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Lk 19,1-10
Sin >> Poverty (Oppression) >> Rich are those who are poor in
their own minds
(85l) Thy kingdom come >>
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believing the Son by obeying the Father >>
Obeying the law by faith in the cross
>> Obedience represents our faith
(122g) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Confidence in
yourself as you die to sin >> Confident in good
conscience –
Zaccheus found faith in God through repentance. His conscience led him to
repentance, which led to confidence and confidence led to faith. The person
who lived in debauchery and greed as a swindler, accumulated large sums of
money and became acquainted with an extravagant lifestyle, when he was
introduced to the savior, usually doesn’t have any place for Him in his
heart. However, there were other issues involved in the case of Zaccheus;
everyone hated him. Zaccheus had an evil conscience, and he didn’t have any
friends, and he was seeking rest for his soul. The beauty of Zaccheus was that
he never resorted to lying to himself. This is where people get into trouble.
If we have a conscience that makes us aware of evil, we should not
try to stop His voice from speaking to us, for it is our lifeline to
salvation. Repentance and restoration remains on the table so long as our
conscience has a voice, but the minute we start lying to ourselves and violate
our conscience or worse, say that conscience isn’t real, that is where we
get into big trouble. Those who never come to Christ have sabotaged their
(132e) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Holy Spirit is
in God’s people >> God gives his spirit as a
pledge >> Spirit pledges the presence of God –
Contrasting Zaccheus
against the
rich young ruler, had he pledged to give half his fortunes to
the poor like Zaccheus did, it probably would have sufficed the Lord. What matters most is
our genuineness of heart to make good on our promise of repentance.
This is just one example of how God works in people: the things we do
in our heart are just as real to Him as the things we do with our hands.
Pledging his repentance to the Lord allowed him to make a covenant
with Jesus right then and there, and God later gave Zaccheus
His Spirit as a pledge of that which will come in eternity. Every
person who comes to Christ is in various stages of bondage to sin, and most
bondage can be overcome by a simple pledge of repentance to God, which
virtually removes the obstacle from his heart so he can make a covenant with
God regarding salvation, and then deal with the sin afterward. However, there are
some people who are so steeped in bondage that a simple pledge doesn’t work,
because it is not in their heart to repent. This is what Jesus meant when
He said to the rich man, “It is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mat
(143h) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Popularity >> Sought commendably >>
Seeking Jesus for His favor – Zaccheus was a rich man who got saved, which
Jesus said in the previous chapter was miraculous, like threading a camel through
the eye of a needle, yet this story proves that some rich people do go to
heaven. Notice two things about Zaccheus: he was very rich and was
also a crook. There is such a thing as rich people who are not crooked, but
there is no such a thing as the ultra-rich who are not crooked, who underpay their
help by the simple proof of all their money. Even the worst of the filthy
rich are not exempt from salvation. We must always hold out hope for anyone to
be saved, for there is no one who is completely and utterly without hope,
except of course for the reprobate. Paul said in 2Tim 2-19 that God knows those who are
His, suggesting that He also knows those who are not His, meaning we don't
know, so
we should not be quick to judge.
(194b) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Turn from sin to God >> Run to God >>
Run to Jesus when He calls for you
Sovereignty >> God is infinite >> God is all powerful >> All
things are possible with God – Someone might ask why Jesus would stay at a
rich man’s house instead of a poor man's house who was His primary ministry, and the
answer lies in the fact that Zaccheus’ salvation was a greater miracle than
any poor man. Jesus spent time with Zaccheus, because he was one of God’s
great miracles; he was the camel that God threaded through the eye of a
needle! The eye of the needle represents a very narrow gate (Mat 7-13,14).
(219h) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> The elect >>
God chooses us as we choose ourselves >> God
chooses us through our faithfulness –
Salvation cannot exist without our response, and predestination is not
applicable to the human perspective. That is, those who reject Him do so with
their own will, not God's will (2Pet 3-9). Predestination is 100% foreknowledge and has nothing
to do with God willing anything to happen. Predestination is just a fancy word
for God knowing the end from the beginning, though there are exceptions to
this, such as when God causes things to happen, such as creating the universe
and judging Pharaoh in the days of Moses. In cases like these we say that they
were predestined to happen, but God did not predestine anyone to hell; that
is, He did not cause anyone to lose his soul. God wants worshipers who are made in
His image, who know good from evil and have the power to choose good, like our friend Zaccheus. God could not just
create the kind of worshipers He wanted; they had to be made in a step-by-step
process through testing if they were going to be truly free and in His
image. These two things: His
holiness and His freedom are what has driven up the price of His worshipers,
but it is also what makes them so valuable to Him. Without testing them there
was no way both God and man could be on the same page together. Essentially,
most people complain
about God regarding the kind of worshipers He wants to make, suggesting they are
complaining about His creation. They want Him to settle for robots, people who
were not tested, but merely love God based on their word without ever having
to prove their devotion to Him, but such a worshiper would
not be able
to relate to God. Paul said,
‘Who are they to tell God what He can and cannot make?’ (Romans chapter
(232k) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Seek the essence of his kingdom >> Seeking the
righteousness of His kingdom
(250h) Priorities
God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >> The first is a precondition for what comes after it (Cause and effect)
to the story of Zaccheus, this is the proper sequence of obtaining salvation:
(1) we already have God’s favor, (2) faith comes next, pledging repentance
from sin and our service to God (3) He imparts His Holy Spirit, (4) we become
disciples of Jesus. If we get the sequence wrong we will never understand the
grace of God. If we become His disciples in effort to win His grace, we will
be working for our salvation, and that is not what the Scripture teaches. We
come to God in faith that He already accepts us, and we become His disciples
in response to His salvation.
Lk 19,1-6
(234aa) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the glory of God >> God chooses us as we seek His glory
>> As we appeal to Him
Lk 19,1-5
(240f) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Natural disadvantage >>
Natural disadvantage of the flesh >> Limitations
of the flesh
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Lk 19,5-10
Gift >> God gives Himself to us >> Gifts from the Holy Spirit
>> Spiritual gifts
>> Knowing the mind of God – Jesus obviously knew Zaccheus by name, but it
doesn’t say He personally met him until now. Some might say that Jesus
knew him because He was God, but He set aside His omniscience and all the
qualities of His deity, except that He remained without sin, which proved His
Godhood and demonstrated His perfection as His most valuable trait. If God
feels this strongly about righteousness, then why do some people still accuse
Him of evil? Jesus took on human flesh, which includes
having a brain like ours, and we are all familiar with its many imperfections
and limitations; He could not have been omniscient, which means that His
Father revealed Zaccheus to Him, not only his name but also God’s plan to
stay at his house that night. Jesus was operating by the gifts
of the Spirit, specifically the gift of knowledge, according First Corinthians
chapter twelve. See also: Jesus Christ (His soul is the Church);
Jn 14-20; 224e
(193i) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Making amends with people you offended – Zaccheus admitted to the Lord that he stole
half the money he possessed; had he stolen it all, true repentance would have required
him to give it all back. A chief tax gatherer was someone who had tax
gatherers under him, and Zaccheus increased the amount his employees were
supposed to collect, so when the money returned for him to deliver to the
state, he would keep a certain amount, doubling his income, and the tax
collectors would do the same until they nearly bled the people dry, a scenario
that is happening in our own day and time. Getting
saved is just like quitting a smoking habit; you must want to quit or you
won’t be able. Most rich people feel at home in the world,
because their money buys them respect, but in the case with Zaccheus, he
didn’t have a lot of respect because tax collectors
were not well liked, and to parade around with a lot of money would be like salt in the
wounds to those he defrauded, who happened to be his neighbors. Rich people
usually get the feeling that they were made for this world, but not Zaccheus; He felt lost here even with all his money. He was one of the
few wealthy people whose conscience bothered him. Those who feel lost in the
world belong with the Lord, who will introduce them to the Kingdom of Heaven, where they will
be made magistrates of the greatest kingdom that creation will ever know.
(207l) Salvation >> Salvation verses >>
The kindness of God >> God is kind to sinners
>> He seeks and saves that which was lost
– The Pharisees
and others grumbled that Jesus was staying
at the house of a sinner, yet Jesus on a number of occasions was the guest of
many a Pharisee, though Jesus wasn’t exactly the finest houseguest. He
rebuked many of them right in their own homes, sitting around their dinning
room table. Far as Jesus was concerned, He was staying at the house of a
sinner no matter who invited Him.
Lk 19-5,6
(125f) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Joy >>
Joy is the result of partaking of the Holy Spirit >>
Joy is the result of receiving from God
Lk 19-5
(152g) Witness >>
Validity of the Father >> Witnesses of the
father >> Prophets >>
Jesus is a prophet >> Jesus prophesies to the
Lk 19,8-10
(119g) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Debt free –
We should strive to become debt free, pay off our loans and be
responsible with our money. We shouldn’t max out our credit cards and then
file for bankruptcy as a financial plan, and then get new credit cards and do
it again, defrauding the system. If everyone did this, the entire economy
would implode, which it did in 2008 with the housing market. The way we should
seek the freedom of Christ is by settling our accounts with God. When we get
saved, all our sins are wiped away, so does that mean we can keep sinning?
Repentance is proof of our faith, so a lack of repentance looks like a lack of
faith. God commands us to repent, being why
Jesus was so happy with Zaccheus when he repented. He became debt-free with
God and man at the same time. Doing a 180-degree turn-around is the
greatest possible evidence of our faith. Nowadays we wonder about people’s salvation because
of their lack of repentance, but there was no questioning Zaccheus’ salvation, since faith was
the only possible motive for his sudden change of heart that translated into
action. How do those who
feel no need to repent convince themselves that they believe? When we repent, we don’t have to depend on our feelings;
rather, we can trust that the only motive for a changed life is a saving faith
in Jesus.
(156f) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> You will know them by their
Kingdom of God >> Pursuing the kingdom >>
Invest in the kingdom >> Sold out >>
Relinquishing your assets to Christ >> Dispose of
every asset except Christ
(236j) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Invest in the treasures of the kingdom >>
Invest your life in God’s faith –
Jesus got excited when He discovered that Zaccheus not only
believed in Him but was also giving God his whole heart, suggesting that if we
don’t give Him our whole heart, our salvation is not real. It seems more
important to settle our accounts with God than to settle our accounts
with man, yet God sees them as the same, suggesting that if we don’t settle
with man, our account with God is still pending. This story is pointing to
the fact that an unrepentant heart is incapable of holding onto a genuine faith in
God. In this age of apostasy there are many people who think they can live
any way they want and still be saved, having a humanistic viewpoint, as though
it were an act of our will to believe in God. This kind of theology reduces to
merely believing in a certain set of doctrines, but
that is not the Bible’s view of faith, for there are thousands of psychopaths
rampaging the countryside stealing, killing and destroying, who may well
believe those same doctrines. Faith is something God gives
us on the day and moment of our salvation, not to be confused with the
gift of faith (1Cor 12-9). Faith is the mustard seed that must grow
as proof that it is alive. Faith is the pearl of great value that is
traded for everything in the man’s possession. Faith is the treasure that a
man found in someone else’s field and then hid it somewhere else in a field
that was for sale, and then liquidated his assets and bought that field. Does
this mean that we Christians are not allowed to own anything? We can
own things, but the value of our possessions must be liquidated and reinvested
in our faith.
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Lk 19,11-26
(101i) Thy kingdom come >>
Ambition >> Be an ambitious businessman for God >>
Investing spiritual currency
Lk 19-11
(69a) Authority >>
Discernment >> Judging truth and error >>
Correcting false reasoning
– Expecting the kingdom of God to appear immediately is the New Testament
version of the coming Millennium age, which was also the Jewish hope, that
Jesus would deliver them from their
enemies the Romans and establish the Kingdom of God according to Old Testament
prophecy. God predestined Jesus for the
cross, and the following parable starting in verse 12 is dedicated
to Israel's rejection of Him. The attitude of the parable does not praise the
Jews for rejecting Jesus so He could pay for the sins
of the world, but conveys a complaint that they had no excuse.
(95a) Thy kingdom come >>
False perspective in the world
(177a) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Distorting Scripture >> Distorting Scripture
from a lack of understanding – Jesus often testified
that the words of His mouth and the miracles He performed were not coming from Himself, but originated from His Father who lived in
Him. This was His explanation to the Pharisees and to the scribes and even to
His disciples who were trying to understand Him. Much of the problem the
disciples had with comprehending Jesus was the fact that they were expecting
Israel’s messiah to come in great power and glory and deliver them from
their enemies. Israel’s religious leaders had been teaching this for
centuries, but they made an error interpreting the Scriptures. They
rightly understood that their Old Testament writings alluded to the age of
millennium, but they wrongly attributed these prophecies to the time of Christ, and
consequently overlooked the subtle passages of Scripture that spoke about their
Messiah's first visit to them in quiet and humble fashion, teaching
them the ways of God, who would ultimately die for the sins of the
world. They overlooked these things because they saw no value in them as they
ironically demonstrated by crucifying Him. They kept waiting for Jesus to
conform to their expectations, which caused them to
misunderstand everything He said and did. As Jesus approached Jerusalem toward
the end of His life, everyone expected Him to attack the Roman tyranny that
held Israel in bondage, and for the Kingdom of God to suddenly appear, and for
Jesus to go through some kind of metamorphosis like the transfiguration that
His closest disciples secretly witnessed on the holy mountain. Jesus
strictly told his disciple not to tell a soul about what they had seen on the
mountaintop, because He didn’t want people thinking He would do that again
and save
them from their enemies; He came to save them from their spiritual enemy --
(215ia) Sovereignty >>
God controls time >> Suddenly >>
The Kingdom of Heaven appears suddenly >>
Without warning >> Disciples expected the kingdom to appear immediately
-- This verse goes with verses 28-38
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Lk 19,12-27*
(5m) Responsibility >>
Jesus’ yoke of obedience >> Our obligation to
shepherd the flock
Servant -- Principle verse of this chapter –
Perhaps the greatest mystery of the Bible and the key to Christianity is how God could humble Himself, leave His home in heaven and come to serve mankind in the frailty of human flesh. The Bible gives this subject much
attention. Servant-hood is one of our greatest privileges as the children of God. Those who study its precepts will acquire a sense of humility and duty for their creator and fellow man.
Essentially the study of a
"Servant" is the study of greatness in a person’s character. The
calling of a servant is universal to all human life. It is one of the traits
that separate us from the animals; animals are rarely seen in nature serving
other animals, except in the case of interdependency, where differing species
meet their own needs by meeting the needs of others.
Everyone is called to be a servant; even God is a servant. If we desire to
serve God, we are big in His eyes, and He sees us as entreating Him to appoint
His power and authority in our lives.
Servant >>
Serve God faithfully
(21b) Sin >>
Disobedient to the call
(40e) Judgment >>
Jesus judges the Church
(128k) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Bearing fruit >>
Living a fruitful life >> It is a way of survival
(148l) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Obligation to preach the gospel >> Slave laborers
(192d) Die to self >>
Result of putting off the old man >> Gain by
losing >> Receiving from God by substitution >>
Wheeling and dealing in God’s spiritual economy – Those ten cities that God awarded the
faithful servant who made ten minas from the one will have humble
beginnings. He may inspect his cities and find
one man and one woman living there and ask, ‘What good is this?’
God will speak over them and say, "Be fruitful and multiply," and over
the course of eternity their numbers will grow to infinity. The servant who buried his mina in the ground instead of
placing it in the bank to gain interest for his master would have received one
city, and at the end of eternity he would have ruled over just as many people
as the one who had ten cities, for infinity is infinity. If we segment any part of
infinity, that segment is infinity in itself. Therefore, in eternity it doesn’t matter if we receive one city or
ten cities, it’s all the same; we are destined to rule over an infinite number
of people. At the beginning of
eternity, it will seem that the person who rules over ten cities has more, but
as time elapses both one with ten cities and one with one city
will appear to have the same amount. This is the justice of God. We will become governors and
magistrates and ministers of righteousness and we will make decisions for the
good of all, and play our part in establishing God’s infinite kingdom forever. See also:
No end to His increase; Lk 19,12-19; 229c / New heavens and a new earth (Our inheritance is infinite and eternal);
Lk 20,27-36; 209a
Salvation >> Jews and gentiles are being saved >> Gentiles included
>> Gentiles steal the kingdom from Israel through obedience – There were two groups of people that Jesus
mentioned in this parable: the citizens of the kingdom, whom the nobleman went
to receive; these were the Jews, and the ten slaves represent the gentiles, whom
He gave to each a mina. The first slave used his mina to make ten more. The
mina could represent the indwelling Holy Spirit; in that case, the multiplying of
wealth represents the anointing of the Holy Spirit that overflows from our
innermost being and spills onto the world, winning souls for the Kingdom of God. Note that each slave
received the same amount at the beginning, one mina, but each reproduced
different rates of growth, corresponding to each person's zeal in serving the
(212i) Sovereignty >>
God is infinite >> God is all knowing >>
Nothing hidden >> God knows your secrets
(225e) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Parables >>
Parables about wealth >> Parables about a king and
his kingdom
(236e) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Invest your strength into the kingdom >> Invest
your labors
Lk 19,12-19
Kingdom of God >> God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Kingdom
grows by itself >> Growing In Numbers Corresponds With Spiritual Growth
>> Kingdom grows in size – The one who made ten minas more was given
authority over ten cities. This sounds great, but it is far greater than it
sounds, in that the Kingdom of God is not static but ever growing and increasing
throughout eternity, for God is infinite and eternal and His kingdom reflects
His nature. God
will create a new Adam and a new Eve, without exposing them to the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil, so sin will not exist, and He will command them to be fruitful and multiply, and from that seed will grow a
kingdom that will produce throughout eternity to fill God’s creation with
His loyal subjects, and we will rule over them. We, a finite number of people
whom God has winnowed and refined, are to rule an infinite
kingdom that will grow throughout eternity! See also: No end to His increase; Lk 19,12-27; 192d
Lk 19,12-15
(237d) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Transferring the kingdom >> The Church is transferred to the kingdom >>
The rapture >> Receiving the kingdom in God’s
time – God knows that we perceive 2000 years as a very long time, but
He spoke on His own terms, so mankind would watch for His return
throughout the ages, and be full of hope that perhaps the Lord will come in their
Perhaps the bigger reason Jesus spoke in this way was to prevent man from
organizing a two-millennium party that they would prolong to the very
last minute before Jesus returned, similar to the Israelites as they
“waited” at the base of Mount Sinai for Moses with the law. Jesus put the
kybosh on the party before it started saying, ‘Stay on the alert, because
you never know when I may return.’
Lk 19,12-14
(48n) Judgment >>
Jesus’ enemies are destroyed >> Enemies of His
glory -- These verses go with verse 27
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Lk 19-14
(165a) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is at
enmity with God >> The world rejects God
(200a) Denying Christ >>
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> Unwilling to receive Christ >>
Asking Jesus to leave -- This verse goes with verse 27
Lk 19,15-27
(226i) Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
Levels of reward >> God rewards us to the degree
of our labors –
The mina represents our rewards in heaven, our offering when we meet God for
the first time and bow at his feet with gift in hand, like the magi who
traveled the world to find Jesus on Christmas night were careful to bring
gifts. God has given a gift to each of us, and we are expected to multiply its value and bring glory to God.
Many will wish they had dedicated more of themselves to the kingdom of God
once they enter the Holy City and see their King in all His glory.
Lk 19,15-26
Responsibility >> Advocate God’s cause >>
Everyone who has shall more be given
(248i) Priorities >>
God’ s preeminence >> Values >>
Valuing God >> Do not value things that
devalue God
Lk 19,15-19
(102c) Thy kingdom come >>
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Faithfulness is
dependable >> God’s servants are dependable
(222k) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> Give to him who has >>
Whoever has shall more be given
Lk 19,16-19
(34k) Gift of God >>
God is willing to Give >> Receiving God’s
blessing through obedience
Judgment >>
God judges our walk in the Spirit >>
He rewards us for bearing fruit
Lk 19-16,17
(221a) The Kingdom Of
God (Key verse for the entire chapter) –
subject “The Kingdom of God” in the Bible is so enormous that it had to
be split into two of the biggest chapters of the concordance: “Thy Kingdom
Come” and “The Kingdom of God”. On the one hand, “Thy Kingdom Come” is a topical list
of prerequisites
devoted to
the Church's obligation to establish God's kingdom in our heart in a step-by-step
process, with “unity” as the ultimate goal (John 17). On the other hand, this
chapter “The Kingdom of God” is a list of traits associated with the
Kingdom of God, organized in relation to their importance,
elucidating the distinct elements of heaven and placing them into proper perspective. It describes heaven and depicts how it appears through the
eyes of His beloved children.
Its twin chapter, Thy Kingdom Come, reveals the Christian responsibility
of establishing the kingdom of God in the world, while this chapter reveals God's part in manifesting His own kingdom in the
(234f) Invest In The Kingdom
Of God
(Key verse)
Lk 19,19-22
Responsibility >> Avoid offending God >>
Keeping your commitments >> Complete God’s
calling in your ministry as Christ did –
Clearly, God takes our lives more seriously than we do. We lose
many rewards by not being diligent about serving Him with a whole
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Lk 19,20-27
(179i) Works of the devil >>
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Unworthy servant >> Unworthy because of
unfaithfulness – The man who buried his gift in the ground
handed his soiled mina back to God as though proud of himself for not losing it.
God said to him, “You wicked lazy slave,” and then threw him into the outer
darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (See Mat 25,24-29). God
doesn't ask a lot from us. Taking his mina to the bank was to entrust his mina
to other people, which amounts to
going to church and putting his salvation in the hands of the pastor to manage
for him, hoping he knows what he is
doing. The man who buried his mina wouldn’t even take a trip downtown to the local
bank and deposit his mina there. That was such a small
thing for the Lord to ask of him. God would have given this man eternal life and a whole
city for such a small act of obedience, which would
eventually blossom into an infinite reward over the course of eternity, but there are those who
don’t have enough faith to perform even the minimum requirements of salvation
(go to church), and he will ultimately pay an eternal price for his laziness. There were evil
motives in his heart that account for not investing his mina,
too busy in the flesh and in the world dedicating his mind and heart to his
five senses. These are the only things he thinks he can trust, but we know God in a way that is more sure than our fleshly perceptions. God considers everything about
this man to be an excuse.
Lk 19,20-26
(21h) Sin >>
Premeditated sin >> Having no intensions of
doing the will of God –
This parable of the minas is not a parable about salvation, but one about
faithfulness. The master gave a mina to each person, and the one buried it in a
handkerchief, and when his master came to collect his earnings and discovered
that his mina had made Him no interest, He said to His steward, ‘why
didn’t you put it in the bank?’ His reply, ‘Because I was afraid of
you.’ Putting his mina in the bank would have
actually been simpler than digging a hole and burying it. The
rich man ordered the mina be taken from him and given to the one who had
ten minas, and the others complained saying, ‘Sir, he already has ten
minas.’ Then He spoke the principle, “To him who has shall more be given,
and he shall have an abundance, but the one who does not have, even what he
has shall be taken away from him.” This is a heavenly principle that works
just as well in the world. The more money we have, the easier it is to make
more, but the less we have the harder it is to make even a little money, and
what we do have will be taken from us and given to the rich. The one who
buried his mina in the ground had no intension of serving God, and the obvious
reason is that he didn’t think he needed to obey his Master, nor did he
fear God as he claimed. He must have gotten it into his head somehow that the
mina he received belonged to him and that he could do with it whatever he
wanted. The gifts that God gives are not our own, but we act as
stewards over them and are careful to employ them, instead
of burying them. This man who buried his mina was under the impression that he
was not obligated to serve God as a Christian, but was content to just sit on
That doesn’t mean he was idle in the flesh but in spirit; in the flesh he lived as he pleased, completely ignoring
the Lord.
(45d) Judgment >> Judgment of God >>
God judges our walk in the Spirit >> For not
bearing fruit
(186e) Works of the devil >>
The result of lawlessness >> The reprobate >>
Man’s role in becoming a reprobate >> The fool does nothing with Christ –
From the day this person received the mina, he intended to do nothing with it. He heard that God was loving and merciful,
though he knew Him to be "an exacting man, taking up what I did not lay down and reaping what I did not sow,"
yet he
thought he could take advantage of His kindness and blow off the assignment of
investing his mina. The slave could have placed the mina
in the bank, and his Master could have received it back with interest, albeit interest
from a savings account is minute. God did not ask much from him. It would have been a short trip downtown
to deposit the mina, taking about an hour of his time, and that
small gesture would have been enough to avert the wrath of his Master, but he just didn’t care. Apparently he
had already made up his mind that God was not worth serving. His attitude was,
‘God can save me and take me to heaven and treat me to all His treasures and
make me to sit above angels beside His own Son and give me the entire
creation, but I will not lift a finger for Him.’ How is this right? Yet, this is what we find
in so many people these days who call themselves Christians. They are blatantly
abusing the grace of God.
(197b) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >> Spiritual
laziness >> Rebelling Against what God wants you
to do >> Refusing to take on responsibility
(222j) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> Give to him who has >>
Take from him who does not have – This is
a principle that is equally true in heaven and in the world, and it is very rare when God’s kingdom
intersects with the world. It is easy for a man with money to make more money,
but it is difficult for a man with no money to make ends meet. On the one
hand, what options does one have who is flat broke? He can always
live under a bridge, but he can’t go to school because he can’t pay for
tuition. The only thing he can do is get a job, but what kind of experience
does he have if he’s broke? Apparently, he hasn’t been working, so who’s
going to hire him? He is caught in a downward spiral, poverty leading to
further poverty. On the other hand, the man with lots of money can invest it
while he goes on vacation and dines at fine restaurants or eats steak on the
grill at home. He may have worked hard to save up the initial investment,
but now that he has it, his money works for him; all he has to do is make the
right investments and his money grows by itself. The same thing is true about
the Kingdom of Heaven; the person who dug a hole for his gift, God with throw
him into it, but the man with the ten minas was industrious at first and then
received ten cities and was rolling in power and affluence to the point of walking on
streets of gold.
Lk 19,20-22
(84k) Thy kingdom come >>
Your words can lead to your own demise >> They
will condemn you –
Listen to what the man said who buried his mina, “I was afraid of you,”
claiming to
fear of God, but he didn’t; he lied to God in His very presence. Had
he truly feared God, he would have obeyed Him. He confessed knowing
that God was an exacting man, hoping to receive mercy from his confession, but he
misjudged the Lord. There have been many whom God has delivered from a life
of sin and debauchery, and after they were saved they
served the Lord from a grateful heart and a deep love and affection, but
there was no mention of sin with this person. The only sin that existed in him
was an attempt to abuse the grace and mercy of God. He Couldn’t be bothered
with God's expectation of him, having willingly received the mina without
intension of doing anything with it and expecting God to simply forgive him, but
things didn’t go as planned. He found himself in the heat of God’s
judgment and consequently found his place among those weeping and gnashing
their teeth. This person didn’t seem much of a sinner, yet he will go to
the place of the damned, because he had no true reverence for God.
He gave lip service, saying that he was afraid of God, but by
his deeds he proved that he didn’t fear Him at all.
Lk 19-22
(48i) Judgment >> Judgment of God >>
Levels of judgment >>
Judged according to your knowledge of God
Lk 19,24-32
Servant >>
Serve God though small in stature >>
Greatest is the least
Lk 19,24-27
(96e) Thy kingdom come >>
Attitude >> Positive attitude toward God >>
Good attitude toward Jesus
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Lk 19-27
(47f) Judgment >>
God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of torment – There are those who believe God is evil,
because He made a hell for those who do not value what is good and right, but
in fact He made a hell because He is good and right. Otherwise, where
would He put the people who are evil? Since the wicked hate God, He has made a
place for them where they will be shielded from His presence, not one attribute
of Him exists there; that’s why they call it hell. Even if He would have
created an Eden for them, they would have ruined it and eventually turned it into
hell. There is no
difference between God creating hell and man inventing it for himself, it
judges him just the same. Evil people think that God should zap them
from existence, instead of sending them to hell, but now they are telling God
what to do with His own creation and making moral judgments, but they are in
no position to tell God what to do or
make moral judgments. Maybe He would grant their request, except that He would
be doing them a favor, though they refused to serve Him or even acknowledge
His existence.
(48n) Judgment >>
Jesus’ enemies are destroyed >> Enemies of His
glory -- This verse goes with verses 12-14. The primary reason people reject the will of God for themselves is
that they don’t want to be His worshipers, nor do they want Him reigning
over them, telling them how to live. This smacks of rebellion.
They reserve the right to pick their own god to reign over them, which
ultimately is Satan after they have rejected Christ. They claim to be god of their own
lives, but this too reduces to Satan reigning over them, for it is the way of
the world to be god of your own life, and Satan is the ruler of the world (Jn
14-30). The point is, those who don’t want Christ reigning over them want
the freedom to choose their own god so they can find one that accepts their
fleshly appetite for sin. They think that the God of heaven is boring
because He doesn’t let them live a hedonistic lifestyle, but there has never
been a society throughout history that has sustained such a lifestyle for
long. It is an extremely destructive
way of life both to the person and to society at large.
(165b) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is at
enmity with God >> The world is accountable to
(200a) Denying Christ >>
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> Unwilling to receive Christ >>
Asking Jesus to leave -- This verse goes with verse 14
Lk 19,28-40
Die to self (Process of substitution) >> Turn from sin to God >> Run
to God >> Running to meet Jesus prior to His visitation – It is interesting that Jesus would enter
Jerusalem in this way, so different from the way he intends to enter
the holy city next time He comes. He will take possession of
Jerusalem, delivering it from their enemies at the onset of the millennium. When He comes like lightning
flashing from one end of the sky to the other with all His saints behind Him, destroying His enemies
along the way by His mere presence and sets His foot on the Mount of
Olives, it is to make the distinction with the obedience of Israel. That is, to
the degree that Israel was disobedient, so their Messiah will return, but first
He came to them riding on
a small donkey to the degree of their obedience. When He comes the second time, the Jews will have repented
from their unbelief to the degree that warrants their Messiah making His return on
white horse riding on a lightning bolt! Their obedience was not complete the first time, but it
will be the second time, also indicating the greatness of the
revival that is yet to come by the Jews in the last days. His chosen people
Israel will fully obey Him with such zeal and passion that no other nation
could emulate, totally making up for all the screw-ups they have done in the
past. Literally billions of people will be saved through their last days' ministry. The
gentiles have been in control for the last two thousand years and have effected
salvation, yet the Jews’ ministry of endtime revival will bring more
people to Christ than those who were saved throughout the entire span of the
Church age. Beginning with the two witnesses, they will establish the 144,000,
who will reestablish the gentile church in the true doctrines of the faith, ending all schisms and
denominations, and those who
will not accept their teaching will be swept away by the antichrist. See also: Great Endtime Revival (Two periods: first century and last century);
Jn 9-4,5; 112g
Lk 19,28-38
(215ia) Sovereignty >>
God controls time >> Suddenly >>
The Kingdom of Heaven appears suddenly >>
Without warning >> Disciples expected the kingdom to appear immediately
-- These verses go with verse 11. In
verse 37 it says that the people worshipped Jesus because of the miracles they saw, but it
doesn't say they worshipped Him because of the word of God they heard. They
worshipped Him, thinking He was going to Jerusalem to destroy their enemies the
Romans and set up His throne as their long awaited Messiah, right then and
there, believing this because of all the miracles He performed. They knew that
if he entered Jerusalem merely to celebrate Passover without the express purpose
of overthrowing the governmental powers that resided there, they would crucify
Him. They worshipped Him for the things they wanted Him to do, but these did not
pertain to His mission. They shouted "crucify Him" only two days
later, because He didn't give them what they wanted, which was relief from their
physical enemies, whereas Jesus came to give them relief from their spiritual
enemy, the devil. The same goes for us; if He doesn't give us what we want,
which is usually physical and not spiritual, we abandon Him, but His disciples
don't do this. Like the seed that was sown on rocky soil and among the weeds
(Mat 13,20-22), they have a laundry list of things they want Him to do for them,
and when He doesn't meet their expectations, they fall away. A true disciple
doesn't have a litany of things they want from Him; rather, they have an open
mind and willingness to do whatever He wants them to do for Him. Therefore, it
was not a triumphal entry at all but a misconception of the will of God for
Jesus Christ that led them to worship Him, and those who misunderstand Jesus
also tend to misunderstand the will of God for themselves.
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Lk 19,29-35
(68b) Authority >>
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Natural Ministry of helps
Lk 19,29-34
(152h) Witness >>
Validity of the Father >> Witnesses of the
father >> Prophets >>
Jesus is a prophet >> Jesus prophesies about the
fulfillment of Scripture
Lk 19,30-35
(110a) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >> Spirit and the word >> Spirit speaks through you >> Word of knowledge >>
knowing their thoughts by the mind of Christ – Jesus
knew these things in
the same way that He knew Zaccheus by name, by a word of knowledge according to the gifts of the
Spirit as outlined in First Corinthians chapter twelve. When Jesus lived in the
flesh, he wasn't omniscient; rather, His Father revealed to Him the needed details
that He spoke to His disciples about the donkey they borrowed from its owner.
This story was the fulfillment of prophecy that the Old Testament prophets saw
hundreds of years in advance (Zechariah 9:9).
Lk 19-36 -- No Entries
Lk 19,37-40
(224g) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Description of
heaven >> The joyful kingdom >>
Rejoicing in heaven
Worship Jesus (Key
(252b) Trinity >>
You shall put no other gods before Me >> Worship
Jesus (Because He is equal with God) >> Jesus is
worthy of our worship >> Worship Jesus for who he
is – The Pharisees were saying to Jesus, ‘Hey,
your followers are worshipping you, that’s against the Law of Moses,’ for it
says, “You shall worship the Lord your God and Him serve Him only” (Deuteronomy
6-13; 10-20). Jesus did nothing to stop the people from worshipping Him, proving that
He was either God in human flesh, making it lawful to worship Him according to
Scripture, or that He was a common sinner. Jesus asked in Jn 8-46, "Which one of you convicts me of
sin?" If any one of us offered our friends (and especially our enemies) an opportunity like
that, we would get a dozen or more people testifying of our sin, but no one was
able to say a word against Him.
Lk 19-40
Kingdom of God >> Illustrating the kingdom >> Description of heaven
>> Describing the kingdom after he makes all things new >>
Description of the new creation – Many miracles took place during the days of
Jesus, though maybe He was just saying, “the stones will cry out.” The
stones may not have actually cried out, but who’s to say that Jesus was not
depicting a world from which He came? This might be one of the characteristics
of heaven, a place where everything is alive, not just animate objects but
inanimate too. The atoms and molecules that
currently make up our bodies are essentially no different from the inert atoms
and molecules of dirt, yet they miraculously come together to form cells, which
scientists say are by definition alive, and these cells come together to make up
our bodies which are also alive, but the hypothesis is that in heaven there is
no such thing as “inert.” That is, the so called “atoms and molecules”
themselves are alive! We will be alive in every possible dimension.
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Lk 19,41-44
(49a) Judgment >>
Nations are destroyed >> Israel judged as an
example for us – Apparently the gentiles were angry at
Israel in AD 70 when they destroyed the Jerusalem,
dispersing the people throughout the world, after which the Jews
have extraordinarily returned to their homeland, starting only in the 19th century.
Nineteen centuries Israel existed without a nation, only reclaiming its sovereignty in 1948. Now there are millions of
Jewish people living in Israel, yet they still have no temple of worship,
which some say must be rebuilt for endtime prophecy to be fulfilled. Were the nations
angry at Israel for rejecting their Messiah? Their rejection has turned
to salvation for the gentiles (Rom 11-11,12). Most of the persecution of World War II and the
holocaust was attributed to their rejection of Christ, calling them Jesus
killers, but the people who would murder a Jew for killing the Savior does not understand that
He had to be crucified for the salvation of the world. It is to the benefit of the gentiles that the
Jews rejected their Lord and Messiah, so why would they be angry at them? They should be thanking them! But that is asking too much
for sin-ridden man who seems to have lost his mind, seemingly unable to come to
terms with a rational thought. For them to draw this conclusion is proof that they are incapable of
properly interpreting
(51d) Judgment >> Judging
the Church with the world >>
Warned to heed the word of God
(123j) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Love >>
Spiritual affection >> Being in love with the
body of Christ >> Weeping in the Spirit
(169g) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is
blind to God >> God blinds their eyes
(219i) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> Predestination >>
Predestined according to the word of God –
Man’s will is involved in God’s foreknowledge. Israel
rejected their Messiah, and God knew they would, these two happened
simultaneously, not one overruling the other but both having equal weight. It
was prophesied in Scripture that Jesus was slain from the foundation of the
world (Rev 13-8). In that sense the Jews didn’t really have a choice to
believe in their Messiah, for they were predestined to reject Him. It goes
back to Paul’s question in Romans chapter 9, “Why does He still find
fault? For who resists His will?” His answer: “On the contrary, who are
you, O man, who answers back to God?” (Vs19,20). This answer suggests that
the question is inherently accusatory, meaning that whoever asks this
question does it with an evil motive. Other potentially better answers are a
bit more complicated, because man has a will too, suggesting that there are
two viewpoints vying for control: God’s and man’s.
God’s will predestined Israel to reject the Lord. He didn’t make
Israel reject Him; He simply knew what they would do, basically taking credit for what
they did. Like Jesus says to those who willingly get saved: ‘You did not choose Me but I chose you;’ the same is true of
the world, only the opposite: ‘You did not reject me but I rejected you.’
Nevertheless, man has a legitimate will that is not shadowy or two-dimensional
but has the power to affect change in the real world. God concurs that the
will of man is real; in fact, He sees it as one of the most sacred things He
has given man. It is too bad we don’t often have the same sentiments about
(221g) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Kingdom hidden
behind the veil from the world >> God hides from
the mind of man >> He denies His kingdom to man’s
stubborn will –
Paul said in Rom 5-1, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Israel could have had peace with
God had they received their Messiah. They had no excuse for rejecting Him,
having every reason to believe He was the expected One. Jesus said, “The
things which make for peace… have been hidden from your eyes,” meaning God
hid His Son from them. This actually takes power from unbelievers and
puts it in the hand of God. If we refuse to believe in Him, He will hide from
us, making it impossible to believe in Him. There is only so much unbelief God
is willing to take. When Adam sinned, Genesis reads that he and his wife hid
from God when He came calling for them. Adam finally came from his hiding
place and admitted what he had done, but Israel did not do this. When God
called and called for them, they never answered, so God said, ‘Okay then, I will
hide from you.’ It was no longer under their power to reject God, but under
His power that they rejected Him. God knows how to turn the
circumstances, and if we mess with Him, He will mess with us.
Jesus revealed Himself to man as God in human flesh, and after being rejected,
from then on they would
no longer be able to believe in God, and for this reason the Jews have been
lost for 2000 years, though some have come to believe in Jesus as Israel’s
Messiah, for those who seek Him with all their hearts will find Him.
(223j) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Miss God >>
Missing the train >> Miss the invitation from
God –
Based on this passage it is impossible to deny that what happened to the Jews
was a direct result of their unbelief in Jesus Christ. This was the cause of
all their troubles that have come upon them: they rejected the Son of God.
When we think of all the turmoil the Jews have faced all these centuries,
being without land or country, hunted like animals and killed for being Jews, it happened because they rejected their Messiah.
Lk 19-41,42
(126f) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Peace >>
Terms of peace
Lk 19,42-44
(223e) Miss
God (Key verse)
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Lk 19,45-48
(16k) Sin >>
Continuing in sin to avoid the light >>
Suppressing the truth they cannot deny
(64c) Paradox >>
Anomalies >> Limits of God >>
God has limited patience
(198j) Denying Christ >>
Man exercises his will against God >>
Frustrating the grace of God >> Frustrating
Jesus >> Frustrating Jesus through unbelief
(203c) Denying Christ >>
Dishonor God >> Dishonor God by not receiving
(241k) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Persecution to the
death >> Kill Jesus >>
Kill Jesus because of what He did – Jesus can rebuke the Pharisees for living
immorally, for being hypocrites, for misinterpreting the Scriptures and for not
understanding the time of their visitation, but when He turned over their
tables, ran them out of the temple with a whip and condemned their
moneymaking business of religion, that is what got Him killed. You don’t
touch the apple of man’s eye, his unrighteous mammon, though
apparently it’s okay to touch the apple of God’s eye, His Son,
Jesus Christ, and those who believe in Him.
Lk 19-45,46
(69d) Authority >>
Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >> Righteous anger >>
God is angry at sin
Works of the devil >> The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy
>> Jesus rebukes the Pharisees >> Rebuked for loving money –
Paul coined the phrase, “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1Tim
6-10), but Jesus talked more about the evils of money than anyone else; and if
we want to know how Jesus really felt about it, we look at this verse. Nothing
put the whip in His hand like moneygrubbers in the temple. Jesus put up with a
lot of lies and trickery by the chief priests and the Pharisees, and He
patiently answering them all, but when He saw them in the temple making a
profit selling doves and other sacrificial animals, Jesus showed a side of
Himself that was less than graceful. These money changers went as far
as to create a temple coin that could be used only for the temple, so the
people had to buy these coins that were of course offered at a price higher
than the value of the things they needed to buy; and so they made a profit in
the changing of money and also at selling the animals for sacrifice. It was a
cleaver scam, using God and religion as a means of amassing wealth, and Jesus
hated it. Some of the mega-church leaders and televangelists of our day are so
filthy rich, it would make the devils of Jesus’ day green with envy, who
travel the world in private jets and own mansions, and they have servants on
both arms satisfying their every whimsical desire, but what does God think of
Lk 19-47,48
(28d) Gift of God >>
God is our advocate >> God protects the Church through the world
(148e) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Natural advantage of the public eye
Works of the devil >> Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit
>> Counterfeit godliness >> Love sickening sweet >> The kind
of love that replaces wisdom – Many of the Jews loved Jesus, yet they
crucified Him anyway. They enjoyed that He loved them, that He healed their sick
and defended them from the religious institution that held them in spiritual
bondage. More than anything, though, they hoped He would fulfill Old
Testament prophecy according to their interpretation of it and deliver them
from the Romans. When they realized that this wasn’t going to happen, they
dropped Him like a hot potato.
Works of the devil >> Manifestations of the devil >> Carnality/Secularism
(mindset of the world)
>> The carnal mind is set on the flesh >> Carnal mind is fueled by
our emotions – We don’t serve God
by our emotions,
one day worshipping Him and the next day wanting Him crucified, depending on
how we feel. The Jews were to some degree convinced He was their Messiah, but
He wasn’t saying the words they expected to hear, and they kept waiting for
the words and they never came,
and then He got arrested like a common criminal, and they didn't support Him. The
Pharisees formulated an excuse they thought the people would accept. The people
quickly got tired of waiting and became disgusted that He never attempted
to conquer their enemies, none of His words were heading in the right
direction. Without dropping the notion that He was their Messiah, they developed the attitude that He was not giving them what
they wanted, so they had Him crucified. They knew He was their Messiah, but He was
not the person they envisioned, so they let the crucifixion proceed. Although He was a great man and a miracle worker, what
they wanted was freedom from their enemies, the Romans. They wanted fulfillment
of prophecy according to their interpretation of it. This was their great mistake:
they wanted to be in control of how God blessed them. God wanted to deliver
them from their spiritual enemies first, which would eventually manifest as freedom
from their physical enemies, but they wanted to take a shortcut and bypass
their sin problem. People hesitate when God
requires them to contain their sinful nature. Most people’s definition of
freedom involves allowing their flesh to do whatever it wants, but
Jesus’ teaching was about love, which by definition cannot allow our flesh to do
what it
Works of the devil >> The religion of witchcraft >> Zeal without
knowledge (Spirit w/o the word) >> Devotion without direction – The Jewish people had Jesus crucified on a whim.
It may have been well planned by the Pharisees and religious leaders as how to
effect His demise, but it was purely whimsical on the part of the people when
they cried-out with one voice, “Crucify Him.” The
religious leaders whipped the people into a frenzy; they were not thinking
right anymore; they crucified the man they loved, and they paid the price with the loss of
everything they cherished, their temple and their nation, and many at the time
and throughout the centuries paid
with their lives. Who understands the heart of man? They may have loved
the Lord and hung on his every word, yet they never committed themselves to
Him, though it was obvious to everyone that Jesus was completely
devoted to them. To the very end their fascination with Him never rose above
that of a circus act, an enigma, a mere source of entertainment, our version
of TV. ‘Let’s go see what Jesus is doing today,’ they may have said,
but there were some who believed. “Hanging upon his words,” even that was
an expressive emotion, the very medium the Pharisees tapped to make them bellow, “crucify Him!”
Works of the devil >> The origin of lawlessness >> Deception
>> Self deception >> Deceiving and being deceived – The religious leaders of Israel hated Jesus
because He opposed nearly every aspect of their theology and lifestyle, but
especially because He opposed their lucrative business of religion. In
response, they
harnessed the will and emotions of the people and turned them against the
Lord. The people loved Jesus and clung to His every word; they loved
His boldness to fearlessly confront the murderous psychopaths, the Pharisees. They were amazed at His charisma and His
miracles, always having another surprise up His sleeve, which drove their anticipation to learn
what He would do next, but the surprise He had in store for them would fool
everyone, man and demon, Jew and gentile.
See next page