the other way
and become permissive, they may make poor choices and find trouble
we could have spared them. Parenting starts when the child is very young, according
to Solomon, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old
he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22-6). When they become teenagers,
they will have a solid platform on which to stand and draw from their
lessons and experiences to discern right from wrong, what is sensible and
appropriate from a base of wisdom, ethics and morality that was previously established in their
formative years. Being a good parent, then, is having wisdom to know when to give
teenagers room to make their own decisions and mistakes, and when to step-in
and officiate.
Barking orders is a losing proposition that leads teenagers
to turn off their parents. If we instead show trust in
our teenagers and step-in only when necessary, they will be more inclined to
listen and respect our opinions.
Eph 6-2,3
(90h) Thy kingdom come
Keeping the law >> Righteousness of the law >>
We must keep the law because it is righteous
(151f) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The law
Eph 6-4
Responsibility >> Parenting >> How to discipline your children – Teenagers have a rebellious
attitude; therefore, provoking them to rebellion is not a good parenting strategy,
though we should be diligent to instruct them in the ways of the
Lord. Disciplining our children without provoking them to anger is a matter of starting
at a
very young age, showing that everything we tell them is for their good. Our consistency in this
will lessen their inclinations to doubt our good judgment. We should not
discipline them with the intent to make our lives easier, but always to make their lives better.
Responsibility >> Advocate God’s cause >>
Disciples are chastened by the Lord
(24l) Sin
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Unrighteous anger
(80j) Thy kingdom come
Know the word to minister to people >> To edify
one another
(176j) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Extremes >> Truth is never found in your conduct
on either extreme of any circumstance
(239g) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers are construction workers >> God raises
up teachers to raise up the body
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Eph 6,5-8
(13i) Servant
Support the body >> Servant in the work force
– We are to work for our employer as though we were working
for Christ Himself, as though He were our boss, for indirectly He is our
boss. It
says that whatever good thing we do at work, we will prosper above and
beyond our paycheck from the Lord.
(73g) Authority
Respect positions of authority >> Respect your
boss at work –
We are work for our employer as though we were working
for Christ, instead of nodding at the boss indicating we will do whatever he
asks and then not doing it. If his request is reasonable, we are obligated to
do it to the best of our ability. We are to do everything in our power to make his business succeed,
especially those who are also brothers in the faith. For him to mention
this suggests that it was common back then for Christians to hire one another and work with each
other, reminding the employee that his boss lives by the principles of faith
and love, hence he will be merciful, kind and
generous, and we are to reciprocate those values without taking advantage of
him. God has called us to be loving and
gracious, and the world immediately recognizes this as a vulnerability and exploits
it as weakness. Therefore, we should not be like the
world but serve our employers and fellow Christian brothers with all the more
sincerity and vigilance. Any so-called Christian employee who
would take advantage of his fellow Christian boss displays a lack of faith; and a discerning employer who is
mistreated by a so-called
brother in the workplace ought to suspect that he is not a brother at all, and
if he is a Christian, he certainly has a lot of growing-up to do.
(78d) Thy kingdom come
Sincerity >> Taking God to heart >>
Having a genuine heart
(100d) Thy kingdom come
Diligence >> Diligence in your service to
(227a) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
God rewards us for obeying Him >> God rewards
what we do for Him in secret
Eph 6,5-7
(233i) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> Seek His glory without wavering
Seek His glory through obedience
Eph 6-5,6
(74a) Thy kingdom come
The heart >> God wants you to bless your brother
from the heart
(169i) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Seeking the glory
of man >> Loving the approval of men rather than
the approval of God >> Coveting the favor of men
God’s priorities >> The will of God >>
We play our part in the will of God >> Doing the
will of God
Eph 6-6
(184g) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Abusing the grace
of God >> Spending His grace on your pleasures >>
Abusing your position –
“Eye service” refers to those who look their employer in the eye and nod
with the appearance of dutiful service, and then become idle the minute he turns his
back. Our performance on the job is a reflection of our faith in Jesus. The one
who would take advantage of his employer would also take advantage of God's kindness and mercy.
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Eph 6,7-9
(131g) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Interdependence >> Serving one another
Eph 6-7,8
(127e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Goodness >>
Rewards for doing good >> Sow the seeds of
goodness >> goodness yields a harvest of
righteousness -- These verses go with verse 14
(218d) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
We choose our actions, not their consequences >>
God controls the consequences of our actions –
Most "Christians" these days live for this life only; few bank on the rewards of
heaven and the rest berate them, but if there were no
value in heavenly rewards, the Bible wouldn’t have called us to pursue them
even as Paul is saying in this verse. God will reward us for our labor,
our positive attitude toward our employer and the dedication we
showed him in doing all we can to enhance his business and make him a
profit. Attitudes like these are what make companies strong. There are
rewards in this life for being a conscientious worker, through the cause and
effect system that is at play, for whatever a man sows, this he shall also
reap (Gal 6-7,8), and this also goes for the judgment of God. We are rewarded for the good we
do in this life as a consequence of our actions, and God Himself will repay us at the resurrection of
the righteous. There are many times when we do the right thing to no benefit
in this life, but in the life to come we will see the reward, for God has been keeping
tabs on us all the while. When we are patient to accept
God’s blessing in the next life, it will be infinitely multiplied as an
eternal reward for patterning our lives after Him, and it will prove far greater than any reward in this life. The longer we must wait, the greater the
reward. He rewards us just as much for waiting for Him as the good we have done in His
name, for patience is a matter of pure faith, whereas our works could have any motive
behind it. See also: Rewards appended to the
resurrected body;
1Pet 5-1; 144b
(235i) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Giving (your inner self) >> Give for goodness
Eph 6-7
(75c) Thy kingdom come
Motives of the heart >> Being motivated to do
the will of God
Eph 6-9
(51h) Judgment
>> Judging the Church with the world
No partiality among us with God –
Paul started this conversation saying that we should serve “with fear and
trembling, in the sincerity of our hearts, as to Christ” (v5). Employees
should treat their employers with fear and trembling, and employers should do
the same, knowing their Master and ours is watching from heaven, who shows no partiality. In the life to come, when the righteous are reward with eternal life and the wicked are cast into
outer darkness, then He will
consider His people special in relation to unbelievers who refused to serve
Him, but until then He does not consider us more important than our boss or
employee, for the greatest are least and the least greatest in the
Kingdom of Heaven.
(75j) Thy kingdom come
Motives >> Being manipulative >>
Controlling people by abusing authority
(88g) Thy kingdom come >>
Fear of God >> Fearing God's judgment is the beginning of wisdom >>
Fear the consequences of your disobedience – Bosses, supervisors and foremen, owners of
businesses, give up threatening. If we are a Christian owner of a business
and have people working under us, praise them for their excellent service
and reward them for being good employees. Paul by the word of the Lord
commands us to treat our help with utmost respect. We are to model our use of authority after Christ, who
viewed His position as an
opportunity to bless and serve those in his care.
(135n) Temple
Your spirit is the temple of God >> The body of
Christ >> Similarity in the body >>
The things we have in common >> Common Lord
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Eph 6,10-20
Responsibility >> Responsible to defend God’s cause
Laying the foundation of freedom – God speaks to His people
individually with the result that each person
hears a similar message, so when we come together
and share our ideas, we discover everyone thinking along the same lines. This
builds confidence in our ability to hear the Spirit, and we don’t feel alone in what we believe. It also builds confidence in the
direction of our lives being on track with God’s plan. This is how God leads
His people, and it is how He discloses His truth.
(28j) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> God protects us from the
devil –
In the story of David and Goliath, he put on the king’s
armor and it was so heavy that he couldn’t move much less fight, so he took it off and faced the
in giant his own way, clothed in the armor of God (1Samuel 17,38-53). He fought
the good fight the way he knew, with a sling and a few
carefully selected stones from the creek bed. He spent the day alone with God
next to the flowing stream and talked to Him about defeating the Philistines,
and this is how he prepared for battle. When he came to Goliath, fresh on his
mind was his beautiful relationship with God that he garnered on beautiful
spring mornings along the creek. The giant made two mistakes: seeing
vulnerability in the young boy with a sling, and
messing with the armies of Israel. David slung a stone and
buried it in the giant’s forehead, and he fell down dead. He could have
approached Goliath dressed in full armor array and the giant would have made sport
of him, but David's protection was his confidence in God, and with that Satan has no power over us,
but if we are unwilling to fight, no amount of faith can defeat the devil. See also: David and Goliath; Eph 6,10-17;
113f / Spiritual warfare; 45j
(45j) Spiritual
(Key verse) –
Bible says that we are fighting a spiritual war. If there were nothing at stake,
how could it be a war? What is the cause of this war? We are fighting for
freedom from fleshly bondage to walk in the Spirit and to keep the faith (1Tim 1-18,19), and we
are fighting for human souls. See also: Spiritual warfare; 46g
(46g) Judgment
Spiritual warfare >> Fall of Satan >>
Removing Satan’s obstructions –
These are some of the most significant verses in the Bible pertaining to how we walk with God. Sometimes we get tempted and want to throw in the towel.
As Christians we know what it is to
backslide; it is very deflating in that Jesus has delivered us from such bondage. We
don’t know why we surrendered so easily and why we so willingly gave up
everything that was valuable to us. We humble ourselves before God and confess
our sins and let Him forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and He sets us
back on track, pointing us in the right direction and gives us a little push, and
off we go again. This is the process of repentance. So how do we rise above our bondage to sin? These
verses actually tell us how! He said to take up the full armor of God, and what
is key to this is that after we have done everything to stand firm, we "stand firm
therefore." This means making preparations for battle does not win the war;
it only aids us in our stand against sin. See also: Spiritual warfare; 68c
(68c) Authority
>> Jesus delegates authority to execute judgment >> Against Satan –
Spiritual warfare is often construed to mean something other than what the Bible
teaches. Our war is not against other people; it is against spiritual forces of
wickedness in high places (v12), and the war is against the animal nature
of our fleshly passions and desires. We are in a war against Satan,
against the forces of wickedness that want to coral our flesh through trials and
temptations. Satanic forces attempt to warp our worldview, providing us
with secular, humanistic interpretations of our experiences and control our perspective on reality. A good analogy of satanic forces at
work in the world is an overcast sky, where the clouds go from horizon to
horizon, setting the mood for the day; the sun is still up there, but we can't
see it. Satan’s objective is to train people’s minds to think like
him, so when they hear the gospel, they can't believe it and be saved. Talk to people about Jesus and the excuses that surface to justify
their rejection of Christ are all the things they learned from the world that is
under Satan's control. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6,10-17; 7g
Eph 6,10-17
(7g) Responsibility
Protecting the gospel >> Defending your
territory –
Defending our territory goes back to the days of Joshua when they cleared the
promise land of its inhabitants, sometimes not destroying the people entirely. The people then made an effort to return to their land, requiring
Israel to resist and defend their territory. This has become an allegory for
the battles we fight in our lives today against spiritual forces of wickedness
in our quest for freedom to serve Christ in righteousness and holiness of the
truth. The whole point of spiritual warfare is to become free of sin, but Satan would have us enslaved
and working for Him.
God has saved us, and now we have a new Master, but Satan doesn't recognize
Jesus as our Master, and neither do the sinful passions and desires of our flesh.
These demonic forces want us to come back to our old ways, where
we were comfortable living in spiritual darkness and our addictions to sin. We gain ground over
these evil forces, while they seek to reclaim their own ground in our heart,
but we stand firm and resist the devil and he flees from us (Jm 4-7). We fight
the battles for freedom, not knowing we were slaves until we met Jesus. Go to a psychologist
and he will try to help us, but he doesn’t address sin, and so how can we become free through human agency?
See also: Spiritual warfare; 113f
(113f) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
The anointing >> Heaven’s clothes >>
Garments of warfare –
In the story of David and Goliath, they
put all that armor on David, but he couldn’t even walk, because
he was just a boy and the armor was very heavy on him. He shed all
these things and fought the giant in the way that was familiar to him,
with a simple sling and a round, smooth stone. He was very accurate and drove the
river pebble into the giant’s forehead so that he died. We see people heaping their ideas on
David about how to conduct spiritual warfare, and their ideas didn't work for
him (apparently they didn't work for them either, or a boy wouldn't have
needed to do a man's job). What worked was his relationship with God that he nurtured
in fields and forests and along the winding creek. Our fiercest weapon
against spiritual darkness is the truth that God has personally planted in our
heart by the Spirit. See also: David and Goliath; Eph 6,10-20; 28j
/ Spiritual warfare; Eph 6,10-15; 168a
Eph 6,10-15
(168a) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Do not conform to
the world >> Do not let the world’s approval shape you to itself –
The meaning of verse 12 does not refer to human
governments at all but to the hierarchy of satanic authority that controls the world.
When we look at it this way, we see social engineering conforming people-groups and
nations to act a certain way in a trance-like satanic delusion that would all have us
automatons. The more people conform to a
certain belief system, the more power Satan has over society; for this reason God has commanded His people to
become separate from the world (2Cor 6-17), for we are either conforming to the mind of Christ or
to the mind of the devil. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6,10-12; 45m
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Eph 6,10-13
(194f) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Hate evil >>
Condemning sin >> Judging evil
Eph 6,10-12
(45m) Judgment >>
Spiritual warfare >> Subjecting your flesh >>
Satan Vs the saints >> Demons are subject to the Church through Christ
– The battleground of the mind is where
spiritual warfare takes place. This is why God commands us to renew our mind in the
word of God and prayer, according to Rom 12-1,2. Without renewing our mind we
will eventually regress to a secular worldview, though we may still believe the
Scriptures. Without renewing the mind in the word of God and prayer the
things we perceive in our flesh will take precedence over our unattended beliefs. See also: Spiritual warfare;
Eph 6,10-20; 184b
(184b) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Darkness >>
Hiding behind your own imagination >> Hiding
behind a false authority –
Man’s world is arbitrary, a concoction of ideas that change like the seasons. The world
may be a certain way now, but in a couple years it will be different. It is
not developing and maturing but churning like "wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like
(Jd-13). Is the world's tirade against God
real? In a way, yes, but there is no truth in it, hence the difference between
truth and reality. This ever shifting reality only proves that the less the truth changes
the more real it is, and for this reason God’s truth is more real than
anything this world will ever know, because God never changes. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6-10;
9i /
Believing the truth is not easy; Act 11,1-23; 210k
Eph 6-10
(9i) Responsibility
>> Strengthen one another
Be strong – We are called as saints to be strong in the
Lord in the strength of His might; we
don’t serve God with our flesh, but by His Spirit. We put on the whole
armor of God, which paints a picture of a military soldier in God’s army,
only we aren’t fighting people but saving them. We put on
the military garb before we go into battle, the breastplate of righteousness,
the helmet of salvation, etc., because there is a spiritual war that has been
raging ever since Adam and Eve fell into sin. We are in a war against our own
flesh, which is one of our greatest enemies. Paul said that our enemy is three:
the world, the flesh and the devil (Eph 2-2,3). We have been given a body that
actually understands Satan, and we can’t follow our body's tutelage or the
example of others in the world, for it can only lead us in the ways of Satan. See also: Spiritual warfare;
(102a) Thy kingdom come
Ambitious to fulfill God’s calling >> To see
God’s will in your life
(116d) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Through worship >>
Through His authority
-- This verse goes with verses 13-20.
If God gives us His strength, why then does Paul
tell us to be strong? If God has strengthened us, then shouldn’t we already be strong?
All the grace that God gives is in the form of weapons and tools to both
destroy the work of Satan and build the kingdom of God, like Nehemiah, who was
given the charge to rebuild the wall surrounding Jerusalem, and he did it with
a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other. We have a calling to fulfill, and if we choose not to
do it, He will not make us. The only way to test our
willingness is to provide an opportunity to walk in His grace. God expects us to walk in faith
implement His grace, employing our will, which is how we behave like God, who consists of
faith. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6-11,12; 158a
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Eph 6-11,12
(158a) Works of the devil
Excerpts of the greatest verses of this chapter – The King James uses the phrase “high
places” instead of the NASBs “heavenly places,” but we are not talking about
heaven. Paul used this phrase, “prince of the power of the
air” (Eph 2-2), so these high places are principalities in governing
positions. Our politicians who campaign for office, who put on pretty
smiles, comb their hair and have their suits pressed have learned how to put on a façade to get elected. These
refer to power in high places according to the flesh, but these principalities
have offices above them that are occupied by spiritual beings, whose head is
Satan. This does not mean our politicians are satanic or they even avail themselves to
satanic powers; rather, Satan uses them whether they know it or not. Follow this
train of thought: Politicians start wars; Satan loves war; politicians do the will of Satan. The most powerful
weapon in the hand of
Satan is man’s willingness to desecrate his own conscience. It doesn’t
matter if our government has ever tried to do the right thing and governed
with the people’s best interest in mind; eventually all governments erode
to the people serving them. The cause of this stems from a corroboration
of both man’s willingness to do evil and Satan’s ability to govern that
evil. In this way he can gain control of society and the governing powers and
laws of nations and slowly make them
self-destructive, until eventually they collapse under their own weight of sin. This
depicts the lifecycle of nations. See also: Spiritual warfare; 164f
Works of the devil >> Manifestations of the devil >>
The world system >> Satan’s system of authority >>
He is the prince of the power of the air – Our struggle against Satan and his minions is
in high places, and these high places refer to governmental authorities, but that is
not the most accurate depiction of our enemy. Metaphorically, Satan and the
demons inhabit the first heaven, which surrounds the earth, our atmosphere (the
second heaven is the physical universe and the third heaven is God’s holy
habitation that exists outside the physical universe). Paul calls him the prince
of the power of the air (Eph 2-2). The earth’s atmosphere works well as a
metaphor for Satan’s realm especially in these last days with the radio and
television blaring at us with a constant barrage of messages. Satan is ultimately at the helm of these
messages, in the very air we breathe.
Although mankind claims to be in control of the world, it is Satan that actually
rules the world (Jn 12-31). He has the ultimate say about world-truth, which
itself is an oxymoron, consisting of many perspectives that all converge at the
feet of Satan. This single perspective represents the world's reality. Satan
is the opposite of God, causing the world
that serves Satan to oppose God by default. World-truth is elusive like the wind; you can hear the sound
of it, Jesus said, but you do not know where it is coming from or where it is
going. Jesus spoke this about the Holy Spirit, indicating that Satan’s
deceptions and God’s truth have one thing in common – they are both
spiritual and are both unconquerable by man, and they both use the atmosphere surrounding the earth as a
metaphor to describe them. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6-12; 19a
Eph 6-11
Satan destroyed >> Transformed >>
Completing the will of God
(183g) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism) >>
Spirit of the broad road >> Spirit of the world
Eph 6-12
(19a) Sin
Twisted thinking >> Evil is good >>
Loving darkness –
The world shares nothing in common with God's wisdom, and the Church over the last few decades has
attempted to doctrinally and theologically conform to the world, and the
result is that spiritual problems have plagued the Church from sin. The more the Church integrates into the world, the less
influence it has on the very people it is trying to reach with the gospel;
instead, the
result is a deadly concoction of satanic delusion. Conversely, the more the Church separates from the world, the
more influence it has to convince people to believe in the gospel. People must venture into the world to
their jobs to make a living, for they can’t really be like the Amish, or
can they? That is how the early church lived! They constructed their own society
and were patrons of one another’s goods and services; they were committed
to each other, and established an economy among themselves, though they held
jobs among unbelievers too. In contrast, the Church today is completely dependent on the world for its sustenance,
and it is not united, because Christians
have shut their ears to the Holy Spirit, not
conforming to His truth but embraced the deceptions of the world instead. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6-13,14;
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Eph 6,13-20
Responsibility >> Advocate God’s cause
Disciples are soldiers in God’s army
(46b) Judgment
Spiritual warfare >> Subjecting your flesh >>
Preparing for battle – Getting ready for spiritual battle against sin involves putting on our headgear, footgear, thorax shield and pelvic guard. Wearing all this stuff doesn’t mean we won’t sin; it is just preparing for battle. Then, after doing everything to stand firm, we must still stand firm in the faith. Many a Christian has sinned fully decked in battle gear, because they were unwilling to fight these spiritual forces for our right to be Christians in a world of evil.
(116d) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Through worship >>
Through His authority
-- These verses go with verse 10
Eph 6-13,14
(86g) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Be doers of the word >>
Clothe yourself with the word of God >> Practice
the truth – Jesus
said, "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free" (Jn
It is interesting that we gird our loins with truth; the average person would
have guessed that truth belongs with the helmet, but that is where salvation
goes. Truth belongs to our loins, the location of Satan’s
greatest deception, leading to rejecting Christ and getting lost in the darkness of
sin. Some persecute the knowledge of salvation, complaining
that knowledge narrows the road that leads to life and restricts
unbelievers from heaven. Yet, salvation actually comes through knowledge,
as Rom 10-9 says, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe
in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” We
apply the knowledge of God to the body part that is most prone to deception; for this reason truth belongs wrapped
around our pelvis, since it is more easily deceived than any other body part. Nothing else lies to us like sex; our erotic desires are difficult to subject to the authority of Christ. Therefore, when our loins tell
‘You should seek a sexual encounter with that young woman over there,’ we
should reply, ‘On the contrary it is written, “Marriage is to be held in
honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and
adulterers God will judge”’ (Heb 13-4). See also: Spiritual warfare; 192j
(139k) Temple
Temple made without hands >> Hiding place >>
Abiding in Jesus
(192j) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Stop practicing sin >> Stop sinning – Paul is saying that there are many available tools and weapons
in our arsenal that we can use to counteract sin, but in the end we just have to grit our teeth and endure our temptations through God’s help. We must forcibly push ourselves from the table of evil
desire and take
precautions, develop an anointing and renew our mind in the word of God and
prayer and put on the armor of God while we walk in the Spirit. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6-14;
Eph 6,14-17
(80c) Thy kingdom come
Know the word in spiritual warfare >> To fight
in the Spirit
Eph 6-14,15
(93c) Thy kingdom come
The narrow way >> You will find your ministry
along the narrow way
Eph 6-14
(74c) Thy kingdom come
The heart >> God wants you to protect your heart
– If God has given us grace to stand firm,
then why do we still need to stand firm? Ultimately, we must
implement God’s grace for it to be complete. So the first thing, we must
complete the grace of God by girding our loins with truth, that
applying truth foremostly to our
reproductive organs. Why them? They are the body parts most apt to lie to us. We
put the breastplate of righteousness over our heart and train ourselves
to love righteousness. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6-17; 111k
(127e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Goodness >>
Rewards for doing good >> Sow the seeds of
goodness >> goodness yields a harvest of
righteousness -- This verse goes with verses 7&8.
protects our heart; if we don’t love righteousness, then
we will hate it and love its opposite, which is lawlessness. God wants our
heart to beat for righteousness, which smacks at the center of the sinful
nature. The world, though,
wants to exploit their own bodies and
extract as much pleasure from them as possible. This requires them to
have as much money as possible, hanging their pride on it and financing their pleasure
seeking pursuits and lording themselves over those who have less. The world scoffs at
do-gooders. Just say the word “righteousness” and a
worldly person's hair will stand on end.
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Eph 6-15
(126h) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Peace >>
Anointing of peace – We put peace on our feet and
shuffle to the next person who is open to the gospel.
Eph 6-16,17
(114g) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Obeying the Holy
Spirit >> Implementing the revelation of the
Holy Spirit –
There are four things here: faith, knowledge, the Holy Spirit and the Bible.
Faith is to the Holy Spirit as knowledge is to the Bible. We use our faith to
extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. For example, when Jesus quoted
the Bible to the devil in His temptation in the wilderness, He was exercising
faith in what was written. What is faith? Most people would say it is a
synonym for “belief”, and that would be correct to a point, but it means
more than that. In most cases in the New Testament, when “faith” is used,
it is not referring to our faith but God’s faith that we have received from
Him. Our faith is what it means to believe. To believe something is to
incorporate it into our perception of reality. For example, when science first
discovered germs, people had a hard time believing it. The general population
viewed illness with various forms of superstition, so when they heard about
germs, it required a paradigm shift in their thinking, which is rather
stressful. We regularly revise our perspectives, but a paradigm shift requires
an overhaul of our belief system and that makes us feel uncomfortable, because
it is an affront to our ego to admit that we were wrong about the very
fundamentals of life. In the same way, when we believe in Jesus, we
incorporate the Bible into our beliefs and treat Him as a reality, yet faith
comes from God. Therefore, we say that faith is a revelation of the truth
imbued by the Spirit. We use our mind, will and emotions to consciously choose
to believe in the Bible; and as we live what we believe, God transforms our
beliefs into His faith. This is what extinguishes the flaming arrows of the
evil one. By a revelation of Jesus Christ we tear down strongholds, entire
mindsets and belief systems that oppose the knowledge of God (2Cor 10-5), by
revelation knowledge. Regarding the helmet of salvation, depicting our
beliefs, faith fastens the buckle under our chin. We take the Bible into
prayer and God adds His Spirit to His word, which is the process of developing
faith in God (Lk 17-5,6). The Holy Spirit and the word of God work together to
create faith that correlates with the Bible that we believe. By the faith of
God we interpret the Bible to understand the truth. There are many beliefs
about the Bible, and many of them are wrong, because people are not working
with God, taking the Bible into prayer, putting the Holy Spirit and the word
of God together, giving opportunity for God to reveal His truth to them so
they believe the word of God by the Spirit. It is fine to have a set of
beliefs, but if we want to overcome, we need to believe the truth by the
Spirit. See also: Difference between "belief" and
1Jn 4-18; 57c
Eph 6-17
Judgment >> Judgment of Christ
God’s word executes judgment by the Spirit
(78m) Thy kingdom come
Renewing your mind >> God renews your mind by
His Spirit
(109g) Spirit And The Word (Key verse)
Each Bible passage of this topic has a comment about the Holy Spirit and the
word of God mentioned in the same context. Both the Spirit and the Word are
found in the holy place in Israel's temple of worship. According to the
manner of worship that God commanded Moses (depicted in Hebrews chapter nine),
after they built Solomon’s
temple they prepared a room called the holy place, and they added a room
behind it called the Holy of Holies. In the first room was a table, and they set
bread on it, which the priests would eat a day later and replenish with fresh bread.
They placed Menorahs with seven candlesticks beside the table of showbread.
The light
and the bread represent the Spirit and the Word. The Ark of the Covenant, that
contained the stone tablets of the law, was placed in the Most Holy Place, and
they placed a curtain at the entrance of this room, and in front of
the curtain in the first room they placed the Golden Altar of Incense. They performed daily temple
services in the first room, replacing the bread, the candlesticks
and the incense, but into the Most Holy Place the high priest
went only once a year, not without taking the blood of a heifer. When the high priest
made the annual sacrifice for sin, he walked past the Table of Showbread and the Menorahs
and the
Golden Altar of Incense. These articles of worship related to the daily reading of Scripture and prayer.
Hence, we access the Spirit through prayer and we interact with Him according to
the word of God.
Thy kingdom come >> Faith >> Spirit and the word >>
Living and active word of God –
This is the most concise verse in the New Testament that speaks of the
Spirit and the word in single context. It comes in the form
of a sword, which is an offensive weapon. This concept of the Holy Spirit and
the word of God mentioned together is repeated dozens of times throughout the
New Testament. Jesus called Him the Spirit of truth. The word
of God is the written account of God’s truth that never changes. That’s why
can write an epistle about Him and
it still be relevant 2000 years later. When we put the Spirit with the word in
prayer, which is the most spiritual
thing we can do, we brandish a weapon that
destroys forces of wickedness in high places. The
things God reveals to us as we pray, builds upon our knowledge of the
truth as we grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The things we learn in
this fashion becomes revelation knowledge, which has the power to change our
lives. This
revelation knowledge takes the form of a sword that slashes through this present
darkness and opens our eyes to walk in the light of God's truth. See also: Spiritual warfare;
(119b) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Law of the spirit >> Law of the Spirit of truth
Thy kingdom come >> Manifestations of faith >>
Confidence in yourself as you die to sin >>
Confident in your salvation –
Our faith is the most
important armor of all, which Paul depicts as a defensive weapon in the form
of a shield. Our faith protects us from the devil’s flaming darts of
unbelief, lies and deception. “The helmet of salvation,” renewing the mind
and puts confidence in our salvation that we belong to God. See also: Spiritual warfare; Eph 6,10-20;
(255b) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Spirit of the word >>
Words of His Spirit are truth
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Eph 6,18-20
(7c) Responsibility
>> Protecting the gospel >> Defending the word of God >> Protecting the men who carry the gospel
Eph 6-18,19
(81m) Thy kingdom come
Pray without ceasing >> For the Church >>
Life of prayer – Paul commands us to
pray in the spirit.
That is a term that Pentecostals and Charismatics regularly use. They are not
misunderstanding anything here. To pray in the Spirit is to use our prayer
language that God has given us. Paul is talking about doing this alone, not in
the congregation, not even with another person. This is our private prayer language with God. Rom 8-26,27 says we do this when we don’t
know how to pray. When we feel God tugging on us but don’t know what He’s
trying to tell us, we pray in the Spirit. Some
people call it gibberish, but to us they are a sequence of phonemes (word-sounds)
that God leads us to say as we walk
along the narrow way. We often don’t know which way we should go, and we pray in the Spirit for divine
direction. See
also: Golden Altar of Incense represents prayer;
Mat 26,36-39; 140b
(83k) Thy kingdom come
We have the ministry of intercession >> Church
intercedes for each other
(84b) Thy kingdom come
Be on the alert >> Remain on duty >>
Keep watch
(99l) Thy kingdom come
Perseverance (Working to keep in motion) >>
Persevere in prayer
(130g) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Committed to caring for the needs of the body >>
Caring for spiritual needs – In the days of the
apostles unity was well established. When one person was persecuted, they all felt
and when one person was encouraged, they all were encouraged. When one was
blessed and comforted, they all were blessed and comforted. When the body of Christ
is in unity, we can put up with just about anything, because it is not
happening to us alone, though some were arrested and thrown in prison to die alone. Others were tortured to death apart from any help or
encouragement from anybody, but the grace of God was with them, and
they knew the Church was sure to benefit from their sacrifice. From the blood
of martyrs the Church grew both spiritually and numerically. The people of God
had nothing to lose, but today’s Church is steeped in apostasy, and they may sit
together in Church,
but they
are separate in heart. We can hardly suffer for the sake of the brethren, because they are unable to receive the blessing of
our sacrifice. We hope for heaven in the afterlife, but unity is our hope in this life, and the Church has been stripped of it.
Eph 6-18
Responsibility >> Use time wisely >>
Get ready >> Make time to pray
(13j) Servant
Support the body >> Bear one another’s burdens
Eph 6-19,20
(85e) Thy kingdom come
Words that are spoken in faith >> Powerful when
spoken by the Spirit >> by the anointing
(123a) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Boldness to speak the
word by the Spirit
(148i) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Obligation to preach the gospel >> Ambassador in
chains – Pray for the proclamation of the gospel, that
it may penetrate the darkness of this world. Paul says that he is an
ambassador in chains, but even if he weren't in prison, he would still be a bondservant of
Christ. He was in chains to the Lord; he was God’s slave, as though a robot doing
his master’s will. Whatever buttons God pushed is what Paul did without
question. Does God really make robots of people? Not at all! When we think
about the devil enslaving people by their own fleshly impulses, whether
it be through sex, drugs and rock-n-roll, or something else, they do
not control their own addictions, which
borders on robotic behavior, yet these same people complain that God makes robots of His
people. Rather, He calls us to incorporate faith in everything
we do, which is the ultimate act of our will.
Witness >> Validity of the Father >> Witnesses of the father
>> Prophets >> The Church holds the position of a prophet >>
Church operates under a prophetic anointing >> Delivering a prophetic
message from God
Eph 6-19
(231a) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Mystery
of godliness >> Solving the mystery of godliness >> The Church discloses the mystery of Christ
Eph 6-20
(61a) Paradox
Two implied meanings >> Prisoner—In jail /
Of God’s will
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Eph 6-21,22
(14l) Servant
Ministry of helps >> Helpers fill in the gaps >> Messengers help in
communications –
They didn’t have telephones in the first century, or TVs or cell phones; communications were by word of
mouth or hand-written letters. Although there was the written
language it wasn’t as prolific as it is now, partly due to illiteracy but
mostly due to the fact that paper wasn’t invented yet. Parchment and other
materials back then was expensive, compared to a sheet of paper
today; though it is useful, it is almost worthless from abundance. Consequently, just about everything was conveyed by word of
mouth, unless it was very important, such as the letter Paul wrote to the
Ephesians while in prison, where he mentioned his faithful messenger,
Tychicus. There weren’t dozens of people
lining up to be Paul’s messengers but a finite number of faithful men. Anyone who was close to Paul had a blameless
reputation by requirement. He did not rub shoulders with people of
ill-repute, simply because it wouldn’t look good.
If onlookers saw Paul associating with people of questionable character, they
would have questioned Paul's character too.
(32g) Gift of God
Father will honor you if you die to self >> Your
faithfulness –
Anybody’s name found in the Bible in a positive context was good as a signature in
the Lamb’s Book of Life; they are both permanent records. What did Tychicus do to receive this honor? He was a servant! He
wasn’t a great orator; he didn’t have people working under him; he
wasn’t important in the world's eyes. God
will honor us too if we serve Him, but those who reject this purpose will someday meet
God and want Him to honor them then. Too bad they can’t think about it now and live for
that day, like some who have wisdom and busy themselves preparing to meet
Jesus. The more service we render, the more
faithfulness we show, the more obedience we prove, the better our experience
in heaven. When we meet Him we will know then that all our weeks, months and
years of service were worth it.
(228c) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> Comforted >>
We are comforted in the presence of God >> Holy
Spirit is our comforter
(247e) Priorities
God’s priorities >> God’s interests >>
Concern >> Concerned about your well being
Eph 6-21
(102c) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Faithfulness is
dependable >> God’s servants are dependable –
One advantage of surrounding ourselves with loyal people is that we can
trust them. Another advantage is their spiritual fellowship, because they have
the same faith that we have in Jesus, and there is nothing like two or more
people coming together and sharing their faith. It is the very definition of
encouragement. Edification is the word that best describes encouragement, and
the root word of “edification” is edifice, which means house
or dwelling, more specifically a rooftop. Encouragement
(edification through spiritual fellowship) is where
we go to get out of the rain, sort-a-speak. Paul associated with likeminded
people and basked under the umbrella of their loyalty. Spiritual fellowship is one of the main
advantages of Christianity in this life, though it is extremely rare these
days. See also: Spiritual
1The 5-10,11; 76k
Eph 6-23,24
(125b) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >>
Faith and love
>> Faith toward God and love toward man
(138h) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Exhortation >>
Exhorting the people to glorify God –
“Faith and love” is a recurring theme throughout the New Testament. There is a relationship between
them in that faith is the basis of love and
love is the manifestation of faith, and wherever these coexist there is
peace. The reason we can be patient with somebody is that we have the peace of
God resting on us. The best way to deal with a person who requires our
patience is through God's peace that dwells in us. Incorruptible love
is divine, originating from heaven, understood as faith. It originates from
the Spirit of God, given to us to give to others. He entrusts His treasures
to us that nobody can take from us, this faith that originates from heaven,
kept by God and entrusted to us, proving that we possess something from God. Love that we
manifest through faith is the grace of God. People talk about grace and mercy
together as though they were the same, but they’re not. Mercy is what we
received from God on the basis of faith in
Jesus’ blood sacrifice, while the
works we produce through His faith is the grace of God. See also:
Faith and love of the truth; 1Cor 13-7; 99g
Eph 6-23
(126a) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Peace >>
God is at peace >> The peace from God
Eph 6-24
(116i) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Working God’s
(208fa) Salvation
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Being the friend of God >> Relationship with God
through obedience >> We resemble Him through faith
(243g) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> The indestructible
kingdom >> The body of Christ is indestructible >>
The indestructible kingdom within us – We love one
another with the love of God. In this we are incorruptible, and one day
we will inherit a body that is incorruptible. God is asking us to remain
homogenous in body and heart in order that all things may point in one direction,
toward Christ that we may exhibit His character
through the fruits of the Spirit, and lead an incorruptible life that others
may be saved and God glorified.