(12j) Servant
Bond servant >> Salutations –
Jude was brother to James, brothers of Jesus. They both contributed to the New Testament cannon, and
their writings have one thing in common: they are both scathing. James
pounced on man’s sinful pride, while Jude wrote about those who allow
their pride to have its way, who have crossed the line of blasphemy and developed a
reprobate mind and have become incapable of salvation. Jude wrote that these
religious psychopaths went as
far as trying to change the doctrines of the faith that were once for all
handed to the Church through the holy apostles.
(28h) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> God protects His people
-- This verse goes with verse 24. God’s
keeping ability is mysterious; the poem, “Footsteps in
the sand”, encapsulates God working in us. We look back and see only one set of footprints and wonder why God
has abandoned us and then discover that the footprints are His, for He is
carrying us. Sometimes God must carry us, and we are not always aware of it.
Those are generally times when we are weakest, least spiritual and least
discerning of what God is doing in our lives. These are usually times of
faltering, though we still believe in Him. He won’t carry us forever, though,
only when we lose direction and become weary, when the path under our
feet has eroded and we can’t see the way to go. He carries us when all the
distractions and temptations of life overtake us, and we put down His knowledge
and wisdom to satisfy an itch. Once we have had our fill of the flesh and taste
its bitter consequences, we return to the Lord, and
He sets us on our feet and teaches us how to walk in His power.
During that time when He was carrying us, He was keeping us in the faith for the
day of redemption. See also: God working in you; Jd-1; 228h
(33m) Gift of God
Believers are special to God >> We are beloved
of God
(91l) Thy kingdom come
The called >> Titles of His calling >>
Called as saints
(213j) Sovereignty
God is infinite >> Jesus owns you >>
His will becomes our will >> As a master owns
a servant
(228h) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> God works in you to keep you
in His will -- This verse goes with verse 24. Jude
said that we are kept for Jesus Christ. He is keeping us for the day of
redemption so we can live victoriously over the flesh. He keeps us from
backsliding and from falling away from the faith altogether, and He preserves us for Himself.
However, we must do our part to avoid the enemy of our soul; in
verse 21 he wrote: “keep yourselves in the love of God.” God keeps us,
and we keep ourselves in the love of God. Jude wrote in passive voice that we are kept by
Christ through the Holy Spirit, and God will give us the grace and strength of
heart and mind to rise above the forces of darkness and evil that wants
to destroy our faith. See also: God working in you; Jd-1,2; 28h
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(168c) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Do not conform to
the world >> Do not conform to the world’s
rejection of God
(180b) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Wolves lead people into a cult >> Wolves bypass
the cross –
Peter said, “In the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following
after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For
ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the
beginning of creation’” (2Pet 3-4). There are those who want to create doubt
and disbelief in the people of God, hoping it will turn into unbelief, for if
they can get God's people to doubt, they can capture them and
hold them in bondage to their will. They speak to God’s people about their doctrines, appearing righteous, but underneath the façade their real
motives are to lie, cheat and steal. They strive to lead the
faithful into darkness, where the wolves can make sport of them. Every subtle
difference between what they teach and what the Bible teaches is designed to
guide them into darkness where the saints become lost, not knowing how to return, and
then exploiting them, and it is always more than money
they want. They have egos tall as skyscrapers with great incentive to
make people quit believing in God, which is the goal of every wolf.
(177c) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine (Cults) >> Distorting Scripture for
personal gain –
There are some denominations that could lead a person into a saving knowledge of
Jesus Christ, but there are other denominations that have estranged themselves
from the original faith that "was once for all handed down to the saints"
(v3). Some churches don't teach that one must be born-again or need to be saved
at all; these would be considered cults.
The strictest form of the word “cult” refers to a teaching or denomination
that denies the trinity, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormon Church.
These are not even considered Christian religions by most branches of
Christianity, but because they believe many things about the Bible, it should be
considered a cult. However, if we get too strict in our definition, we may omit
many divisive factions that should be held at arms length. This then should be
our definition of a cult: a religion or denomination which teachings are
insufficient to lead someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. There is
a movement to liberalize the Church, to make it all-inclusive (Unitarianism), but doing this
will not let in those who have a biblical view of Christianity or that one must
be born-again to see the kingdom of heaven. Rather, it only lets in those with ulterior motives to further
distort the teachings of the gospel. That doesn't sound very inclusive. We can expect these things to happen in the
last days, when apostasy is prophesied to occur, and if we read the book of
Jude, we will discover the fate of those who malign the gospel of Christ.
Denying Christ >> Man exercises his will against God >> Man withers
when he is in control >> Unteachable >> Resisting the knowledge of
God – If Israel were like this during the days of
Moses, it is no wonder he had such a hard time with them, and it is no wonder
they all perished in the wilderness. God had absolutely no intention of giving
them anything, and He did not feel sorry that they had been in
bondage to Egypt for so long. The Bible says that God had compassion on them and
pity, but it was for the sake of the promises to the fathers that He came and
delivered Israel from bondage to Egypt; it had nothing to do with them. Rather, He made them wander around the wilderness of forty
years until they all died; then He trained the next generation to serve
the Lord.
(184f) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Abusing the grace
of God >> Spending His grace on your pleasures >> Trying to take advantage of God’s
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(6j) Protecting the
(Key verse)
(7a) Responsibility
Protecting the Gospel >> Contend earnestly for
the faith – Verse 3
depicts the evangelical denomination, who consider themselves keepers of the
faith. Many in this denomination have very
conservative views of Christianity, which is a good thing, but they have
thrown out the baby with the bathwater in some ways. We can’t say
anything contrary to Evangelical beliefs without getting severely rebuked, shunned or
ostracized from their straight and narrow path that they recognize as
truth. In some respects the evangelicals have a good
heart in this; it is good to contend earnestly for the faith to keep the truth
untainted, but most of what they are keeping is not the truth that the
original apostles "once for all handed down to the saints." Without the doctrines of the
true faith there is very little left of
Christianity, so evangelicals have done Christianity a favor by being very
diligent and dogmatic about the Scriptures, but in their zeal to stamp out false
doctrine there are many teachings they reject that are
clearly Scriptural. For example, Evangelicals readily believe that God is
working in us to effect our salvation, but they would shamefully argue with
anyone about the doctrine of working (with) the grace of God.
Another example is that Pentecostals believe just about everything
Evangelicals believe, but there
are some things about the Pentecostals that Evangelicals consider heresy, such
as they shy from spiritual gifts, because they have often seen them misused.
For Evangelicals to reject all forms of spiritual manifestation is a
serious problem. They believe that all our works are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64-6),
as though there were nothing we can do to please the Lord. This in itself is
heresy. Although it was true before we got saved, now that we are saved, God
has a trail of good works for us to follow, and the Evangelicals doctrinally
deny this. See also: Evangelicals and Baptists;
Rev 2-4,5; 193f
(135m) Temple
Your spirit is the temple of God >> The body of
Christ >> Similarity in the body >>
The things we have in common >> Common salvation
– We have a common salvation and a common faith, yet look at all the
denominations of Christianity; there are hundreds of them, all representing different versions of
the true faith,
but the first century church recognized only one. Anybody who spoke against it was
considered a heretic or Gnostic, as they were called back then. Gnosticism is
understood today as people who invent false teachings; they are wolves. Heretics
have spread these false teachings from the beginning, starting in the First
Century (Gal 5-12). If it
weren’t for the Bible, there would not be a gospel. It would have been hijacked,
hacked-up, and misconstrued until the original idea was completely lost in
translation and died with no sign that it ever existed. With the Bible,
though, the original teachings of the one true faith have been preserved, only Satan has invented
glasses that each person wears before he opens the Bible, representing his
denomination of choice, thinking that without the glasses, he could not see
the Scriptures. Is it possible to take off our denominational glasses before
we read the Bible? "With men this is impossible, but with God all things
are possible" (Mat 19-26). We have the
teachings of the First Century Church meticulously transcribed and collated
into one book. The Jews were highly proficient at copying manuscripts
from many centuries of transcribing the Old Testament, so not one jot or
tittle was lost. For all intents and purposes we have the original manuscripts
in our New Testament, maybe not the actual papyrus itself; it may be on a
different piece of paper, but transcribed verbatim. Nevertheless, having the
Bible intact hasn’t slowed the gospel inventors from doing their devious
work to distort the one true faith. See also: Gnosticism; Jd-4; 162kb
/ Gnosticism;
denies that Jesus is God in human flesh;
1Jn 4-2,3; 150d
(182e) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Three causes of interpreting Scripture falsely >>
Because they have no regard for God’s word –
Accuracy of doctrine can be compared to shooting a bow and arrow at a target;
it is better to hit the bullseye than the outer rings. Again, an inaccurate
version of the gospel is analogous to parallax in the field of
astronomy, which is the concept of aiming our telescope at a star, and then
slightly bumping the telescope off-course, so when we look into the eyepiece
the star is no longer there but a completely different part of the sky,
hundreds of light-years from our original subject. A slight bump on the
telescope sends it hundreds of trillions of miles from our target, and the same is true
about our interpretation of Scripture; slight deviations may not seem like
much at the time, but thousands of years later a doctrine has formed around
the divergence, and centuries
later it gives birth to a belief system and yet another religion or another denomination of
the Church. The truth is infinite and
eternal like God and His creation, but when we read a passage in the Bible and interpret it based on a misconception of another
passage, one mistake
piggybacks on top of another in a cascade of
misinterpretations, until our view of the Scriptures is completely distorted.
(183k) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism)
Truth is the enemy of the spirit of error >>
Spirit of error rejects the truth – Jude paints a very grim picture of a type of
people who would take over the gospel of Christ and turn it into a homosexual brothel.
The description of these men grows abysmal with each passing verse.
“Licentiousness” is a word that means having a license to sin; other
translations use lewdness and lasciviousness, both referring to
being preoccupied with sexual desire outside biblical marriage. In all cases it is about abusing the
grace of God and inventing doctrines that
give them a license to sin. Instead of using the grace of God to be forgiven
and receive eternal life in heaven and avoid the
condemnation of hell, they go on sinning under the assumption that God
will forgive them no matter what they do or how often they do it. Since these people are so willing to take advantage of
God’s kindness and demonstrate a complete lack of conscience, and since they have no
interest in repentance or walking in the truth, how much
more are they willing to take advantage of their fellow man? Jude is obviously referring to a spirit behind the
consistent pairing of this religious philosophy and subsequent lifestyle; he is talking about
demons that follow gross immorality of the gay lifestyle. In the process of
turning the grace of God into a license to sin, they inadvertently deny the
Lord Jesus Christ, who is their supposed Savior. Those who are doing this are
not disobedient Christians if they are denying their own Lord and Master.
Rather, they are false brethren who join the Church as troublemakers, seeking leadership
positions for the sake of changing the doctrines and creating a spiritual
environment that is conducive to their lifestyle
and conducive to the spirits that are controlling them.
See also: Homosexuality;
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(68e) Authority
Jesus Delegates the Holy Spirit to us >> Sent
from heaven –
The best way to understand the Bible is to read it in our prayer closet, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us, and then measure
our teachers with the same scrutiny, trusting the Holy Spirit more than anyone.
The Holy Spirit will
correct the false teaching in us, though our teachers may not let Him correct
them; yet, if we
listen to Him and do what He says, we are guaranteed to know the truth. This
is the case more now than ever, with so many deceptions in the Church. In the
first century the saints could explicitly trust their teachers, but this is no
longer the case. We should choose our teachers carefully, according to Jesus
advice, “Take care what you listen to” (Mk 4-24); and we should not make the
common mistake of believing every word of our preferred sources and disregard all
other sources, for truth can come from unlikeliest places.
(106l) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Purpose of hearing from God >>
To protect your faith – God can (and does) protect His gospel
through His own power, but He mostly uses us as His spokespeople to defend His
word by preaching it.
Essentially, the only time the gospel needs defending is when it is
directly attacked. For
example, Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple with a whip because they
were profaning the old covenant temple. In another case He defended God's
people when He rebuked the Pharisees
because they were teaching Israel their own invented precepts, while directing an avenue
of money-flow into their pockets.
(130c) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Being in one accord >> Having one faith –
The word of God is written along the page, but when we add layer upon layer of
interpretation to it, truth gets buried. The best
advice is to open our ears to the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, and let Him
lead us into a common faith that the First Century Church had. Following Him,
we will by-pass the false teachings that have
accumulated over the centuries. We will weed
the garden of our heart and escape the snare of the trapper and the lies of
the deceiver and the conundrum of denominations that flood our mind
with confusion, until we throw up our hands in surrender to deception,
concluding that the truth is unknowable. It is sad just how many
people actually believe this. Jesus loosed the Spirit of Truth upon this
world; now the Holy Spirit is looking for those who are seeking Him with a whole
heart, and He will affix Himself to them. His first request is to
hand over the reigns of our lives. He will
lead us into all the truth, but if we keep the reigns, we will steer ourselves
back into a theological quagmire.
(215f) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
God views time in eternity >> God’s time is
(239e) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
Teachable students >> The teachable are taught
by God –
There are many things preachers and teachers have to offer that are profitable
to our spiritual, mental and physical well-being. They have the potential to
vault us light-years ahead of our personal studies, especially in the
beginning of our walk with God. We can listen to a sermon, and the preacher
can present the gospel in its entirety in one sitting that would
otherwise take weeks and months of diligent study in the Scriptures. The
Church pulpit certainly has its place. When we find a good teacher, we should
embrace him like the value of gold and silver. A good teacher is working in
concert with the Holy Spirit to deliver us a solid understanding of the truth.
Churches that learn the truth together in this way have great potential for
unity, and in that unity they will build strong bonds that Satan will not be
able to immediately break.
Priorities >> God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >> Believe the first message; all
subsequent messages are meant to dissuade you
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(186j) Works of the devil
The result of lawlessness >> The reprobate >>
God’s role in forming a reprobate >> Marked
out for destruction – Jude is painting a word picture of some
really ugly people who deny the Lord Jesus Christ and turn the grace of God
into lasciviousness (enslaved to sexual desire). They behave like the demons
and practice homosexuality and defile the flesh, and they reject authority and
revile angelic majesties. They are
extremely arrogant, whereas Michael the archangel respected the demonic world, knowing what kind of power they have,
but these are
ignorant of spiritual forces, thinking they can control them, when in fact
they are being controlled by them. They revile things they do not understand and are
destroyed by the same. Their kind lived in the days of Moses, who saw the miracles and would not
repent of their grumbling, raised in Egypt under
generations of misery. They thought being God’s chosen people and Abraham's
descendants were myths, and so was the story that a Hebrew God would one day
deliver them from all their miseries. They had long given up any hope of
sanity, which slowly
turned them into monsters, so when God showed-up, they could not believe in Him. They had grown into some of the most depraved people
on earth, the very kind that God intended to destroy through them in the land
of Canaan. Jude is describing demonically
controlled homosexuals, steeped in the flesh, the dark narrative portraying their inner souls. They
revel in the flesh as all they know, going from passion to desire to pleasure
to greed, from impulse to impulse without skipping a beat. There is no love or
faith or kindness or joy, just animal instincts, and God has a
place prepared for them in hell, and there is no force great enough in
heaven or earth to keep them from it. Man turned evil
before the flood; having lost their conscience, they became
swindlers, con artists and devised Ponzi schemes against the unsuspecting, leaving them in financial ruin without losing a night's sleep...
and these people want to control the Church. See also: Reprobate (Psychopath)
devoid of conscience;
Mat 6-22,23; 186i
(49c) Judgment
Enemies of God’s righteousness are destroyed -- These verses go with
verses 14,15
Sin >> Consequences of sin
Curse >> Deeds that return to the doer >>
False doctrine
(55e) Paradox
Opposites >> Wolves creeping in who have
been long beforehand marked out for destruction, are not very sneaky -- This
verse goes with verses 12,13
(162kb) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Being slaves of men >>
In bondage to the burdens of men >> In bondage to freedom
(licentiousness) –
The people whom Jude described are not Christians; anybody who denies Jesus
Christ is not a Christian. Jude is probably referring to Gnosticism and the
Gnostics, who crept into Christianity unnoticed, who blended into the
surroundings as with camouflage. If their ideas were vastly different from
Christianity, they wouldn’t have been able to infiltrate the Church. That is,
there are some things about Gnosticism that seem to parallel Christianity, but
these people do not believe in Jesus; they believe in “knowledge”. God has
commanded us to know the word, and so for this reason knowledge is an aspect of
Christianity, and this is how the Gnostics were able to infiltrate, in that just
as we value our knowledge, so they value theirs. Just as we claim to have
spiritual knowledge from God, so do they, but that is about as far as it goes
regarding the similarities between Christianity and the Gnostics. Beyond that,
the things they believe are blasphemous, toxic and cancerous to the Christian
faith. We can hear the contempt in Jude’s words for these people, who pretend
to be Christians while teaching that they can do what they want because
they’re saved by grace, and God must forgive them. This suggests that there is
no difference between how they live and people who are going to hell, except a
handful of doctrines they assert to be true. That is not faith; it is not even
knowledge; it is foolish, wishful thinking. When we die and meet God, He will
not have to judge whether to let us into His heaven based on whether we were
good enough. He won’t compare our righteousness to our sins. Instead, He will
make a simple observation whether His Spirit dwells in us, and if that be the
case, He will usher us into His heavenly kingdom, but if His Spirit does not
dwell in us on the day of our death, then we cannot go to heaven. He has given
us a life, and for decades we have had ample opportunity to decide to follow
Jesus, so He could invest His Spirit in us. If we haven’t decided to follow
Jesus before our death, we wouldn’t do it in a million years, and if we are
not with Him, then He cannot trust to let us into His heaven. Instead, He will
assign us another place, called Hades where we will exist until Judgment Day,
and then He will throw us into the lake of fire. There is no future in that. Why
people refuse to give their heart to Jesus and live for God, and become one of
His children, taking upon themselves His priorities, His interests and His
goals, instead preferring their life apart from God, only to be thrown into the
lake of fire, is a mystery. See
also: Gnosticism; Jd-3,4; 135m
(172d) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> Worldliness in the Church
This verse goes with verses 12-19. All
Christians at some point before they got saved understood that God loves them
and that the truth about God exists. In contrast, secularism is the notion
that all truth is relative and that there are no absolutes, except what we
find in science and nature. By this we know that
Pontius Pilate was persuaded by secularism when he said, “What is truth?”
(Jn 18-38). The world does not believe it operates under spiritual forces;
secularism therefore defines common reality as all that is natural; what we
can detect with our five senses is all that exists. Secularists understand
that other people’s worldviews will be different from their own, and they
celebrate this, calling it diversity and using it to prove that there are no absolutes. So when the Church fragments into multiple
denominations and everyone has his own opinion, the Church is proving the
world’s point that there is no absolute Truth. This suggests
that secularism is the cause of division within the Church, and the fact that
secularists are a million miles from understanding God’s perspective
suggests also that they received their worldview from demons that govern the
world. This is what Jude is saying; the inventor
of secularism is Satan Himself. He would love for man to believe there is
no such thing as a spirit, though he himself is a spirit. See also: Tares among the wheat; Jd,12-19;
172d / Atheism
(Agnostic); 2Pet 3,3-9; 243c
(177b) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Distorting Scripture >> Distorting Scripture to
avoid the truth
(185a) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Abusing the grace
of God >> Dragging God’s grace through the mud >> Operating His grace through religion
(199f) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> Throwing God away >>
Rejecting Christ to steal His glory
(220b) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> Predestination >>
Predestined according to the sovereignty of God -- This verse goes with
verse 13
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(12e) Servant
>> Bad examples -- These verses go with verse 11
(100g) Thy kingdom come
Diligence >> Diligence in studying the word of
God –
The Bible was written to increase the faith of those who already believe.
Jude’s audience was called beloved by the Father, kept for Jesus
Christ. He didn’t write to unbelievers, and in fact no author of the Bible
has ever written to an unbelieving audience. We are
to this day the ones who read the Bible, though there will always be those who read it with ulterior motives. If people are seeking God and
want to know Him, the Bible is the source of revealed truth, so people can read it and understand God’s
purpose for mankind; they can get saved and
become children of His plan. Jude’s audience was familiar with Moses
and pharaoh and Sodom and Gomorrah, but it wasn’t Israel who was the
subject of his dissertation, nor was it Abraham and Lot; rather, the subject
involved those who did not believe. He described a people
whom God destroyed from the land of Egypt and from Sodom and Gomorrah, a ghastly
community of idolaters who have no reverence for God or His
(21a) Sin
Disobedience >> Demonstrating unbelief in the
character of God –
described the Egyptians as those who were given the opportunity to believe and rejected it. That
was part of the reason God delivered the Israelites from the hand of pharaoh
through a series of stages, so at each step they had the opportunity to repent and change
their minds and believe in God and be saved, but we know how the story went.
He also saved them in stages so He could judge them with greater severity.
Every stage He offered they rejected; every opportunity to repent they squandered. Evidence of Egypt’s faith would have been
letting Israel go, which Moses commanded Pharaoh, falling on their
faces, humbling themselves before Almighty God,
but none of these things happened. It wasn’t just Pharaoh’s pride but
the pride of all Egypt; the nation would not repent, and
so they were subsequently destroyed. There was a moment of partial repentance
when Pharaoh let Israel go after the firstborn of Egypt were killed, but
then he recanted, and for that reason God destroyed them in the Red Sea.
(28b) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> God protects us through
our faith –
Jude was making
the point that people like the Egyptians (and Sodom and Gomorrah~v7) are with us in
our own generation, and their hearts are just as hardened beyond remedy
as people in ancient times, who would not give
two cents to have faith in Jesus. There are many enemies of the truth, and we
need to protect ourselves from them and let God keep us in the faith through the
midst of danger from potential for atrocity and malevolence on the grandest scale
imaginable by the agency of demons. People are capable of anything in a
state of unbelief. They would try to infiltrate the Church in effort to
exploit us. Just as they cannot extract the nutrients from a
sheep without killing and butchering it, so neither can they exploit
the saints to extract from us what they want without killing our faith.
(29a) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> Delivered from our
persecutors – Jude is not saying that the people who fit
this description ought to be ashamed of themselves; he is saying they are
looking at the prospect of judgment so severe that they are not expected to
survive. It may not come today or tomorrow, but it will come, especially if
they are disrupting the faith of those who are walking in truth.
(76i) Thy kingdom come
Desires of your heart >> Your interests
(151d) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The Patriarchs >>
Moses -- This verse goes with verse 9
(238j) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
Teachers "remind" their students >>
Teaching by rote –
Jude said that we know all things once for all, suggesting that he was talking
to knowledgeable people as students of God’s word. Also, the Spirit
of God was their teacher and revealed things to them, so they did not
need to be told. If they needed to know anything, God Himself would instruct
them, and they had the writings of both the Old and New Testaments. Jude’s audience was exceedingly familiar with
the exile of Moses from the land of Egypt; he wasn’t trying to tell them
anything new.
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(163j) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >> Used
by Satan to destroy your own life
(166j) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Carnality/Secularism (mindset of the world)
The carnal mind cannot discern between good and evil >>
The carnal mind agrees with the devil –
Sodom and Gomorrah exhibited rebellion comparable to demons so that God sent hellfire upon,
reserved for the devil and his angels. This
is the level of distain God has for homosexuality. He hates that man walks by the natural impulses of his flesh instead of
waking by faith in the Son of God, but when they follow unnatural impulses, it
calls down judgment upon themselves. Every society that accepted homosexuality
has crumbled under the weight of its own sin, so homosexuality will be the sin
that tips the scales before God judges the world for
rejecting His Truth and righteousness. Jude is making the point that
homosexuality and demonic activity are related, for just as demons abandoned their
own domain and murdered the Son of God, so homosexuals abandoned their proper
abode and defiled entire civilizations with their immoral wickedness. See also: homosexuality;
(181a) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Rebellion >>
Rebelling against God >> Rebelling against the
authority of God – The Nephilim
were mentioned in the time of Noah (Gen
6,1-4). Satan transgressed every line that God
drew, and one of those lines was having sex with women, creating the Nephilim.
If Satan could have sex with women and gotten them pregnant, it would prove
that man and demon are related; however,
Gen 1-25 says, “God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the
cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its
kind.” For this reason, cats cannot conceive with dogs and demons cannot conceive with women. Therefore, it
must have happened some other way. We know that Satan will possess a man in
the last days that we call the antichrist. He will so completely possess this
man that even his DNA will be altered. However, this probably will not happen
overnight, but over a course of many generations. Demon-possessed men having
sex with women slowly changes the DNA through a process called epigenetics.
This is done in isolation to the rest of
society to concentrate the demonic contribution, until the Nephilim are made
to walk the earth again. In this way Satan will have transgressed the
line between man and demon, like crossing the line between animal species,
like homosexuality crosses the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman, suggesting
this progression: homosexuality à
possession à
degradation of
society à
judgment of
God. See also: homosexuality; Jd,6-10; 135c
(185e) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Mystery of
lawlessness >> The mystery of sin
(135c) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Immorality >>
Homosexuality – Jude adds another
level of wickedness
to the profile of homosexuality, and subsequently adds another layer
of judgment to their impending destruction. Just as the angels “did not keep
their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode,” so neither do homosexuals
keep their own domain, but abandon God’s original design and lust for one another.
This verse is foremost a description of Satan and his demons coercing the Jews
to crucify their own Messiah, suggesting that Satan and his demons were
just as responsible for putting Jesus to death as mankind. He was the malevolent
behind the cross. In order for Satan to accomplish this, he had to abandon his
proper spiritual domain of darkness. He had no right to touch the apple of
God’s eye, anymore than a homosexual has a right to burn in lust for his own gender. Every human is guilty of crucifying the Son of
God, as is every demon, but the demons are unable to repent, and those
who refuse to repent of the treasonous act of homosexuality God will
punish with eternal fire with the devil and his angels, for there is no
distinction between the sin of man and demons. See also: homosexuality; Jd-7; 167a
Judgment >> God judges the world
Satan is under God’s eternal judgment –
It says that God has kept the demons in eternal bonds. Since demons are
shackled, they have bondage to offer mankind. We can envision fetters
attached to hands and feet, but when it comes to spiritual entities, it is
anybody’s guess what these shackles mean. They try to put us
in bondage to sin, and so it is likely that these eternal bonds are fetters
of sin. They were once beautiful angels, until they decided to follow
Lucifer. See also: rebellion; 203e
(203e) Denying Christ
Dishonor God >> Stepping out of position –
didn’t just want what belonged to God; he wanted to be God.
Lucifer literally created the mystery of lawlessness, being the only thing he
created in his attempt to become the Creator. When it says that demons abandoned their proper abode, it means they
abandoned their post. God had given Lucifer the inheritance of the entire
creation, but it wasn’t enough for him; he wanted God’s throne too. God was
not interested in quibbling with Lucifer for the rest of eternity about whether
he would have actually put his
plan into action, so God allowed Lucifer
to prove to all creation his real intensions beyond the
shadow of a doubt. Now Satan cannot say that it was God’s word
against his. Lucifer’s Tree of the Knowledge of Good and
Evil was God's throne, having given him the entire universe as his possession, 'but from [My
throne] you shall not [sit], for in the day that you [put out your hand to take
it] you
will surely die' (Gen 2-17). As he made his attempt, God cast him to the
earth. Jesus said in Lk 10-18, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like
lightning,” suggesting that it wasn’t Jesus who cast him to the earth, but His Father. Jesus was not in charge but Lucifer,
suggesting that Lucifer was temporarily given authority above the Son of God. The Father gave a created
being the place of Christ to prove
that no created being is humble enough to assume Jesus' place. Therefore, if
Lucifer, the prince of blasphemers now called Satan, was willing to coordinate a
coo against God’s throne, how much more willing is he to perform any and all
feats of rebellion against God, against His truth and against his people? See also: rebellion; Jd-8,9;
Judgment >> God judges the world
Hell is a place of darkness -- This verse goes with verse 13
(49h) Judgment
God judges the world >> The last days >>
The day of judgment
(184d) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Darkness >>
God controls darkness >> God hides unbelief in
darkness -- This verse goes with verse 13
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(3l) Responsibility
>> To the Family
God addresses both genders >> Evil men
(47a) Judgment >> God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of sorrow >> It is a great fire prepared for the devil and
his angels >> The lake of fire -- This verse goes with verse 23
(151bb) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The Patriarchs >>
Abraham >> Story of Abraham
(154g) Witness
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Witness that the world is
rebellious against God >> Witness against sin --
This verse goes with verse 11
(167a) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Carnality/Secularism (mindset of the world) >>
The carnal mind is set on the flesh >> Lust of
the fleshly mind –
It wasn’t just Sodom and Gomorra, but the cities surrounding them that had
given into this sin, meaning that it was spreading like cancer. It says they suffered in their person “the
punishment of eternal fire,” not just fire that descended from heaven, but
lust that engulfed them, leading to fire and brimstone. People who endorse
homosexuality have been running from Scripture ever since it was written, trying to somehow
interpret their way from impending doom, unless they repent.
Most of the time they just give up, condemning the Scriptures and avoiding
those who would bring these passages to mind. It is a losing game to use
Scripture to validate homosexuality, though there are some who are arrogant
enough to try, but they are only fooling themselves. They are pig-headed and
refuse to acknowledge the will of God. It is not homosexuality but rebellion
that seeks to express itself through homosexuality. See also: homosexuality; Jd,6-13;
(84l) Thy kingdom come
Your words can lead to your own demise >> They
can be destructive -- These verses go with verse 15
(163k) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Entertaining demons >> Disciplined by the devil
as a son
(164e) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> The world system >>
Satan’s system of authority >> Satan’s
hierarchy of evil
(175m) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Ignorance >>
Ignorant of God
(15k) Servant >>
Angels >>
Limitations of angels
– Satan does not
have the same authority he once had, making it difficult to describe the
relationship between Michael and the devil. The event of Michael the ark angel arguing
with the devil about the body of Moses is nowhere in the Bible except here. Jude by revelation is saying that these two angels have a common
past. Lucifer, was once Michael’s superior officer, the
greatest angel of the angelic host. Although things have changed
since Lucifer lost His position as the most powerful created being, Michael
still treated him with reverence, remembering the status and
authority he once had in heaven. He did not hold Satan in contempt because
of his fallen state, but pitied him. In contrast, ignorant, wicked men
through rebellion revile angelic majesties. The Bible says there was war in
heaven (Rev 12,7-9); these fallen angels still have power and authority
in the angelic realm. They use it only for evil now, being incapable of
choosing good, whereas man is caught in the middle, having the ability
to choose between good and evil, but the fallen angels have already made their
decision; it is cast in stone. They are the epitome of what it
means to be in bondage to sin, while man is still being tested and a verdict
has not been reached. Once the spirit leaves the body, the testing is finalized
by the death of the flesh. If they have not sided with Christ, they will
no longer be able to choose good, having already made their choice and
becoming like the fallen angels, unable to repent. Those in heaven who
believe in Jesus are in the opposite condition, unable to choose evil; the
are happy and content. See also: rebellion; Jd-8; 134b
(134b) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Mediator
between the natural and the spiritual realms >>
Manifesting the kingdom of darkness through disobedience –
Satan works with people who
diametrically oppose the truth, who say some of the most atrocious things
against God, things that cause the Christian’s skin to crawl. The devil
stands behind the person, leading them to acquire a belief system they think
is unique, but that Satan has inspired in countless others who are open to his
hatred of God. False religions follow theology that demons
believe, according to the principle, “deceiving and
being deceived” (2Tim 3-13). This goes for the devil, who deceived himself into
believing His own false notions about God. We hear
their blasphemy, and we could argue with them, but we would get nowhere. What matters more than
trying to convince them of the truth is protecting the Church from their
negative influence, making it clear that if they will not believe in
the gospel, not to trouble those who do. They are led by demons, so it is only natural they
should dissuade
others from believing in Jesus, and every person they discourage from the
faith is a feather in their cap. In their heart they know
they’re rushing headlong into judgment, knowing what the
Bible says but thinking they know better. They know the truth, but they
don’t believe it, and they are too weak in heart to resist the devil,
and they have covered too much ground to turn back now. See also: rebellion; Jd,6-8;
(145f) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> Deliverance from demon
possession >> Human state >>
Filthiness >> Being defiled
Authority >> Jesus delegates authority
There is authority in Jesus’ name
(151d) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The Patriarchs >>
Moses -- This verse goes with verse 5. The
Bible states that after Moses died, His body hidden so people would not
build a shrine over his remains and make it a place of idolatry, like the
Catholics did to Peter’s supposed remains, building St Peter's Basilica over
his bones.
(218j) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
Reaping the harvest in eternity
(23c) Sin
Pride is defensive
(25b) Sin
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Hate evil with hate
-- This verse goes with verse 23. These
people destroy the things they hate, and they hate the things that destroy
them. They are at war with creation and with the creator and with each other
and themselves, and for this reason God has commanded us to “Come out from their
midst and be separate” (2Cor 6-16,17). We are not at war with them or with
our enemies who hate
us, and we are certainly not at war with God. Rather, we
are at war with spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. This is the
root of slavery to corruption (Rom 8-21), and it refers to the nature of sin
that has been sown into the fabric of creation.
(12e) Servant
Bad examples -- This verse goes with verses 5-7
(151g) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> Adam -- This verse
goes with verse 14
(154g) Witness
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Witness that the world is
rebellious against God >> Witness against sin --
This verse goes with verse 7
(215g) Sovereignty
God controls time >> Suddenly >>
The judgments of God come suddenly >> Without
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(172d) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> Worldliness in the Church
These verses go with verse 4. Back
in the day, the majority of church members were poor, but
nowadays a link has been made between Christianity and wealth. Big money
often assumes the blessing of God, as though money is proof of possession.
Going to church is thus a natural recourse for many wealthy people, who use
the weekly routine to improve their image in society, and the Church needs their money,
so Christianity has become a rich man's club.
The Church should seek alternative methods to conduct their faith that require
far less money, so it doesn’t depend on wealthy people to sustain itself,
most who do not know God. See also: Tares among the wheat; Jd-19; 79b
(22l) Sin
Pride glorifies self >> Seeking the glory of man
(23i) Sin
Poverty (Oppression) >> God’s perspective on
the poor – God does not respect the poor for being
poor; He respects them for believing in His gospel and trusting in His
ability to supply their needs. There are poor people who do not serve God,
which is a travesty, and think that God should help them because they’re
poor, not because they believe in Him.
(55e) Paradox
Opposites >> Wolves creeping in who have
been long beforehand marked out for destruction, are not very sneaky -- These
verses go with verse 4
(171h) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Decorating the outside to simulate
the inside >> Simulating the outer man to
portray the inner man -- These verses go with verse 16
(181k) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Self deception >> Deceiving and being deceived
(197e) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Man
withers when he is in control >> Fruitlessness >>
A fruitless life offends God –
These people are dangerous, not that they carry a gun or conceal a knife, but there are other dangers referring to
faith, such as they have a
corrosive effect on the Church and are not easily detectable. They know how to talk
religion, and they have mastered the Jesus-smile. Meanwhile, they don’t
have the slightest interest in the things of God, nor do they have the Holy
Spirit dwelling in them. If allowed to remain, they will influence God’s people with their godless
values and lifestyle, and over
time their influence will redefine a new normal of behavior.
They don’t do any of these things on purpose; they don’t know God.
Misconstruing the freedom of Christ, they are frauds who practice deception,
instead of investing their lives
into the Kingdom of God, unaware they are on their way to hell. Those who pretend
to be Christians have no choice but to have a detrimental effect on the
saints, tempting us to relax on the principles of faith and love, and soon we will begin to think
like them about the gospel, that it’s just a matter of believing a set of
(25l) Sin
>> Consequences of sin
You’re walking in death if you’re not walking in Jesus
(84g) Thy kingdom come
Words of your mouth >> Boasting in men is not
(131j) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Many members but one body
>> Many partakers but one loaf of bread
(159c) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit >>
Counterfeit godliness >> Counterfeit Christian
(241a) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Taking away the key of
knowledge >> Hindering unity in the Church –
That is a wretched spiritual state of a human being. These people cause almost
all the division and disunity that is in the Church today, suggesting there
must be many of them with us who fit this description, who fill our
congregations and are even preaching in our pulpits, and the Church as a whole
is incognizant of them. We don’t know them because they have taken the key
of knowledge from us. John in Revelation called it the key of David; some say
it is worship, so they worship God in their services and sing songs and raise
their hands. They think that the higher they jump and the louder they sing,
the more they are worshipping God and the more they are turning the key of
David. Jesus called them the "keys of the kingdom", meaning there is
more than one. Dozens of times throughout the New Testament it speaks of the
Holy Spirit and the word of God in unison. These are the keys of the kingdom:
the Spirit and the word. We operate in the Spirit through prayer, and we
operate in the word of God by studying the Bible and coming to know the truth.
Together, we use them to worship God, but the people that Jude has mentioned
here have taken away the key of knowledge, teaching other things instead. They
put the gospel in other words and teach it in other ways that are not true, so
they don’t bring the Holy Spirit and God’s truth together. They try to
show us their point in the Bible, and we don’t see it, so they have to pound
it into us from week to week until we can’t help but see it in the Bible,
brainwashing us to their belief systems. On the contrary, the teachings of the
Spirit and the word are crystal clear in the Scriptures; every writer in the
New Testament spoke this way, but because we don’t think so, since our false
shepherds have brainwashed us to their perspectives, we don’t understand the
gospel as it is written. We put a foreign key into a lock and try to turn it,
and it doesn’t move. What are we attempting to unlock? Are we not trying to
unlock the power of God? We are not trying to make Him work for us, but to
know the truth and to be set free to work for Him. God is highly zealous for
His ways; He wants His Church to grow both spiritually and numerically in that
order. He wants this more than we do, and so it would behoove us to work with
Him in this way rather than searching for another set of keys to make God work
for us. We have a lot of gabby doctrines that never set anyone free, and we
need to trade them in for the truth of God, and be cleansed from all
defilement of flesh and Spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2Cor
7-1). See also: Spirit and the Word (Spirit gives boldness to speak the word of God); 2Cor 3-12; 85f
Judgment >> God Judges the world
Hell is a place of darkness -- This verse goes with verse 6
(53k) Paradox
Opposites >> What I used to think >>
I thought sinners liked darkness
(153c) Shame (Key verse)
(153d) Witness
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Shame >>
Hiding under a cloud of guilt >> Your sin will
find you out
(161c) Works of the devil
Wandering from the character of God >> Wander
from the truth –
These “church people” crash the saint’s pot blesses, who have no
regard for genuine faith and have no reverence for God. Jude calls them hidden
reefs, the metaphor of a Christian resembling a ship at sea, and we know what
hidden reefs do to the hulls of ships. They are the most hazardous obstacles in the open ocean,
especially the ones that are uncharted and rise from the depths, hundreds of miles from the
nearest land and stop just short of the water’s surface, making them invisible
to the ship’s spotter. These can tear a hole in the bottom of a ship, inviting
it to the ocean floor.
(184d) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Darkness >>
God controls darkness >> God hides unbelief in
darkness -- This verse goes with verse 6
(220b) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> Predestination >>
Predestined according to the sovereignty of God -- This verse goes with
verse 4
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(20k) Sin
Disobedience >> Rejecting the word
(49c) Judgment
Enemies of God’s righteousness are destroyed -- These verses go
with verses 4-11. Enoch
could have prophesied about the White Throne Judgment against the wicked in
sending them to hell, but he didn’t. Instead, he prophesied about the
victory of the Church. In fact, they are two sides of the same coin. The
wicked will become an object of horror throughout eternity as a lesson to
all creation that we should not rebel. His
judgment against them will be extremely severe for reasons we cannot fully understand at this time, because we have never yet seen the Lord
face-to-face. The day we meet Him we will begin to understand His severity
against the wicked. There is a day when we will fully understand Him, and
that day is the last day of eternity, meaning we will never fully
understand His ways. Until then we must trust that what God is doing is
righteous, holy and perfect.
(49h) Judgment
God judges the world >> The last days >>
The day of judgment
(89l) Thy kingdom come
God convicts us of sin >> Conviction reminds
us to repent
(133h) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holiness >>
The body of Christ is holy >> God’s people
are holy to the Lord
(142a) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Old Testament
bears witness to the new >> Prophesy about the
dispensation >> The end times –
It is no wonder Enoch found favor with God; he prophesied about the second
coming of Christ six centuries from Noah’s flood before God took him. This
suggests that Enoch lived among a growing wickedness, enduring their sin and felt his spirit vexed day after day by their lawless
deeds (2Pet 2-8). At the seventh generation from Adam, God gave testimony to
him about the First Resurrection, and then He raptured him, punctuating its
importance. God had been looking forward to this day since He created Adam,
being the greatest day of mankind, the day of gathering God’s people
together as one body. Not a soul will be missing, as Jesus
said about His disciples, “I guarded them and not one of them perished but
the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled” (Jn
17-12). The First Resurrection represents total victory for the Church over
sin and death and over Satan and his minions. The Church represents only a
fraction of all the people who ever lived, for most people will not
be counted in the roles of heaven (Mat 7-13,14). Throughout the ages God has
been selecting only a handful of people from the masses.
(156K) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Living an ungodly lifestyle >>
Practicing sin
(151g) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> Adam -- This verse
goes with verse 11
(84l) Thy kingdom come
Your words can lead to your own demise >> They
can be destructive -- This verse goes with verses 8-10
(186b) Works of the devil
The result of lawlessness >> Blasphemy >>
Cursing the Holy Spirit >> Consider the work of
the Holy Spirit to be sin
(17e) Sin >>
Judging in the flesh >> Based on greed
(75j) Thy kingdom come
Motives >> Being manipulative >>
Controlling people by abusing authority
(76a) Thy kingdom come
Hidden motives >> Based on selfish ambition
(93m) Thy kingdom come
Following Jesus >> Exception >>
Following evil along the broad way -- This verse goes with verse
(158b) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Divide and conquer >>
Strife >> Grumbling
(162i) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Being slaves of men >>
Bad company >> Bad company will entangle you in
their bondage –
Jude equated the deeds of the wicked with the sins of the Egyptians (v5); pharaoh
held the Israelites in bondage to their lust for power and glory. Prior
to judging the world, God will convict them of the evil they have perpetrated
against His people and the harsh things they have spoken against the Lord.
People think they can get away with saying anything they want against God, and
He has in fact taken truckloads of abuse ever since the fall of man in the
Garden of Eden.
Works of the devil >> Manifestations of the devil >> Carnality/Secularism
(mindset of the world)
>> The carnal mind is set on the flesh >> Carnal mind cares only
for itself –
The people to whom Judas refers are devoid of the Spirit; they are worldly-minded,
caring only for
themselves, and they have no regard for the afterlife. Peter also warned us
about those who preach that the second
coming of Christ will never happen, that everything remains the same from the
beginning (2Pet 3,3-7). They hold to a secular worldview and discount any belief in a
spiritual realm and retell their own rendition of history, that since the
beginning of time God has been absent. They deny the stories of the Bible,
including Moses, claiming that the cycles of life are all that exist, turning
slowly, indefinitely under their own power as though God were dead. That is
what they believe and they jam it down our throats. These are
dangerous people to the saints with their lies and deceptions prepared as
their religion of unbelief.
(171h) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Decorating the outside to simulate
the inside >> Simulating the outer man to
portray the inner man -- This verse goes with verses 12&13
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Authority >> Discernment >> Judging truth and error >>
Perceiving wicked plans –
Judas advised us to keep ourselves in the love of God, praying
always in the Holy Spirit; this is how we avoid such men as these (See 2Timothy
chapter 3). We must be
vigilant, praying in a way that we cannot pray without God, staying
spiritually in touch with the Lord, opposing such people by exposing them. We must
not let our love to grow cold or lose our discernment of their pernicious ways.
(239a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
Teachers "remind" their students >>
Recalling the word of God
(49l) Judgment
God judges the world >> Condition of the world
in the last days
(93m) Thy kingdom come
Following Jesus >> Exception >>
Following evil along the broad way -- This verse goes with verse
(243c) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Mocking >>
Mocking the Church
(79b) Thy kingdom come
Renewing your mind >> Satan will control your
mind if you don’t – There are many
"goats" (unsaved church attendants) marbled throughout the assembly
in our churches all across America today.
Jude in this verse is talking about people in church who are not saved; they
are false brethren if not wolves
in sheep’s clothing. They go to church for ulterior motives. They never
found a social club they liked, but the Church seems to fit their needs. They
learn the language of Christianity and familiarize themselves with the Bible. The
pastor could preach a salvation message, but they don’t get saved. They are a danger to the flock who
trust God for their salvation. We have an element of trust with our fellow believers, and
when we trust people with intensions of exploiting us, the process of
victimization has already begun. The best way to make this kind of people
leave before they hurt anybody is to preach highly concentrated truth from
the pulpit, but if our
teaching if filled with religiosity and false doctrine, these things don’t
make impostors leave. In fact, it attracts them, being the very kind of people who invented such
doctrines centuries earlier. It is too late to do anything about troublemakers after
they have hurt people;
we want to take preemptive action before this happens. They have ulterior
motives for going to church, and
ultimately they will harm the faith of those who are trusting in Jesus for
eternal life. Many pastors are not willing to
preach the unadulterated truth because they know it will cause many to leave,
but this will result in our advantage, since there are many in the assembly
who fit the description that Jude gives. They cause divisions;
they are worldly-minded and they are devoid of the Spirit. Churches these days
are filled with people like this almost everywhere we go. There are many goats
among the sheep, many tares among the wheat, and what was Jesus’ answer? Let
them grow together and at the end of the harvest He will deal with them. See also: Tares among the wheat; Jd-4;
(158g) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Divide and conquer >>
Division (Cliques) >> Special interest groups
(167d) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Carnality/Secularism (mindset of the world) >>
The carnal mind is set on the flesh >> Bound
to the earth
(82d) Thy kingdom come
Three elements of prayer >> Our approach >>
How to pray
(95e) Thy kingdom come
Positive attitude >> Speaking in tongues >>
Tongues are a form of prayer –
The Church is designed to help build up one another, called edification, but
Jude said that we should also build up ourselves as students of God’s
word and disciples of prayer, which encompasses our ministry toward God. We
build up ourselves in our most holy faith, and in so doing we come into
relationship with Him. Jude said that our faith is most holy to the Lord. The
old covenant temple also had a Most Holy Place... as we come to God, we come
to a Most Holy Place with Him. Jude included
praying in the Holy Spirit as a building-up process, which most churches either place at
the top of their list and misconstrue or place at the bottom of their list and reject it
altogether. We need to find middle ground between rejecting this
gift and misusing it. Jude spoke about ministering to God,
and when we pray in the Holy Spirit, we are talking to God, not man. We speak
in tongues for the express purpose of seeking direction from Him. Therefore, when we
speak in tongues, we are asking God to lead us, and based on the context of
this verse, we ask Him to lead us from "mockers, walking after their own ungodly
lusts. These are those who cause divisions and are sensual, not having the Spirit." God protects us from them
by exposing them, so we can distinguish the
true brethren from the enemies of our faith.
(106m) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Hearing from God >> Purpose of hearing from God >>
God gives us direction (Attitude)
(133c) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holiness >>
God is holy >> The Holy Spirit
(139g) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> We build the
temple through Christ
(7g) Responsibility
Protecting the gospel >> Defending your
(24e) Sin
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Waiting creates
anxiety –
Jude used the word “anxious” to mean anticipation. To be anxious has a negative
connotation, whereas there is nothing negative about anticipating the promise
of eternal life. We must go through many pitfalls and difficulties of
this life by faith in the Son of God, so in the end we will receive both
eternal life and the rewards that accumulated over a lifetime of service to
(93a) Thy kingdom come
The narrow way >> Keep yourself on the narrow
There are many in the Church who have the attitude that God must do everything
for them because they are not able of doing anything for themselves, but this
verse, and a host of others, entirely refutes that notion. They have a very
convenient outlook that dismisses any sense of responsibility. In contrast, when Jude said, “Keep yourselves in the love
of God,” that is something we must do. God keeps us in
His love as we keep ourselves in the love of God. When Jesus returns, He
will come for a Church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she
should be holy and blameless (Eph 5-27), serving Him in Spirit
and truth with a whole heart.
(116a) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Working the grace of God >> Through
good works >>
Works that God put in your heart – We
must do something to protect the treasure that
lives within us. We often find ourselves fending off those who would
rob our faith, and we must protect it by keeping ourselves in the love of
Despite the circumstances of misfortune and hardship that befall us at various
times and in varying degrees, we must not abandon our faith in God and our love for the brethren and our
ability to practice love in every situation. This is the true faith; we all
come short of it, and God takes up the slack, and there is forgiveness, and He calls
us to promote His kingdom on the earth through our mortal flesh in obedience to His
will according to the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. We come to
God because of our failings, asking for His mercy and grace, and He is
faithful to us, for He cannot deny Himself, and He calls us to remain faithful to Him.
(124c) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Love >>
Acts of love >> Love is the proper motive for
all you do
(126ka) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Patience >>
Have patience for the return of Christ >> The spiritual return of Christ
We know that Christ will one day physically return to earth and set up His
millennial kingdom, but before that He will make His spiritual debut,
referring to a Great Endtime Revival. In those days the Church will operate in
obedience and dedication with great faith and love that will be as though
Jesus Christ has already returned and dwells among His people. God has been waiting for
us to manifest His kingdom for the last 2000 years, and here we sit waiting
for Him; this is a common problem in many venues
of life, such as two people scheduled to meet but have their
wires crossed, each waiting for the other in different locations. In this case our heart is in
the wrong place. When we think of all the complaining Paul did in his
epistles, people grudgingly served Christ even then. Everybody who dies
in the Lord immediately gets ushered into heaven, a place called
the New Jerusalem. (Its name will probably be changed to
something else.) A day is coming when
Jesus will return to the earth, and shortly before that the First Resurrection
will occur, and every person who ever died in the Lord will receive
resurrected bodies. The ultimate victory over sin and death is to receive a
body that cannot die, nor can it sin. See also: Great Endtime Revival (Two periods: first century and last century);
Mk 11-23; 215e
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Responsibility >> Advocate God’s cause
Disciples preach the gospel
(115d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Working the grace of God >> Through your
ministry >> Through your calling >>
In preaching the gospel
(149d) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Compel them to come in >> Forceful persuasion –
The man who gets saved on his deathbed wished he had his life all over again
so he could dedicate all his years to Christ, but if he doesn't have this
attitude, he probably didn't get saved. Many a person has been snatched
from the fires of hell after leading a life of debauchery and on his deathbed repented
from his lifelong disobedience.
Had he to do it all over again, he would have lived for Jesus. He needs a revelation of the
futility of his life, regardless of the successes he may have achieved. He
needs a revelation of Jesus Christ as the one who loved him and died for his
soul. Of course no one knows if the person who repents on his deathbed really meant it, because he doesn’t have his life to prove
His newfound faith, but God knows.
The worst we could do to someone on His deathbed is not go to him with the
gospel of salvation. He spent his life and now he is entering into eternity with
nothing to show for all his years and no way to appeal to God for mercy,
except by his newfound faith. In that way he is like the the criminal
crucified next to Jesus, "'Remember me when You come in Your kingdom!' And
[Jesus] said to him, 'Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in
Paradise.'" Some of the worst sinners can be saved this way,
and with some it is the only way they can be saved, because they were
unreachable in good health when death wasn't staring him in the face. God finally gets
his attention on his deathbed, and some of the questions he was never willing
to contemplate in life become his prime focus prior to
entering eternity, such as whether there is life after death and where
people go when they die. This is the thing that God has over each of us: our
mortality. We better not lie on our deathbed, for this is the place where the
most important things are assigned the proper value, and usually they have nothing to do with the things we
valued in life, proving that we had believed a lie. See also: Salvation on the deathbed; Jd-23;
(20j) Sin
Doubt is based on past experience
(16c) Sin
>> Man’s nature is instinctively evil
Man has a body of sin
(25b) Sin
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Hate evil with hate
-- This verse goes with verse 10
(46a) Judgment >>
Spiritual warfare >> Subjecting your flesh >> Violent take it by force
>> Taking the kingdom by force
(47a) Judgment >> God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of sorrow >> It is a great fire prepared for the devil and
his angels >> The lake of fire -- This verse goes with verse 7
(55f) Paradox
Opposites >> Love/hate relationships – There are three kinds of people in the
world: those who need a little
encouragement to believe, those who finally repent and believe on their deathbeds,
and those whose lives are so polluted
that even their clothes pose a hazard.
God calls us to have mercy on all, but we have reason to be concerned for our well-being when interacting with this third group, because they are
dangerous, volatile and unpredictable, even near death. Some were homosexual drug
addicts, infected with every known disease, caring only for themselves. They
stole anything they could get their grimy hands on without batting an eye
to feed their ravenous habit. Jude didn’t say these would be saved; he just
said to have mercy on them with fear, not knowing whom God may be
calling to his kingdom and glory. The “mercy” to which Jude refers is not
so much ministering to them as to avoid judging them. We shouldn’t backslide into their darkness in effort to be
merciful to them. See also: Salvation on the deathbed; 108a
(63e) Paradox
Anomalies >> Sarcasm >>
Exaggerate the truth to make a point
(69e) Authority >>
Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >> Righteous anger >>
Church is angry at sin
(88k) Thy kingdom come >>
Fear of God >>
Revering God
(108a) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Balance between truth and error >>
Wisdom brings balance between truth and error –
Some of the most depraved people can be saved on their deathbeds. Trying to
reach them in life with the gospel is almost impossible, but in death we have
a much better chance of winning them to Christ. In the New Testament clothing represents our deeds, so when Jude says, “… hating even the garment
polluted by the flesh,” he was referring to hating their former manner of
life. They may have led
horrific lives, “hateful, hating one another” (Tit 3-3); even so, we must
rush to their deathbed and offer them the opportunity to receive eternal life.
We think that certain people are disqualified from heaven because of the
things they have said and done, but we have no idea whom God has prepared to
receive eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. One thing is impossible, they will
never see heaven if their plan in life was to repent on their deathbed. If they lived however they wanted and then had in mind to repent and ask Jesus in their heart
at the last moment to escape the fires of hell, they
will find that heaven eludes them, because their heart is not right with
God. A person with this attitude toward God better brace himself for the
eternal flames of hell. It is like a man jumping
out of an airplane moments before it crashes and expecting to survive; that
only works on the cartoons. Just as true repentance must happen
in a person’s heart who can demonstrate his faith throughout his life, so true repentance must happen to the man on his deathbed, though he
doesn’t have his life to prove the sincerity of his faith, but God knows his
heart. See also: Salvation on the deathbed; Jd-22,23; 149d
(189aa) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Holy sacrifice >>
The smell of death >> Stench of the dead
(194e) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Hate evil >>
Condemning sin >> Hate evil by being innocent of
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(137k) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Maturity >>
Stages of maturity are levels of accountability >>
It is our responsibility to be mature –
There are many so-called Christians who think the process of maturity is something that
transpires outside their consciousness, as though God works on them at night
while they are asleep, as though they had no part in it, or as though spiritual
maturity were just a matter of time, like baking a cake. God always involves
our will as He instills His gifts and abilities; therefore He calls us
to work with Him, as it is written, “Working together with Him, we also urge
you not to receive the grace of God in vain” (2Cor 6-1). Some use the word “blameless”
to describe Jesus' view of us, instead of as a descriptor of our actual behavior. They say that
regardless of our lifestyle He looks on us and sees the blood of Jesus
covering our sin. That is true in certain contexts, but it is not the context
of this verse. Jude is speaking of literal blamelessness. God is asking us
to actually be blameless in our behavior. A theoretical
blamelessness is nice, but being literally blameless is better, so our
hypocrisy doesn’t undo our promotion of God’s coming kingdom. See also: Blameless;
234a /
the grace of God (God clothes us with good
works); Rev 7,13-15; 113c
(234a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> God chooses us as we seek His glory
>> As we submit to Him
We are called to seek the glory of God. Some people are confused about
this phrase, as though we were trying to steal His glory, but we are seeking to glorify Him, knowing that in turn
He will glorify us. Jude writes about standing in the presence of His glory blameless
with great joy. Some people take this as a theoretical blamelessness,
but Eph 5-27 says, “That He might present to Himself the church in all her
glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy
and blameless.” This is not a virtual blamelessness or a theoretical one or hypothetical, but
one that is practical and applicable
to this life. See also: Blameless; Jd-24; 41l
(28h) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> God protects His people
-- This verse goes with verse 1&2
(41l) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Blameless before God >> Prepare to enter His
presence –
Although we will never be perfect or actually be blameless, God has called us to
live this life as we will in heaven (Mat 6-10), seeking His attributes in a
practical sense and living by them. Blamelessness is difficult to achieve on any level walking in sinful flesh, in
fact impossible, for there are many pitfalls and temptations; nevertheless,
the gauntlet has been thrown to seek blamelessness and achieve it much as
possible, and where we fail God will finish our faith (Heb 12-2). Paul said in Rom 7-18,
“For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.” We are
depraved from the inside-out, so this pursuit of blamelessness is not an
attempt to be blameless before God but before men. Striving to be like Him is
the only way to convey our love for Him. If we believe in Jesus but
live like the devil, no one will believe our gospel, not even us. Although we
will never achieve perfection or blamelessness, to pursue it is in that sense
to be blamelessness even when we fall short of it. If our pursuit is sincere,
that is all God wants to see in us. We encourage the brethren when we live as
we believe and exhibit His attributes, though we
are tainted by sin and are full of faults. See also: Blameless; Jd-24,25; 137k
(43i) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Perfected by God
(104i) Thy kingdom come
Pure in heart shall see God >> Shall see Jesus >>
Being in the presence of Jesus
(125e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Joy >>
Joy is the result of partaking of the Holy Spirit >>
Joy of the revelation of Jesus Christ
(228h) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> God works in you to keep you
in His will -- This verse goes with verse 1
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(66a) Authority
Lordship of Christ >> He is Lord over all
creation >> over life and death
(66f) Authority
>> Jesus’ authority
His position with the Father >> Jesus has
authority over all things from the Father
(115a) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Working God’s
grace through Christ >> Worship God through
Christ –
Jude worshipped God, attributing to him glory, majesty, dominion and authority
now and forever. He speaks of worshipping the Father through the Son, saying
that God the Father is our Savior. We know that Jesus is the Savior of the
world, but here it says that the Father is the Savior, in that the members of
the trinity are all one, so to call Jesus the Savior is to call the Father the
Savior. Plus, it is biblical in that the Father sent the Son (Jn 3-16).
(252i) Trinity
You shall put no other gods before Me >> Worship
God >> Worship God for who He is >>
Glorifying God
(253b) Trinity
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
external qualities of the Father >> Son is
infinite and eternal like the Father –
It is always good to hear the Scriptures teach that Jesus Christ existed
before all time (NASB). There are many occurrences in Scripture reminding us
that Jesus lived in eternity past, yet there are cults by the droves that deny
the divinity of Jesus Christ. When they do this, they deny the
Scriptures that speak of Him in this way, and for this reason they are not
Christian religions. Cults and false religions are born of rebellion and
unbelief and are willfully ignorant of the Scriptures. They do not acknowledge
certain Bible verses that diametrically oppose their heretical doctrines, and when
they avoid these verses, it is a telltale sign of their contempt for God and
His word. Why do they insist on using the Bible to determine their doctrine if
they don’t believe what the Bible teaches? They want to integrate into
Christianity because it is pervasive throughout the world and their aim is to
mimic true believers to make their religion appear legitimate, so they can
skim certain believers who are weak in faith and unsure what the Bible says.
(253h) Trinity
Relationship between Father and Son >> Father
and Son glorify each other >> Father and Son
represent each other
(255h) Trinity
Father, Son and Holy Spirit >> Three in one >>
There is only one God