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Jn 5,1-14
(56i) Paradox
Opposites >> Last is first and the first is last –
This pool of Bethesda was based on worldly principles: the first is first and
the last is last. Whoever got there first was healed, and note that an angel
was managing it. The ways of
God are opposite: first is last and last is
first. This fundamental difference in principle denotes the superiority of
Christ over the angels, suggesting that if God were ever to take a vacation
from heaven, he would return to it in shambles. God has another principle that Jesus implemented that day,
sovereignty of His gracious choice. Jesus went to the person who was virtually last in line and
asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man couldn’t walk fast enough to
the pool, so Jesus
essentially put him first in line for an immediate divine healing by the touch
of His hand.
(120h) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Forgiveness >>
Forgiveness is an act of mercy >> God forgives
us through His power –
There was a multitude of people there, but Jesus healed only one person, the
rest remained sick, diseased and crippled. There were many in the multitude
who were sick through no fault of their own, and He didn’t heal them;
instead he healed a man who brought his sickness upon himself, in that Jesus told him to
quit sinning, that nothing worse befell him. Jesus didn’t offer His
forgiveness but His healing, and with the healing he was also forgiven, because healing and forgiveness
are a package deal (Mk 2,9-12). The Bible also
teaches that the basis of forgiveness is repentance, but note the sequence;
the man was not expected to repent before he could be healed; that is, the
grace of God is not a wage that is due but a gift that we receive through
faith, and our appropriate response to His kindness is repentance.
Jn 5,1-9
(145a) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> Healing >>
Methods of healing >> Healed by speaking the
word -- These verses go with verse 14
(192g) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Result of putting off the old man >> Gain by
losing >> Waiting for God to do it His way >>
Being patient to receive something better
Jn 5,1-4
(15d) Servant >>
Ministering spirits >> Angels Perform certain
duties – This was a very strange occurrence that took place
predictably a few times a year, and even stranger, a spectacle that
exhibited characteristics of both heaven and earth. The Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world are
based on two different principles, which
are intrinsically opposite of each other, yet we see traits
of both together—the water stirred by an angel, and people
competing with each other for the first place in the pool. Competition of
this nature does not exist in heaven but comes from our animal nature, which of course is abolished in
heaven. After Christ rose from the dead, there is no record of this
kind of event taking place again. In fact, it was an isolated event
that derived from practically nowhere. In other words, it is a mystery and
an anomaly of the New Testament.
Jn 5,6-9
(117a) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Rest in Jesus (Sabbath) >> Rest in His yoke by dying to
self >> Working the rest of God –
Anybody could say these words, but the fact that Jesus spoke these words to him, the man got up
and walked, indicating that it wasn’t the words themselves but the person of Jesus Christ who
healed the man. Jesus has a ministry of the Spirit that He exercises from heaven to forgive, save and heal.
After healing him, He told him to take his pallet and walk with it. This
was to show just how healthy God had made Him; He could not only bear his own
weight but also the weight of his pallet. This happened on the Sabbath to infuriate
the religious establishment and break their laws. He had all respect for the Law of God but no respect for the precepts of men that they appended to the
Law. He probably healed on the Sabbath more often than any other day of the week
just to rebel against the religious establishment and make them mad enough to
want to kill Him.
Jn 5-7,8
(4g) Responsibility
>> Advocate God’s cause >>
He who is faithful in little is also faithful in much
– The opposite is also true: he who is unfaithful in little is also
unfaithful in much. It says that his illness was the result of his sinful
lifestyle (v14). What little movement he had was trumped by healthier
patrons of the Pool. Note the backwardness of this healing pool, the one who
least needed healing was healed. This man’s
lot in life was to sit around a pool for years and wait
for Jesus to come and personally heal him. This man’s
reward went far beyond the healing of his body to healing scars left
by unfeeling people less crippled than himself beating him to the pool each year. The man's tenacity
to be present every year, knowing he would not be healed was a character
trait that apparently drew Jesus
to him.
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Jn 5,8-17
Sin >> Twisted thinking >>
Can’t distinguish between good and evil >>
Jesus is evil --
Jesus held the view that performing miracles during the Sabbath was
not a violation, for there were no provisions in the law regarding miracles,
since He was performing the works of God, not the works of men. Weren't the Pharisees seeking
impeachment against God then? That sounds ludicrous,
but it was just as stupid to accuse Jesus of sin for healing on the Sabbath!
After demonstrating the works of God, the Pharisees
wanted to kill Jesus for claiming to be equal with God. Didn't His miracles
sort-a prove that? The Pharisees had a
motive for misinterpreting the law, and that same motive also misinterpreted Jesus.
They misinterpreted everything, and the same kind of people represent the people of our own time, who
act just like them, who misinterpret the
Scriptures, who condemn the saints. They
will misinterpret the signs of the times as the days draw closer to His
return, just like the Pharisees misinterpreted the signs of the times in their
day, all to protect
their wicked pride. These modern day Pharisees are making
money in a near identical religious racket.
(173m) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Man’s Religion >>
Resisting the Kingdom of God -- The Pharisees were not interested in becoming Christians.
They saw the work of God and were completely unaffected by it. They considered
it more significant that He was breaking the Sabbath according to their warped
interpretation of the law than that he was healing people by the power of God.
Religion can be a scary thing, because it often causes people to reject the
truth after solid evidence has proven they are believing in fallacies.
We should treat our beliefs as theories that can be amended when better
evidence comes to light.
We don't know everything like we think we do, and we should remain flexible,
or we may end up like the Pharisees, rejecting the truth. He takes a dim view of people manipulating their own minds
to protect their preconceived notions.
(207la) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Salvation verses >>
The kindness of God >> God is kind to sinners >>
He calls sinners to repentance
Jn 5-14
Sin >>
Consequences of sin >>
Death is the fruit of the world –
Hinduism does not achieve any of God’s objectives outlined in Scripture. It
doesn’t help mankind learn to behave, since the world is just as evil as
ever; man hasn’t learned anything. It is just as well to let things happen
as they may without getting involved.
God put man in charge of the earth and gave him authority over his will, so
man can do what he wants, and God will not interfere, according to the covenant He made with Adam. God refuses to intervene as karma
claims at every human juncture to reward or punish
people, though He has intervened in special events with Noah,
Moses and Christ. See also: Hinduism;
/ Karma - God does not baby-sit mankind;
Jn 9-34; 174g
(145a) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> Healing >>
Methods of healing >> Healed by speaking the
word -- This verse goes with verses 1-9. Jesus
healed this man at the pool of Bethesda after being sick for 38 years. He
probably contracted a disease, possibly an STD, as a teenager or a young
adult, and according to Jesus’ teaching and other passages, the fact that he
was healed means he was also forgiven, for the two are one. Although not everyone forgiven is also healed, yet
healing does occur to everyone at least internally. We are all
sin-sick, and that sickness can manifest in our bodies at times as
a physical illness brought-on by behavior.
(178d) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Presumption (Hinduism) >>
Presuming the facts about the circumstances >>
Philosophy –
Karma is a term used in Hinduism to describe human behavior that is rewarded
or else punished, and they say that some unknown
god is in charge of this process. A person can have good karma or bad karma,
they say. Good
visual karma is expressed as an aura that surrounds a person, and bad visual
karma is expressed as a mean disposition. People with bad karma when they
encounter a group of people seem to extort their light, occasionally described as social vampires who suck the life
from groups and individuals, and they are said to get what is coming to them. However, the Bible does not support this
eastern philosophy, so Jesus was referring to something else. In contrast, the
God of creation promised in the Holy Bible that judgment is coming and that He is recording
everything. Instead of rewarding and punishing
people in this life, he fixed “a day in which He will judge the world in
righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to
all men by raising Him from the dead” (Act 17-31). God is more than able to
remember everything that every person did, and He will call them to account
for everything they said and did at the White Throne Judgment scheduled to occur at the end of time.
See also: Hinduism;
(218e) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
We choose our actions, not their consequences >>
Reaping the harvest of our works –
Islam has the Quran; Judaism has the Talmud; ancient Israel had the Old
Testament and Messianic Jews have the New Testament, but Hinduism doesn’t have a
Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, suggesting that karma is an
ancient way of thinking. It is almost completely based on intuition, though intuition can lead a person astray. The knowledge of
Hinduism has been passed from generation to generation and is based on personal
experience and observation, being truly the religion of superstition. Hinduism
existed long before the birth of Christ, meaning that Jesus was aware of these
teachings. What He told the man after healing him sounded like Hinduism;
rather Jesus referred to a cause-and-effect system that
God has sown into creation, which is different from Hinduism. For example, a man
had sex with a harlot and got a venereal disease. This is a simple concept, compared to the
implications of karma that suggests there are spiritual entities in charge of
a vast network of human interactions, divvying out rewards and punishments to
people that ping off each other in an exponential cascade of mystical
repercussions, but in the real world what
happens to us is often determined by other people's sin, showing karma to be
false. See also: Hinduism;
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Jn 5,17-30
Authority >> Jesus’ authority >>
His position with the Father >> Jesus has
authority over all things from the Father –
Jesus is like the GUI (Graphic User Interface) of a computer. This term refers
to the display of a computer screen that directly interacts with the user.
However, behind the splash screen myriads of zeros and ones are being
translated into electronic signals that in turn execute commands controlled by
an extenuated web of system files that interface with the hardware, which
ultimately is responsible for the user’s experience. Jesus is like the GUI
in that He is the face of God, but behind Him the Father is doing all the
work, and He uses the Holy Spirit to interface with His children. Case in
point, Jesus is what everybody sees while they are being judged, but the
Father is actually judging them though His Son. They do not see the face of
the Father in front of them, but the meek and the mild Jesus condemning them
for rejecting the gracious blood that He shed on the cross.
(114i) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Working the grace of God >> Jesus does God’s
work >> All His works are what the Father does
– The
Bible is a record of the works of God in the past, whereas the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of
God in the present. His
Spirit is proof that Jesus is still at work, still alive and still in the world.
Those who refuse to serve Him want to believe that God has abandoned the
world, so they can say they weren’t given a choice to do His will; hence, the
work of the Holy Spirit destroys the world’s excuses about ignoring Christ.
For this reason Jesus claimed that His
works were from the Father, implying that if the Pharisees had a problem
with Him, they should take it up with God (in prayer). Jesus said in verse
21, "For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so
the Son also gives life to whom He wishes." The
Father has given authority to the Son to raise the dead at the end of time,
and He will be doing it through the Father as
a joint effort, both Father and Son working together. Everyone within the trinity has a part in what
God is doing, and in this way the Father made Jesus equal with God.
(253k) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
subject to the Father >> Jesus is subject to God’s
ability –
Some people say that for Jesus to be under His Father’s authority is to make
Him inferior to the Father. Throughout eternity Jesus held a place of
submission, and in that state of servitude Jesus testified to us that the
humblest servant is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Father has more
authority but Jesus is a greater servant, which brings about equality within
the trinity. In the same way, Jesus has more authority than the Holy Spirit,
yet the Holy Spirit is a greater servant, again bringing equality to the
trinity. Jesus spiritually intercedes for us in heaven before the Father
giving us the Holy Spirit, while the Holy Spirit comes to us as a servant of
Christ and intercedes, endowing us with gifts from heaven to
live a godly life.
Jn 5-17,18
(253c) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
external qualities of the Father >> Son is
inherently equal with the Father
Jn 5,19-23
Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >>
Mystery of godliness >> Mystery of the trinity >> Obey the mystery of godliness like Jesus
did -- these verses go with verse
30. We
don’t know how many sides there are to the Father; in fact, we don’t even
know His substance. The Holy Spirit is just that, a Spirit, and Jesus has the
form of a man, but what form does the Father have? We don’t know! Jesus
said, “God is Spirit” in Jn 4-24, but He is just one aspect of the Father,
just as Jesus is another aspect of God. The Father's essence cannot exist as a
Spirit, since the Holy Spirit has taken that role; that is, the Father must be
distinct from the Holy Spirit in order to have His own entity, but in what
form He takes we don’t have the foggiest idea. Since God uses faith to
justify us, and He used faith to create the universe, speaking planets, stars
and galaxies into existence, then it is not a stretch to say He is the embodiment of
faith, but that still doesn’t tell us what form He takes. The Father has a
substance that is all His own, just as the Holy Spirit is a substance that is
His own, which
even that we don’t know. We cannot say that the Father has no form at all,
because that would be saying the Father cannot reveal Himself to His creation,
and using the word “cannot” in relation to God catches in the craw. We
will just have to wait for heaven to discover these things about God. When we
get to heaven, all spiritual entities will be revealed, including the Holy
Spirit, we will comprehend His form, and Jesus will be fully manifested and so
will the Father, but in what form we don’t know. He is an abject mystery in
many ways.
(253d) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
internal qualities of the Father >> Jesus is the
exact representation of the Father –
Jesus said that whatever the Father does the Son also does in like manner. We
don't completely know what this means, because we don’t really
know the Father, except what what we see in Jesus and what He has told us
about Him. Knowing Jesus we see the Father as in a mirror. Jesus
said in Jn 14-9, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” So, Jesus is
the exact representation of the Father, but Jesus has come to show us only one
side of Him. The Father is like a polygon; He is many-sided. Jesus gave us one
side of Him, His love and mercy. There are other sides of God, such as His
hellish wrath that He will impose on the wicked who resist His will. They will
meet Jesus at the White Throne Judgment, but they will not receive one
ounce of grace or mercy, only eternal damnation. Both His
judgment and His mercy are incomprehensible to us; in fact, there is
nothing about God that is comprehensible to our limited minds.
Jn 5-19,20
(12d) Servant >>
Father is our example through Christ
Servant >>
Jesus serves His Father >>
Jesus is under His authority -- These verses go with verse 30
(114g) Jesus Does God’s
Work (Key verse)
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Jn 5-19
(73f) Authority >>
Respect positions of authority >> Respect the
Father’s authority -- This verse goes with verse 30. There
is one thing that God the Father has reserved for Himself that He will not
share even with His Son, and that is His final authority. He is head of the
house, but problems will never escalate to the point of needing the Father’s
intervention; the Son is perfectly adept at problem solving. When we look at
the person of God in the Old Testament, Father and Son are essentially the
same, so the name “God” referred to either the Father or the Son. The God of
the Old Testament was very demanding and expected obedience, and if He
didn’t get it, people would die. This is what it is like to be outside the
grace of God. Therefore, anybody of the new covenant era who rejects the plan
of God and chooses his own way apart from His righteousness, the judgment will
not go any easier for him. Jesus is the judge of the world well enough, but those
who have rejected Him should not expect leniency just because He is also the
savior of the world and the embodiment of grace and truth.
(87c) Thy kingdom come >>
Obedience >> Jesus obeyed all
the Father’s will -- This verse goes with verse 30.
Father sent the Son, and so Jesus was manifested in the flesh. The Father
predestined the Son to die for the sins of mankind, and so He was nailed to a
cross. The Father predestined His Son to rise from the dead, and so He lives
forevermore. The things the Father does, the Son also does in like
manner. Therefore, the ministry of the Father is to predestine His Son to
perform His word through the power of the Spirit, and Jesus gave
the Father credit for sending Him (Jn 3-16). The Father predestines His Son to everything
He does, suggesting that Jesus does not act on His own authority, but acts on
the authority of His Father. However submitted we are to Christ is the level of
spiritual authority we have from Him. None of us has the full authority of
Christ, but collectively we will walk in His full authority, as
Christ received all authority from the Father. See also:
Delegating authority; Rev 4,8-11; 244b
Thy kingdom come >> Faith
>> Eyes of your spirit >>
Vision >> Real-eyes God’s purpose for the Church >> Understand Jesus'
subordinate position with the Father
If statements like this have multiple interpretations, depending on their religious
background, imagine how confused Jesus’ disciples were about these words. They
couldn’t have known how Jesus could see the Father. We know that Jesus lived
with His Father throughout eternity-past, but Jesus was speaking in present
tense; by faith He could see the Father. Jesus walked by faith,
just as He expects us to walk by faith, for He is our model of Christianity. Jesus didn’t literally see
the Father but had an
intimate relationship with Him by obeying the Holy Spirit to the point that the Father
revealed to Him what He
was planning. That same Spirit lives in us, suggesting that we too can
know the
thoughts of God as we obey His voice. Jesus had a window into heaven;
His flesh was here on earth while His Spirit fellowshipped with
God in heaven, causing Him to be spiritually in heaven and on earth at the
same time. Although Jesus Christ is our Savior, He was also the first
Christian, meaning that He lived in a limited fashion for our sake, so we
might live as He did. This window into heaven is
something all Christians can have if they will just listen to Him and do what He
says. See also:
We cannot enter Heaven
without an offering; 2Cor 1-14; 235d
(194i) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Turn from sin to God >> Yielding >>
Yield to God’s right to direct your way -- This verse goes with verse
Jn 5-20
(208g) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Being the friend of God >> Father & son
Jn 5,21-23
(207i) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Salvation verses >>
The Kingdom of God >> Salvation authority of
Jesus Christ
Jn 5-21
(33h) Gift of God >>
Believers are children >> God is our Father >> Children are being molded after their heavenly Father
The Son's purpose is to manifest whatever
is in His Father's heart; hence, the Father will use the son to raise the Church from the dead in the
First Resurrection. This suggests that we have both the Father and the Son giving life to whomever they
wish. However,
Jesus didn’t claim the power He used to perform miracles, but credited such power to His Heavenly Father. When Jesus said,
“The Father raises the dead and gives them life,” He was naming the origin
of God’s power to give life to the dead, and there can only be one origin.
So when Jesus said, “The Son also gives life to whom He wishes,” He
couldn't have meant that the Father and Son separately give life to two groups
of people, but work together to do this. Whenever the Bible speaks of those
who are raised to be condemned, it doesn't speak of them having
"life" as He attributed to those who live in heaven. The
Father knows all things from the beginning, but Jesus doesn’t think in these
terms. The Son thinks exclusively in terms of
manifesting the word of God, whereas the Father thinks exclusively in terms of
His foreknowledge and predestination. So when Jesus gives life to whom He wishes, He is manifesting
the predestined purpose of God, suggesting that
the people to whom the Father gives life are those He has chosen from the foundation of the world, whereas Jesus gives them life in
more practical
(219a) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> The elect >>
Man is a spectator of his own salvation >> God
elects us through His sovereign will
(254f) Trinity >>
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is the life of the Spirit >> Jesus is the
substance of God’s life >> Jesus is the
manifestation of God’s life -- This verse goes with verses 24-29
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Jn 5,22-30
(40c) Judgment >>
Father gave authority to the son to judge the world through His blood –
Jesus' statements put Him equal with the Father. The fact that the Father
has given Him all authority to execute judgment and has in turn delegated
all things to us (Eph 2-6,7),
suggests that the Father has reserved nothing for Himself but has entrusted
the entire creation to us through His Son. Contrary to what we have heard, God
the Father does not intend to judge the world; rather, Jesus who revealed the
Father will judge the world. So if anyone wonders
what kind of God will judge him, just look at
Jesus. Innocent, gentle Jesus full of mercy and grace is not someone we
should fear, or should we? Remember, in Revelation chapter five, heaven could not find
anyone worthy to break the seals of God’s fierce judgment to kick off the
horrors of endtime prophecy until the Father called on His Son, and He broke
the seals and unleashed hell on earth, showing that His
innocence entitled Him to judge the world. Anyone who has received mercy
and grace from God will appear before the believer’s judgment, which
involves taking away rewards, but anyone outside the mercy and grace of God,
the judgment will pound his life into powder.
(48c) Judgment >> God judges the world >>
Eternal judgment of the resurrection – The bodies of those who sleep in their graves
will hear the voice of Christ and literally come forth. The bodies of the wicked will not want to awaken
but will have no choice, who never gave God a moment of consideration, never
thought of Him, never lived for Him, but were self-serving,
narcissistic idolaters. They died in that state, and ever since they have been
in a place called Hades. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus (Lk
Jesus described the rich man as alive one moment, and the next tormented in
flames. Imagine a person like that and hearing the voice of the Son of God
calling for him and trying to keep from coming back to life, doing everything
in his power; he wants to stay dead. He doesn’t want to come back to life,
because he knows eternal judgment is coming. God will give him a body that
cannot die and then throw him into the lake of fire, a body that will endure the environment of hell forever and ever. Meanwhile there are
others who love God with all their hearts and their bodies too will be
resurrected, and they will hear His voice to receive their dwelling
from heaven. 2Cor 5-8 says that to be absent from the body is to be at home
with the Lord. Currently people in heaven are disembodied spirits, and Jesus
said “God is Spirit” (Jn 4-24), so God’s people are comfortable without
a body, dwelling in a spiritual kingdom where nothing is physical as we know
it. A day, however, is coming when God’s kingdom will manifest in the material realm, and then
His people will need bodies to interact with His creation. Shortly after the
resurrection of the righteous, Jesus will set up his thousand-year reign on earth, the Millennium, and they will use their physical bodies to interact
with this physical world.
Jn 5-22,23
(253i) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Father
and Son glorify each other >> Son glorifies the
Father in all things given to Him
-- These verses goes with verse 30
Jn 5,24-29
(85l) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believing the Son by obeying the Father >>
Obeying the law by faith in the cross >> Obedience represents our faith –
Jesus’ idea of "belief" has action involved; this parallels with the book of James.
God is first and foremost Lord of our heart. He lives in our spirit and
scrutinizes our motives. He knows everything
about us from the inside-out, and He knows whether or not we believe. When
Jesus said in verse 29 that those who did the good deeds will be raised to life and those who did the evil deeds
will be raised to
judgment, He was speaking strictly on the basis of our works, which anybody could
use to determine whether or not we actually believed. God could ask our neighbor whether or not
we believed in Jesus based on the way we
lived, and whatever answer he gives would be fairly accurate to the way God
also sees us, but God does not need our
actions to know whether we believe in Him. The same goes for our neighbor; we need to see some
obedience before we are willing to trust that he is our
brother in the faith.
(207k) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Salvation verses >>
The generosity of God’s salvation >> Salvation
is eternal life
Kingdom of God >> Spirit realm imposed on the
natural realm >> Literal manifestations >>
Manifestation of God’s righteous judgment >> The
resurrection is a manifestation of His life --
This passage goes from less to more literal, asking first
whether we can hear His word. Then He says that an hour is coming when
the dead will hear His voice and shall
come forth, proving that God has given Him this power by raising Lazarus from the
dead (John chapter 11).
(254f) Trinity >>
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is the life of the Spirit >> Jesus is the
substance of God’s life >> Jesus is the
manifestation of God’s life -- These verses go with verse 40. The
Father delegated all His authority to His Son, who in turn delegates all His
authority to us. Jesus claimed to have life in Himself that He received from
His Father, meaning He is not just alive but is the manifested life of God. Jesus said the Father gave this to Him, suggesting there was a time when
He didn't have it. We know that God has lived forever in
eternity past; what He has been doing all this time we don’t know, but we do
know that speaking about time is a misnomer when discussing eternity past. So to ask exactly when Jesus received this gift of
"Life" is erroneous. We can go back a million, billion, quadrillion
years and God was still there, perhaps nothing else but God; the Bible teaches
that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all one, so that all three of
them existed together throughout all eternity past, and there was a "time" when
the Father gave this authority to the Son, and He did it for the
sake of the kingdom that He would create. When we get to heaven, we will find
His kingdom in the process of development, and it has been under construction
for who knows how long. When we think about
the amount of planning that went into building His empire, God has
been thinking about this from eternity past. We live on a planet in the
vastness of space, and in our mind we can step back from the earth until it
becomes a dot, and then keep stepping until the dot disappears, and all
we see are stars and galaxies in an endless universe. It is the same with
time. Some say we have been pulled from eternity to dwell on a temporal
moment, instated somewhere on the vast timeline of
eternity, but we cannot discuses time in eternity, for we cannot comprehend eternity past, though eternity
future is a little easier, as Solomon testified in Ecclesiastes
3-11, “He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom
what God has done from beginning to end.” We dwell in eternity though
perceive it in a temporal sense, because we had a beginning and our flesh is
racing to a finish line. This very moment is happening in eternity, yet the
of a moment in eternity contradicts the finite mind.
Therefore, we can either understand Jesus having the embodiment of God’s
life throughout all eternity or never having it, but we cannot comprehend Him
receiving it at some point. Eternity past will forever remain off limits to us. See also: Time (Eternity past);
Heb 10,5-9; 136e
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Jn 5-24,25
Sin >>
Consequences of sin >>
You’re walking in death if you’re not walking in Jesus
Paradox >> Two implied meanings >>
The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God — Those who are dead
in sin to be born again / Those who are physically dead at the first resurrection
Jesus implied two meanings when He said, “The dead will hear
the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.” Both those who
are dead in sin, and those who are dead in the grave. Those in sin will hear
His voice and be born-again and those in the grave will hear His voice and be resurrected
from the dead, suggesting that Jesus equates being born-again with the resurrection, as Paul said in Eph 5-14, “Awake, sleeper,
and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you,” and he alluded to
this in Romans chapter six. It is not based on
human will but on the sovereignty of God whether or not we believe in Jesus,
and if we cannot hear Him now, we will hear Him one day in the grave,
and if we never believed in Jesus for the salvation of our souls, there will be
hell to pay. We need to listen for His voice now and be
born-again, so when He calls for us in the grave we will be raised to
eternal life and not to eternal damnation.
(78b) Thy kingdom come >>
Sincerity of heart >> Being honest >>
Telling the truth
(86b) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believing is the result of the resurrection –
The gospel is difficult for some to grasp in that it is hard to know what to
believe. Some say they believe in Jesus, but they don’t act like it, and James said,
'In that case they don’t really believe.' We all do things that are wrong, so is there actually a
cutoff point that separates believers from nonbelievers? What kind of setup
does God have for determining who gets into His heaven and who doesn’t? When
does a person actually start believing in Jesus? The Bible defines salvation
by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The majority of the human
race claims to believe in God, yet Jesus stated that only a minority would
make it to heaven (Mat 7-13,14). In verse 29 Jesus spoke about God's judgment;
those who committed the good deeds will be raised to eternal life, and
those who committed the evil deeds will be raised to eternal judgment.
We hear Jesus in verse 24 saying, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears
My word...,” alluding to
the statement He reiterated seven times in the second and third chapters of Revelation, “He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says
to the churches.” The
ability to hear the word of God is the first step in being
born-again. We can read the Bible or listen to our preacher in the pulpit, but Jesus
wasn’t talking about
audibly hearing His word. He was talking about hearing the word by the Spirit. Most people have read at least sections of the Bible, yet we
need to hear the Spirit, who delves beneath the written word and reveals the
meaning of the Truth. After attaining the
hearing ear, we must believe the Father loves us enough to send His only Son
to die for our sins (Jn 3-16).
(106f) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
When He speaks and what He says -- These verses go with verses 28&29
Jn 5-24
(40f) Judgment
>> Judgment of Christ >>
God’s word judges the world >> It does not hear
-- Jesus was speaking to the people around
Him and was asking them if they could hear His voice, and obviously they could.
Their ears could, but Jesus was wondering if their hearts could hear Him.
The answer in most cases was no, just like the answer in our own generation in
most cases is no. Jesus elucidated the most important aspect of our faith,
reiterating it seven times in the book of Revelation, "He who has an ear
to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." It is not a small
thing to hear what the Spirit is saying, for if we can hear Him, then we have everything
we will ever need from God. Anyone who believes that Jesus' works were from the Father has eternal life. That doesn't seem so hard to believe, since He
performed many miracles, yet He knew
mankind would manipulate their minds to believe whatever
they wanted. If they didn't want to believe in God, they wouldn't, even in the
presence of miracles. Jesus said that if we can hear the voice of God AND believe what
we are hearing, we have eternal
(106e) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Having the ability to hear
Salvation >> Verses useful in evangelism –
As an analogy of salvation, let’s say there are two trains running together on
parallel tracks, and down the way the tracks split and go their separate ways, and
we must decide which train is ours before they divide. Should we
stay on the current train or should we jump trains, taking us in a new direction?
There is the risk in jumping, and what if we don’t like where the train is
going? These are questions people
ask before they get saved, for they are not in control of either train. The ride was more fun at times on the
old train, but the destination was not so good. In some ways we like the old
train better, because it was all about chasing our lustful passions and desires,
except that the tracks ended at a cliff, where the train is destined to plunge
to the bottom of a deep gorge dashing its passengers to pieces on the rocks.
Ending up there is a simple matter of staying on the old train and following its
course. God
gives us new interests and desires, new plans and goals, and we understand them
by faith, but they don’t make sense to our natural mind. We need faith to
understand our new lives as Christians. The more we cultivate faith, the more
our lives make sense, but there are times our faith is weak and we wonder
what we are doing. See also: Analogies (Train and railroad tracks);
Jn 10,27-30; 205aa
(205a) Salvation
— Key verse for the entire chapter –
Even worldly people are quick to lay claim to going to heaven when they die, but
those who have not received the Holy Spirit have no reason to obey Him, because
without the indwelling Holy Spirit they are not going to heaven. All God need do is look to see if the
Holy Spirit is dwelling in us to decide if we are one of His. If not, then we are not allowed entrance into His heavenly kingdom; it is just that
(207e) Salvation
Verses (Key verse)
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Jn 5,25-29
(38h) Judgment >>
Jesus defeated death >> Jesus is the
Kingdom of God >>
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> Dependence on Jesus >>
Depending on Jesus to instill His life in us
(253eb) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
internal qualities of the Father >> Jesus is the Son of God >> Authority
of the Son of God
Jn 5-25
Paradox >> Two implied meanings >> The dead shall hear the voice of the son of God: Dead in sin / Literally dead
Jn 5,27-29
(38k) Judgment >>
Jesus defeated death >> Resurrection of the
righteous and the wicked
(48e) Judgment >> Levels of judgment >>
Judged according to your deeds >> In the day of
(49h) Judgment >>
God judges the world >> The last days >>
The day of judgment
(51k) Judgment >> Judging
the Church with the world >>
No partiality with God’s justice
Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
Levels of reward >> Rewarded by levels of glory
in our spiritual bodies
Jn 5-27
(12n) Servant >>
Jesus serves mankind >>
Jesus is the son of man
-- Jesus received authority from God as the son of man; what does that mean? To
be the son of man implies that He is the youngest of all, lowliest of
all and servant of all, and in that state He submitted to the will of His
Father, which resulted in receiving authority to execute judgment. Most people would have
guessed that He got His authority from being the Son of God, but in fact He
received it as the Son of man. For this reason God entrusted Him with all authority.
Humility is what
makes God great. Humility is how God entrusts authority to us, and it is how
we entrust authority to others.
Jn 5-28,29
Sin >>
Consequences of sin >>
Curse >> Deeds that return to the doer >>
God’s blessings are a curse if you don’t walk in them
(90i) Thy kingdom come >>
Keeping the law >> Righteousness of the law >>
All righteousness is covered by the law
(106f) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
When He speaks and what He says -- These verses go with verses 24&25
(111g) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Word and the power
(meaning) of God >> Circumstances cannot evade
the voice of the Spirit
Jn 5-29
Sin >>
Consequences of sin >>
Death is hell
>> Sin has the sentence of hell
(88a) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith produces works >> Relationship between
faith and works >> Works establish your faith
(127j) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Goodness >>
Rewards for doing good >> Doing good is the
prerequisite to going to heaven –
Those who do good works go to heaven and those who do evil go to hell; that
is, good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. We have all heard
someone say something to this effect; this passage is where they got the idea,
and "Christians" notoriously try to correct them saying that instead
we are saved by grace through faith, like Paul said in Ephesians. Also, Jesus declared all men evil
in Lk 11-13, so we are not talking about good people but people doing good;
that is, doing good doesn’t make people good. The wicked are evil because they have
rejected the purpose of God for their lives, which is to receive the
indwelling Holy Spirit. God discriminates between the righteous and the wicked based on
whether they are willing to fulfill His unique calling that He has prepared
for each person. Those who do the good works that He has prepared for them go
to heaven, and those who don’t go to hell. This is what James said about it: "You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone."
Paul said it differently: "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to
him as righteousness" (Rom 4-3). So which one is true? Do we believe to
get to heaven, or do we obey to get to heaven? Believing means to obey! What
else did James say? “Show me your faith without the works, and I will show
you my faith by my works” (Jm 2-18). James taught that obedience is
tantamount to believing, so Jesus is concurring with James, but that
shouldn’t surprise anyone since they were step brothers and lived under the
same roof as children, meaning the book of James was the direct result of
Jesus' influence on him. Are there two gospels in the Bible? Paul seemed to have
a little twist to his rendition, saying, “For by grace you have been
saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as
a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Eph 2-8,9). This appeals to
the flesh, until we really understand what Paul was saying. Most people stop
quoting Paul right there, but he continues, “For we are His workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that
we would walk in them” (v10). The good works that God prepared for us are
the same works that Jesus mentioned
regarding those who go to heaven, accounting for James and Paul,
bringing them
together so we can understand them both.
See also: Act 1,23-26; 198e
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Jn 5,30-47
(142c) Witnesses Of
Jesus (Key verse)
(154d) Witness >>
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Witness that the world is
godless >> Witness that the world does not know
God – The enemies of Jesus viewed themselves through the laws of
Moses, but failed to pattern their lives after them (Exodus 25-40). They were not just indifferent to Christ; they hated
Him. Jesus’ enemies
would not receive Him because He was of a Spirit that was not of this
world. People who hate God will receive just about any spirit and any teaching except the
Spirit of Truth. 1Jn 4-5,6 says, “They are from the world; therefore they speak
as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows
God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know
the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” The world is partial to the many
spirits that are of the world, and they can discern these spirits based on the elementary
principles of greed, lust and pride. Jesus’ enemies thought they believed in
the writings of Moses, so this was news to them that they were actually
unbelievers. They thought they had founded their lives on his writings, yet we have
a testimony of them in accusation against Jesus. They manipulated laws and taxes and stole from widows
taking their houses,
leaving them abandoned and homeless for the love of money. Even so, it was news to them that they didn’t believe in the writings
of Moses. They obviously had a well-defined mental ascent regarding the Old
Testament manuscripts and believed that everything Moses wrote was from God, but
they didn't model their lives after those writings. Jesus pointed out that
we pattern our lives after what we believe. A person can stray from the
Scriptures and be the last one to know it by developing a self-opinion that
deviates from reality.
Jn 5,30-32
(144g) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Father bears
witness of His Son -- These verses go with verse 34. We got saved at some
point in our lives and became the children of God, but Jesus was actually born the Son of God. We may be sons and
daughters of the Most High, but Jesus was born God in human flesh, yet He is
also our brother (the son of man). The Father testified of Jesus that He is the Son of God by the words He spoke
and by the miracles He performed, proving He was God incarnate, and the Father
testifying of Him is the reason we can be saved. Had He
lived like any other man, never having a ministry, we could not be saved. As
it is, He lived for thirty years, and suddenly His ministry began, and
for 3½ years He performed the works of God and fulfilled prophecy
about the Messiah. Had He continued with His life as a carpenter
and then died, He could not have saved us. It was through His ministry and
through fulfillment of prophecy and through the signs and wonders He performed
and through the word of God that He spoke that testified of His deity. Then He went to the cross and died for our sins. Now His death had
meaning and now He can save us, because the people who killed Him knew they
were murdering God in human flesh. There could be no greater sin than that,
and for God to forgive this sin represents His ability to forgive any sin,
except rejection of Jesus' blood sacrifice as propitiation for sin.
Jn 5-30
Servant >>
Jesus serves His Father >>
Jesus is under His authority -- This verse goes with verses 19,20. Jesus refused to act
apart from His Father's will, nor was He interested in making decisions on
His own. Jesus was in His element when He was obeying His Father, whereas
unregenerate man feels in his element when he is acting on His own
authority, unplugged, and living apart from God. Jesus could not act on His
own authority without violating the will of His Father. The glory and the
power of Christ was exemplified by His submission and obedience and staying
in communion with God. Jesus would rather go to the cross than to step away from Him, though the result was the
same. He was in
fact alienated from His Father by doing His will and submitting to the
cross, but because He remained obedient in all things, His Father raised Him
from the dead and they were reunited forever.
(69i) Authority >>
Righteous judgment (Outcome of Discernment) >> Passing judgment by the authority
of God –
Jesus commanded us not to judge but then said, “as I hear I judge”
(v30). We have every right to judge by the Spirit, but no right to judge by the
flesh. This is what He meant in the Beatitudes when He said, “Do not judge”
(Mat 7-1), He meant, ‘Do not let your fleshly, sinful nature pass judgment
on anybody else’s fleshly, sinful nature.’ However, the things that God
reveals to us by the Spirit as we obey Him we are to shout from
the rooftops (Mat 10-27). When we reveal what the Spirit is saying, the word can’t help but judge those who hear it, because it is coming from
God, and everything the Spirit says judges the flesh. If we
hear the voice of God but do not obey Him, our hearing will become less
acute, until we are unable to
hear Him at all, because we are not doing what He said.
(73f) Authority >>
Respect Positions Of Authority >> Respect the
Father’s Authority -- This verse goes with verse 19
(87c) Thy kingdom come >>
Obedience >> Jesus obeyed all
the Father’s will -- This verse goes with verse 19
(194i) Die to self (Process of substitution) >> Turn from sin to God >>
Yielding >> Yield to God’s right to direct
your way -- This verse goes with verse 19
Kingdom of God >>
God’s kingdom is a living organism >>
Mystery of godliness >> Mystery of the trinity >> Obey the mystery of godliness like Jesus
did -- This verse goes with
verses 19-23
(253i) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Father
and Son glorify each other >> Son glorifies the
Father in all things given to Him -- This verse goes with verses
22,23. As you read throughout the rest
of this chapter it becomes clear that Jesus was talking about the trinity.
He referred to His Father when He said "as I hear I judge," yet
the one speaking to Him was the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught the gospel to His
disciples in terms of the trinity. There were always three persons involved
in His words and deeds: the Father is the origin of God's word, the Holy Spirit
revealed it, and Jesus performed it. Jesus had a perfect ear for the
voice of God, obviously because He was the Son of God, but also because He was
obedient. Therefore, the more obedient we are to the Holy Spirit, the better
we can hear Him.
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Jn 5-31,32
(107f) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Hearing From God >> Truth of the trinity >>
Father is truth
Jn 5,33-35
(144e) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >> The Church bears witness of Jesus >> That He was
sent by God –
Jesus compared the testimony of the Father with the testimony of John the
Baptist and said that the testimony of the Father is greater, so much that by
His testimony we can be saved. That is, believing that Jesus is the Son of God
and that the Father sent Him, leads to salvation, but the converse is also
true: to deny Jesus Christ leads to a reprobate mind. The Father’s testimony
about His Son is this, "God so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal
life" (Jn 3-16). The testimony of the Father is that He sent His Son into
the world to save sinners, while the testimony of John was “a voice crying
in the wilderness, make ready the way of the Lord, make His paths straight”
(Mat 3-3 taken from Isaiah 40-3). The testimony of the Father is that the
person He sent into the world according to the testimony of John was in fact
Himself. The testimony of John could not save anyone; meaning repentance alone
cannot save anyone. Many try to live by their own righteousness in effort to
please God, seeking His favor trying to be a good person, but they need to
believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that the Father sent His Son into the
world to save sinners. Believing in His blood sacrifice that He made on the
cross and His subsequent resurrection, proving the Father’s acceptance that
Jesus was pleasing in His sight while living among us in a body of sin, yet
without sin (Heb 4-15) is the reason the Father raised Jesus from the dead.
Believing in His blood sacrifice and subsequent resurrection, coupled with the
witness of John, who was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, who taught
repentance for the forgiveness of sin, we can now be saved. Salvation is not a
matter of believing, nor is it a matter of repentance but both. Repenting of
the sins that Jesus would need to forgive if we committed them is the only way
we can say we are sorry to Jesus that He had to die for our sake.
Jn 5-34
(144g) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Father bears
witness of His Son -- This verse goes with verses 37&38
Jn 5-36
(146i) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> Purpose of miracles, signs and wonders >> Proof that Jesus is the son of
God >> That the world may be saved –
The Father sent His Son and imbued Him with the Spirit to perform miracles, so
we may believe that the Father sent Him. That was the purpose of miracles in
Christ, so what is the purpose of miracles that God performed through His
apostles after Pentecost? They were to get people’s attention and
authenticate their message of salvation. Miracles, signs and wonders act as
God’s stamp of approval on those performing them, so that we should believe
their message and be saved. This explains why we see so few miracles today,
because God is not initiating a movement at this time, but before this age
closes God will move among His people, and miracles will become commonplace
again, and there will be a great ingathering of souls, and in those days
signs, wonders and miracles will return to authenticate the message that His
servants will speak. Where there are miracles there are also counterfeit
miracles, lying deceptions, false wonders to counterfeit what God is doing in
the advent of revival when so many millions of people are being saved. Satan
will attempt to counteract this work in effort to put on the breaks and stop
this revival from blossoming out of control, which is happening at the same
time that Satan is attempting to establish his one-world government. Satan
will claim to be the Christ and savior of the world. This is why Satan makes
such grandiose claims, because of the revival that is occurring, otherwise
Satan would have no incentive or interest in such things, only to deceive the
people and give them a false alternative to the revival that is transpiring
under his nose.
Jn 5,37-47
Sin >> Nature of sin >>
Unbelief >> Having a mind that is unable to
receive >> Religion doesn't know how to believe in God – The
Pharisees had never heard the voice of God, even while Jesus was speaking the
word of God to them. Jesus is essentially the embodiment of the Holy Spirit, and
the Holy Spirit is the essence of the Father. Jesus told them, paraphrasing, ‘I
know you don’t have His word abiding in you because you do not believe
what I’m saying.’ The Pharisees were all about the things of the world,
and when Jesus spoke, there was nothing in them that believed in Him. It was not like they had no knowledge of
Jesus came to them after the recorded Scriptures were handed to them
from centuries of transcribing the words of the prophets. The Pharisees, and the
scribes studied these words and were extremely familiar with them, yet their
understanding of the Scriptures was skewed, not just a little but so far off the
mark that when Jesus came and preached the gospel to them and taught the word
of God and fulfilled their ancient prophecies, they did not recognize Him. Jesus testified against them saying, “you do
not have His word abiding in you,” though they may have memorized the words,
yet their commitment to the holy Scriptures was not from the heart. This was the problem with the
religious establishment in
those days and in ours.
Jn 5-37,38
(144g) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Father bears
witness of His Son -- These verses go with verses 30-32.
Jn 5,38-47
(80e) Thy kingdom come >>
Know the word to learn the ways of God >>
Leading to Jesus
Jn 5-38,39
(109i) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spirit the teacher >>
Spirit trains us to be like Jesus –
What did Jesus mean by, “You do not have His word abiding in you”? He
could have meant that the word of God was not in their hearts, but now that
Jesus was sacrificed and raised from the dead and ascended to the Father, we understand that He sent the Holy Spirit in His place, and He abides in us.
Consequently, for the word of God to abide in us and for the Holy Spirit to abide in us are
really the same thing. Scripture
is the written word, but when the Spirit speaks a word in our heart, He reveals
the written word to us. We may have previously known certain passage in the
Bible, but after the Holy Spirit enlightens us, we understand it in a whole new
way (1Jn 2-7,8). This is what it means to be saved. Consequently,
Jesus accused His enemies of not being the children of God, their eternal destiny
being hell unless they repented of their unbelief. He accused them saying,
“You have neither heard His voice at any time nor seen His form.” Jesus was
God in human flesh, and He stood right in front of His enemies and spoke the
word of God to them, yet they could not see Him or hear Him.
Jesus condemned them for not hearing His own voice, who told them about God and they refused to
believe Him. We can say the same thing as evangelists to those who reject our
message; we can accuse them of being
unable to hear our own voice.’ Of course if they are not deaf they can hear
our speech, but they cannot discern the truth that we are saying to them.
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Jn 5,39-47
(144h) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Word of God
bears witness to Jesus
(167h) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Carnality/Secularism (mindset of the world) >>
The carnal mind does not receive the things of God >>
It does not believe the word of God -- The Scriptures the Pharisees had been
studying their whole lives testified about Jesus. He knew the Pharisees did
not have the love of God in themselves, because they did not receive Him.
Jesus learned many things about His enemies, based on their reaction to Him.
Anyone who acted adversely to Him was not only His enemy, but was also the
enemy of His Father. Likewise, we the people of God should live in such a way that our
enemies are inherently wrong for hating us. We need to be so in tuned to God
that we can confidently assert that our enemies are also the enemies of God,
but some of us have enemies that are not necessarily enemies of God, because we
ourselves are enemies of God to the degree that we do not listen to Him. No one can believe
in God while they are seeking glory from men.
(168f) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world listens
to itself >> The world receives itself --
Jesus asked the Pharisees that if they didn’t believe the Scriptures,
how could they believe in Him. The writings to which the Pharisees had
been committed their whole lives were accusing them of not believing in
Jesus. Their Old Testament writings contained all the knowledge they would ever
need to recognize Jesus as their Messiah, except that they were seeking the glory of men, causing their skewed perspective
on the Scriptures to misunderstand everything He said. They spent untold hours
pouring over the Scriptures and never once believed them, because they had
preconceived doctrines, like wearing rose colored glasses that filtered
everything they read. Their intent was to become professional interpreters of their
ancient manuscripts, so they could lord their knowledge over all Israel
as self-appointed religious leaders. Their intent was to make a living off the
Scriptures, instead of using the word of God to lead the people in positive
directions, so when Jesus came, they could have helped the people receive their
(182g) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Three causes of interpreting Scripture falsely >>
Because they want to be approved by men
(198b) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >> Man
withers when he is in control >> Unteachable >>
Too busy being a teacher to learn anything
(198j) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >>
Frustrating the grace of God >> Frustrating Jesus through unbelief –
The enemies of Jesus had reprobate minds, and with that they
reasoned in circles about God. Jesus exposed this fact saying, ‘You search
the Scriptures, which speak about Me, and I am telling you the things that are
written in the law and the prophets, and you won’t believe Me.’ He proved
to them that they didn’t believe the Scriptures, simply because they did not
believe Him, who mirrored the Scriptures. They may have read the
Scriptures; they may have known them backward and forward; they may have
been able to recite them from memory, but they didn’t believe them, or they would have believed Jesus. This is unfortunately a common
occurrence in the Church today. People think they believe the Scriptures, but if we
spoke to them the things that God is revealing to us by the Spirit, they
wouldn’t believe us; instead, they would persecute us. If we quoted them Scripture, they would believe that;
and if we gave our opinion, they might consider it, but if we spoke a passage
in the Bible that God has revealed to us by the Spirit, they would reject it out-a-hand. They
wouldn’t even consider it, and Jesus is saying that it just
proves they don’t understand the Scriptures. The things Jesus said went far into the human soul in
places where most of us are afraid to go.
Jn 5,39-44
(169i) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Seeking the glory
of man >> Loving the approval of men rather than
the approval of God >> Coveting the favor of men –
The Pharisees and many of the Jews did not have the love of God in them but
hated Jesus and resisted and opposed Him. He knew their faith was
incomplete because they received glory from men. Their lives were not about
giving glory to God, but about seeking glory from each other. One of the characteristics of the
godless heathen and the sinner is that their whole lives are for the purpose
of glorifying self, and part of this is a special effort to integrate into a
world that doesn’t know
God. In contrast, Jesus’ whole purpose in life
was to glorify His Father by obeying Him.
Jn 5,39-42
(159b) Works of the devil >>
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit >>
Counterfeit godliness >> Love sickening sweet >>
The kind of love that replaces wisdom
Jn 5-39
(177a) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Distorting Scripture >> Distorting Scripture
from a lack of understanding -- This verse goes with verses 45-47
(255c) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Jesus is the word of
the Spirit >> Jesus is the manifested word of
God –
Eternal life is not in the Scriptures but in Jesus. That is, believing in a set of doctrines never saved anyone;
instead, the
Spirit of Jesus who dwells in those who obey Him is our savior. Sometimes it
seems the distinction between the written word and the Holy Spirit blur to
become one, for as we read the Bible the Spirit
gives the revelation, and the temptation is to think that the Spirit of God
dwells in the Bible, but eternal life is not
contained in inkblots on a page but in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, who dwells in heaven. The Bible often speaks of the Spirit and the word together,
as this verse does; it actually teaches that Jesus Christ is the embodiment of
the Holy Spirit. The Bible was translated into English, the
language in which many other books have been written, but the Bible is
different from all other books in that God uses it as a tool to reveal Himself to
His people
who believe in Him. For this reason, many of His people think they are
saved just because they believe in a set of doctrines, but if they don't have the Holy Spirit dwelling
in them, they are none of His. See also: Spirit and the Word (Keys of the
kingdom; Jd-12; 241a)
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/ Parallel Gospel
Jn 5,40-47
(202h) Denying Christ >>
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Running from the word of God >> Running from the witness of God
Jn 5,40-44
(174e) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Form of
godliness >> Self righteousness >>
Justifying yourself
(199f) Denying Christ >>
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> Throwing God away >>
Rejecting Christ to steal His glory
(200m) Denying Christ >>
Whoever is not with Jesus is against him >> He
is against Christ who does not receive Him >>
Whoever receives the world is against Christ
Jn 5-40
Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Obstacles in the way of
the kingdom >> Ask but don’t receive >>
Ask but don’t receive because of unbelief -- This verse goes with
verses 43&44
(254f) Trinity >>
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is the life of the Spirit >> Jesus is the
substance of God’s life >> Jesus is the
manifestation of God’s life -- This verse goes with verse 21
Jn 5,41-47
(156l) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Living an ungodly lifestyle >>
Associating with the world
Jn 5,41-44
(16i) Sin >>
Continuing in sin to avoid the light >> Deny
the truth – We can easily discern glory
seekers: the honor they should be attributing to
God is wasted on people much like themselves who are no more responsible for the good that
happens than their pet dog. They pour all this attention on each other because
they want others to do it for them, and in the process they ignore and forget God.
(165a) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is at
enmity with God >> The world rejects God
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of
God >> Seeking the glory of His favor –
The concept of seeking the glory of God some people say is evil, but
it means we are seeking to glorify God (not seeking to steal His glory). The
flipside of that is we want
God to glorify us; this too is not evil but one of the promises He has given
us, ‘whoever humbles himself will be exalted’ (Lk 14-11). In His time
God will prove His servants above the rest; He will exalt those who devote
themselves to Him. It may take a lifetime, but in the life to come
we are guaranteed to receive the full reward of our labors of faith. Sadly,
many people who call
themselves Christians despise the idea of seeking the rearwards of heaven,
but either we seek the glory of God or we seek the glory of man, and if they
despise the rewards of heaven, they will seek glory in this life. The Bible
recommends seeking the rewards
of heaven, and if the Bible commends it, who are we to condemn it? Mat
619-21 says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where
moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. "But store
up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys,
and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.”
Jn 5-41
(77e) Thy kingdom come >>
Humility >> Refusing the glory of man >>
Refusing to be exalted by men
Jn 5-42
(68j) Authority >>
Discernment >> Judging truth and error >>
Perceiving a wicked heart
(128n) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Bearing fruit >>
Evidence of your fruit >> Bad fruit is proof
that God is not working in you
Jn 5,43-47
(197a) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >> Spiritual
laziness >> Rebelling Against what God wants you
to do >> Refusing to renew your mind
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/ Parallel Gospel
Jn 5-43,44
Sin >>
Nature of sin >>
Motives of unbelief –
In the world, people don’t want to worship anybody; instead, they want to
be worshipped. They glorify one another in hope of
being glorified themselves. They know that if they commit
themselves to God, the hope of being glorified by men will be lost. They may receive praise from God, but
He will not worship them, indicating that
this is what they really desire. The Pharisees loved the adoration of men
and prestige in society. Jesus is saying that if we love to be adored by
each other, how
can we at the same time seek to glorify God and adore Him? To glorify God is
to receive glory from Him, empowering us to live a godly
life, but goodness and righteousness are things the Pharisees sacrificed to
receive glory from men.
(57e) Paradox >>
Opposites >> More glory you receive from men,
the less you seek of God – There are many themes
and kingdom principles that run throughout the
Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and one of them which is less obvious but
more central than all of them is the fact that knowing good and evil makes
us more like God than any other attribute. It is a God-like attribute that
rivals even His status as the Creator. This was the temptation of Adam and
Eve: the devil said to them that if they
ate the forbidden fruit, they would know the difference between good and
evil, “and you shall be like God” (Gen 3-5), which actually was not
a lie! However, there was a very subtle deception in the devil’s message to
the woman, so subtle and deceitful that the man and his wife would have never
unraveled the truth on their own. Had they wrangled with
the devil at any length, he would have twisted their minds into
knots, and in fact that is what he did in just the few minutes that he conversed
with them; not even Jesus argued with the devil. They could have run to God and told them about the
talking snake that spoke contrary to His commanded, and everything would
have changed from there. God would have uprooted the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil; in a word, they would have passed the test,
but had they won the battle, the glory that God now
offers through
the cross would not have been made available, which far surpasses Adam's would-be victory in the Garden. However, this improvement
in our relationship with God has come at a terrible price in both
tearing the flesh of God's Son and the cost
of human souls. Many wars and much pain and suffering and death has occurred
over the millennia, yet because Adam failed the test, God is now able
to choose his worshippers from the world for His own possession, whom He had
prepared to serve and worship Him. When we go back to the original sin,
pride is right there in the middle of the garden, the opportunity to be like
God. Prior to the fall, man has been made in the image of God, but in other respects Adam and
Eve were not like God in that they did not know evil, until they bit into
the forbidden fruit, corrupting their conscience. Ironically, when they experienced evil
firsthand, they became like God knowing good and evil, becoming more like
God than God, until Jesus went
to the cross at His Father's command and experienced sin in its entirety,
which made Him more like God than Himself before the cross when He knew
about sin on a mere theoretical standpoint, meaning the cross has
the very nature of God, who has now experienced sin firsthand. See also: God intended Adam to eat the forbidden fruit;
Act 13,44-48; 200b
(169a) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is
blind to God >> Blind to Jesus >>
Blind to the glory of God in Christ
(195f) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >> Idolatry >> Worshipping men >>
Idolizing men
(198h) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >> Ordained
by man >> Having evil motives for seeking
leadership positions >> Seeking to gratify
their flesh through the ministry
Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Obstacles in the way
of the kingdom >> Ask but don’t receive >>
Ask but don’t receive because of unbelief -- These verses go with
verse 40
Jn 5-43
(71i) Authority >>
Ordained by God >> Jesus is ordained by God
Jn 5,44-47
(41b) Judgment >>
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Jesus is without sin >> He fulfilled the law
(90g) Thy kingdom come >>
Keeping the law >> Law is our tutor >>
Had they kept the law, they would not have persecuted the Church –
The Law of Moses is irrelevant to those who walk in the Spirit, but to those
who are rebellious and have rejected the purpose of God, the
Law remains in effect. So to the degree that the Law is in effect in
people’s lives is the degree that they have rejected the purpose of Christ.
On the one hand, when the prophet comes and speaks to them, it is all news,
and even if they have previously heard the message, it is still news, because
they have not obeyed it, and if they persecute him, the consequences will
become news, as they perpetually receive in their persons the
due penalty of their error (Rom 2-27). On the other hand, we who believe in
God go from good work to good work, and the Lord orders our steps and we walk
on His prepared trail, and there we find
people of good hope who will receive our message of salvation.
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/ Parallel Gospel
Jn 5-44
(169g) Seeking The Glory Of
Man (Key verse)
(233g) Seeking The Glory
Of God (Key verse)
Jn 5,45-47
(40g) Judgment >> Judgment of Christ >>
God’s word judges the world >> It does not
believe in Him
(53j) Paradox >>
Opposites >> Contradicting your own standards >>
Being accused by someone you believe in
(86i) Thy kingdom come >>
Obedience >> Be doers of the word >>
Clothe yourself with the word of God >> Live
the truth
(177a) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Distorting Scripture
from a lack of understanding -- These verses go with verse 39
(255c) Trinity >>
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Jesus is the word of
the Spirit >> Jesus is the manifested word of
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