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Heb 6,1-3
(103e) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> God’s cleansing power >>
cleansing of baptism
Heb 6-1,2
(38d) Judgment
Jesus defeated death (Satan) >> Resurrection
brings about judgment
(47j) Judgment
>> God judges the world
Eternal judgment against unbelief toward Christ
(103g) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> Spirit like water >>
Anointing cleanses you from the practice of sin
(115h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Laying on of hands >>
Bestowing the Holy Spirit
(137k) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Maturity >>
Stages of maturity are levels of accountability >>
It is our responsibility to be mature – The writer of Hebrews threw
the subjects of
the resurrection and eternal judgment into the category of
elementary teachings about the Christ, suggesting that everyone in the days of
the early Church understood these things. However, 2000 years later we routinely conduct
seminars on such topics, often struggling to comprehend them. It seems
we have muddied the waters of theology with our ideas. For example, people nowadays don’t
want to believe in hell, probably because they suspect they are going there.
In our day when we don’t want to believe something, we just manipulate our
mind to accommodate our updated version of the truth, but denying the truth
accomplishes nothing, in that God's Truth remains unedited. We are not living in reality
anymore; everything is a facsimile of something else. Like our computers, one thing
represents another, until the substance is buried under layers
of symbolism. The computer is a tangible thing, but when we turn it on, it
switches to virtual reality.
For example, the letters we type in the word processor become 0s and 1s, and
they in turn become electrical impulses that represent either on or off. We live in a very nebulous
world; if we
don’t want to believe something, we just fabricate ideas in our minds and
then assign truth to it, knowing it is merely a figment of
our imagination, yet we still go on believing it, because the truth seems no
longer relevant. We think we are so smart, but the fact is we are
spiritually in the Stone Age. If the Holy Spirit actually dwells in us, then why
does truth come so hard to us? If these are the elementary
teachings about the Christ and we are struggling to understand them, how will we understand the weightier things that the writer of Hebrews is about to
discuss? See also: See also: Comparing computers to
Heb 4-14; 150ca
Works of the devil >> The religion of witchcraft >> Man’s
Religion >> Deeds that are not initiated by God >> Traditions of
men – Instruction about washing goes back to the
Old Testament. God commanded Israel to wash their food and wash their hands,
etc. long before germs were discovered. The
Pharisees and other zealots took it too far and said that if they observed the
doctrine on washing, they were righteous, but if they didn’t, they are
sinners. At the time washing evolved to became a
condition of God’s favor, and this was one of the fronts that Paul and the
other early apostles fought to free the Church, yet we of the new
covenant believe things just as stupid as this.
(239k) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
Let not many of you become teachers >> Dividing
accurately the word of truth
Heb 6-1
Sin >> Consequences of sin
Death is the fruit of the world –
Dead works
refer to our
sins, but it also refers to works God has not
called us to do. Some things we do can be helpful to others, referring to the
general will of God, but by
comparison, doing the specific will of God bears more fruit than doing the
general will of God. We may not be violating the Law of Moses, but neither are we fulfilling God’s
purpose and calling that He has prepared for us from all eternity.
Maturity (Key verse)
(193b) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Turn from your evil ways >> Turn from sin – The writer of Hebrews is saying, 'Now that we
have covered some of the elementary teachings about the Christ and our future
in heaven, let’s press on to weightier things,' such as our Great High Priest,
who gives occasion to both rejoice and fear. We know that repentance is not a
complicated subject; in fact, there is really
nothing to learn about repentance; we simply stop sinning, turn in the direction
of Christ and follow Him instead. Sin is
dead works that do not bear fruit, because they are not initiated by the Holy Spirit. Paul also spoke of
this in Romans chapters six and seven.
Heb 6-3
(216j) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> God Is Independent Of His Creation >>
You cannot control God’s desire for you >> man
is not in control of his own destiny
Heb 6,4-9
(207a) Salvation
God makes promises on His terms >> Eternal
security? >> Perish by losing your faith >>
The apostasy (walking out the same door you came in)
The writer of Hebrews said, “We are
convinced of better things concerning you,” referring to those who throw away their
faith (1Tim 5-8). We have all seen people
bear fruit for God and then later fall away, bringing up the question, ‘were they really saved?’
If they weren’t saved, then how hard is it
to get saved? Some people want unbelievers to recite the sinner's prayer,
thinking that if they do, they will be saved. In their mind salvation is
just that easy, and ironically these are the same people who claim we
cannot lose our salvation. Therefore, if the person in this passage is not saved,
then those who believe in eternal security must admit that salvation is far more complicated than simply reciting the sinner's prayer.
However, salvation is not complicated, which exposes a very serious contradiction in
their theology. God is not an ogre, and those in question
were indeed saved before they walked away from their faith. Salvation is a
one way street; once we venture down this road, there is no turning back
without losing our soul to some of the deepest pits of hell.
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Heb 6,4-8
Responsibility >> Avoid offending God
Get out of His way >> Do not abuse His grace
Sin >> Consequences of sin
Curse >> Deeds that return to the doer >>
God’s blessings are a curse if you don’t walk in them
(45i) Judgment
Of believer’s sin >> God will judge us for
trampling on His son
(51d) Judgment
>> Judging
the Church with the world
Warned to heed the word of God
(51g) Judgment
>> Judging
the Church with the world
No partiality between saved and unsaved
(55k) Paradox
Gain the world to lose your soul >> He who saves
his life shall lose it
(96l) Thy kingdom come
Having a negative attitude about sin >> Having
an attitude of unbelief
(110m) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spiritual substance and
truth >> Spiritual substance follows obedience
(157i) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Having a reprobate mind
(161b) Works of the devil
Wandering from the character of God >> Wander
from the faith
(172d) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> Worldliness in the Church
(185d) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Mystery of
lawlessness >> Denying Christ in spite of His
proven identity –
The type of rebellion that the writer of Hebrews is addressing is on par with the angels who rebelled
in the presence of God, and is a type of Adam's sin. Although Adam fellowshipped
with God in
the garden in the cool of the day, still he decided
that it would be better to eat the forbidden fruit and learn the mystery of
sin at the cost of his
relationship with God. Adam had the choice to either know God or to experientially
know sin. Therefore, the test in the Garden
was about knowledge. God
has created us with the capacity for knowledge, which is part of what it means
to be created in the image of God. The temptation apparently was too great for
Adam, and from curiosity he jumped at the chance to know God's opposite. It is impossible to fully understand a man with Adam’s
intelligence, having been made perfect, to then turn against his Creator by
doing the one thing God said he shouldn’t do. Sin was the only
thing God also did not know on an experiential level, so God Himself
jumped at the chance to know sin by sending His Son to the cross to become
sin for us. Adam knew sin as a
sinner, and Christ knows sin as the Savior of sinners, who never
committed a sin, yet knows more about sin than anyone. A
person who would turn his back on God like Adam did exhibits the mystery
of lawlessness in all of its depravity. Adam did not invent the mystery of
lawlessness; Satan did, meaning Adam entered Satan's rebellion. The one who walks away from God
the way Adam did made a thoughtful decision, premeditated, which increased his sin, and
multiplied the mystery of lawlessness.
See also: Adam's knowledge of evil;
Rev 16-15; 92d
(186a) Works of the devil
The result of lawlessness >> Blasphemy >>
Unwilling to obey the revelation from heaven >>
Unwilling to walk in God’s ability
(196e) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Immaturity >> Not mature enough to die to self
Unable to obey God
(197c) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Spiritual
laziness >> Rebelling against where God wants
you to go >> Refuse to walk in freedom --
These verses go with verse 12
(199e) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> Throwing God away >>
Renouncing your faith –
How do we understand someone
who was saved and then walked away from his faith? To the degree that it is impossible to renew him to
repentance is the degree to which it is impossible for us to understand his decision
to abandon his faith. The mystery of lawlessness was certainly at work in
helping him reach his conclusion to dispose of God. He was a born-again believer
in Jesus; that is very much different from a worldly person's
rejection of God, having never known Him.
(201b) Denying Christ
Whoever is not with Jesus is against him >> You
are against Christ when your unbelief materializes >>
Our disobedience is against Christ
(203b) Denying Christ
Dishonor God >> Dishonor God by your unbelief
(204a) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Back-slider >> Practicing sin >>
Dying in sin
(217e) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> God gives up on you >>
After you are no longer able to repent
(221k) Kingdom of God
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Kingdom hidden
behind the veil from the world >> God hides from
sin >> He hides behind unbelief
(222b) Kingdom of God
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> God does not entrust his
treasures to dogs >> God retrieves his treasures
when sheep revert to dogs
(223f) Kingdom of God
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Miss God >>
Missing the point >> Miss the meaning of the
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Heb 6,4-6
(64f) Paradox
Anomalies >> Limits of God >>
God cannot directly violate the will of man
Paradox >> Anomalies >> Limits of God >> God cannot save the reprobate – A person who has been saved, and then
fallen away is impossible to renew him again to repentance. It didn’t say it
was difficult, or that it would take long hours of fasting and prayer, and it
didn’t say we could take him aside and coax him back to the faith. It said,
“It is impossible to renew him again.” It didn’t say it was impossible
for men; it said it was impossible… even for God to renew him to repentance.
(99j) Thy kingdom come
>> Enduring circumstances >>
Endurance that fails
(109b) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Revelations of the Holy Spirit >> Revelation of
the gift of God
(111f) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Word and the power
(meaning) of God >> Word in obedience cannot
evade the power of God -- These verses go with verses
17&18. This
passage of Scripture is talking about someone who had been saved and then lost
his salvation. In fact it gives an advanced definition of salivation. The phrase “tasted the good word of God and the powers of
the age to come” is one concept. We are not talking about the Bible
we can hold in our hand, for though the Bible is the word of God, yet it is in written form, which is different from the living and active word of God,
the form to which this passage is referring. For example, in the beginning when God said “Let
there be light” and the stars suddenly appeared, He wasn’t reading out of
a book, but He spoke the living and active word of God, which created the
heavens and the earth. This is different from inkblots on a page. We can quote the Scriptures, and
it is powerful, but when the Holy Spirit speaks through the Scriptures, He
sets us free in ways that we
could not become free without Him.
The Bible is powerful only if we believe it, which gives the Holy Spirit
opportunity to reveal the truth to us, for without Him we cannot significantly believe the
truth. We
should not talk about the word of God and the Holy Spirit apart from each
other but together like Jesus did, when He called Him "the Spirit of
This term shows that the Holy Spirit and the word of God are one, operating together
to create the substance of God in us. It is the Holy Spirit who is the
power of the age to come. The writer of Hebrews is saying that
this individual knew God in this way and then fell away from the faith.
Finishing, he said that it is impossible to renew him to repentance.
(132g) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> Filled with the Spirit >>
Filled with the power of God
Sovereignty >> God overrides the will of man >> Predestination
>> Predestined according to His foreknowledge –
Predestination is often seen as a gray area, i.e. the person in this passage
was saved and now he isn’t. If the person were genuinely saved and then walked away
from his faith, does that mean God knew He would do that, so he really
wasn’t chosen? No, the person was actually born-again! This is one example of where
the argument of predestination breaks-down according to our understanding of
it, but that is not to say predestination
isn’t real. The difference between predestination and foreknowledge is that
with predestination God causes things to happen, whereas with foreknowledge He
merely knows the future. The Old Testament story of punishing the Pharaoh
of Egypt for enslaving Israel is an example of predestination, that is, God
worked to ensure His judgments were executed. In His foreknowledge, though,
God does not cause
anything to happen, any more than He forces us to be Christians. Another
example of predestination is the Church; Jesus said that the gates of hell
will not overpower it (Mat 16-18). Paul said that God predestined each of us
for glory (Rom 8,28-30), but until we get to heaven we don't know if this
applies to us or not. Going one step further, if God knew that nobody would come to know
the Lord through His efforts, He simply would not have sent His Son to die for
our sins in the first place, but He
did go to the cross, because He did know that many people would respond to His love, and
for this reason Paul said we were predestined.
Heb 6-4,5
(36c) Gift of God
Gifts from the Holy Spirit >> Spiritual food
(230d) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >>
Partaking >> Partaking of the power of God >>
Partaking of the ministry of the Holy Spirit
Heb 6-5
(132e) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> God gives his spirit as a
pledge >> Spirit pledges the presence of God
(255b) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Spirit of the word >>
Words of His Spirit are truth –
The word of God and the powers of the age to come are spoken together in this
verse to show the relationship between them: God reveals His power through His
word. Heb 1-3 also says that God “upholds all things by the word of His
power.” People frequently transpose this statement to say that God does all
things by ‘the power of His word,’ but the Bible doesn’t have power; if
it did, people would have annihilated themselves with it long ago. Rather, God
has power, and He never exerts His power apart from His word. To believe God’s word
has power indicates they don’t understand the
gospel. God speaks things into existence, yet it is not His word that brings
the creation to the fore; rather, God does it through His word. That is how we
should see Jesus. God
exercises His power in subtle ways that require us to continue believing in
Him. For example, He reveals His word to people through the Spirit, so
that we understand Him by revelation. They are not just words; to the
contrary, they
tower over mere doctrines, making His word truer than anything we know. The believer should understand what is happening to him; he is not being
affected by God’s word but by God Himself through His word. He
establishes His kingdom in His people and
creates a ministry in us we use to help others believe the truth.
Heb 6-6
(16ab) Sin
>> The sin nature is instinctively evil >>
Man’s flesh is related to the devil >> Man's flesh is tempted to
deny God
(94p) Thy kingdom come
Perspective >> False perspective in the Church
(153f) Witness
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Shame >>
Hiding under a cloud of guilt >> Opposing the
(173c) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Catholicism >>
Scripture that contradicts the Catholic faith >>
Catholic doctrine versus the Bible
(241h) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Persecution to the
death >> Kill Jesus >>
Kill Jesus because of who He is
Heb 6,7-12
(101h) Thy kingdom come
Ambition >> Be an ambitious businessman for God >>
Managing God’s business
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Heb 6-7,8
(4g) Responsibility
>> Advocate God’s cause >>
He who is faithful in little is also faithful in much
(47b) Judgment >> God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of sorrow >> It is a great fire prepared for the devil and
his angels >> burning site where
people are thrown away –
Farmers periodically let their fields go fallow regenerating the soil,
and sometimes after a field has been allowed to grow whatever it wants for
too long, larger plants get established so the farmer cannot turn the soil
with a spade, and so he burns the field. There are many so-called Christians who
never cultivate their hearts, but allow whatever seed to grow that falls
in their field. This concept of burning the field is in reference to hell.
People who fit this description may have never been Christians, but there is
a case where the person was truly born-again as in the parable of the sower
(Lk 8,4-8), where the seed fell on the road, on the rocky ground, among weeds
and on the good soil. The seed yielded fruit that landed on good soil;
this is the only Christian that went to heaven in this parable. The seed that
fell on the road represents a person who was never saved, and the seed that
fell on rocky ground and among the weeds represent Christians whose faith
died. These are the ones who never cultivated their hearts, and their field was burned...
in hell. If we don’t cultivate our heart mainly through the word of God
and prayer, eventually we will quit bearing fruit and then we will die. Jn
15-6 says, “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch
and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are
burned.” This is an example of a Christian (branch) that didn't bear
fruit, so it was cut off the vine and burned with the other fruitless
branches. Every person who believes in eternal security does so against the current
of many passages of Scripture in the Bible, thinking that serving God is optional since we are not saved by
works by faith, thinking they need only believe in a set of doctrines. Good
luck with that.
(58i) Paradox
Opposites >> More it rains the less productive the ground –
A field that has received rain after it has been tilled should bring forth fruit. The rain obviously represents
the Holy Spirit, and tilling the ground represents
Christians preparing their hearts to receive the seed of God’s word. The Holy Spirit
is like a dove; the anointing rests on the believer as it did at Jesus'
baptism; a sudden jerk will scare it, so we need to be on our best behavior to make
Him feel comfortable. If we do all the
necessary preliminaries, tilling the ground to prepare
our heart for the seed, when it rains, our field will produce fruit if we are committed to
the faith, but there are other so-called Christians whose fields yield thorns
and thistles, because they never cultivated their soil, so it is close
to being cursed and end up being burned. These are nominal Christians; they live as though Christianity were supposed to work for them,
instead of working for Him; they receive the grace of God and do nothing with
it; and when things go wrong, they blame Him.
(97g) Thy kingdom come
Attention >> Facing the direction of God’s
will >> Focusing your attention on finishing
the course
(103f) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> Spirit like water >>
Cleanses you from the desire to sin
(171e) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Vanity >>
Vanity lacks worth
(175a) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Form of
godliness >> Trying to bend kingdom principles
(197g) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Man
withers when he is in control >> Distracted
from a fruitful life –
People often fraudulently regard themselves as Christians. They
join a church, get involved and do all the things Christians do, including
develop the lingo of Christendom, yet they still don’t have the Holy
Spirit dwelling in them, and they are not on the road to heaven. They are
counterfeit Christians, and there are many believers who can’t tell the
difference. We can tell Christians from non-Christians through the gift
of discernment. It is fine to trust the gifts; we can develop and hone them
so when someone opens his mouth, he exposes himself, but Jesus taught us an easier
way; we are to become fruit inspectors. Mat 7-16 says,
“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn
bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?” Non-Christians have thorns and thistles, meaning they are prickly and painful if we get
too close. We need to keep our distance, because they can draw
blood. Apples and thorns have nothing in common, so when we see a
person resembling thistles instead of oranges, we should be suspicious. Christians who bear the
fruit of the kingdom don’t mind people pulling apples off their tree and
eating them, but weeds
have nothing to offer.
(218i) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
Reaping the harvest of obedience >> Principle
of sowing and reaping
(225d) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Parables >>
Parables about wealth >> Parables about a land
owner and his farm –
There are fruit bearing plants that have thorns such as raspberry bushes,
but they don’t fit Jesus’ analogy. He didn’t use plants in His parable
that have both fruit and thorns. There are
Christians who seem to bear fruit and are also thorny, yet the fact that
Jesus didn’t use this kind of plant in His parables suggests it doesn’t accurately
reflect the kingdom that He is trying to build.
Are there Christians like raspberry bushes that bear
fruit and also have thorns? Not according to Scripture! Often, a field that
was allowed to go fallow produces brambles and briar bushes, some with
berries on them, but the owner sees the field as “worthless and
close to being cursed, and it ends up being burned.” There are harvesters
who pick them, tearing up their clothes, getting needled and scratched
for a bucket of berries, but this verse does not value plants with thorns that
bear fruit, nor did Jesus, meaning that according to the Bible there are no thorny
Christians. “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree
bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit” (Mat 12-33).
(229e) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >>
Kingdom grows by itself >> God causes the
growth >> Kingdom grows like crops in a farmer’s
Heb 6-7
(76o) Thy kingdom come
Desires >> Word is food >>
Harvesting the word of God
(87a) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Be doers of the word from the heart >> God blesses us for doing His word, not for
knowing it
(101b) Thy kingdom come
Zeal >> For the manifestation of God’s kingdom >> Zealous for good works -- This verse
goes with verses 9-12
(115k) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Through obedience of
faith >> Through diligence
(128m) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Bearing fruit >>
Evidence of your fruit >> Good fruit is proof
that God is working in you
(215b) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
God Has Good Timing >> God’s time is
(226i) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
Levels of reward >> God rewards us to the degree
of our labors -- This verse goes with verse 10
(234f) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God
>> Seeking the fruit of the ministry –
This analogy is about the Church planting a garden and eating its fruit, so everyone is involved in
planting, cultivating and harvesting, a
concerted effort, and those who participate partake of its fruit. This could also refer to the garden of an individual’s
heart, who plants good seeds and weeds out the menacing plants, harvests and partakes of his
own efforts, having enough left
over to offer those around him. Whether it is an individual or a group, each
person is expected to do his part. If somebody doesn’t maintain his own
heart and has nothing to offer; he gets hungry and eats from someone else's
garden, which he did not participate. The less people contribute, the more
they drive down the overall health of the church, until they drive out the
fruit-bearing Christians, and the church becomes weak and sick and
useless for any good thing. The purpose of the pastor is to weed out people
like this, telling them that they must either get saved or they can no longer
be partakers of the body. In the first century there was much interaction
between the members of the body, and that interaction was defined as spiritual
fellowship, based on faith toward God and love toward one another, so those
who were quick to bear fruit did their part in boosting the health of the
(235k) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
All things are for your sake >> We are fighting
for you >> Our effort is for your sake
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Heb 6-8
(104a) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> Purified by circumstances >>
Purified through judgment
(159h) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit >>
Counterfeit godliness >> Counterfeit fruit –
There are some people who consider themselves Christians who think they are
bearing the fruit of the kingdom when all they produce are thorns and thistles.
They try to fool the true believers, but we know they don’t belong to God,
because they bear the wrong fruit. They are counterfeit Christians, and they
are actually more dangerous than worldly people, because they
attempt to infiltrate the Church, and their motive could only be evil.
We need to keep our eye on them (Rom 16-17,18) and protect the flock and
ourselves. We are not to let them harm God’s sheep. We cannot sit on our
hands and passively let them have their way. There is old saying, “A bird in hand is worth two in
the bush;” in this case it means that one Christian in hand is worth
many whom we try to save in our churches who are battering the
saints, swindling them, seducing them and doing harm to their faith, leading
them to the conclusion that church is not a safe place, when it should be a
harbor for the righteous. If we cater to the wicked in our churches, we will
lose the righteous. We cannot assume that the wicked will get saved if
we minister to them at the cost of those who already
believe and have entrusted their souls to the ministry.
Works of the devil >> Manifestations of the devil (Conspiracy) >>
Carnality/Secularism (mindset of the world)
>> The carnal mind does not receive the things of God >> It
rejects God
Heb 6,9-12
(95k) Thy kingdom come
Attitude >> Having an obedient attitude >>
Ready to do good
(101b) Thy kingdom come
Zeal >> For the manifestation of God’s kingdom >> Zealous for good works -- These verses
go with verse 7
(156e) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> You will know them by their
(232a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Count the cost >> Don’t look back >>
Don’t look back to the past
(236e) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Invest your strength into the kingdom >> Invest
your labors
Heb 6,9-11
(31b) Gift of God
God is our Father >> He favors you as a servant
(122e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Confidence in
yourself as you die to sin >> Confident in your
salvation –
The one who believes in God ought to know whether he was
going to heaven, for Paul said as much in Rom 8-16, “The Spirit Himself
testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.” We who have the
Spirit of God dwelling in us know we belong to Him, but those who do not have
the indwelling Holy Spirit but concur
with a type of faith that is more in line with mental ascent assume they believe in Jesus just because they
affirm certain
doctrines to be true. Jesus said we must be born-again (Jn 3-3). That is,
we must have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us or we can't go to heaven. Salvation to a little child is simple; someone tells her to believe in
Jesus, so she does, but adults are complicated; they massage their minds to
believe whatever they want. When we look at the Pharisees and Scribes and the
religious leaders of Israel in Jesus’ day, He exposed them as hypocrites.
They really thought they believed in God, and no one could convince them
otherwise, not even Jesus.
Heb 6-9
(102i) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Consistency >>
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Heb 6-10,11
(15a) Servant
Ministry of helps >> Helpers are hard workers
(130g) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Committed to caring for the needs of the body >>
Caring for spiritual needs – God will not forget the kindness
we show to the saints in the good works we do for
His namesake. Our first ministry beyond our personal
families is to the saints. Too often we think that reaching the lost world
with the gospel is our top priority as Christians; these are
good intensions, but ministering to the saints is even more important. If we
don't nurture a healthy church, the people we have saved will soon walk out
the same door they entered. Moreover, our efforts in reaching the lost are
mostly in
vain, but the work we show each other always bears fruit. Godliness
multiplies when we see it in others; faith and
love are contagious, encouraging others to model after us. In this way the Church
will spiritually grow in the likeness of Christ toward maturity,
making it possible to reach the lost world for Christ. God would rather see
us growing in heart than in numbers, in that pound for pound, calorie for
calorie, our ministry toward each other bears more fruit
than our efforts in evangelism. Therefore, we should focus on those in our care and make evangelism secondary. Jesus charged us with
the great commission in a few verses, but he charged us with perfecting
unity in entire chapters! The
world will be more receptive to our message if they see us taking care of
each other, so in that sense unity is our greatest evangelism tool.
Heb 6-10
Servant >> Serve the body
Promoting its health >> Be a blessing
Does Christ intend to reward us for all the good we do in His name? Yes! The person who
tries to rise above rewards and live
altruistically is being self-delusional. Even God does all things in hope of a
reward. For example, He created the heavens and the earth for His enjoyment,
and Jesus suffered on the cross in hope of receiving the Church (Heb 12-2).
Therefore, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11-6),
beginning with His approval.
Authority >> Jesus delegates authority
Glorifying the name of Jesus
(125a) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Love is the action of
faith >> Love is the response of receiving from
(226i) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
Levels of reward >> God rewards us to the degree
of our labors -- This verse goes with verse 7
Heb 6-11,12
(98k) Thy kingdom come >>
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Endurance invites the Holy Spirit into your life >>
The salvation of God >> Endure to the end –
God wants us to be diligent in
our faith to realize the full assurance of our hope firm until the “end”,
referring to the end of our natural lives. God
doesn’t want us giving up on Him or quitting. We can fall a hundred times a
day, get up, continue on the path that He ordered for our feet and suffer
no loss in terms of the covenant God made with us through the blood of His Son, but if we
quit on Him, God is offended and the covenant is breached. God wants to see us showing
diligence; He doesn’t want us coasting through our last
fifty years, but wants to see our faith steadily growing and bearing fruit in
every good work. Sluggishness is guaranteed to keep us from
experiencing all that God promises.
(197c) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >>
Spiritual laziness >> Rebelling against where
God wants you to go >> Refuse to walk in
freedom -- This verse goes with verses 4-8. The
word "sluggish" refers to spiritual laziness and was used in proverbs 6-6,
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” Another word
that is often used in this context is complacent. There is complacency in
the Church these days that is so thick we could cut it with a knife. Why
is the Church so complacent? It is acting on the doctrines it believes!
Most people in the Church these days believe that salvation is about affirming
certain doctrines, and then going on with their lives as though they
didn’t believe in Jesus at all. Well, maybe they believe and maybe they
don’t. They think that if they get involved in the Church it won’t change
their salvation, so why bother? If they read their Bible it won’t make them
more saved, so why bother. If they pray it won't change anything, so why bother.
sluggard refuses to develop a relationship with Jesus. He may get saved, but he
will never come to know the Lord like he should. If we are sluggish, we are not being diligent, and without
diligence we cannot fully realize our assurance. The sluggard is risking becoming a
statistic of the apostasy. The sluggard is a
candidate to be absorbed by the darkness. Similar to the sluggard, darkness
is where the dead don’t move. The sluggard may move faster than the dead, but
maybe not fast enough. The diligent are always
serving the Lord, but the sluggard moves at a snail's pace in his faith, and if
he stops altogether, the darkness will assimilate him. Is
there room to fear God as a Christian? Yes there is!
Heb 6-11
(76i) Thy kingdom come
Desires of your heart >> Your interests
-- This verse goes with verse 17
(100f) Thy kingdom come
Diligence >> Diligence in working the grace of
(109e) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Revelation of the word of God >> Revelation of
the meaning of God’s word
(118d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Seeing through the eyes of your spirit >>
(121i) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Hope Based On
Faithfulness >> Hope based on perseverance
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Heb 6,12-20
Responsibility >> Avoid offending God
Keep your commitments with those who are committed to you
Heb 6,12-19
(151b) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The Patriarchs >>
>> Promises to Abraham –
Isn’t it good that we have the Old Testament that bears witness with the New,
so we don’t have to apply our faith to a story that has no roots, as though
it sprang from nowhere, like so many other religions? The story of God’s
plan of redemption starts with Israel, and the story of Israel starts with
Abraham in genesis chapter 11. Faith in God has been a step-by-step process over
the millennia. All God did was spoke to Abraham, and His plan of redemption
was born. He gave Abraham an errand to take his wife and
travel to a foreign land, and from there He made promises. If it weren’t for
God calling him, Abraham would have been childless, because Sarah was barren,
and she gave birth to a son in her old age, which was a two-fold miracle, (1)
that she gave birth at all, (2) and that she gave birth beyond her years. The likelihood of her giving birth without the Lord’s help
was zero as a young woman and kept decreasing over the years. Therefore, Isaac
was a miracle upon a miracle, and this set precedence for everything God did
for Israel.
His Son Isaac married Rebecca, who gave birth to Jacob, and he had twelve
sons, which became the twelve tribes of Israel, and through Israel Messiah was
born to take away our sins. See also: Abraham; Heb 6,12-15; 93c
/ History of Israel;
Heb 11-11,12; 225j
Heb 6,12-18
Responsibility >> Advocate God’s cause
Disciples finish the course
Heb 6,12-15
(93c) Thy kingdom come
The narrow way >> You will find your ministry
along the narrow way –
Abraham’s faith faltered on occasion but it did not fail. We have an account of
God blessing Abraham even after he acted deceitfully, suggesting that when we
are walking on the Lord’s path that He prepared for our feet, He will
happily forgive us, unless we are willfully sinning, but then we wouldn't be
walking on His trail of Good works. He will bless us
even when we screw-up, how much more when we obey Him? It is interesting that
the writer of Hebrews did not criticize Abraham one iota, and there was plenty he
could have said. He often screwed-up, not just with Hagar but also
offering his own wife, Sarah, to foreigners more than once. Abraham gave his
wife to King Abimelech of Gerar, a district of the land of Canaan for fear of
being killed (Genesis 20). The people
gave his wife back to him saying, ‘Why did you deceive us?’ This proves
that the people were God-fearing at the time. Note that by
the time God was ready to rescue Abraham’s descendents from the slavery of
Egypt, the land of Canaan had become filled with sin and idolatry, a little over four hundred
years later, which is roughly fourteen generations. This
indicates how long it takes for a godly nation to become corrupt, which by the
way is
about how long America has been a nation. Abraham pulled the same shenanigans on
pharaoh, and God sent plagues on him until he returned Sarah to her
husband (Genesis 12,10-20). The moral of the story is: so long as we are
walking on God's narrow way, he winks at our mistakes, but if we refuse to
walk on His designated trail, our sins become magnified in His eyes. In the
long run, Abraham’s mistakes did not matter to the writer of Hebrews, so
long as he continued obeying the Lord to receive the promises, indicating that
his mistakes didn't matter to God either. These screw-ups did not change His relationship with God, which was based on faith and
obedience, not based on being devoid of mistakes or being perfect. Abraham disobeyed the Lord on occasion,
though he still believed the promises; he was just trying to find His way
through the maze of problems both in his head and on the ground that stood between he and the
word that God spoke to him. The same
applies to us. When God calls us to do a specific thing, He doesn’t take into account our blunders along
the way. He only cares that we accomplish what He commanded us to do. That
doesn’t give us a license to sin, but it does mean that when we make
mistakes, it doesn’t matter, so long as they don’t derail us from God’s
plan and purpose for our lives. See also: Abraham; 126m
(106b) Thy kingdom
>> Faith >> Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Knowing the sound of His voice >> Having
confidence in His voice
(126m) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Patience >>
Be patient in your circumstances –
God made promises to Abraham that he would receive in
this life, yet the writer of Hebrews was talking about those promises pertaining
to us and to the life to come. Abraham was patient and waited; his heart was fixed on
God, whom Paul called the Father of our faith. When it
says that God will not “forget the work and the love which you have shown
toward His name in ministering and in still ministering to the saints”
(v10), he was calling us to be diligent. Abraham continued believing what
God said would come to pass, as it says also in (Heb 11-8), “When he was called… he
went.” He abandoned his family inheritance and everyone he knew and loved and sojourned into a foreign land with his wife
Sarah, not knowing where he was going or what He would do there, just
that he was looking for a land that God promised him that he
could call his own and a son who would receive his inheritance. See also: Abraham; Heb 6-12;
Heb 6-12
(12a) Servant
Examples of God’s people >> Good examples –
When God called Abraham from the land of his birth to leave all that he knew
and loved, taking his wife and possessions and made his home among strangers, he did what God said, not
knowing where he was going. He was convinced that God was speaking to Him,
and that He was great enough to fulfill every promise. Abraham knew that He
was the creator of heaven earth, who spoke with Him and knew that He was
worthy of obedience. It didn’t matter what God demanded of him; He was prepared to give
it. His perseverance led him to the land of Canaan where his descendants
would one day live, where King David, his descendant, would establish a
city, Jerusalem, and where His son Solomon would build Him a house. See also: Abraham;
(36g) Gift
God opens His home to us >> Inheritance >>
We heirs through faith -- This verse goes with verses 17&18. “Faith”
and patience are two separate things in that Patience corresponds with
“endurance”, whereas faith is in line with “perseverance”. The Faith chapter, in Hebrews
11-8 says,
“By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed….” This denotes action,
which was attributed to his faith, and we know that Abraham had to endure
many things, so we find that salvation is based on both perseverance
and endurance. It would be
accurate to say that the level of our perseverance marks the ceiling of our
endurance. Perseverance is always observable, whereas endurance is apparent
only when we are forced to believe in God against adversity. Do we blame God when things go wrong or do we rise to the
challenge and trust Him that He cares for us and will reward us for working
through our problems by His strength? God doesn’t care how mad we get at Him, so
long as we don’t give up on Him. He’s testing us for reasons of His own, and we
need to let Him, because He has the right to do what He wants, for we are His
property; He bought us (1Cor 6-19,20). See also: Abraham; Heb 6,13-20; 102g
(43f) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Conform to me as I conform
to Christ
(93i) Thy kingdom come
Following Jesus >> Through men >>
Follow the example of others
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Heb 6,13-20
(102g) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Trustworthy >>
Faithfulness –
The writer of Hebrews gives an example of perseverance in Abraham, who walked
with God, and the fact that he waited his whole life exemplified his
endurance. He had both perseverance and endurance; if one fails, the other
does too. Abraham’s faith was not perfect, for he tried to fulfill the
promise through Hagar, his wife’s maid, and she bore him a son, Ishmael, yet
through continued patience his faith was perfected. However, the descendants
of Ishmael have become the inhabitants of the Middle East, who continually
rival with Israel for God's promise to this day, and they terrorize the whole
world from jealousy. God will honor our obedience, but He will
not neutralize the sins we commit along the way. See also: Abraham; Heb 6-17,18;
(107a) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Hearing from God >> Word creates faith >> Receiving unction from God
Heb 6,16-20
(28a) Gift of God
God is our advocate >> The protector of our
(97j) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Rooted deeply >>
Standing firm in the faith >> Immovable
(137d) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Jesus is the
foundation of God’s favor in our lives –
The Father made His oath through His Son who said, “I know that His
commandment is eternal life” (Jn 12-50). Isn’t it interesting that eternal
life is a commandment? It is not appended to the Ten Commandments or related
to the law in any way; rather, it is a new commandment. Jesus said “A new
commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved
you, that you also love one another” (Jn 13-34). There is therefore a link between
these two commandments: one acts as a condition for the other. That is, the
person who does not walk in love does not have eternal life abiding in him.
His promise to mankind is eternal life to anybody who will obey Him. If we
love one another, we will live forever with Him apart from the destructive
power of sin. There is big reason to be confident in His oath, for the
foundation of God’s favor in our lives is His word, and Jesus is the
manifestation of God's word. We can take refuge in His promises and be confident
that what He said He will do. We can take hold of the hope set before us, for
God is in absolute control of the forces that resist His word. When Jesus said that His
Father’s commandment is eternal life, we have all confidence that we will live forever with
Him in
paradise, because we love the brethren.
(232i) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Embrace (Jesus during the storm) >> Take hold of
the hope of His purpose
Heb 6,16-18
(85d) Thy kingdom come
Words that are spoken in faith >> Powerful when
spoken by the Spirit >> The spoken word of God
Heb 6-16
(44b) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Complete >>
It is finished >> God has spoken
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Heb 6,17-20
(31k) Gift of God
Gift of His grace >> Grace is the work of God –
Every Christian has felt hypersensitivity to God's Holy Spirit after he has committed a
grievous sin. This is a very real thing, "where sin increased, grace abounded
all the more" (Rom 5-20). He wants us to understand that we are
forgiven. He doesn’t wait for weeks to console us but immediately after
we’ve sinned, and in that love and mercy embeds a desire to repent. No matter how many times we fall, we get
up; He does not count how many
times we fall; He only notices when we give up on Him; He wants us to keep fighting the
good fight. Remember Cain who committed the first recorded murder, after he
became jealous that his brother’s sacrifice was better than his, God
immediately consoled him and warned Him not to continue down the road of
jealousy. He wants us to know that we haven’t lost anything, but that
repentance fixes everything by His mercy and grace that we access through faith. We are immediately
restored to fellowship without any need to afflict ourselves with any familiar
sensations of guilt.
(80h) Thy kingdom come
Know the word to minister to God >> In your
inner man
(116e) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Through worship >>
Entering His hiding place –
The promises of God escort us into the Most Holy
Place, where we have fellowship with Him, where He lives in the
essence of our being, the human soul, the dwelling place of God. We believe He will
fulfill every promise He has made to us. Jesus entered the Most Holy Place
into heaven itself to make atonement for sin in the presence of the Father,
and at the same time sent the Holy Spirit in His place to come live in our
heart by Faith, so that our spirit has become the new heaven. Our body is the outer
court; our soul is the holy place, and the indwelling Holy Spirit is the Holy
of Holies, and we Christians enter the innermost room where we have true fellowship with
Him through the word of God and prayer. We must go to
Him in our heart to make supplication, where He has taken up residence.
(140a) Temple
Temple made without hands >> Hiding place >>
The doorway
(189i) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Martyr >>
Jesus was a martyr
(227j) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> Dependence on Jesus >>
Depending on Jesus to fulfill His purpose in us
(230e) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >>
Partaking >> Partaking of the power of God >>
Partaking of the word of God – The writer of Hebrews refers to two
unchangeable things: His promise and His purpose. Once the promise has been
made, all disputes have ended, yet all we do is dispute about the
promises of God. We can hardly find two people who agree on anything, so it seems that the promises
themselves have created disputes, yet the more they argue the more they expose their
insincerity. The
promises of God do not create disputes; on the contrary, they end them.
(247c) Priorities
God’s priorities >> God’s interests >> God is
interested in our freedom
Heb 6-17,18
(36g) Gift
God opens His home to us >> Inheritance >>
We heirs through faith -- These verses go with verse 12
(91b) Thy kingdom come
The called >> God’s purpose is an inherent
component of His calling >> God’s eternal
(111f) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Word and the power
(meaning) of God >> Word in obedience cannot
evade the power of God -- These verses go with verses
4-6. God's
to Abraham was, “I will bless you, and multiply your descendants” (Genesis
26-24). Where there were two unchangeable things: the word of God and the Holy Spirit,
there were His promise and His purpose. The Spirit and the word are cited
together many times in Scripture. He made a promise to Abraham (v13) that
we find in Genesis 12-2,3, “I will make you a great nation, and I will bless
you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will
bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you
all the families of the earth will be blessed.” God's fulfilled promise was
Isaac, Abraham’s son, who would carry on his bloodline to produce the
Messiah, who would save the nations from their sins. It was the Spirit of God
who opened Sarah’s womb to fulfill the immediate promise to Abraham and it
was the Spirit of God who overshadowed Mary, who conceived the Christ
child to fulfill the promise to Abraham to bless the whole
world. See also: Abraham; Heb 6,12-19; 151b
(139e) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >>
Encouragement >> Encouraged by the word of God
(205a) Salvation
Salvation is based on God’s promises >>
According to promise >> God never changes – God’s primary
purpose was to send
the Holy Spirit, who would dwell in His people. He interposed His promise
with an oath, which anchored our souls in the bedrock of God's word, who set
His unchangeable promise into the rich soil of our heart, so we
have reason to believe in Jesus and take refuge in Him. He leads us into the
Most Holy Place, where He teaches us about our hope of eternal life. We are no
longer strangers and aliens but are of God's household, having become His
children. The purpose of God’s
promise is for us to follow Jesus, who entered the most holy place as a
forerunner for us, into heaven itself with His own blood, where He made
propitiation for the sins of the people. Heaven is the literal Holy of Holies;
though we cannot now physically go there, He has given us authority to
visit Him as often as we want through the word of God and prayer.
Heb 6-17
(76i) Thy kingdom come
Desires of your heart >> Your interests
-- This verse goes with verse 11
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Heb 6,18-20
(121g) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Hope >>
Expecting good things based on
God’s character >> Expectation based on His
word –
God made an oath, and we can be sure He will keep it, because He is
trustworthy. In fact, God places His word above His name (Psalm 138-2 NKJV).
God spoke and created the universe from nothing. He said, “Let there be
light,” and suddenly the stars appeared. This shows the immense creativity
of God, who cannot lie. He made an oath, and it is certain to materialize,
since there are no circumstances big enough to impede its fulfillment. He has the power to control the circumstances,
as He protected His Son as an infant from Herod, and He is
unwilling to change His mind. When God says He will do something, it is more
absolute than the things that have already happened. The past can be
interpreted and so can the Bible, but God is doing a work that His children
understand, though the world is in darkness. History has been misinterpreted, but we know what God
said, because it was preserved throughout the ages.
What the Bible said in the first century is what it still says today. Although
many misinterpret the Bible, those who love Him and His children know the
Heb 6-18
(64e) Paradox
Anomalies >> Limits of God >>
God cannot lie
(97e) Thy kingdom come
Attention >> Facing in the direction of the Lord >> Focusing your attention on the word of God
(194c) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Run to God >>
Running to meet Jesus prior to His visitation
Heb 6-19,20
(133g) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holiness >>
The body of Christ is holy >> We have made
ourselves holy through Christ
Heb 6-20
(80l) Thy kingdom come
Prayer >> The priesthood >>
Jesus ministered to people through His ministry toward God – That which goes up must come down, and that which begins
must also end; that is a principle of this natural world, but God will break
that principle by giving us eternal life. Jesus has become a Great High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek,
who had no past. To have no past is to have no beginning, and One who has no
beginning has no end. We may have had a beginning, but we
will have no end, because we have His promise, and His oath is steadfast. It cannot
be fulfilled according to the natural laws that govern our flesh, and we know
that "His commandment is eternal life" (Jn 12-50).
(215f) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
God views time in eternity >> God’s time is
(243l) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> There shall be no end to
his increase >> He shall reign forever and ever
(248e) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Jesus is first >>
Jesus has first place in everything
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