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1Tim 3,1-15
(10d) Responsibility
>> Keeping order in the Church – There are three
sorts of people in a
pastor’s life: his immediate family members, those within the Church, and those within his
community. His
neighbors and acquaintances should come away with a sense of uprightness about
his character, and if he falls out of reputation with the members of his
community, the slander will spread in every direction. The Church will hear of
it, his family members will be emotionally scarred, and his ministry will suffer. So an overseer of the Church must be an upstanding citizen of his
community; more than that, he must be an example of the Church; even more, he
must have the respect of his wife and children. If his own family members do not respect him,
or if his children are disobedient, or if his wife is unsupportive, these are indicators that the
things Paul mentioned are not in place in his life.
(142d) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Having a good reputation >> A reputation of good
works – To be “prudent” is another word for wise,
and to be “respectable” refers to reputation. Respect is something we give
to those who deserve it, and we must devote our
lives to earning it from others. We need to respect one another’s faith, but
when we don't properly reward
our brothers and sisters in Christ for their service and dedication to the Kingdom of God, we condemn ourselves. It is an indication that we are not walking faithfully in the Lord
as we should, for if we
don’t respect the faith other others, how do we respect our own? Respect
and reputation
must exist in the Church of God for the benefits and rewards to be properly
dispensed to each person according to his faith, for God desires to reward us both
in this life and in the life to come.
1Tim 3,1-13
(6j) Responsibility
Being spiritual >> Ministering to each other by
the strength in your Spirit –
This kind of spirituality is not as
exciting as spiritual gifts and the like, but is just as important, since this
kind lays the groundwork for all other things that come after it. If we can't
maintain restraint in diverse circumstances, what will we do
with the power of Christ? The Lord is not interested in ruining His good name by
giving His power to someone who will abuse it the first time adversity touches his soul. As a Christian, preparing for adversity is the same
as preparing to walk in the anointing. We must have both to be effective in this
world and in the house of God.
(137k) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Maturity >>
Stages of maturity are levels of accountability >>
It is our responsibility to be mature
(206b) Salvation
God makes promises on His terms >> Conditions to
promises >> Conditions to living in the spirit >>
Conditions to participating in the spirit
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Invest your strength into the kingdom >> Invest
your ambitions
1Tim 3,1-12
(12b) Servant
Examples of God’s people >> Leaders are
examples of the Church –
Paul advocated the pursuit of leadership in the Church, but said that not
just anybody should be an overseer and gave a list of traits a person should
have who seek the pastoral ministry. All the traits he mentioned had to do with
behavior. The one trait that every good pastor needs
is to have a deep love for God, yet that trait is not listed in this
chapter, why? We all know that somebody can love God and be in bondage to
sin at the same time. Paul is saying that it is good to love God, but in the
pastoral position it is even better to be in control of one’s own
faculties. For example, if a pastor loves the Lord yet caves to certain
fleshly impulses, he will fail as a man of God. On the flipside, if he is
in control of his faculties but lacks zeal, at least he is not
leading the Church into shame and condemnation in the eyes of the world by his
poor example. Paul would rather the pastor were a positive example of
Christianity, than to love God with all his heart and not be able to express
that love in the real world. The pastor is mostly how people rate a church.
If the pastor is a good shepherd, he will lead the people into repentance
and the will of God, so the congregation is in that sense a reflection of
the pastor’s ministry. Much as we want to be good examples to the world,
we should want all the more to be good examples to each other.
(89a) Thy kingdom come
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom >>
Being sensible is always wise
(100m) Thy kingdom come
Devotion >> In your ministry to people >>
Devoted to ministering to their physical needs
(101k) Thy kingdom come
Ambitious to promote the Kingdom of God >>
Building up the body of Christ –
Paul doesn't prescribe putting new converts in authority over the Church because of spiritual immaturity,
giving a warning:
they tend to be conceited, causing them to fall into condemnation incurred
by the devil. New converts often have great zeal for the Lord, but that
initial zeal is unusable in the ministry because it doesn’t readily bear
fruit. Those who take responsibility for the Church must have a zeal for God
that is based on knowledge, wisdom and experience. In contrast, new converts
are like a couple who fall in love; they tend to view others as colorless
and void, while viewing themselves in rich vibrance, yet most couples in
love reach an apex relatively soon in their emotional epiphany and start
their descent among the commoners. They view those with contempt who have served God for
years, whose faith seems dull to them, but what they don’t know is that
these seasoned saints love the Lord just as much if not more than new
converts, it just doesn’t show as much in the emotional realm. New
converts need to remember that their spiritual elders have shown the Lord
many years of faithful service. Once that initial zeal fades, they will have
to work on their relationship with God just like they work on a relationship
with their spouse. It is possible to keep their zeal alive, but it takes
work and dedication in daily study of God’s word, prayer and
ministering to people’s needs.
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1Tim 3,1-10
(3k) Responsibility
>> To the Family
God addresses both genders >> Good men -- These verses go with verses
12&13. For
a man to be a good husband and father does not guarantee he will be a good
pastor, but ineffectually fathering his children does in fact guarantee he
will poorly shepherd the Church, too. A good man is hospitable. Isn’t
it a
woman’s job to be hospitable? ... apparently not! He is
“temperate” (even-tempered), having his anger under control (Jm 1-20). A good man is free from the love of money. That’s a
big one and a real rarity nowadays in this materialistic world. What does
the Bible say about the love of money? It is the root of all evil, and if
pastors are addicted to it, it will adversely affect his ministry to the
root, so that not a single soul in his
church will benefit from him. If we are a member of a church or
merely attend somewhere and discern that the pastor is addicted to money, leave that church and never go back, for he has nothing to
offer except lies and deception.
1Tim 3,1-7
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Pastor (Shepherd) >>
Pastor has a shepherd’s heart – The term “overseer” means shepherd or
pastor. Paul doesn’t want pastors to be addicted to anything except Jesus.
He wants them to have attributes that lend themselves to loving
people. Paul doesn't want them to be double-minded or double-tongued, speaking two
different languages, one to the Church and the other to the world. Instead of being addicted to
much wine or fond of accumulating riches by corruption, God wants His shepherds
to hold to the mystery of the faith with a clear
conscience. Indeed, there is a mystery to faith and godliness, and deacons and
overseers of the Church must comprehend this mystery, which is understood only
through the Spirit of God. Over the span of eternity will we fully comprehend this
mystery, but until then He wants the shepherds to maintain a good reputation with the
people that He has allotted to their charge.
1Tim 3-1,2
(3c) Responsibility
>> To the Family
Instruction about marriage --
These verses go with
verse 12. When Paul
said the pastor must be the husband of one wife, he meant that he must not
be a polygamist, not that he must be married, yet most people in the Church today do not respect or even trust a pastor who is not married. The requirement to be married in order to be a
pastor is an idea that developed on the social end of church politics and is
located nowhere in the Bible. Paul, the person who wrote this, was not
married, and he was the chief overseer of the entire early church! This
interpretation of gifted single people being ineligible to minister in God's
church has hindered the progression of the truth, squandered their gifts and oppressed God’s
people. Another negative outcome of this heresy is that it has pressured single
people to get married when God may have wanted some of them to remain
In 1 Corinthians 7 Paul detailed that he thought people would be
better off single, but churches nowadays are family
oriented. That’s a good thing, but not if it ostracizes single people.
Church has evolved into a marriage club. Some of the bigger churches have
singles ministries, but they tend to be isolated and shoved into a corner
and ignored, instead of integrated and connected to the main pulse of
church ministry. The result is that single people have very little if any
influence in the Church. Paul spoke to the contrary; they have a
greater potential to have a richer, deeper relationship with God than
married people, because
they have more time to devote to their faith, hence the have more
spiritual insight to
offer than married people. The Church
should capitalize on the contribution
that single people can make, instead of discouraging their faith by treating
them contemptuously. Those in the Church ought to first consider the
possibility that single people are following the example and advice of Paul,
who advised God's people to remain single. Married
people control the Church, so that settles that. Another deception about
being “married to one wife” is that a married couple can minister better
than two single people; that is simply a lie. Paul condemned that notion
again in 1st Corinthians chapter seven when he proclaimed that the single
person can “secure undistracted devotion to the Lord” (Vs32-35). Perhaps
they think that married couples get their sexual tensions satisfied so they
don't come to church thinking about people in the wrong way, but this
is also a fallacy, because having sex does not satisfy a person’s desire
for sex. In fact, it often increases the desire if people allow their minds
to wander. See also: Instruction about marriage; 1Cor 7-1; 189c
(126l) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Patience >>
Be patient with your brother -- These verses go with verse This verse
goes with verses 11
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Giving (your inner self) >> Hospitality
(providing a temporary home)
>> Being a good host
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
The gift of teaching >> Teachers are a gift to
the body
1Tim 3-1
(68a) Authority
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Ministry of helps >> Help God’s people
-- This verse goes with verse 13
(71l) Authority >>
Ordained by God >>
We are ordained through obedience
Authority >> Hierarchy of authority
More Authority The More Responsibility >> Closer
we get to Jesus the more authority we have -- This verse goes with verse
(76j) Thy kingdom come
Desires of your heart >> Desiring to do the will
of God
(102h) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Trustworthy >>
(191f) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Result of putting off the old man >> Set apart >>
God sanctifies us through our devotion to Him -- This verse goes with
verse 13
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1Tim 3,2-13
(4e) Responsibility
>> Advocate God’s cause >> Being accountable
in your stewardship –
People can make their claims about what we have said and done against them
and against the teachings of the Bible, but if we are innocent of their
charges, then our reputation is still intact in their conscience where it
matters most. Even if they slander us as evildoers (1Pet 2-12), we will one
day put them to shame by our good behavior. This is something that is
accomplished over a period of weeks, months and sometimes years. People can
continue believing things about us from what they have been told, believing
the report without investigating; however, as they observe the way we live,
they will eventually come to their own conclusions, but it doesn’t happen
(11a) Servant
Standard for a servant >> A changed lifestyle
(42b) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Blameless before men
(250l) Priorities
God’s prerequisites >> Lists >>
Terms of graduating to the next level >> List
of prerequisites
1Tim 3-2
(99h) Thy kingdom come >>
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Enduring circumstances >> Endure temptation
-- This verse goes with verse 11
1Tim 3-3
(21m) Sin
Greed tries to satisfy man’s need for security >>
The love of money
Jesus incessantly preached against the love of money, yet there are many
pastors who still love money. They beg for it every
Sunday morning, claiming they need it for the ministry to pay off the Church
debt, which may be true, but people who love money also have bulging
budgets. That is, they don’t actually love money; they love to spend
it. Most people who are addicted to the love of money don’t have any,
distinguishing them from misers who like to accumulate money. It is hard to
say what they love more, money or the things money can buy; they are two sides
of the same coin. They widen their budgets like the Pharisees widened their
phylacteries, demanding a higher standard of living to spend their
congregation's finances, and then come back on Sunday morning and beg for
more. The love of money is a bottomless pit that can never be filled. It hurts
people; it causes the entire purpose of God
to screech to a halt, derailing the gospel of
Jesus Christ and rendering it ineffective both in the world and in the Church.
(119c) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Freedom from satanic influence >> Free from sin
(126e) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Peace >>
Peacemakers >> Peacemakers avoid unnecessary
(128g) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Gentleness >>
Be gentle in all your ways >> Be gentle in
correcting one another
(158c) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Divide and conquer >>
Strife >> Contentions
(159j) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit God >> Counterfeit anointing >>
Drunkenness >> The alcoholic -- This
verse goes with verse 8. It is not against the will of God to drink a
little alcohol and catch a buzz, but it is against the will of God to get
drunk and to be an alcoholic. To have a snort now and then never hurt anybody,
in fact it is probably healthy. Later in Timothy, Paul says to drink a little
wine for your frequent ailments. It calms the nerves and takes the edge off
stress, yet there will always be prudish people in the Church who believe that
drinking alcohol in any amount is evil. Some will go as far as to say that
alcohol itself is evil, but Paul said in Rom 14-14, “As one who is in the
Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food [or drink] is unclean in itself.
But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.”
They also believe that dancing and playing cards is evil. Prudishness is
false righteousness. They hold to these so-called high standards because they
have rejected the standard of Christ, which is to listen to the Holy Spirit
and do what He says. Prudes do not have a relationship with the Holy
Spirit, because their prudishness is their religion.
(176j) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Extremes >> Truth is never found in your conduct
on either extreme of any circumstance -- This verse goes with verse 8
(249b) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Wealth >>
True perception of wealth >> Do not trust the
carnal perception of wealth >> Do not pursue
wealth -- This verse goes with verses 8&9
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1Tim 3-4,5
Responsibility >> Parenting >> How to discipline your children
-- These verses go with verse 12.
Here is another reference to the pastor being
married with children, but Paul did not say that he must have children or
even be married. Rather, he is saying that if he does have
children, they must mind their manners, for the pastor will not manage the
church any better than he manages his children.
Authority >> Transferring authority
Men delegate authority by obeying the word
1Tim 3-5,6
(176b) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Ignorance >>
Lacking experience with God – A new convert is
spiritually immature. A person brings all kinds of talents to
the body of Christ the moment he is saved, but one thing a new convert
doesn’t have is experience with God. Paul wanted the leaders of the Church
to have experience walking in the Spirit and doing the will of
God. These things are necessary and essential as an example to the Church. However,
one thing worse than a new convert is someone who has been saved for years and
has never grown. People who call themselves Christian, who
want to become pastors because their children are well managed, the congregation
who thinks they are great candidates for the job though they have never grown in the grace
and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, they are the worst possible leaders of
God's Church? How well do they know the Scriptures?
This is not a matter or reciting Bible verses or defending their views but understanding the big picture,
focusing all the Scriptures into singularity with God’s eternal purpose. A person never grows over
the years, how does he understand the heart of God; how can he teach
the truth or cause others to grow in the faith? The congregation cannot grow
above the pastor's own faith in Christ, and if that is their desire, they will
have to leave the church. A person who does not grow is by default
under the condemnation incurred by the devil. We cannot be Christian, remain
spiritually dormant and be free from demonic influence. Part of growing is being set free
from the enslavements of the flesh in an ongoing freedom that transpires
throughout life.
1Tim 3-6,7
(161i) Works of the devil
>> Satan determines the world's direction >> Seduction >> Condemnation based on evidence
of sin
– A pastor must be someone who continuously
grows in the grace of God. If the world respects our
pastor’s Christianity, there is a chance for growth in the church, but if people outside the Church don’t respect
him, there is
very little chance for growth, numerically or spiritually.
1Tim 3-6
(148f) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Natural advantage as an evangelist >> Being
Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Conceit >>
Thinking you are superior to others >> Having an
inflated opinion of self
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1Tim 3,7-11
Responsibility >> Avoid offending
God >> Carrying a false burden >> Weighs you down as you walk according to
the law
1Tim 3-7
(164c) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> The world system >>
Satan rules the world >> The world is his
Kingdom of God >> Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Demonstration of God’s kingdom >> God demonstrates His glory >>
Materializing the inner man
1Tim 3-8,9
(56a) Paradox
Lose by gaining >> Gain your idea of wealth to
lose God’s wealth
(195e) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Idolatry >>
Serving two masters >> Being double minded
Kingdom of God >>
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Mystery
of godliness >> Mystery of the trinity >>
Obey the mystery of godliness like Jesus did -- These verses go with
verse 16. Paul speaks of the mystery of
faith and the
mystery of godliness (v16), suggesting there is a connection between
the two; indeed, faith solves the mystery of
godliness. What is it about faith that means so
much to God? It is His very substance! Faith is something that will take an
eternity to understand. This is something that the world will never understand,
because they don’t possess anything from God. The day we decided that God is true, we
placed our faith in Him, and when we pointed our human will at the
cross and proclaimed Jesus Lord and Savior, trusting that our
name is etched in His cross, God responded
by placing His Holy Spirit in our heart, which is the very substance of
faith. Now we possess something from God, and the mystery of this faith is
indeed godliness, the product of the Holy Spirit. We hold to this mystery with a clear
conscience to ensure there is no conflict. Unbelievers
insist there is no mystery to faith; instead, they believe Christians
dump everything they don’t understand into the word "faith" and blindly
trust in a god that doesn't exist.
However, there is a vast difference between this and the faith of God. True
faith is mysterious, a God-given ability to believe
in Him. It is not just the object of our faith that is mysterious, but faith
itself. With some, faith just drops into their laps and they are born-again; and
there are others who have sought faith with all their hearts and never found
it. The bottom line about the mystery of faith is that it originates from
heaven. Faith is a simple matter of God calling and choosing us. However,
there is something we must do to receive it. We must respond to Him, but that
is a very small part compared to possessing a faith that is far beyond our
ability to conceive. Paul said that we hold to this mystery with a clear
conscience, which is like the baseball mitt that the outfielder uses to catch
a ball or like the mitt the cook uses to pull the casserole from the oven. This
way our hand is insolated from the fastball and the hot dish, so no direct
contact comes to our bare skin, which would injure us. Similarly, trying to
hold to the faith with an evil conscience would be like holding dry ice in our
bare hands or like putting new wine into old wineskins; Jesus said the skins
would burst and both would be ruined (Mat 9-16,17). Only a clear conscience is
able to contain the faith that we receive from God. See
also: Mystery of faith; 1Tim 3-9; 106l / God's
substance is faith;
Heb 1-3; 253d
(249b) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Wealth >>
True perception of wealth >> Do not trust the
carnal perception of wealth >> Do not pursue
wealth -- These verses go with verse 3
1Tim 3-8
(25h) Sin
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Thief >>
Stealing from some one
(128j) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Bearing fruit >>
Living a fruitful life >> Living a continuous
life of fruitfulness –
Deacons holding vital ministries in the early church have much authority in the
Lord and were considered crucial to the health and well-being of the church. They did less teaching and preaching, but more hands on
ministry with the people, and were for that reason often spiritually gifted
with powerful ministries. One example of a deacon was Steven (Acts chapters
six and seven). After Paul had gone through and evangelized and brought
hundreds of people into the light of Christ, Timothy would stay behind for a
period and organize all the people, choosing a pastor and deacons from among
them and teach them the true doctrines of the faith
that they should convey to their parishioners.
(159j) Works of the devil
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit >>
Counterfeit God >> Counterfeit anointing >>
Drunkenness >> The alcoholic -- This
verse goes with verse 3
(176j) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Extremes >> Truth is never found in your conduct
on either extreme of any circumstance -- This verse goes with verse 3
1Tim 3-9
(106l) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Purpose of hearing from God >>
To protect your faith –
“Holding” is an active word that refers to protecting our faith,
maintaining it with a clear conscience, never letting go no matter what
theory or religion tries to take it from us. Paul said that faith is a
mystery, but we look in the Church these days and don’t see the mysterious
attribute of faith; all we see is a lot of people believing in a set of doctrines and
calling it faith. There is no mystery in that. Some people think they believe,
while others know God, and they both go to the same church. One of them is a
disciple of Jesus, while the other is a disciple of his religion. The mystery
of faith is understood in the statement that Jesus made in Jn 15-16,
“You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go
and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain.” God has given us His faith and
told us to keep it
throughout our lives, as in a football game not to fumble it, “Holding fast
to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by
the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God” (Col 2-19).
The mystery of the faith is in the fact that it originated from heaven and
rested upon us, and now we have the faith of God, and by this we know that we
are born of Him, not just because we keep His word, but also because of His
Spirit that He has given us, who constantly broadcasts in our heart that we
belong to Him. See also: Mystery of faith; 1Tim 3-8,9; 230h
(155b) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> Conscience >>
Having a good conscience >> Conscience bears
witness of our good behavior
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Embrace (Jesus during the storm) >> Hold on to
your faith
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1Tim 3-10
(5l) Responsibility
>> Discipleship tested >> The Church tests the disciples – The ministry of deacons was an important
position in the early church; they had to be beyond reproach. It was a
position where they directly interfaced with people, solving problems, and showing compassion
to those in need. They were not
shepherds who overlooked the flock, but mingled with the people and ministered to them by the authority of
the Church,
which was under the authority of Christ. This was not a ministry that the
leaders were willing to give to just anybody, only to those who had zeal for
God and maintained a reputation
of good works. We go to leadership for the opportunity to
minister to the saints, and they have an obligation to give everyone a full
opportunity to prove themselves worthy, but to overlook those who love the
Lord and desire to share their faith with others in a leadership position would discourage them
in their commitment to Christ. The
primary role of Christian leaders is to protect the faith of the saints, and
the best way to do that is to offer them opportunities to express their faith,
but if we give them no avenue of expression, their
discouragement may lead to backslide or they could fall from their faith altogether.
See also: Discouragement; 14j
Servant >>
Serve God faithfully
(14j) Servant
>> Ministry of helps >> Helpers are indirectly in charge of the Word >>
They have the heart of
the one who trained them –
There is nothing worse than having bottled up gifts with no avenue of
expression. Proverbs 27-5 says, “Better is open rebuke than love that is
concealed.” Any gifted person would prefer being mentored and corrected for
the hope of sharing what is in his heart, than to be ignored and pushed to the
curb. The gifted person who is shunned because of his gifts is like the one who eats
a seven-course meal all by himself; the dinner table
makes him feel all the more lonely. While we are heading up our evangelism programs and seeking new
converts, the last thing we want to do is discourage those who are already in
the church and are faithful, yet this is very common in the Church today. We
listen to sermons about the importance of reading our Bible and praying, yet
when we follow their advice, they want nothing to do with the fruit it
produces, barring us from ministry. See
also: Discouragement; 5l
Kingdom of God >>
Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Literal manifestations >> Literal manifestation
of God’s word >> Manifesting the righteousness
of His kingdom
1Tim 3-11
(3h) Responsibility
>> To the Family
God addresses both genders >> Instruction about
– Note that it doesn’t say pastors and deacons should have a good relationship with their wives, but that they should manage their children well.
So a pastor or a deacon can have a tumultuous marriage, but still be in right standing in their respective offices. The man of God can control his own behavior and attitude, but if the wife decides to have
a problem, it doesn’t mean the man can no longer be pastor or deacon. In other words, Paul didn’t want
wives dictating for pastors and deacons whether they should minister in the Church, because that would turn into an opportunity for Satan to
exclude certain godly men from spiritual office through their wives. God has called
the woman to help her husband; wasn’t that the original calling of women, to be
a helpmate? Paul
mentioned women in context to seeking leadership positions in the Church.
Elsewhere, Paul said that a women is not to teach a man, so putting these
verses together, we can say that women can have leadership positions in the Church teaching
other women. We might not understand why Paul said women are not to teach a
man (what they do at home is their business), but the Church strictly
forbade it. We might say it is bigoted, yet it is written, and we need to
respect that, unless we think we have better wisdom than God or think our
society has progressed since biblical times. Maybe we have progressed since
Paul’s day, but not spiritually; if anything we have spiritually regressed.
Some of our “progressiveness” has been deleterious to society, causing the
breakup of the family structure, causing the entire nation to crumble. It is
arguable that letting women in the workforce was the one change that led to
all these social disasters. When the family structure crumbles, nations cannot
survive; even Hitler knew this.
(84i) Thy kingdom come
Words of your mouth >> Gossip >>
Attacking a person’s name
(99h) Thy kingdom come >>
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Enduring circumstances >> Endure temptation
-- This verse goes with verse 2
(102i) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Consistency >>
(126l) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Patience >>
Be patient with your brother -- These verses go with verse This verse
goes with verses 1&2
(250c) Priorities
God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >>
In all things ... >> Be a servant in all things
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1Tim 3-12,13
(3k) Responsibility
>> To the Family
God addresses both genders >> Good men – These verses go with verses 1-10
1Tim 3-12
(3c) Responsibility
>> To the Family
Instruction about marriage
This verse goes with verses
1&2. People in charge of the Church say that all ministers should be
married, but Paul didn't say that; he was speaking against polygamy. We can assume
children are part of the picture; hence they should be well controlled. Had
Paul mandated to Timothy that all ministers should be married, he would have
contradicted himself in First Corinthians chapter seven. We know that Paul preferred the
saints to remain single; why then do Church leaders use marriage as a criterion for
ministry? Jesus gave the answer, "Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?"
(Mk 12-24). Requiring all clergy to be married shows a lack of
trust in single people, and it makes them feel like
second-class citizens, and for that reason we don’t see many single people
in the Church; they don't feel welcome there. Furthermore, Paul taught that
remaining single is superior to marriage, "in view of the present distress"
(1Cor 7-26). Singles feel that married people view them as
immoral, going from partner to partner, frequenting red-light districts and picking partners from bars and taking them home.
doubt some do this, but they don't belong to Christ. There are single people
who are faithful to Jesus and they are chronically overlooked.
Responsibility >> Parenting >> How to discipline your children --
This verse goes with verses 4&5
1Tim 3-13
(31b) Gift of God
God is our Father >> He favors you as a servant
(68a) Authority
Doing God’s work under His authority >>
Ministry of helps >> Help God’s people
-- This verse goes with verse 1. There are two reasons for deacons obtaining high
standing and great confidence in the faith: They were servants of the Church,
and as teachers they studied the Scriptures more fervently
than others. For this reason they have a deeper relationship with God and a fuller understanding of
His word.
(71l) Authority >>
Ordained by God >>
We are ordained through obedience -- This verse goes with verse 1.
people believe in God who stand on the outskirts of their faith, thinking about jumping in
with both feet but never do. They will never have confidence in the
faith. They may be 20, 30, 40 years old in the Lord, and
still they are babes in Christ, because they never trusted God. No doubt there
were moments when they had to trust God in certain situations, but then went
back to their old ways of complacency. Instead of making these
experiences a launching pad for a new life in the Spirit, they returned to a
place of safety. They read the Bible, pray, go to church and pay tithes, but the one thing they haven’t done was seek their calling from God.
They never opened their hearts to Him.
Instead, they want to maintain their freedom to live as they choose. Their divine calling is waiting
for them, but they are ignoring it. Fulfilling our calling is when we begin to develop strong confidence in the faith,
which describes deacons.
Authority >> Hierarchy of authority
More authority the more responsibility >> Closer
we get to Jesus the more authority we have -- This verse goes with verse 1
(106b) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Knowing the sound of His voice >> Having
confidence in His voice –
It is one thing to believe in God; it is another to have strong
confidence in the faith. A person who merely 'believes in God' may not take the first
step in forming his life around his faith, but the person whose faith is confident does
this very thing. Someone may have gotten saved only a week
earlier and has a sincere faith but has had no time to develop confidence. However, spiritual maturity is not a time issue like
puberty; rather, the more we live according to our believes, the more our
faith matures. Forming our lives around our beliefs is an investment in the Kingdom of
God, and it is this investment that gives us confidence. Now, when
God speaks to us, we are expecting to hear His voice, because we have
committed ourselves to His cause and to His calling in our lives.
(121l) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Confidence >>
Confidence in God >> Confidence in God as you
fulfill your ministry –
Paul said that if one serves well as a deacon, he would obtain a high standing
among the people, and he would obtain great
confidence in the faith. Isn’t great confidence something a deacon should
bring to the table as criterion for the Church to select him as a deacon in
the first place? Not necessarily, rather, he should have sincerity of faith. A person can have a sincere faith
without being particularly confident, but over time he will develop confidence, because people are relying on
him to do the will of God. When he first enters the ministry he is not
entirely sure if he can meet the people’s needs and please the Lord, but
where there is need there is grace. God give grace to those in leadership
positions to fulfill their ministry, who then develop strong confidence in the
(191f) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Result of putting off the old man >> Set apart >>
God sanctifies us through our devotion to Him -- This verse goes with
verse 1
Kingdom of God >>
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
Levels of reward >> God rewards us to the degree
of our faithfulness
/ Navigation Bar
1Tim 3-14,15
(7e) Responsibility
Protecting the gospel >> God defends His own
word –
Knowing there is a devil in the world, hence a motive to destroy the
word of God, the fact that it still exists is a miracle. If
opportunity arose, Satan would take every advantage to expunge the
Bible, and he did try numerous times with no success. In the last days there
will be another attempt to snuff out the Church and rid the planet of every
page of Scripture when the antichrist comes to power, but he will fail again.
This person, this creature, this thing that once ruled the universe now
cannot overcome the weakness of human flesh when we obey the living God.
The Lord has allowed him to do some things: he has twisted the world around
his little finger; he has distorted the doctrines of the Church, and he has caused interpretations of the Bible to make people’s head
spin trying to understand what it all means, but God drew a definitive line in the sand
that he should not cross it to destroy the Scriptures, and if
anyone made an effort to do so, He would stand off his throne and see to it
that His word remains in this world, simply because it is eternal.
(61c) Paradox
Two implied meanings >> Author—Paul or John /
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Transferring the kingdom >> The Church is transferred to the kingdom
The Rapture >> Rapture is delayed –
the Church holds the office in the world of pillar and support of the truth. That is, without the Church in the world
there would be no truth. If the world believed the truth, it would be part of the Church. So long as God is still working in the world to save sinners,
the Church will remain here. This has an endtime implication that God will not
Rapture his people until He saves everyone who is predestined for eternal
(251a) Priorities
God’s prerequisites >> Making plans >>
Making plans according to the will of God >>
Making plans within the boundaries of God’s will
1Tim 3-15
(92l) Thy kingdom come
The narrow way >> Our holy conduct along the
narrow way –
This dissertation that Paul wrote about deacons he wrote also to Titus. It was
a list of expectations he had for them; to follow this list is how
one ought to conduct himself in the house of God; thus it applies to everyone. For example, every man must be the husband of one
wife, not that every man should be married, but that no man should be a
(107h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Hearing from God >> The Church is of the truth >>
God’s people are the true witnesses of God
(136j) Temple
Your spirit is the temple of God >> The body of
Christ >> Body of Christ is the temple of God
(137f) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Jesus is the
foundation >> Church is the foundation of manifested truth
The purpose of the Church in the world is to be the pillar and support of the
truth, meaning that if the Church did not exist, neither would the Bible. The Church has preserved the Bible these 2000 years. That is one
positive thing we can say about the Church that it has done well throughout
the age of grace. The Jews preserved the Old Testament in the old covenant
era. It
is because of the Church that the world knows anything about the Bible. The
Church has suffered apostasy for many centuries, and as a result, the sayings and
stories of the Bible have become foreign to most people in the world. A
generation ago they were household phrases all across America, but now the
Bible is mostly unknown, because the truth of Scripture has slowly eroded from
social consciousness, making it difficult to reach anyone with the gospel.
/ Navigation Bar
1Tim 3-16
(15g) Servant
Angels >> The presence of angels denotes authority
(37c) Judgment
Jesus’ humanity >> He had human flesh
(41k) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
The word leads you to godliness
(86e) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> God’s works act as evidence to
support our beliefs
(89g) Thy kingdom come
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom >> Wisdom
is the key that unlocks the mysteries of God –
Wisdom doesn’t unlock
every mystery, for example the mystery of lawlessness is not something we will
ever fully understand. Also, some aspects of godliness will remain shrouded in
mystery. In heaven we will learn a lot more about God, though He will remain
mysterious to us throughout eternity. Like an asymptote in
geometry, a curved line approaching a straight line that never reaches it, we will
fully understand God at the end of eternity. Although the curve is
infinitesimally close to the coordinate line, yet the breach between them
represents infinity and will take eternity to close the gap. Every segment of
infinity no matter how small is infinite in itself and every segment of eternity
is itself eternal, so one day in heaven a billion years from now we may begin
to think we are closing the gap between us and God and unlocking His secrets,
but He will have an infinite array of them still awaiting our curiosity. This
will give us ample room to grow and continually learn about the mysteries of
God. This is His promise: “As
for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a
whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts, and
understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you
find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever” (1 Chronicles
(108i) Thy kingdom come >>
>> Revelation of Jesus Christ
>> Revelation of the mysteries of God
Paul gives a short list denoting some of the mysteries of God: Jesus came to
us, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels and proclaimed among the nations. It is a mystery that the gospel went into all the world.
The motivation of God is a mystery that He supplies us to do His will that we could never do without
Him. We believe in Jesus by faith that comes from a
different realm. Even preaching the gospel is a mystery, both the act of
evangelism and the effects it has on people; salvation perhaps is the greatest mystery of all. Who can explain being born-again, when God comes
in the form of the Holy Spirit and mixes with our spirit to become one Spirit with Him? The difference between those who believe in Jesus and those who
don’t is that God chooses us (Jn 15-16). Jesus walked the earth as a mortal man,
yet He spoke in heavenly tones. In an earthly sense, we view ourselves as seeking God and
finding Him, which the Old Testament says to do (2 Chronicles 15-2), but the
New Testament speaks of God calling and choosing us to be His worshippers, the whole process
being shrouded in mystery. Everything about
God is mysterious, and if we lose that sense of wonder, it is a sign we have
fallen short of understanding the gospel.
(138g) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Exhortation >>
Glorifying God in your exhortation
(144i) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Holy Spirit
bears witness of Jesus – Jesus was vindicated in the Spirit, meaning
God sent the Holy Spirit in place of Christ and made His death worthwhile. In
other words, had God not sent the Holy Spirit, His death would have been in
vain. However, with the Holy Spirit over the last 2000 years billions of people have come to the saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ. Without Him no one can be
saved, for the Holy Spirit created and guides the Church into all the truth.
(150a) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Invitation to the Kingdom of God
(150e) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness of Jesus >> Confessing Jesus >>
Making the good confession
(Son of God)
(230g) Mystery Of
Godliness (Key verse)
Kingdom of God >>
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Mystery
of godliness >> Mystery of the trinity >>
Obey the mystery of godliness like Jesus did -- This verse goes with
verses 8&9. Godliness
refers to a lifestyle, defined by walking in the Spirit to
produce fruit for God.
Paul said, “Great is the mystery of godliness.” Most people are not even
aware there is a mystery associated with godliness. In the eyes of the world,
the godly man is a boring fellow; he acts like he doesn’t have any fun or
does anything interesting; inwardly, though, he has a life full of wonder. Through
godliness and wisdom the Spirit reveals mysteries to him. Wisdom and godliness
go hand-in-hand, in that to have one is to have the other. Even the world
admits that godliness is beneficial, as opposed to
being ungodly, which leads to our demise.
Godliness is therefore a wise way to live; that is how the observer sees us,
but internally what the godly man experiences is the mysteries of God
unfolding in the Spirit.
Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Transferring the kingdom >> The Church is transferred to the kingdom
The ascension >> Jesus’ ascension
Kingdom of God >>
Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Literal manifestations >> Spirit realm
superimposed upon the natural realm >> The
spiritual manifesting into the natural
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