Tit 1,1-4
(12j) Servant
Bond servant >> Salutations –
This was the salutation that Paul gave in virtually all his letters; in 2The
3-17 he said, “I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand, and this is a
distinguishing mark in every letter; this is the way I write.” Anybody could
write these words in attempt to forge Paul’s letter, but forging a writing
style is not as easy. His letters sounded like a song; they had a certain rhythm. People cared about
the artistic side of man as we do now, and we still try to be poetic in our writing, but one man’s poetry
is different from another, and Paul’s poetic writing was his signature, which
was not present in the book of Hebrews, though many people insisted that Paul
wrote it. When
he prayed for grace and peace to Titus or to whomever he was writing, he meant
it; he truly prayed for Titus for grace and peace to be part of his life. Grace
is the very essence of the gospel; without the grace of God no one could be
saved, and without peace no one could believe in a placid kingdom beyond the
Tit 1-1
(41k) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
The word leads you to godliness – Of all God’s characteristics that are
unique to the divine nature and to our future in eternity, Paul picked godliness
as the attribute that defines the true Christian faith. One day we will
have resurrected bodies; one day we will be glorified; one day we will never
be tempted; we will all have minds that will be able to learn
anything we want, yet above all these things, Paul focused on godliness as
the foremost trait of both our present and future that seems to best frame
God’s truth in us. Godliness is the one facet that has the greatest impact
on the world around us. So many of the other aspects of the divine nature we
cannot express now, yet godliness is possible, though it conflicts with our
sinful nature. For this reason God commands us to ignore our sinful nature
and let godliness shine through us in light of the Holy Spirit who dwells in
us. Paul defines the truth according to godliness, warning that if truth
does not lead to godliness our faith is not true. Many people preach their
truth that leads to other outcomes; Paul says they are deceivers. It is godliness that differentiates us from cults and
deceivers and liars, those who are misled and mislead others, who
misunderstand the Scriptures. Godliness leads away from sin, which corrupts
mind and body, making the truth harder to accept; godliness leads in the
way of truth, so that when we hear it, we believe it. Godliness leads to
Jesus as Jesus leads to godliness. They work together to
establish one truth, that God is righteous, and we should reflect His righteousness.
See also: Suffering and evil; Tit 1-3; 223k
Thy kingdom come >> Belief >>
God’s works act as evidence to support our beliefs – Believing in God is natural to those who
obey Him, in view of all the evidence of God’s existence
surrounding us, which is the basis of our saving faith. Most people confess
a belief in God's existence, but the herd thins when we add,
“according to godliness.” That is, people want to believe in God
on their own terms, not His.
(109f) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Revelation of God >> Revelation of God's word is true knowledge
(111a) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spirit sets you apart
by the word >> Set apart through
(124l) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Love is the action
of God’s faith
(219c) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> The elect >>
Man is a spectator of his own salvation >> God
has chosen us – The subject of predestination (“chosen”)
is difficult to grasp. There are those who don’t believe there is such a
thing, but what they really mean is they don’t understand it, though the subject is
marbled throughout the Scriptures. “Predestination,” is not an interpretation
of Bible. Paul said that God chose us to believe the truth according to
godliness, so what does that mean; unbelievers don’t believe because they
were not chosen? That makes believing in God seem very difficult, though it
isn’t to those who are chosen, but how difficult is it to believe for
those who are not chosen? They make it look impossible! To us who believe it
they are trying to pound a round peg into a square hole. Faith just doesn't fit in their hearts, and there is nothing
they or anyone else can do about it.
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Tit 1-2,3
(215c) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
Fulfillment of God’s time >> The moment we
have all been waiting for – There is a time for everything. This fact
will become more evident the closer we get to the second coming of Christ. It
is a time the Church has been waiting for since Bible prophecy was written, and when these events
don’t happen as expected, people will be surprised. The reason
things don’t happen as expected is that the proper time hasn’t come yet.
For most people, when the time does arrive, it won’t seem evident to them.
The proper time for God has never been a good time for man. Jesus came to the
Jews at the proper time, but the Jews rejected Him, so apparently it wasn’t
the right time for them. Had He come at a time when Israel would have
accepted Him, such as during King David’s reign, His visit would have ended
very differently. David certainly would have
recognized Jesus as their messiah, and he would have instructed Israel to
receive Him as their messiah, and everything would have gone without a hitch, except
that the True Lamb of God would not have been sacrificed; therefore, to God it
was not the proper time.
So, what is it with God, doesn’t He like to be accepted? He does,
but only on His terms. God will not be controlled and He doesn’t want to
control anyone. He would rather be rejected, than to come at our convenience.
It gives Him the heebie-jeebies when His creation hands Him their parameters
outlining their willingness to serve Him. This is why He comes when we are unwilling
to serve Him, so He works out a deal with us. The first time he came
with the deal that either His
people accept Him or He will turn to the gentiles. When He comes the second
time, His next deal will be that either the Church receives Him or He
will judge them for their unbelief and find other worshippers in the Great
Endtime Revival. God has always been interested in what man will do under
stress. The Bible says that the last days are characterized as a time when man
will go astray in his heart and kill one another and destroy the earth. Why
doesn’t God stop mankind from doing that? He gives mankind enough
rope to hang himself. Man could just as well use that rope for good
instead of evil, but that is not man's way.
(255c) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Jesus is the word of
the Spirit >> Jesus is the manifested word of
Tit 1-2
(64e) Paradox
Anomalies >> Limits of God >>
God cannot lie – Paul said that God cannot lie; he didn’t
say God was unwilling to lie. God can do almost anything, but there are a
couple things He can’t do, and one of them is lie. He doesn’t know how to
be selfish; He has no reason to be selfish. He is the God of all creation; He
is the giver of life and the owner of everything; He has all wealth and power. There is nothing
anyone has that He needs, so He doesn’t need to lie to get anything from
anyone. There will never be a situation when God would be tempted to lie.
Even if He were tempted, He still wouldn’t lie. God is above these things.
He may not have everyone’s heart, but he would never stoop to lie in order to win the hearts of those who do not believe in Him. If He
did, He would lose those who believe in His integrity. He would
rather keep His integrity and those who believe in His good character than to sacrifice it in
effort to win the hearts of
those who don't love Him.
(151e) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The Patriarchs >>
The Old Testament prophets
(244e) Kingdom of God
The eternal kingdom >> Eternal life of the
trinity >> Father is the source of eternal life – There may be more than one hope, but there is
only one great hope, and that is the hope of eternal life. Having this journey
continue forever, learning about the mysteries of God and His creation,
experiencing life and the lives of those around us is the hope of all
who believe in Jesus.
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Tit 1,3-9
(4e) Responsibility
>> Advocate God’s cause >> Being accountable
in your stewardship
Tit 1-3
(67n) Authority
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Ministry of helps >> Help God
Kingdom of God >> The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >>
Miss God >> Missing the train >>
Miss the return of Jesus Christ
– God’s proper time was when Jesus was conceived in His mother's womb. He could have come another
time that would have been perceived as more appropriate to Israel, but then
man would not have
known the full level of his sin, and this
would have made room for boasting. As God would have it, He removes all
opportunity for boasting by allowing us to fully carry out our fleshly passions and
allow us to completely explore our evil desires for
violence and mayhem. By this we fully know our corruption, and we fully know
our need of God. We would never have the
opportunity to know this if God came at a point other than the proper time. Why is it important to God that
man fully carries out his sin? Our God is infinite and eternal. The lessons we learn in the flesh will be the
lessons we carry with us into eternity, reminding us that
without God we are no better than the demons of hell. That might sound
maniacal of God to want us to know how evil we are without Him, but He has a
future laid out for us and we don’t know what that future entails, hence we
don’t know these lessons are more important than we could possibly
imagine. God will create a new race of people after He has made all things new,
a people who will not fall into sin as Adam did, for there will be no Tree
of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to tempt them. God will create them
to infinitely reproduce throughout all eternity, and they will need teachers
to teach them about their creator. If God told them about sin, they would be
stuck in the position of Adam and Eve if they sinned, but if God doesn't tell
them, they cannot sin. Instead, He has billions of first-hand witness all testifying about
the ways of God. He is laying the foundation of an infinite and eternal
kingdom, and we are part of that foundation. See also: Suffering and evil; Tit 1-1;
(244k) Kingdom of God
Spirit realm is imposed on the natural realm >>
Literal manifestations >> Literal manifestation
of God’s word >> Obedience is the
manifestation of truth
Tit 1,4-9
(11a) Servant
Standard for a servant >> A changed lifestyle
Tit 1-4,5
Authority >> Transferring authority
Men delegate authority in their position – One of Titus’ roles was to appoint elders
in every city. This indicates he must have had more authority than elders,
which back then was another word for pastor. Titus was an associate apostle
and head
elder of a certain region, having a role similar to Timothy, implying
there was order in the Church similar to what exists in the Catholic Church
today. Those in the Catholic Church in positions of authority similar to Titus
and Timothy are called bishops; they helped govern many churches.
Authority >> Hierarchy of authority
Authority makes you accountable >> Children are
accountable to their parents
Tit 1-4
(106d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Knowing the sound of His voice >> God speaks
from the Scriptures
(130c) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Unity >>
Being in one accord >> Having one faith
(136a) Temple
Your spirit is the temple of God >> The body of
Christ >> Similarity in the body >>
The things we have in common >> Common faith
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Tit 1,5-9
(142d) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Having a good reputation >> A reputation of good
(240b) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Pastor (Shepherd) >>
Pastor has a shepherd’s heart –
This was the process of the First Century in establishing churches: Paul would
preach in a certain city making converts, and then he would give the new
converts to
his colleagues, and they would train the believers and establish the Church in
the faith while Paul went to the next city and preached Jesus to them also.
After a while he would call his helpers to catch up with him to begin the
training process all over again, as Paul went ahead to the
next city. Part of the process of establishing churches was to appoint elders,
and when he said “elders” he meant pastors, and deacons. They were called overseers or
shepherds. An overseer’s job is just that, to oversee the work of the
ministry. An overseer is like a foreman of a company who oversees the work
being done; he personally doesn’t have a job that produces anything but
oversees the production of those who do. Paul taught in Ephesians that the people
themselves are the ministry of the Church, but in today’s churches the
pastor is the only minister, and the parishioners have the ministry
of standing up and sitting down on queue, paying tithes, singing songs,
shaking hands and being part of a head-count. This is not
the way it was in the first century; instead, the people in assembly
contributed their faith in Jesus to
the ministry, but today such behaviors are shunned. There is another big difference between the First Century Church
and the contemporary church: people like Titus and Timothy appointed the
pastors, and they looked for righteous and holy men who had the spiritual
unction to oversee the people. Nowadays, the criterion for choosing a pastor
is determining whether he went to seminary (cemetery) school and received a
masters degree in theology, which in no way guarantees he is a godly man. See
also: Church (Change agent of the world); 1The 1-7,8; 44k
Tit 1-5,6
Responsibility >> Parenting >> How to discipline your children
Tit 1-5
(10d) Responsibility
>> Keeping order in the Church
Tit 1,6-9
(12b) Servant
Examples of God’s people >> Leaders are
examples of the Church –
This is the list of traits that a pastor should have, and most can be
described in this way. Hardly anyone practices polygamy these days, and very
few are drunkards; most are above reproach, have believing children and are
hospitable, good, sensible, just, devout and self-controlled, and most are
not willful or quick-tempered or fond of sordid gain.
Tit 1-6,7
(180j) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Rebellion >>
Rebelling against God’s narrow way >>
Rebelling against the ways of God
Tit 1-6
(3c) Responsibility
>> To the Family
Instruction about marriage
(86a) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believe the word by obeying it
Tit 1-7
(13e) Servant >>
Serve the body >>
Promoting its health >> Serve as a covering
for others
(24l) Sin
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Unrighteous anger
(56a) Paradox
Lose by gaining >> Gain your idea of wealth to
lose God’s wealth
(71l) Authority >>
Ordained by God >>
We are ordained through obedience
(159j) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit >>
Counterfeit God >> Counterfeit anointing >>
Drunkenness >> The alcoholic
(164g) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> The world
system >> Satan’s system of authority >>
His elementary principles of the world
(176j) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Extremes >> Truth is never found in your
conduct on either extreme of any circumstance -- This verse goes with
verses 12&13
(197f) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Man
withers when he is in control >> Fruitlessness >> Neutral is unfruitful
Tit 1,8-14
(69m) Authority
>> Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >>
Judging Those in the Church
Tit 1-8
(78e) Thy kingdom come
Sincerity >> Taking God to heart >>
Having pure motives and desires
(89a) Being Sensible
(Key verse)
(89c) Thy kingdom come
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom >> Wisdom
never exceeds what is appropriate
(100m) Thy kingdom come
Devotion >> In your ministry to people >>
Devoted to ministering to their physical needs –
All these things describe our ministry toward people for their betterment and ours, and for the glory of God, who wants each of us to incorporate these
qualities, so we learn how to respond in every situation.
These traits replace behaviors we once had prior to salvation,
instead of outbursts, godliness... instead of acting irrationally, sensible and self-controlled,
knowing the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. We use
our gift of hospitality and make decisions with wisdom that cradles
justice. Judges render judgments that fit the crime, as we find resolutions that
fit the circumstances. We don’t trust everybody, and we don’t give
preference to our friends, but we defend the innocent.
(128a) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Goodness >>
Doing good for the sake of your brother
(235g) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Giving (your inner self) >> Hospitality (providing
a temporary home)
>> Being a good host
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Tit 1,9-14
(138e) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Reproof >>
Reprove your brother for spreading false doctrine
– Paul said not to be quarrelsome. That is, “refute” does not mean to debate or
argue. For this reason Paul told Titus to
appoint elders in every church who are well versed in the Scriptures and
are highly convinced of the truth. In this way he can exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who
contradict. Paul never taught to debate the
truth with anybody. If the person is in a leadership position and people in
the assembly resist the knowledge of the truth, the leader can refute the
person with authority, but he should not debate the truth, for the truth is
not debatable; it is the truth. Therefore, the elder should
resist temptation to argue. These doctrines were personally handed down by
Paul and the other apostles; those who contradict get an
explanation, but they don’t get to argue about it.
(158g) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Divide and conquer >>
Division (Cliques) >> Special interest groups
(163a) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Being slaves of men >>
In bondage to peoples’ expectations of you
(180a) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Wolves lead people into a cult >> Leading people
for sordid gain –
By the time Jesus came along and created a new covenant age, Israel had turned
circumcision into a business, where the priests performed the surgery
as a paid service and drove money into their coffers.
Consequently, when the apostles went around teaching that circumcision was no
longer necessary, it was received as blasphemy by the religious zealots of
their time; but to those who loved God, the gospel attracted them,
and they were saved. The irony of religious zealots is that they thought they loved God, but they persecuted the
gospel of Christ without ever stopping to consider that it may be true, merely
assuming it was a violation of mosaic law. Those who loved the Lord
carefully weighed everything and were able to see through the thin veil of
religiosity, so when the gospel came, the pure in heart immediately cleaved to it.
When they heard that Jesus died for their sins, they immediately believed God would do
that for them, but the religious zealots didn’t think
in those terms; all they thought was that the gospel contradicted their
religion. Actually the new covenant did not contradict the Old Testament; it only contradicted people’s interpretation of it. The only thing that
mattered to them was money and the perpetuation of their religion. Does that sound
familiar? See also:
Denominations (the
evolution of religion); Act 23,6-10; 175g
(180h) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Rebelling against God’s narrow way >>
Rebelling against the word of God
Tit 1,9-13
(178e) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Hypocrisy of the Church is rebuked >> The Church is rebuked for rebellion
Tit 1,9-11
(7a) Responsibility
Protecting the Gospel >> Contend earnestly for
the faith –
Almost everybody knows someone in clergy who has taught
strange doctrines. False doctrine is
a common thing today in the midst of an age of information expansion. So, why
isn’t the Church experiencing any of this expanding knowledge? The fact is,
they are; the question mark is not pointed at how much we know or how much
information is available to us, but whether any of that
knowledge is true (Col 2-2). With Christian people living for their sensations, and
copying the world, they are shirking one of the most demanding
and important duties given to man—correctly interpreting Scripture—which
could have repercussions affecting everyone on the planet. This
information is coming to us at ballistic speeds over the Internet, and there is no accountability
accompanying it, or integrity.
(177c) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Distorting Scripture >> Distorting Scripture for
personal gain
(202f) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Running from the word of God >> Running from the truth
(240j) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Taking away the key of
knowledge >> Suppressing the truth
Tit 1-9
Responsibility >> Responsible to defend God’s cause >>
Preparing for the ministry
(80c) Thy kingdom come
Know the word in spiritual warfare >> To fight
in the Spirit
(102g) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Trustworthy >>
(108d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith is the balance between freedom
and law
Paul encouraged Timothy to show himself approved to God by dedicating his life
to developing great confidence in his understanding of the Scriptures, so he
can properly exhort those of faith who want to grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord Jesus Christ and refute those who contradict. We all have our
understanding of the Scriptures that is in some ways unique and in other ways
the same. In sameness we can all agree, and in uniqueness we have something to
share with our fellow believers: our personal understanding of the Scriptures
through an emphasis that God led us to believe. We offer our
emphasis that points out certain things, and this adds to the body’s overall
understanding of the Scriptures. However, there are those who contradict the
Scriptures and teach heresy, saying things that don’t jive with Scripture.
On the one hand, we must show balance with the brethren; instead of condemning
their ideas, labeling them as false because they don’t think like we do and
have come to different conclusions about what is important, we are to be
tolerant of their views that correlate with Scripture. On the other hand,
we must refute those who contradict. Often we try to reveal the emphasis that
God has placed in our heart, what we think is most important about the gospel,
and other people dismiss or refute what we say, though it is
biblical. They need to become more tolerant and understand there is variation
in the body of Christ and each person has something to offer. We need to do
away with rejecting people because they disagree with us. Instead, we need to
open our mind and listen to the brethren and examine their views and compare
them with Scripture and either accept what they say as truth from God or
refute them if they contradict the Scriptures. So when Paul says to show
ourselves approved and be diligent to study the Bible and become as it were an
authority on the subject, when we know what the Bible says and others
contradict us, we can’t just let it go. Every rejection of the truth has a
conjugate heresy to replace it. If people reject what we are telling them that
we know by the authority of Christ, we need to lean into those
who contradict. The problem is, many people are very confident in error, and
we also know that those who are adamant and abrasive do not usually know the
truth, for God’s children have a gentle spirit and avoid conflict whenever
possible. Therefore, some of the most adamant people in the Church are the
heretics, and for this reason many heresies have been established in the
church; but if we want to clean up the teachings and doctrines of the faith,
we will need to oppose them. We should develop a
plan to reestablish God’s truth in the Church in the teachings and doctrines
that we believe, instead of acting like the heretics.
(138k) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Exhortation >>
The discipline of exhortation
(232h) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Embrace (Jesus during the storm) >> Hold to
the word of God
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Tit 1,10-16
(19a) Sin
Twisted thinking >> Evil is good >>
Loving darkness
(153j) Witness
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Shame >>
Walking in condemnation >> Attacking the body
of Christ
(172f) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Hypocrites among the just >>
Talkers among the walkers
(182e) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Three causes of interpreting Scripture falsely >>
Because they have no regard for God’s word – Paul is talking about
the lying
beastly gluttons mentioned in verse 12, who preached a mythical doctrine of
circumcision (Gnosticism). The early church had its problems with false doctrine too, but
they stamped out most of it by evidence that circumcision is not an issue
with us. Had the early Church failed to stamp out this myth, it may have
still afflicted us to this day. Here's how false doctrine starts: we
find a verse that corresponds
with what we want to believe and ignore the rest of the Bible that speaks against
our doctrines
we've created. This process has repeated many
times over the centuries, each generation teaching their own rendition
of the Bible to their youth, who grow up believing their parent's gospel. Many of these false doctrines have formed the footing of the Church today, and people refuse to let go of
them, and as a
result, people are trying to believe in God with a skewed understanding of
Him. That would not be so bad, except that every false doctrine pushes the
gospel in the direction of the flesh, each retraction representing another step
from the narrow way, and before
long we are lost in a desert wilderness of people believing lies about God.
Yet, many unsaved Christians don’t feel lost but faithfully go to church every Sunday, socialize and make plans
for the week with their friends, but serving God is not in their plans. See also: Gnosticism;
Jd-3,4; 135m
Tit 1,10-14
(196k) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Spiritual
laziness >> Replacing God’s standard of
excellence with yours >> Fattened for the day of
Tit 1,10-13
(122l) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Boldness to rebuke the Church for unbelief –
Paul was confident that if Titus severely rebuked them, they would become
sound in the faith. They would drop their lying tongue, their evil ways, their
lazy gluttony, and finally obey the gospel of Christ. In the days of
Paul they could rebuke somebody and see them repent, but in today’s godless
society if we rebuke somebody, all we get is insults. Proverbs
9-7 says, “He who corrects a scoffer gets dishonor for himself, and he who
reproves a wicked man gets insults for himself.” These are times of
desperate greed and brazen rebellion. The gospel has been corrupted, and
there is no reason to hope that people will turn from their wicked ways. The
only question that remains is: what will we do when the
global economic system suffers total collapse and people are starving to
death? Will we listen then? Some will, but for others no matter what effort we
exert to steer them aright, they will not serve the Lord.
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Tit 1-10,11
(75j) Thy kingdom come
Motives >> Being manipulative >>
Controlling people by abusing authority –
There are two questions that come to mind when reading this
passage: what is the attraction of spiritual bondage and how do people make
money at it? The attraction of spiritual bondage is that the cult leader
always introduces a tangible activity for our faith. People who don’t actually believe in God are attracted
to a "false-faith", making it easier to trust in a tangible event
like baptism to get them to heaven, so they seek a visual aid, a landmark
experience to help them. Many people don’t really know if
they believe, because their faith isn’t concrete enough
to trust Christ. Paul taught that we are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2-8,9),
meaning there is no tangible event that supplements our faith. It is not faith
plus baptism, which is something we do after we believe.
If we get the cart before the horse and get
baptized to get saved,
invariably we will trust in our baptism instead of the blood sacrifice of
Jesus Christ for the salvation of our souls. See also: Baptism;
Heb 10-21,22; 78f
(76a) Thy kingdom come
Hidden motives >> Based on selfish ambition
(179d) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Stir up the crowd >> Stir up the crowd through
Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Separation from the old man >> Circumcision >>
Circumcision is a sign of obedience >> Symbolism
over substance -- These verses go with verse
Paul said the troublemakers were from the
circumcision crowd, indicating that the Jews were teaching legalism. They
assumed circumcision performed some kind of spiritual function to
justify a person before God. Paul said that those who taught legalism must be silenced,
because they were upsetting the faith of many by adding to the requirement of
faith. This was unacceptable to Paul, who instructed Titus to rebuke them
severely. Adding requirements to salvation inadvertently subtracts faith from the
cross. Something ridiculous always replaces faith in Christ, such as removing the foreskin
of the penis, as though such a thing could favor with God. All forms of false religion are forms of
witchcraft, and they are spiritual in the sense
that they invite demons into the worshiper’s life. Demons follow false
doctrine, since they furnish the inspiration for deception;
hence, those who spread false doctrine do it for sordid gain as servants of
Satan. They were making money
from circumcision, perhaps setting up their clinics by gentile
churches, claiming that an official Jew must perform the ceremony or it
doesn’t count. In truth, the covenant that God made with Abraham was sealed with the
sign of circumcision, signifying that he believed. Circumcision did not give
Abraham the faith to believe in God; rather, it was given to him after
he believed (Rom 4,9-12). Circumcision is no longer a threat to the Church;
rather, baptism is its replacement. Jesus was baptized, but it didn’t save Him, any more than it saves
us. Baptism is the first act of obedience in a new
convert’s life, but if a person wants to interpret this as a “requirement
of salvation,” then they have gotten the cart before the horse.
Priorities >> God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >> Believe the first message; all
subsequent messages are meant to dissuade you
Tit 1-10
Responsibility >> Avoid offending
God >> Carrying a false burden >> Weighs you down as you walk according to
the law -- This verse goes with verse 14.
"Circumcision" is a
buzzword of the New
Testament that refers to legalism, and those who seek favor with God through
the law have a reputation of placing people in bondage to their religion.
(84j) Thy kingdom come
Your words can lead to your own demise >>
Lying -- This verse goes with verses 12&13
(171d) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Vanity >>
Vain experience >> Emptiness is where God isn’t –
When the early church first preached the gospel, Israel’s religion was the
Law of Moses, and circumcision was its crown-jewel. People circumcised their
children hoping to please God; that is, the parents were seeking
justification through their children, though none of this was written in
their covenant with God, meaning they made justification by circumcision a law
through false logic. Circumcision was
originally understood as a sign of obedience, though every Israelite male
infant was circumcised on the eighth day of life. In the most
precise analysis, circumcision was a sign of being Jewish, a membership sign
as God’s chosen people. In the days of Moses the question of faith was
never raised; what was more at issue was
obedience. Of course they believed when they saw Mount Sinai on fire and
heard the trumpet blasts and listened to God's voice. All that remained was to
obey, which represented their faith, thus belief and obedience are the same. Then, hundreds of years later when God
no longer revealed Himself as he did in the days of Moses, believing in God
became relevant again, though they never took the lesson of Abraham's faith
to heart, instead continued focusing on circumcision, which morphed into a sign of
justification in disregard of faith. See also: Israel (Gentiles are
spiritual Jews);
18,15-17; 172b
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Tit 1,12-16
(143b) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Having a bad reputation – If these people admitted they were lying
beastly gluttons, what were they unwilling to admit? Paul was
not trying to exclude them from the faith, but he needed them to repent before
their conduct could rise to a standard that was capable of maintaining genuine
faith in Jesus Christ. Paul wanted everyone to believe in Jesus; he wasn’t ready to give up
on them. Just because they were misled and misleading others didn’t mean
they had committed the unpardonable sin. Paul did not counsel Titus to debate with
them but to refute their false
doctrines with authority that was not open for debate.
(202e) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Running to your sinful
nature >> Laziness has plenty of ambition to run
from God –
There is only one advantage to complacency: they were too lazy to corrupt
the gospel of Christ. Their laziness didn’t have enough ambition to
contradict the truth, though spiritual laziness itself is a contradiction of
God's will for the Church.
One of them was ambitious enough to be a so-called prophet, so even lazy, winy, gluttons
have prophets. Paul was a man who refused to allow sects
and factions rise; he wasn’t willing to let the Cretans have their own
religion, but told Titus to go after them and rebuke them severely. Titus was
a man after Paul’s own heart, and though it may not have been in Titus’s
character to rebuke people, the fact that Paul commanded it of him, means
that he did it. Paul’s right-hand men, people like Timothy and Titus and
many others, didn’t pick and choose what they obeyed of Paul’s commands,
but whatever Paul said they did, because they knew what Paul was telling them
was of the Lord, and if they did it, blessing would follow.
Tit 1-12,13
(63f) Paradox
Anomalies >> Sarcasm >>
Minimize the truth to make a point –
The Cretans were upsetting whole families with teachings such as the day of
the Lord had already come, referring to the Rapture, implying that believers
were left behind (2The 2-1,2). This indicates that issues with the Rapture and the fear of
being left behind have been sadly afflicting the
Church since the very beginning. Paul instructed Timothy to reprove them
severely for spreading false doctrine for the sake
of sordid gain. This sort of thing enraged Paul to the point that if he were
not a Christian, he would have had them killed. Before Paul’s conversion he
defended Judaism; his job was to arrest people associated with sects, such as
Christianity that he thought was corrupting their ancient religion, and he used the Law of Moses to
justify his actions. Deut 13,1-18 says that if anyone teaches anything
contrary to what they have learned from Moses, they should be put to death
(compare that with Gal 1-8,9). This is what Paul was doing to Christians, so when he came to the Cretans who
were guilty of hindering Christianity, his knee-jerk
reaction was to kill them. Therefore, to reprove them severely was to
minimize what he really wanted to do to them. Paul was the
watchdog of Christianity. He not only was an apostle and prophet of God’s
Church, he also stood over them as a shepherd and pounced on anyone who would
attempt to dissuade people from believing the truth. Of course 2000 years
later the Church has been divided into countless denominations so that no one
can agree on anything. This is how Satan has had his way over
the centuries, starting with Catholicism only two centuries after the death of
(81i) Thy kingdom come
Pray without ceasing >> Sinning from a
lack of prayer
– These Cretans were
disobedient to the Lord because of the righteousness they omitted,
foremostly prayer, which is the basis of all our righteousness, in that prayer
is the highest form of obedience, meaning that if we don’t develop a life of
prayer, we will disobey the Lord in our many weaknesses. Some have become like these
Cretans, who were liars, evil beasts and lazy
gluttons. We are supposed to be Christians! Even sinners have a prayer life if they prayed only once.
A lack of prayer disqualifies us from carrying the torch for God's anointing,
but a life
of prayer would give us the desire and ability to fulfill
our ministry. Without prayer we have neither interest nor ability to serve the Lord in the
highest form of worship. See
also: Righteousness; Gal 3-21;
(84j) Thy kingdom come
Your words can lead to your own demise >>
Lying -- These verses go with verse 10
(98a) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Rooted deeply >>
Standing firm in the faith >> Be strong
(124m) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Love is the action of
faith >> Love is the motive of faith
(155i) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> The Church bears witness of the
(176j) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Extremes >> Truth is never found in your conduct
on either extreme of any circumstance -- These verses go with verse 7
(194f) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Hate evil >>
Condemning sin >> Judging evil
Tit 1-12
(179h) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
False prophets >> Prophesy truth with an evil
Tit 1-14
Responsibility >> Avoid offending
God >> Carrying a false burden >> Weighs you down as you walk according to
the law -- This verse goes with verse 10
(97i) Thy kingdom come
Attention >> Giving attention to the wrong
(161c) Works of the devil
Wandering from the character of God >> Wander from the truth
(177d) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Doctrines of the precepts of men – Cretans believed in various traditions and
manmade precepts rather than
the word of God. That is, they were steeped in religion, and Paul commanded
Titus to rebuke them severely. The Church in our current generation is also steeped in
religion, but there is no one to rebuke us, because we have
determined by our own authority that prophets don't exist anymore, how convenient.
Therefore, if a prophet rebuked them, they would reject them
out-a-hand, saying that the dispensation of prophets has ended. Anybody who
would challenge the present establishment today will get nothing but insults. There are very few ministries that have
escaped the snare of religiosity. This will continue so long as good times
continue, but when the global economic collapse occurs, change will finally be
Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Separation from the old man >> Circumcision >>
Circumcision is a sign of obedience >>
Symbolism over substance -- This verse goes with verses 10,11.
Circumcision itself could be categorized as a
Jewish myth if they assert that it does anything to justify a person before
God. Although circumcision is in the Bible, its significance was
distorted over the centuries from its
original intent. God never told Abraham to get circumcised in order
to believe; rather, He told him to get circumcised because he
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Tit 1-15,16
(19k) Sin
Actions that contradict your words will twist your mind – Jesus said to be careful that the light
within you is not darkness, for if the light is darkness, how great is the
darkness (Mat 6-23)? Even their good deeds were worthless. Paul was talking
about reprobates, but he didn’t treat them as such; he always
held out hope for them. He didn’t instruct Titus to view them as reprobates
or to give up on them, knowing there were some who were capable of salvation,
and Paul wanted every willing soul to be saved.
(21a) Sin
Disobedience >> Demonstrating unbelief in the
character of God –
Paul said in Rom 14-14, “I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that
nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to
him it is unclean.” What defiles a
man is unbelief, which is the flipside of disobedience. There are many unbelievers in
the Church who merely pretend to be Christians, who
think just because they affirm a set of doctrines gives them a pass to heaven, but
they don't have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. They are defiled and unbelieving
and abuse the grace of God as though it were a license to sin.
Filthiness (Key
(145f) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Jesus’ works bear
witness of Himself >> Deliverance from demon
possession >> Human state >>
Filthiness >> Being defiled –
Paul rarely judged a person in his letters whether or not he was a Christian,
whereas James and John did. In fact, the entire first epistle of John was
devoted to providing us with a battery of tests by which we can determine if a
person is really a Christian. When we tally up the evidence that stacks against
the person in question, the Bible says we have no obligation to believe his words but
can be ninety-nine percent sure he is not a brother. We can say the same
about the one who lives the Christian walk. All Christians sin, but they
don’t live in sin for long.
(155d) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> Conscience >>
An evil conscience keeps us from believing God >>
Knowledge of evil testifies against our deeds – These were not people who
misunderstood the Scriptures; Paul said they were defiled and unbelieving with
nothing pure about them. Paul taught that a clear conscience was imperative to
a sincere faith, but a psychopath has no conscience, which is similar to a
reprobate, for neither of them will ever see the kingdom of heaven. Paul insisted on the Church
serving their conscience in order to be truly free. If something is
bothering our conscience, we need to pay attention to it, for there is
nothing irrelevant about it. These people voided their conscience, which
is tantamount to trampling on the Son of God and putting Him to open shame
(Heb 6-6). When God speaks to our conscience and
we ignore Him, this constitutes blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which the Jews
did, who were the thorn in Paul’s flesh
mentioned in 2Corinthians 12. Paul could hardly judge them, though, since he
was just like them before his conversion, a Pharisee of Pharisees who believed exactly what they did,
until he literally saw the light. They followed Paul wherever he went, trying
to stifle the gospel and disrupt the faith of new converts. They didn’t want Christianity to
flourish, for it threatened their traditions. Jesus refuted those who argued
with Him, and demonstrated wisdom that no one else had, and the Jews who
persecuted Paul rejected Him, and their foolish hearts were darkened (Rom
1-20,21). They lied to themselves about the person
they had crucified, for whom their nation waited for centuries. Jesus
defined the Jewish race as a people and a nation, and they martyred Him, and
after they shredded their conscience, they could
not believe in
the gospel. See also:
God will prove the reprobate's theories correct; 1Jn 4-8; 164h
(171a) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Vanity >>
Vain effort >> Vain religion
(173h) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Catholicism >>
Unholy sacrifice
>> Offering sacrifice without
God’s approval >> Sacrifice against the ways of
(179i) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Unworthy servant >> Unworthy because of
(195j) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Idolatry >>
Lord, Lord >> Lip service –
A person a week before he becomes a Christian is detestable and disobedient
and worthless for any good work, but the day he commits his life to Jesus, the
Holy Spirit comes to dwell in him, and everything spiritually changes. Now his sins are
forgiven and his
righteousness is holy to the Lord. God will lead him to repentance for the
purpose of completing the works that God had prepared for him. In contrast, there are those who are
not Christians but profess to know Him. Note that Paul used the word
“profess” instead of confess. A person can speak a profusion of
words about God without ever confessing Him, while their deeds
deny Him.
(197j) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Man
withers when he is in control >> Unfaithfulness >>
Unfaithful to your own conscience –
The Christian’s conscience is hypersensitive to sin because of the Holy
Spirit who dwells in him. Conscience is the area of the mind that knows good from
evil, and the Holy Spirit reminds the Christian that his sins are
forgiven, bringing balance. The Holy Spirit speaks to our conscience and our conscience speaks to us about
sin, while God reveals His calling to us. When a person’s
conscience is in turmoil, it is not considered defiled; that is his conscience
doing what it was designed to do. The conscience is defiled when the person
attempts to derail it by repeatedly ignoring it and suppressing it. Eventually
his conscience goes silent, and at that point it is defiled. The person who is not seeking God can defile his conscience and it
doesn’t bother him, but the one who is seeking God knows better than to
tamper with his conscience that God has put in place to keep him in check,
because he has plans to one day surrender to Him. Before he becomes a Christian he senses
God's calling on his
life and hears the small, still voice in his heart calling him to commit his
life to Christ.
(199g) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Rejecting Christ >> Throwing God away >>
Denying Christ
Tit 1-15
(105a) Thy kingdom come
Pure in heart >> A pure heart is a genuine heart
(250d) Priorities
God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >>
In all things ... >> Be innocent of all evil
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